HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-04; City Council; MinutesUNC$?Lt$E;i Tp" ii" r&$2! c:g2 .ia8d 3s \LA&.dAD Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: March 4, 1980 Time of Neeting: 6:OO P.N. Place of Keeting: City Council Chambers Ja;"~.WT$T":"" . -"- I CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Packard at 6 :OO P.M. ROLL - CALL was taken by the City Clerk. INVOCATION was given by Mayor Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by the Public Works Administrator . " MINUTES (Approved by one Motion) : Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 19, 1980, were approved as presented. Plinutes of the Adjourned Regular Pleeting held ,February 20, 1980, were approved as presented. Mintues of the Adjourned Regular Pfeeting held February 26, 1980, were approved as corrected. INTRODUCTION : At the invitation of Mayor Packard, Mr. Jack Kubota of the Costa Real Nunicipal Water Dis- trict, introduced Mr. William Neadows, who became the General Manager of the District effective Karch 1, 1980. D, .. I I I Mr. Meadows acknowledged the .introduction. 1 Councilman Skotnicki requested that Item No. 4 1 I I Calendar: i I CONSENT CALENDAR: and Item No. 8 be removed from.the Consent Calendar. The following Items, with the exception of Item No. 4 and Item No. 8, were approved by one motion, affirming the action of the Consen d 1. WAIVER-OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and'resolutions before Council at this meeting. (.50) 2. AB 11618'0 - PADBPJT OF BILLS. I 4 Council authorized the payment of the bills for the general expenses of the City and for the Water Department in the amount of $382,751.65. I 4 1 '(50) 3. 1 in the amount of $307,478.14, for the period AB /I6181 - RATIFICATION OF PAYROLL. Council ratified the payment of the payroll February 4, 1980 through February 17, 1980. 1 I i -. 1 1. [ %=- (;fy&+@"~~&F-: I- ~~~~~~~~ .%-a I CR -2- (48) 5. AB $16125 - Supplement $12 - GENERAL "JNICIPAL ELECTION. Council adopted Resolution No. 6098, establish- ing precincts and polling places, appointing precinct board members and fixing compensation for the General Municipal Election of Carlsbad on Tuesday, April 8, 1980, heretofore called by Resolution No. 6043, of the City Council. - Council adopted Resolution No. 6099, accepting a grant of easement and agreement from Grove Apartments Investment Company for erosion con- trol purposes. (84) 7. AB' $16183 - PURC-USE OF OFFICE FUFWITURE. - Council adopted Resolution No. 6100, authorizing the transfer of funds for purchase of office furniture. (34) 9. AB $,L6184 - SE'COND QUARTE'RZ;Y REPORT - CARZSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Council authorized payment of $8,988.75 to the Carlsbad Chamber of Cormnerce for services. (74) 10. AB $/'5982 -' Supplement' #l -' NODIFICATION OF RESOLUTION NO'. 5'9'2 5 . Council adopted Resolution No. 6104, adopting a change to Resolution No. 5925 (regarding compen- sation and vacation benefits for the City Manage and City Attorney). ITEMS RENOVED FRO1.f THE 'CONSENT 'WLEN,DAR: (108) 4. AB #6168 AND AB $16169 - Supp'l'ement #l - (99) APPEAL OF VARIANCE NO. 297'; TENTATIVE rw AND CONDOJ!4,IN'I'Un PEWIT - CT' '79-'1'7'/'CP-'20'. ' APPLICANT: 35.8' JEWZ' COM?ANY . Councilman Skotnicki indicated he had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to cast: a negative vote. Council adopted the following Resolutions: ' Af"ROVING VAmCE (V-297) FROM SECTTON 21.47.130 (1) (b) TO REDUCE "E DRIVI34XY SETBACKS FRCM 10 FEET TO 5 FEET ON PROPERTY mY LX)CAmD ON THE WEST SIDE OF JEREZ COWS, NORTH OF GIBRALTAR STREET. RESOLUTION NO. 6097, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATlvE MAP ( CT 79-17 ) FOR A FITE UNIT CONDOPiINIUM PROJECT AND APPROVING CONlXMINIUM PEmT ( CP-20 ) FOR SAID pRoJE@r ON APPROXIMATELY 3.67 ACRE, GENERALLY LOCATED ON 'IFIF, WEST SIDE OF JFJXZ COURT, NORTH OF GIBWTAR STREET. Q ~~~2ZZ I) @ F- ~~~~~~~~ -3- (110) 8. AB +I5775 - Supplement' {I1 '- bJAT'ER MASTER PLAN - FOR NORTHEAST QUADRANT OF CITY. CowcilrnanSkotniCkiindicated he had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar in order to question the use of maximum density, rather. than CPO Series Forecast figures. in calculating population as a factor in determinin necessary future public works. In this regard, he questioned the relation to public facilities. The City Manager responded indicating that water systems are designed for the future ultimate saturation population. Following further brief discussion, Council accepted the report and authorized staff to pay charges relating to this project. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION : (114) 11. AB #6171 -. Supp.lemen't' #l '-. .ZONE CODE AYENDYENT - ZCA-120. z Council introduced the following Ordinance: 1 ORDINANCE NO. 9545, MENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.07, SECTION 21.07.040 'OF THE CARLSBAD "NICIPAL CODE BY ALLOW PROCESSING PLANTS FOR 'FARPI CROPS BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURAL ZONE. . ' THE N\ENDMENT OF SUBSECTION (7.) TO (113) 12. AB #6094 AND AB #6095 - Supplement #3 - ZONE CHANGE AND MASTER PLAN AMENDIENT - ZC-206/ MP-l49.(D)' "' APPLICANT: LA .COSTA LAND COP'PANY. - The City Attorney gave a brief staff report, referencing prior Council action regarding the matter. A Request to Speak having been filed, Council recognized Fred Morey, residing at 2618 Abedul, Carlsbad, Vice-president of La Costa Land Com- pany, the applicant. Mr. Morey expressed opposition to Condition 3 on Page 3 of the proposed ordinance, requesting Council consid- eration of revised wording to reflcet "approval of any final map in the project area". Explaining his request, .Nr. Morey outlined the background of the matter, stating if Council adopted the ordinance, as presented all previous efforts of the applicant with regard to development would be nullified. In response to Council inquiry regarding the impact of the requested revision., the City Attorney explained the timing of satisfaction of the school condition was a policy judgment. I< w I I I 1 1 I B g-$=J-$$Sg-~~&#$~ prey 017 c di qQ% *$ ?At". 'c2p2 %&A P -4- Ifarch' 4, 1980 G"T"."% "a"~"~- B 4 Mr. Biondo indicated, however, that Mr. Morey had written a letter to the Planning Commission which represented that.the applicant does not accept the fact that the City has the legal ability to condition a final map on the provision of school facilities. In that regard, the ordi- nance had been prepared to condition zoning approvals. Notwithstanding that letter, Mr. Morey has requested that Council issue tentative map approvals and condition the final map on provision o.f school sites. Mr. Morey then responded it was not his intention to question the City's right and responsibility to insist that public facilities, including schools, are made available; that he did not con- test the City Attorney's statements on the basis of an overall master plan, or the City's general plan; and he did not argue with the Planning Commission condition regarding the Rancheros Subdivision which provided for no approval on a final map until the matter of the school site is arranged. In response to Council discussion and inquiry, Mr. Morey further expressed the applicant's willingness to study the issue of school sites, and work with the agencies involved to reach an agreement. Mr. Morey reiterated his opinion that the school site currently designated was not appropriate and that the applicant wished to discuss the conditions under which a more appropriate site can be conveyed and was ready to do so, while tent'ative maps are being pro- cessed. I II) I B As clarification and emphasis, Mr.. Horey stated that with regard to the area under discussion, which would be removed from the Master Plan, the applicant stipulated to their willingness to address the school site problem in relation to'that area and other areas. In conclusion, Mr. Norey stipulated that the applicant agreed to resolve this school issue with an agreement which satisfies the school districts and the City Council and provide, arrange, or coordinate a school site which will satisfy the school requirements of the subject development and other developments in that part of the La Costa area. ~ ! I Council introduced the following Ordinance: 8 1 B ii I ! I r ! ORDINANCE NO. 9545, liME3DING THE ZONING MAP TO ON APF'ROXIMATELY 134 ACRES OF LAPJD GENBALLY LOCATEE IN THE NORWTERN AREA OF LA COSTA ANTI Al4ENDING NO. 9322, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9469, TO DEXEE A PORTION OF TEE AREA BEING REZONED FROM THE FWTER PLAN, with the change on Page 3 at Line 9 deleting the words 'Yssuance" and "tentative" and replacing with "approval" and "final", respectively. GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-206) FROPf P-C TO I3D-Q THE LA COSTA YJSPEP, PIAN AS AlXlPTED BY ORDINANE For the record, .Councilman Skotnicki indicated for reasons discussed on February 19, 1980, his vote on this matter remained negative. v 1 I I I ', 1 i! ! I a=L$$q<;iL$$E Lr, ~~~~~~~ P).JTb \ 1.- x5 14 1;: <- .-I *- '\i ;" " :I;> 6". b+ \;, !>it; 76 p#-~2m?~-,ps F \- 4 Motion Ayes No e s ii$ 834 u!i [Wi ii; 9;: 431 n$; ~ i$< i?? 111 Bd S-fY OF ",Q$r\i,s$-?&&q ., $="a "99 . - -5- a"" I .I t - ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (31) 13. AB $13566 - Supplement' $15 '-' AMENDMI2NT OF BINGO-ORDINANCE. I Council adopted the following Ordinance: I) ORDINANCE NO. 1228, AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 5 .lo, OF THE CARLSBAD M~JNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 5.10.040, 5.10.060 AND 5.10.090 TO REVISE THE REGULATIONS FOR BINGO GMES . ! For the record, Councilman Anear indicated he would abstain from voting in that he had worked with bingo groups in the pas-t. 1 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (77) 14. AB $1618.5 - MO'RATORIUM ON CONDONINIUIf CONVERSIONS. The City Attorney gave a staff report, explain- ing the matter with regard to prior Council action and indicating a 4/5th vote was required for adoption. I Nayor Packard opened' the public hearing at 1 I Council recognized Joe Bastone, 7225 San Lucas, 6 -49 P .M. and extended the invitation to speak. Carlsbad, CA, who spoke in favor of the pro- posed ordinance. Council recognized Cheri Sato, 664., No. 1, Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, who -spoke in favor of the matter. Council recognized FJalter Bills, 4653 Park Drive, Carlsbad, CA, who requested Council consideratoin of exempting 4 units or under from the proposed ordinance, as explained in 1 his letter to Council. s 0 i tr I k I 1 II I 8 jl Council recognized Mary Ann Haasl, 6411 Via de La Reina, Bonsal'l, CA, who also requested Council sonsideration of exempting 4 units or under from the proposed ordinance, as explained in her March 4, 1980, letter to Council. Council recognized Jim Hicks, 2530 La Gran Via, Carlsbad, CA, who indicated he addressed Council as an individual member of the Housing Element Committee and requested Council consideration of deferring action on this matter until such time as Council had reviewed the material in the Housing Elements. Mr. Hicks expressed the opin- ion that condominium conversions provided the opportunity for persons to obtain middle income housing . ! (-~~~?f-q&~~ t .I%&, 77 "Ig" . ., .; ii I i 1 1 I 1 B1 C81-Y i- &..$[ ,\3B \;L3aj."sJ em $$a ->a $-"%a 8?+.$.*"~~3*4y- ssr;.a..aL, L.@d&.-I .- . -6- Marc *???a. -&. *-;r%a%vT council recognized Frank Mola, President of Mola Development, 417 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA. Mr. Mola expressed the opinion that the proposed moratorium would not be in the best interests of the people and that condominium conversions should be facilitated to provide more available housing. Council recognized Tom Gade, 110 West "C" Street, San Diego, CAY who indicated he represented Hunt Enterp.rises. Mr. Gade expressed the opin- ion the ordinance should exclude those projects which have applications on file or tentatyve map approval. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 7 :10 P.M. Council discussed allowing the requested exemp- tions of 4 units or less and problems in dis- tinguishing which of those would provide low and moderate income housing and those whi.ch were prohibitive for renters of low and moderate income. Council discussed the intent of the moratorium in that same was to allow Council time to eval- uate housing elements in terms of available adequate housing and effects of allowing con- versions ~ A motion was made and seconded to exclude on a City-wide basis rental complexes of four units or less. The motion failed for lack of majori Council adopted the following Ordinance: INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. .9547, ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY MEASURE PROHIBITING THE PROCESSING OF SUBDIVISIONS FOR THE CONVERSION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES TO I) ' CONDOMINIUMS. (99) 15.. AI3 #6166 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUPI I PERNIT '-' CT 79-24/CP-33 -. APPLICANT: ' COOK. The City Attorney stated that Ordinance No. 95 not only the accepting of applications, but the processing or approval of condominium subdivi- sions. In response to query, Mr. Biondo stated that Items 15 and 16 on this Agenda were both condominium subdivisions and advised that the recommended course of action for Council would be todeny the applications, without prejudice, with the understanding that the applicant could reapply when the moratorium ordinance is re- solved. ; adopted by Council at this meeting, precluded I @ B 1 i /- f-&gp\&r-~~J&~ %{ $SF cp 4 "$ "'2L B "':"#I -.Y- Council recognized John Stanley, 7682, El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA, who indicated he was the attorney representing the applicant and the owner of the project. Mr. Stanley expressed the opinion that'Counci.1 had been pre-empted in denying this application and lost jurisdiction by failing to act on the matter within 30 days of the Planning Commission recommendation. Mr. Stanley referred to the demand made upon the City Clerk for certification of approval under the Subdivision Map Act. The City Attorney responded that Council had jurisdiction because the automatic approvals applied only where a project is otherwise in accordance with City ordinances. In this case a condominium permit is a prerequisite to sub- division approval, further, the applicant has waived the time limits. (99) 16. AB 7161.67 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDONM.INIUlI CT '79- 9./ CP-'l'5 . APPLICANT : HUNT . Council recognized Tom Gade, 110 West "C" Street, San Diego, CA, who indicated he represented the applicant. For the record, Mr. .Gade indicated his client was of the opinion that under the Government Code he was entitled to his permit due to the period of time that has elapsed since the Planning Commission recommendations. Flr. Gade further expressed the opinion that based on the fact that the applicant. was in the pro- cess at the time the condominium moratorium was imposed and based upon the requirement by the Cit of a letter of credit to bond improvements and applicant having furnis.hed same, the applicant should be exempted from the moratorium. The City Manager responded indicating staff had been instructed several weeks ago to return all (85) 17. WASTEWATER - RECLAMATION MASTER PLAN EIR. The City Manager explained the recommendation to continue this item, as reflected in the February 25, 1980, Memorandum from the Planning Director. meeting on March 18, 1980. ITy OF- Q" 24 Qs 4 %:p /&.-) ~-J@y=~Qv~Ei e3 08 \L%-+L.J In -8- (99) 18. AB #6186 - TENTATI'VE MAP AYD CONDONINIUFI PERMIT - CT 79-20/CP-23. APPLICANT: ELIHU - PROPERTIES. The Planning Director gave the staff report, essentially as contained in the Statement of the Matter. Mr. Bud Plender, Principal Planner, continued with the staff report and, with the aid of wall maps and transparencies, explained the location, design and relationship to surrounding area of the project. In response to Council inquiry, Plr. Plender explained the set back requirements were consistent with prior Council direction. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7:45 P.M. and extended the invitation to speak. Council recognized Harry Fries, 34345 Via Fortuna, Carlsbad, CA, who explained he had just purchased the property and stated agreement with all conditions. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 7:46 P.M. Following brief discussion, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving CT 79-20/CP-23, as per Planning Commission Resolution No.' 1579. Councilman Skotnicki: requested the record to reflect his affirmative vote was predicated on staff assurances that the amendment to the set back ordinance, when adopted, would result in the project being in conformance with Code requirements. (113) 19. AB #6187 - CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CP-31 APPLICANT: ROY WARD. The Planning Director gave an introductory staff report as contained in the Statement of the Matter. Bud Plender continued with the staff report and with the aid of transparencies and wall maps, explained the location and design of the pro j ect . Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7:56 P.M. and extended the invitation to Council recognized Ed Haworth, 1207 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, representing the applicant. In response to Council inquiry, Mr. Haworth ex- plained the design of the underground parking in relation to street access. Y f $“Jy$*$~\$f-$~*8&~~~i 1 TY ET )%%pi e $3 $3,. I .a:”%JJ “3 -9- 81 ” Council recognized Carl Hansen, 7802 Estancia, Carlsbad, CA, who expressed concerns, as owner of the adjoining property , regarding drainage from the underground parking and inquired as to whether the proj ect was designed in accordance with requirements governing distance between projects, and walls or fences between In response, staff explained the project was designed per such requirements and explained the 10 foot landscape area between the project and adjacent property. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 8:02 P.M. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY NNNAGER REPORTS: City Manager AB #61’89 - PRI%E POSTING l35QUIRIZMENTS FOR SERVICE STATIONS. The City Manager reported on the background of this matter and the current status relative to service station operators’ request to addre,ss Council re same. Council recognized Philip Metrovich, 1145 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, who explained there were myriad state and federal requirements re dispensing and price posting and additional legislation would add to the confusion, rather than facilitate the interests of the consumer. Additionally, there are many kinds of gas, which are dispensed several different ways , and a constantly fluctuating price for gas. Mr. Metrovich indicated in order to maintain stable operations, it was important that a steady, but moderate demand for fuel was made on stations in order to insure the full range of services to the consumers. As a result of the constantly fluctuating price, price posting would tend to cause a run on the station who.offered the lowest price at any one time, depleting available supply forcing premature closing and increased demand on other stations. Council recognized Dave Pereira, residing at 30002 Linda Drive, Oceanside, CA. Mr. Pereira indicated he was the owner of a Union Station ii in Carlsbad and concurred with the statements I of Mr. Metrovich. ! 1 !! d I Council recognized James Bittman, operator of the Elm Avenue Texaco, who concurred with the statements of Messrs. Pereira and Netrovich. I P 8;: ? ”_ i pi 1 8; 5 ’; Iki B 1.; $’ r=" I d &i rP :q~~~~&J--J c -10- March 4, 1980 ~.mxrzXms~rn*"-~ ." m I " B Council recognized Buddy Guidotti, owner of Guidott's Arco, 710 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, CA, who concurred with the statements of Messrs. Metrovich, Pereira and Bittman. Council recognized John Gray, 5451 Los Robles, Carlsbad, CA, who spoke in favor of enforcing the price posting requirements, expressing the opinion that the general public has the right to know how much the gas will cost. I During Council discussion, reference was made to the March 4, 1980 Memorandum from the City Manager explaining. two bills currently before the State legislature which would require gas stations to post prices and the opinion of the San Diego County Counsel that the State has pre-empted the County from imposing like requirements. In this regard, Mayor Packard expressed the opinion that the City ordinance might not correspond with the State legislation and that there was sufficient regulation at other levels. I A motion was made and seconded that Council hold up action on the ordinance until the next meeting and receive additional input at a public hearing at that time. The motion failed. for lack of majority. I A motion was made and seconded that' Council pro- ceed with enforcement of the ordinance as orig- inally planned and scheduled. The motion failed for lack of majority. A motion was made that Council rescind the ordinance with the understanding that Council would re-evaluate it after the State or County legislation has been enacted which will allow Council to work with same. The motion died for lack of a second. Council directed enforcement of the ordinance as originally planned and scheduled. RECESS: " 0 Council recessed at 9:02 P.M. and reconvened at 9:25 P.M., with all members present. City Attorney 0 Council recessed at 9:02 P.M. and reconvened at 9:25 P.M., with all members present. City Attorney (93) 21. AB $16178 - Supplement #l - IPPLE?ENTATION OF SEIJER COMMITTEE RECO?YIlENDATI'ONS e I 1 The City Attorney gave a brief report on Resolution No, 6101. 1 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6101, APPROVING THE SECOND REVISION TO THE SECOND PHASE SEWER ALLOCATION SYSTEM. $' ~- ~:~+~$$J&~ xrm D 0 **-mz Ma '7 j 1 I I I 1 ti i ! f.T g"/ip(lfcJ2 kd ;LJ A -11- - The City Attorney then explained Resolution No. 6102. Reference was made to the letter to Council from Sunset Pacific requesting a change in.the wording of Resolution No. 6102. Council recognized Mike Roston, 2632 Abedul, Carlsbad, CA, representing the developer, Sunset Pacific. Mr. Roston explained the requested revisions, .indicating without the assurances that their project would be completed, it would impair their ability to obtain the necessary financing to proceed with the project. Council discussed applicant's request for an irrevocable commitment of sewer in terms of the sewer committee's recommendations that a future allocation of sewer be made, predicated upon only when and if such capacity became available. Council discussed the source of additional capacity in that Calavera would be the plant geographically located to serve the project, if Calavera is built; however, Encina may provide additional capacity prior to that time. Further discussion centered around completion of Tamarack in that same was dependent upon the applicant receiving additional future allocation to complete their project. With regard to Mr. Roston's request to delet-e the condition relating to applicable laws and ordinances at the time of completing their project, Council clarified that applicant not be prevented from completing their project due to restraintsofa growth management plan. At the suggestion of the City Attorney, it was the consensus of Council that Mr. Biondo be excused to confer with Mr. Roston for the purpose of revising the document to reflect the direction of Council. Mayor Packard indicated Council would resume discussion of the matter following completion of remaining items on the Agenda. (79) 22. AB j15778 - Supplement $110 - PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE - IMF'LEPENTATION OF COUNCIL POLICY NO. 17. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6094 A, SUPPLEMENTING RESOLUTION NO. 6094, APPROVING THE FORM OF AGREEMENTS FOR PAYMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH COUNCIL POLICY NO. 17. Ly= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I=="%{ @@-JF cQJ;,y "";=3 .A, .. j \L"&&-% - 12- $;,"I !%#?P"k$ ",/".47' &Q,.&i j)y;"kkl*d%l +n e"'; \,p -$? kLi: y; % 3 '1- a:.\ y", T!.>\ p "arch 4,- 1980 e;" >""- (81) 23. AB #6159 - Supplement #l - ACQUISITION OF (45) TAMARACK AVENUE EXTENSION. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6095, APPROVING.AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LAKE CALAVERA HILLS ASSOCIATES REGARDING THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN EASEMENTS FOR STREET AND OTHER,PURPOSES TO BE KNOWN AS- THE TAMARACK AVENUE EXTENSION, PROVIDING ACCESS TO CERTAIN SUBDIVISIONS LOCATED WITHIN THE LAKE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN AREA AND TO SERVE A SEWAGE TREAT- MENT AND RECLAMATION FACILITY AND AUTHORITY THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. B Public Works (92) 24. AB 06188 - THIRTEENTH SUPPLEMENT TO BASIC (4-5) AGREEMENT - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. The City Manager.reported as contained in the Statement 0.f the Matter. The Public Works Administrator explained the JAC agreement has provisions governing type of sewage, adding that Oceanside has been served by Encina in the past and Vista would enforce capacity limits. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6103, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF THE THIRTEENTH SUPPLEMENT TO THE BASIC AGREEMENT AUTHORIZING TRADE OF LIMITED SEWER CAPACITY BETWEEN VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT AND CITY OF ' OCEANSIDE. Housing and Redevelopment (28) 25. AB $,6174 - CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOP- MENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Council adop.ted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. . 6093, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, such members being Roy Sanchez for a term of one year; Eva Carney for a term of one year; Jesus Mariz for a term of one year; Matthew Hall for a term of 18 months; Kennith Chriss for a term of 18 months; C.R. Helton for a term of 18 months; Roy Ward for a term of 2 years; Frankie Runzo for a term of 2 years; and Thelma Ilayes for a term of 2 years. 0 I =rY ir ,C$\L 92,.3aA c % -y2* @-m -13- March&&. 1980 E,~ City Manager (78) 26. AB V6156 - Supplement 111 - APPROPRIATION FOR POLICE VEHICLES. D e 1 1 1 1 i $ I 2 ! 1 ; I i Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6088, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR POLICE UNITS. Council resumed discussion of the following item: (93) 21. . AB $16178 - Supplement 81 - IMPLEMENTATION OF SEWER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS. The City Attorney articulated the revised wording and Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6102, AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF 180 EDU'S TO PEA SOUP ANDERSEN AND 48 EDU'S TO SUNSET PACIFIC FROE THE DISCRETIONARY RESERVE, with changes (a) Line '19 on Page 3 to reflect that Council "will make" an additional allocation; .(b) Line 26, Page 3, excepting Sunset Line 28, Page 3, adding the words, "for' other projects"; (d) Line 1, Page 4 to reflect that "Council determines that sewer is physically and legally available from the Calavera plant"; (e) Page 4 deleting conditions 5 and 6 and adding the wording, "If conditions 1, 2, and 3 are met and capacity in Calavera is not available and if Council determines that 1,000 or more edu's are available for allocation from a rerating of Encina,then Council will allocate 86 edu's to CT 76-15." . . Pacific from growth management.; (c) CITY COUNCIL ,&DDITIONAL BUSINESS : - Buena Vista Lagoon Siltation Councilman Anear expressed the- opinion the siltation was caused by grading at the construction site for the new shopping center and inquired if the State Department of Fish and Game were taking any remedial action. The City Manager indicated the City Engineer had made a contact and solution was being sought. 1 i ~sfJ.?Lg>$-j~&j~~ E (!;, 16: \LCQ ~~~-~~ .- ._ ;: .".\>\ 85 . jz \:: =. I- -iF&*L $3 I .* CITY OF CARLSBAD WNCILMEP Councilman Skotnicki referenced the issue of the Lindburg Field as the site of the San Diego Regional Airport, indicating the Board of Supervisors had elected to not place the matter on the ballot. Council then discussed the possibility of a Council initiative regarding the site for relocation of the airport from Lindberg Field in that Council is concerned that Palomar Airport not be designated. A motion was made to direct the City Attorney to investigate whether or not the expansion of Palomar Airport is an item that can be subjecte to an initiative matter and, if so, to provide. for placing that matter on the ballot in June, 1980, if possible. The motion received no second and was withdrawn by the motion maker. Following further discussion, Council directed the City Attorney to investigate a Council initiative regarding expansion of Palomar Airport and avenues Council may take in order to receive citizen input into the matter. By proper motion, Corn-cil adjourned at ll':30 P;M. to Tuesday, March 11, 1980 at 7:OO P.M. in the Counc'il Chambers. Respectfully submitted, CITY CLERK Anita D. Murphy, Recording Secretary