HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-11; City Council; Minutes.* _I D b - *, ", CITY OF CARLSBAD CXNNCIILMEI Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL/CARLSSAD UAIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD Time of Weeting: 7:OO P.M. Date of Neeting: Narch 11 , 1980 n-r CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Packard called the meet.ing to order at 7:05 P.M. ROLL CALL: a The President of the School Board, :J. Alan Kelly, introduced the following members of the School Board who were present: W. Alan Kelly, John Namaux, Dr. Richard O'Neil, and Dr. Thomas Curtin. It was noted that Nary Scherr was absent. Playor Packard introduced the Council members present: Present X A1 so introduced were Robert Crawford, Superinten- dent, and Frank Aleshire,'City Manager. - I SUIMMING POOL I IIII I Mayor Packard gave a brief introduction to the matter outlining Council's previous action with regard to requesting proposals for a smaller pool I 111.1 I project. - I 1111 The City Manager continued with the report refer- encing the Swimming Pool Agreement and Summary of Contents, a copy of. which was previously furnished to Council and School Board members. With the aid of wall exhibits, he then gave a brief outline. of the history of the project. ... .. . The City Engineer, Les Evans, then.reported on the recent proposals which were solicited and the results of reviewing those proposals. He con- cluded by explaining the reasons for staff's recommendation for utilizing the proposal of the firm Bird, Fujimoto 9 Fish for design of a pool. 14r. Chuck Fish of the firm Bird, Fujimoto & Fish then addressed Council and the School Board. He began his presentation by explaining the history of the firm and their experience with pool designs in other areas. With the aid of wall exhibits displaying a proposed site plan'of the total project, plan for only the pool and building area, and plan for the aquatics building, he gave a detailed explanation of the entire project as proposed. Mr. Fish then responded to questions stating the cost of solar heating is not included but the connections for same could be included-. -In addi- tion, he responded to questions re design of the aquatics building, drainage and requirements. for' parking and restroom facilities. In addition, he stated the firm's price is negotiable, but propose at 8% of the proposed cost for construction. Council recognized Mr. Bernard Schindler, 3081 Highland Drive, Carlsbad, representative of the swimming pool committee. Mr. Schindler requested consideration of including restroom facilities for spectators, and suggested raising the so.lar panels to accomodate use of the space underneath same. I, 'I IIII 3' ITY -2 March 11, 1980 88 %" k- \ z~~~"~ "" . w- P!FsJ*~b I)' 0 OF c&j$*<L4tk>fi rnfl eh$:2 A - L52%,& .+,\a -5 <$G - 3 n\$.pg v?" *-TI kL'e: lp 9 y3' Y: \+ \); "i:. 7 r; 6.. \& -i ' .", 1," '>.$, \ q, I 1 Council recognized Gail DebJeese, 3815 Trieste Drive Carlsbad, a member of the swimming pool committee. Mrs. DeWeese requested consideration of adding a , restroom facility for spectators. ~ RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 8:55 P.M. and the meeting reconvened at 9:lO P.M. with all Council members present and four Board members present. President Ke1.ly indicated the Board desired Council discussion and consideration of moving the pool to the north on the site; insuring the architecture conforms with the Performing Arts Center which is to be built nearby; drainage; deeding back to the School District that land which would not be utilized by the City for construction of the pool ' project; extending the 15-year period contained in the agreement due to extensive delay for construc- tion of the pool and definition of maintenance and operation costs. ' Council discussed the possibility of moving the pool to the north on the site and expressed agree- ment that such a move would be undesirable due to increased no.ise .impact on neighboring homes. I With regard to the architecture, Mr. Fish stated I colored stone. similar to that used in the City Hall was proposed. The School Board expressed approval of same. i I 4 Council discussed the area to the north of the pool being retained for use as future parking, with the possibility of utilizing the dog leg piece of land as a driveway. In this regard, it was agreed that the details would be worked out later; how- ever, the Council agreed to deed back to the School District any land on the site which would not be utilized for the pool project. Council agreed that the area to the north should be irrigated to reduce dust. Council agreed that the School District's 15-year free usage of the pool should commence from the time the pool is constructed. I Council and the School Board expressed concern I about the design of the aquatics building and i questioned the possibility of redesigning same. Council recognized Vera McNeil, 3357 Monroe Street, Carlsbad. Mrs. McNeil stated she desired to have the pool location remain as proposed, and not moved northward in that she would be a resident I who would then be impacted by the noise. a 1 3 It was the consensus of Council and the School 4 Board that staff be authorized to inter into negotiations with the firm of Bird, Fujimoto & a Fish to. secure an acceptable consultant agreement. 1 Council and the School Board also expressed approv .1 of the basic design concept presented by Bird, Fujimoto b Fish. i I '' [i 2 112 $ji 111 $a ~(“pb~;;;,,*L$ 1+ fT 84 .$ q>! 81 -\a,” !C$q+p% ?ma* -3- 89 March 11 y 1980 s.L&rz.m??32, .-LT%as39mK~ “*“-z=T=ma Council and the School Board also agreed that a committee consisting of a City staff member, a School District staff member, and a member of the pool committee work with the firm of Bird, Fujimoto & Fish to assist in revisions of the aquatics building and other minor revisions desired The School Board adjourned from the meeting at . 10:15 P.M. e (105)The City Mana,ger referenced the Memorandum from the City Engineer dated March 11 y 1980 regarding Federal Disaster Assistance and requested Council consider adding the item to the agenda due to time constraints. Council unanimously agreed to add the item to the Agenda for consideration. The City Engineer gave a brief report on the matter outlining the contents of his Memorandum dated March 11, 1980, explaining the purpose of sub- mitting the Resolution of Interest. i Councilman Skotnicki expressed concern in that 3 approximately $400,000 damage has been identified, and previous accounts had indicated minimal storm i I I e. 4Q ,*UTE*lerk I t 1 damage. Council approved the Resolution of Interest and . authorized staff to file the notice fijr cbnsidera- 1 tion of possible Disaster Assistance’ Funding. 1 J By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 1 ADJOURNMENT: 10:21 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1 ‘I ! 1 @I I 1 1s il !I Sf I B 1% 1 I! ii 1 1 $f I !f i 1; g; h 1 13 j 1 j! [ ii I I! ;a I1 19 e; $3 1 I !a t I 1 1 i I ir $4: $9 33 $3 $ ,. 1 ii 4; 9 i\ " : -.) ,q- - UNADOPTED " c '.>. CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES City of Carlsbad, City Counci 1 Chambers 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California Tuesday, March 11 , 1980 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 by Mayor Ronald C. Call to Order. Packard. Mayor Packard introduced himself and the following representatives of the City of Carlsbad: Ronald C. Packard, Mayor 1 Girard Anear, Councilman Mary Cas1 er, Councilwoman Claude Lewis, councilman Anthony Skotnicki, Councilman Frank Alshire, City Manager \ President Kelly introduced himself and the following. Roll. representatives of the Carlsbad Unified School District: W. Allan Kelly, President, Board of Trustees Dr. Richard R. O'Neil, Clerk, Board of Trustees Dr. Thomas L. Curtin, Member, Board of Trustees John J. Mamaux, Member, Board of Trustees .. Robert A. Crawford, District Superintendent Mary A. Scherr, Vice President, Board of Trustees was absent. Mayor Packard discussed the total Swimming Pool Project and Consideration of the expressed his desire to make a decision on the architectural Swimming.Poo1 Project firm to build the swimming pool. between the Carlsbad City Manager, Frank Aleshire, reviewed the history of the and the City of Carlsbad. pool project since 1972, and City Engineer, Les Evans presented a timeline on the proposed project presented by the architectural firm, Bird, FujimotG a~if PSsh. Mr. Evans and the city consider the proposal by Bird, Fujimoto and Fish to be the best all around proposal. Mr. Evans presented the following timeline on the pool. Unified School District February 1980 City rejects present pool plans and asks for new architectural proposals April 1 City and Board select new architect August 1 Council approves' architectural plans September 15 City receives bids for project September 25 City accepts bids and awards contracts October 5 Contractor begins work on project' July 5, 1981 Contractor completes work on project. ? ~ .. 8 UNADOPTED Special Meeting -2- March 11 , 1980 The Board and City Council agreed to have Bird, Fujimoto and Fish outline the proposal and Mr. Fish, of the firm, displayed architectural drawings of the project including a total concept drawing, one of the pool and adjoining area and the aquatics building. After the presentation, Mayor Packard opened a question and answer session. Pool Committee representatives discussed @ their concerns about the project. Courrci’lmn Lewis suggested that the 55 strict 2nd the Council should each recommend a staff member for a small action committee to review the project and additional requirements, including additional parking facilities, restrooms for the spectators, changes in the aquatics building and adjoining office, and the retaining wall on the west side of the pool area. The Board and the City Council unanimously agreed that this would be an excellent move and that the Action Committee would meet with Bird, Fujimoto and Fish to make recommenda- tions to the Board of Trustees and City Council before April 8. The Council unanimously agreed that any land not used for the pool project would be deeded back to the district and that the fifteen-year contract would not commence until the pool was completed. The Board of Trustees were excused from the meeting at 10:15 Adjournment. P.M. City Council Special Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. , after the Council considered other matters pertaining oniy to City business. W. Allan Kelly, President Richard R. O’Neil, Clerk 0