HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-02-19; City Council; Minutes' .ci CITY OF CARLSBAD Minutes of :' CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: February 19, 1980 Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Place of Meeting': City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Packard at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk: INVOCATION was given by Don Brown, Executive Vice-president 0.f the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. , PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by the Planning Director. MINUTES: " (Approved by one Motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held February 5, 1980, were approved as presented, after it was confirmed that Councilman Lewis' vote with regard to item 29 on Page 8, was negative. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting, held February. 11, 1980, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Councilman Lewis requested that Item No. 4 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Councilman Skotnicki requested that Item No. 8, No. 9 and No. 10 be removed from the Consent Calendar. The following Items, with the exception of Item No. 4, No. 8, No. 9 and No. 10, were approved by one motion, affirming the action of the Consent Calendar: .. 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. - Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions before Council at this meeting. (50) 2. AB {I6161 - PAYMENT OF BILLS. Council authorized payment of the bills for the general expenses of the City and for the Water Department in the amount of $835,412.34. (50) 3. AB $16162 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. Council ratified payment of the payroll in the. amount of $200,934.63 for the period January 21, 1980 through February 3, 1980. (97) 5. AB {I6114 - Supplement 81 - WATERLINE IMPROV (45) MENTS IN CYPRESS AVENUE, GARFIELD STREET, BEECH AVENUE, PALM AVENUE AND ALDER AVENUE - CONTRACT 1070. Council adopted Resolution No. 6085, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of contract no. 1070 for the construction of waterline improvements at various locations (such bid being John A. Hedeen Construction Co.). COUNCIIMEb CITY OF RLSBAD -2- y.L @ Ib F 'ebruary 19, 1980 I (40) 6. AB $16005 - Supplement $12 - REMOVAL AND (45) INSTALLATION OF CARPET IN CITY HALL - CONTRACT 1074. Council accepted the work, directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and . release the bonds 35 days after recordation. (70) 7. AB $16163 - LA COSTA CANYON PARK - WATER LINES. Council adopted Resolution No. 6086, authorizing transfer of funds for completion of the water line at La Costa Canyon Park. ITEMS REXOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (93) 4. AB $1 5998 - Supplement $19 - FIRST REVISION TO SECOND PHASE SEWER ALLOCATION SYSTEM. Councilman Lewis indicated he had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to cast a negative vote with regard to Resolution No. 6083. Council adopted the following Resolutions: .. RESOLUTION NO. 6083, APPROVING THE FIRST REVISION TO THE SECOND PHASE SEWER ALLOCATION SYTEM. RESOLUTION NO. 6084, AUTHORIZING ISSUANCE OF SEWER CONNECTION PEH4ITS PURSUANT TO THE FIRST REVISION OF THE SECOND PHASE SEMJIR ALLOCATION SYSTEM. (105) 8. AB $16164 - NATIONAL END0WMEP;JT FOR THE HUMANITIES GRANT. Councilman Skotnicki ,indicated he had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to express the opinion that prior to applying for a grant, the Library Board of Trustees submit to Council for approval their recommendation for same. Councilman Skotnicki requested the record to reflect his concerns that no local monies be expended for any future fundir of this project. I 1 Council adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION NO. 6087 , AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT AWARD FROM THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES. I (78) 9. AB $16156 - APPROPRIATION FOR POLICE VEHICLES. Councilman Skotnicki indicated he had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar,in order to move for a continuance of the matter to the next regular meeting to allow staff to present Council with data supporting their recommendations to amend the budget for the requested items. WNCILMEI T 3 - b B -3- (45) 10. AB #6172 - AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF (85) CARRILLO RANCH EIR. Councilman Skotnicki'indicated he had requested . this item removed from the Consent Calendar to express the opinion that the energy and noise concerns specified on pages 1 and 2 of the January 4, 1980 proposal (Exhibit "B" to the Agreement), .should be designated as having high rather than moderate potential significance Additionally, Councilman Skotnicki expressed the opinion the report should include the potential for urban sprawl. Council adopted the following Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 6090, APPROVING AN . AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR IMPACT REPORT FOR THE RANCHO CARRILLO MASTER PLAN REVISION, with the changes to Exhibit "B" to the Agreement, as indicated. PREPARA'TION OF A DRAFT ENVIRONEENTAL RESOLUTION NO. 6091, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND DAON SOUTHWEST FOR THE PAYMENT OF CONSU.LTANT COSTS INCURRED FROM THE PROVISION OF AN ENVIROMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE RANCHO CARRILLO EASTER PLAN REVISION. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: (31) 11. AB /I3566 - Supplement $15 - AMENDMENT OF BINGO ORDINANCE. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1228, AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 5.10 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF ' SECTIONS 5.10.040, 5.10.060 AND 5.10.090 TO REVISE THE REGULATIONS FOR BINGO GAPES. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (114) 12. AB $16029 - Supplement $11 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - INTERIM ZONING - ZCA-119. Council adopted the. following Ordinance: I 1 I ORDINANCE NO. 9540, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTERS 21.39 AND 21.61 OF THE ANENDMENT OF "SECTION 21.39.040 AND BY .THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.61.020 TO PROVIDE FOR INTERIM ZONING IF ANY ZONE IS DECLARED TO BE INVALID AS APPLIED TO SPECIFIC PROPERTY. .. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE 1- F i I - ~~~~~~~~~ , CITY OF CARLSBAD -4- February 19, 1980 (113) 13. FROM A] L-C TO PUBLIC UTILITY WITH FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY - ZC-207. Council adopted the- following Ordinance: b rn I :, I ~ I I I , I (77) (99) ORDINANCE NO. .9543, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AWNDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-207) FROM L-C (LIMITED CONTROL) TO P-U (PUBLIC UTILITY) WITH THE FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY ' ON APPROXIMATELY FIVE ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED IdEST OF RANCHO SANTA FE AT THE ENTRANCE TO SAN MARCOS CANYON. APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY AND SMCWD . PUBLIC HEARINGS: 14. AB $16160 - Supplement $11 '- MOBILEHOME PARK MORATGRIUM ON CONVERSION. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 6:17 P.M. I The City Attorney 'gave a staff report regarding previous Council action and indicated a four- fifths vote was required to adopt the Ordinance. Council recognized Jeff Crisman, 3485 Valley Street, Carlsbad, CA. Mr. Crisman spoke in favor of the matter and expressed the opinion Council should prohibit the transfer of any sewer connection to a permanent dwelling which has been allocated to a mobilehome. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 6 :20 P.M. Council adopted the following Ordinance: INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. 9544, ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY MEASURE PROHIBITING THE USE OF ALL LAND IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD UNDERLYING EXISTING MOBILEHOME PARKS FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. 15. AB $16166 -TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIT" PERMIT - CT 79-24/CP-33 - APPLICAXT: COOK. The staff report was given by the Planning Director, explaining staff's recommendation to return the matter to the Planning Commission based on the applicant's request for reconsidera- tion of substantial design revisions. The City Manager referenced a petition which he had received from the tenants' residing at the subject property protesting the proposed con- version for the reason they would have no place to relocate. As a point of information, Mr. Aleshire indicated opposition of this nature would not justify denial of conversion per the condominium conversion ordinance criteria. WNCILME II c - b - I) F 1, CITY OF CARLS couNCOLME1 -5- In view of the applicant's.request for, and staff recommendation to return the matter to the Planning Commission, Mayor Packard inquired if there was anyone present who desired to speak at this time. Council recognized Cheri Sato, 664 Tamarack, No. 1, Carlsbad, CA. Mrs. Sat0 spoke in opposition to the conversion as originally submitted to the Planning Commission, and requested clarification of the content of the redesigned plans. In response, Mayor Packard explained Council was unable to address concerns relative to redesign , until action on same by the Planning Commission. I Council discussion reflected concerns relative I to diminishing rentals as a result of conver- sions, its commitment to CPO of Carlsbad's "fair share" of low income housing and the need for determining availability of same. Staff pointed out ,the Planning Commission was currently considering the Housing Elements of the General Plan, which address availability of housing for low and maderate income families, as well as conversion. Council then discussed the possibility of a moratorium on conversions of apartments to condominiums, until such time as the issue of diminishing rentals can be addressed In this regard Council discussed excluding those projects currently under construction which are designed as condominiums. Council recognized Marvin Karl, of Nevin-Karl, 7851 Mission Center Ct., Ste. 104, San Diego, CA, owners of the property. In light of Council's action, Mr. Karl expressed the desire to withdraw the redesigned plans and requested immediate Council consideration of the plans as originally submitted to the Planning Commission. In response to Council inquiry, the Cipy Attorney indicated the subject conversion should be considered in connection with Council action regarding a moratorium on conversions at the next regular meeting. Council recognized Richard Corrigan of E.F.Cook, 5858 Mt. Alifan Dr., Ste. 200, San Diego, CA, who indicated he was the project engineer.and ex- pressed' opposition to a continuance. -. - L ,, CITY OF - CARLSBAD -6- February 19, 1980 ~ ~- - ~, (99) 16. AB $16167 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 79-9/CP-15 - APPLICANT: HUNT ENTERPRISES. Mayor Packard indicated the intent to continue the subject request for conversion, and inquired if anyone desired to speak. Council recognized Joe Sandy, P.O. Box 590, Carlsbad, CA, representing the applicant , Hunt Enterprises. Following clarification re the proposed moratorium, Mr. Sandy expressed consent to continue his applicant to the next regular meeting. Council continued Agenda Bill 6167 - CT 79-9/ CP-15 to the next regular meeting. It was the consensus of"Counci1 that the follow- ing two items be considered concurrently: (108) 17. AB $16168 - APPEAL OF VARIANCE NO. 297- APPELLANT : 358 JEREZ COMPANY. AND (99) 18. AB $16169 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 79-17/CP-20 - APPLICANT: 358 JEREZ COMPANY. The Planning Director gave an introductory staff report, as contained in the Statement of the Matter. Bud Plender, Principal Planner, continued with the report, referencing wall maps depicting the project location and design. - Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7:30 P.M. and extended the invitation to speak. Council recognized Bob Wilkinson, representing the 358 Jerez Company, P.O. Box 4252, Whittier, CA. With the aid of wall maps, Mr. Wilkinson explained proposed project, driveway and sub- sequent request for Variance. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packard closed the-public hearing at 7:52 P.M. Council discussed original setback requirement of 10-feet, subsequent amendment to 5 feet and their concerns regarding any further reductions. Council granted the appeal of Variance 297 and directed the City Attorney to prepare necessary documents approving V-297 and CT 79-17/CP-20, as . per Planning Resolution 1587. RECESS: Council recessed at 7:52 P.M. and reconvened at 8:07 P.M., with all members present, WmKxAAEI i, CITY OF CARLSBAD -7- February 19, 1920 (113) 19. AB /I6094 - Supplement #2 - ZONE CHANGE 206 APPLICANT: LA COSTA LAND COMPANY. 0. I An introductory staff report was given by the Planning Director, outl'ining the history of the matter and referencing the February 13, 1920 School District requesting guarantee of a school site in the area of La Costa known as Meadowlark. The staff report was continued by Bud Plender, Principal Planner, explaining with the aid of wall maps, diagrams and transparencies the area applicant requested to be removed from the Naster Plan and rezoned. In addition, Mr. Plender explained the Planning Commission had recommended that the designed school site within the subject area be retained in the P-C zone. The Planning Director then gave an additional report, referencing his February 8, 1980 Memorandum to the City Manager. I letter to the City Manager from San Marcos ~ I Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 8:24 P.M. and extended the invitation to. speak. I Council recognized Fred Morey, Vice-president of Governmental Affairs, La Costa Land Company, residing at 2618 Abedul, Carlsbad. With the aid of wall maps, Mr. Morey explained the geographical and developmental divisions of the La Costa Master Plan. In relation to same, Mr. Morey stated the subject school site was not logical and indicated development in that area could be served by other school sit and noted same on the wall map. Mr. Morey then indicated arterial roads which would be constructed and/or improved as result of anticipated development, if Council approved the aphlicant's request. e Council recognized Frank Malter, 2023 Meadowlark, San Marcos, CA. Mr. Malter expressed the opinion the designated school site was not a desirable location and referred to the wall map in suggesting other more appropriate sites. Since-no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 9:09 P.M. WNCOFMEQ <- CITY OF CARL% -8- , February 19, 1980 D Councilman Skotnicki expressed the opinion that it was more desirable to look at school sites in the context of the entire Master Plan, as opposed to area-by-area. He i explained the history of the existing 'Master Plan, previous elimination of 4 parcels and in conclusion, expressed concerns re de- leting additional areas from the Master Plan. i During Council discussion, the City Attorney advised that if, as a policy matter, the City Council saw a need for school Sacilities in the La Costa Master Plan area and wished to require the developer to help meet that need, they should impo'se that requirement as a condition of the subject requests. Additionally, Mr. Biondo informed Council that despite the requirements imposed by Ordinance No. 9456, La Costa Land Company has questioned the City's right to require school site dedication in the area in connection with the Rancheros subdivision and the City might expect similar problems with the subject item. Mr. Biondo indicated that allowing the rezoning and Master Plan Amendment to proceed without first resolving the school question could limit Council's ability to deal with the problem in the future. B The City Manager indicated Council could consider the subject of the school site when La Costa returned for subsequent discretionary developmental approvals, based upon staff evaluation and recommendation of demographics and data when obtained. Council directed staff to prepare the necessary documents approving ZC-206, as per Planniqg Commission Resolution No. 1566, with the additional condition that the applicant shall reach an agreement with the San Marcos and Carlsbad Unified School Districts to ensure that necessary school sites will be provided subject to approval of the City Council prior to Site Development Plan approval by the City . Council for the project area. Council directed staff to prepare the necessary documents approving MP 149(D) ; as per Planning Commission Resolution 1567, with the additional condition that the applicant shall reach an agreement with the San Marcos and Carlsbad Unified School Districts to ensure that necessary school sites will be provided subject to approval of the City Council prior to Site Development Plan approval by the Council for the project area. I. COLJNCILMEt ,I CITY OF CARLSBAD WNGSLMfl -9- - B D F 'ebruary 19, 1980 (98) 21. AB /I6170 - CHANGE OF STREET NAME SNC- 16. A brief staff report was given by the Planning Director. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 9:50 P.M. and extended the invitation to speak. Since there was no response, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing. Council adopted the fol'lowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6089, CHANGING THE NAME OF TAPIARACK EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL TO MILAN0 DRIVE PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT NO. ~ 20. CASE NO. SNC-16. (114) 22. AB $16171 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT - ZCA-120 APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD. A staff report was given by the Planning Director. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing .at 9:52 P.M. and extended the invitation to speak. Since there was no response, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare necessary documents approving ZCA-120, as per Planning Commission Resolution 1594, with a change in the title thereof to reflect the amendment rather than addition of subsection (7) - DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: It was the consensus of Council that discussion of Item 24 preceed discussion of Item 23. Engineering (93) 24. AB # 6178 - REPORT FROM SEWER COMHITTEE - DISCRETIONARY ALLOCATIONS. The City Manager outlined the recommendations of the sewer committee, as contained in their report of February 15, 1980. Additionally, Mr. Aleshire suggested revised wording to recommenda- tion 2 on Page 2 of the report, which.would require Sunset Pacific to "commence construction of public .improvements within 45 days of approval of the final map." 1111 B 0 ,. Februar CITY OF CAWLSBAD -10- 19 1980 A Request to Speak having been properly filed, Council recognized Vincent Evans, President of Pea Soup Andersens, Buellton, CA. Mr. Evans spoke in favor of allocation for his project and outlined the benefits the City would receive if the Council allowed his project to proceed. A Request to Speak having been properly filed, Council recognized Joseph E. Close; 3620 Driftwood Circle, Carlsbad, CAY who indicated he was the President of the Carlsbad Palisades Homeowners' Association. Mr. Close spoke in.favor of both the Pea Soup Andersen and Sunset Pacific projects. A Request to Speak having been properly filed, Council recognized Jeff Crisman, 3485 Valley Street, Carlsbad, CA. Mr. Crisman spoke in favor of the Pea Soup Andersen's project, expressing the opinion same would augment the City's current tax base, provide necessary employment and encourage other desirable industry. A Request to Speak having been properly filed, Council recognized Nick Banche, 3464 Ridgecrest Drive, Carlsbad, CAY who -indicated he represented the Highland Company. Mr. Banche expressed the opinion that the committee's report and recommendations were inconsistent with their prior stated position to grant preferences to those projects with all dis- cretionary approvals which had unsuccessfully competed in earlier allocations. A Request to Speak having been properly filed, Council recognized George Krikorian, 4705 Camino Drive, Vista, CAY representing Pi0 Pic0 North. Mr. Krikorian requested Council consideration of his request for an allocation of 5.6 edus and outlined the history of his project. A Request to Speak having been properly filed, Council recognized Jack McRoskey, 428. Homewood Road, Los Angeles , CA. Mr. McP.oskey detailed the history of his original application and the current status, and requested Council consideration of his request for 3 edus for development of a bank facility and explained the benefits to the City. WNCOLMEI I. RL -t-V -IL- February 19, 1980 =="? I Council then discussed recommendation 3 on Page 2 of the committee's report re granting assurance to Sunset Pacific and their concerns re same. D . Council accepted the sewer committee recommenda- tions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, as contained on Page 2 .of the February 15, 1980 report and directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents revising the allocation system and making the allocation to Pea Soup Andersens and Sunset Pacific, with the condition as to Sunset Pacific that building permits will be taken out not later than 5 months from approval of the final map. A motion was made. and seconded that 3 edus be borrowed from the contingency category for allocation from the discretionary category to Republic Tool & Manufacturing Corporation (McRoskey) for a bank. The motion failed for lack of majority. Council then'proceeded to recommendation 6 on Page 2 of the committeeIs report, dated February 15, 1980, and a motion was made that staff prepare necessary documents for allocation on a random drawing basis, consisting of all forfeited permits by applicants in the phase 2 allocation, to those pro.jects which are next on the list, as .reflected in the letter from the City Engineer to the City Manager of February 15, 1980, plus all of those previously-denied applicants- who have all of their discretionary approvals. The motion died for lack of any second. Council fur.ther discussed recommendation 6, expressing their various opinions as to the method of allocation. and applicants who would be eligible to participate. e .. .. A motion was made and seconded that staff pre- pare necessary documents to allocate all for- feited permits through a random. drawing to applicants who (a) have applied twice and failed, or (b) applied once and were reject,ed, and who have all. discretionary approvals. The motion failed for lack of majority. A motion was made and seconded .that a random drawing of one-half of the forfeited permits be held for applicants who have applied twice and failed and who have all discretionary approvals. .. After discussion and clarification of the motion, Councilm.an Anear withd'rew his second. Therefore, the. motion died for lack of any second. A motion was made and seconded to accept the committee recommendation no. 6, as reflected on Page 2 of their report, dated February 15, 1980. .. Council accepted Recommendations 7 and 8 as I contained on- Page 2 .of the committee's report of l February 15, 1980. i s a i cx3uNCBLblEl 'S I .# CITY 0% CAWLS5AD -12- February 19,. 1980. - D e ""~ ~ A motion was made and seconded to reconsider Council's previous action with regard to recommendation 6. A motion was made and seconded to allocate one- half of the forfeited permits to those who have applied in phase 2 and failed to receive allocation. Motion died for lack of any second. A motion was made and seconded that one-half of all forfeited allocations be placed in the discretionary category. A motion was made and seconded that one-half of all forfeited permits be placed in a random drawing. to be participated in by those projects which were passed over in phase 1 and phase 2 and those.who have all discretionary approvals and applied one time for sewer allocation. (70)' 23. AB $910 - Supplement $123 - CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL SWIM COMPLEX. Council directed this matter placed on the Agenda for a meetfng to. be scheduled on March 11, 1980. (93) 24. AB $16178 - REPORT FROM SEWER COMMITTEE - .-DISCRETIONARY ALLOCATIONS. This item was heard following Item 22 on Page 9. (81) 25. AB $16173 - STREETSCAPE AND PARKING LOT (45) IMPROVEMEMTS AT CORNER OF STATE STREET AND GRAND AVENUE. .CONTRACT 1075. .". The City Manager gave a brief report of the matter referring to the wall maps depicting project area. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6092, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR CONTPACT NO. 1075. ~ Housing and Redevelopment (28) 26. AB $16174 - HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. The staff report was given by the Housing and Redevelopment Director, indicating an addition to the written staff report to reflect that one applicant for category f, on'page 1 of the February 11, 1980 Memorandum had been received from Mrs. Eva Carney, who met the qualifications of such category. Council directed this item continued to the next regular meeting to allow Council the opportunity to review said application. ccNNCILMEB '.. e' CITY OF CARhS5AD - 13- February 19, 1980 (77) 27. AB $16179 - REPORT TO COUNCIL ON FIRST PHASE OF GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE. Council directed this item placed on the Agenda for a meeting to be scheduled February 20, 1980, (86) 28. AB $16177 - REQUEST TO AMEND PLANNING MORATORIUM FOR GENERAL PLAX AKENDMENT. Council directed this item placed on the Agenda for a meeting to be scheduled on February (79) 29. AB $15779 - Supplement $19 - PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE --- IMPLEMENTATION OF- CITY COUNCIL POLICY 17. The City Attorney gave a brief staff report on . the matter. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6094, APPROVING THE FORM OF AGREEMENTS FOR THE PAYPENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THEM IN BEHALF OF THE CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL POLICY 17 AND RF,SCINDI.NG RESOLUTION NO. 5935. 30. AB $16159 - Supplement #l - ACQUISITION OF TAMARACK EXTENSION. @") Council directed this matter continued until the'.next regular meeting. (41) 31. AB $16175 - AMICUS PARTICIPATION IN AGINS v. CITY OF TIBURON. Following a brief report on the matter by the City Attorney, Council authorized the City of Carlsbad to participate, as amici, at no cost to the City in the subject case. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: This item was continued to the Agenda for a meeting to be scheduled for February 20, 1980 ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, Council adjourned at 12~00 A. to Wednesday, February 20, 1980 at 7:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers. An.ita D. Murphy, Recording Secretary CUUNCILMEI