HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-03-18; City Council; Minutes* .. CITY OF CARLSBAD ccXJNClLMEP Minutes of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: ' March 18, 1980 Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers . .. . I CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Packard at 6:04 P.M. I ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk: @I INVOCATION wa.s given by Fayor Packard. ,I PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Councilman Anear. MINUTES (Approved by one Motion) : Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 4, 1980, were approved as corrected. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting, held March.11, 1980, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: I I Councilman Anear requested that Item No. 8 be removed from the Consent Calendar. The following Items, with the exception of Item No. 8, were approved by one motion, affirming the action of the Consent Calendar: I 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. -. .. Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions before'council at this meeting. I 2. NUMBER NOT USED. .I (50) 3. AB $16191 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands in the amount of $978,711.28 for the period 2/29/80 through 3/13/80 and payroll demAnds in the amount of $209,292.46 for the period 2/18/80 through 3/2/80. I (113) 4. AB $16187 - Supplement #l - TEN UNIT CONDOMINIUM: CP-31 APPLICANT: ROY WARD. .Y Council adopted Resolution No. 6105, approving with conditions condominium permit (CP-31) for a 10-unit condominium project on approximately .5 acre, generally located on the southwest corner of Levante and Centella streets. I (99) 5. AB $16186 - Supplement $11 - CT 79-20/CP-23 APPLICANT: FRIES (Formerly Elihu Properties) Council adopted Resolution No. 6106, approving with conditions tentative may (CT 79-20) for a 6-unit condominium project and approving condominium permit (CP-23) for said project on property generally located on the north side of La Costa Avenue, between Viejo Castilla and El Camino Real. CITY OF CARLSBAD C0WClkMEN -2- (51) 6. AB $15027 - Supplement, 83 - PURCHASE/FIRE STATION NO. 2. Council adopted Resolution No. 6107, authorizin the Mayor to execute a Certificate of Acceptanc (for real property conveyed by Rancho La Costa (27) 7. AB $16119 - Supplement #l - PRESENTATION OF CITY'S FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING COMPLIANCE AUDIT. (50) 9. AB $16193 - SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR FUEL COST INCREASES FOR FISCAL YEAR 79-80. Council adopted Resolution No. 6109, approving transfer of funds for reserves to various budgets of the operating departments for the purpose of procuring fuel for the remainder of FY 79-80. (99) 10. AB $16166 - Supplement $11 - CT 79-24/CP-33 APPLICANT : COOK. Council adopted Resolution No. 6110, denying, without prejudice, tentative map (CT 79-.24) and condominium permit (CP-33) for the con- version of 40 existing apartments into Condominiums on property generally located on the northwest corner of Tamarack and Jefferson Streets. (99) 11. AB $16167 - Supplement'$/l - CT 79-9/CP-15 APPLICANT: HUNT. Council adopted Resolution No. 6111, denying, without prejudice, tentative map (CT 79-9) and' condominium permit (CP-15) for the conversion of 172 existing apartments into condominiums on property generally located on the west side of El Camino Real between Hosp Way and Marron (50) 12. AB $16194 - REFUND OF. FEES. Council authorized payment of requested refunds. ($1) 13. AB $15182 - Supplement $113 - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BIKEWAY PROJECT - ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS. Council adopted Resolution No. 6112, accepting an easement for real. property from Barney L. Butler, Barbara A. Butler, and Claire Greene. Council adopted Resolution No. 6113, authorizin payment of consideration for various easements. CITY OF CARLSBAD &8&INCftMEb -3- March 18, 1980 .~. . 14. AB 86164 - Supplement $11 - NATIONAL APPROPRIATIONS. Council approved the proposed project budget. (Io5,) ENDOWVENT FOR THE HUMANITIES - PROPOSED (63) 15. AB $16195 - CARPETING FOR CITY LIBRARY (45) CONTRACT NO. 1080. Council adopted Resolution No. 6114, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to invite bids for the carpet for the City library. (91) 16. AB $16196 - SAN DIEGUITO UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE REFUNDS. Council adopted Resolution No. 6115, authorizin the refund of excess San Dieguito Union High School District school fees. (47) 17. AB $16197 - PROPOSED GRADING ORDINANCE. Council directed a work shop session be schedul to review and discuss the matter. (96) 18. AB $16198 - RECOMMENDATIONS OF TRAFFIC (72) SAFETY COMMISSION. ,Council adopted Resolution No. 6116, designat- ing a "Stop" control on.Cazadero at its intersectionwithCorintia. Council adopted Resolution No. 6117, designat- ing a "Stop" control on Highland Drive at its intqrsection with Adams Street. Council adopted Resolution No. 6118, designat- ing a parking restriction on Palomar Airport Road one and one-quarter miles east of El Camino Real. (83) 19. AB $16071 - Supplement $12 - RECOATING (45) ELLERY RESERVOIR CONTRACT NO. 1078. Council adopted Resolution No.. 6120, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of Contract No. 1078 for recoating Ellery Reservoir (such contract awarded to Pateras Painting). .. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (74) 8. AB #6192 - AMENDING THE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE . Councilman Anear indicated he had requested this item removed in order to suggest wording be added to the classification definition to reflect. the requir.ement of other-than-normal working hours due to the nature of the duties. CITY OF CARLS couNCOLME -4- The City Manager indicated the matter of working hours was covered in the Personnel Rules and Regulations; therefore, he did not recommend changing the wording of the classification definition. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6108, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE CLASSIFICATIONS OF UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATOR I1 AND 111. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (114) 20. AB $16171 - Supplement 111 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT 120. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINAYCE NO. 9545 AMENDING TITLE 21,- CHAPTER 21.07, SECTION 21.07.040 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT. OF SUBSECTION (7) TO ALLOW PROCESSING PLANTS FOR FARM CROPS BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE EXCLUSIVE AGRICULTURAL ZONE. A Request to Speak having been filed, Council recognized Jim Goff, representing La Costa Land Company, Costa Del Mar Road, Carlsbad, CA. Mr. Goff requested clarification of Condition 3 on Page 3 as to whether same would allow approval o the Site Departments Plans as required in the "Q" Zone, prior to the school agreement. The City Attorney responded that wording could be added to clarify that Site Development Plans could be approved prior to the school agreement, if a subdivision was not involved. Mr. Goff then requested clarification.of Condition 6 on Page 3 as to whether same pre- cluded applicant from proceeding, with develop- ment other than residential construction. Councilman Skotnicki suggested that wording be added to reflect that no development other than public improvements shall proceed until school condition satisfied. For further clarification, Mr. Goff questioned whether if, in the course of construction of public improvements, applicant could dispose of dirt on residential sites which was removed during construction of roadway's. CITY OF -5- March 18. 1980 m _", " " 0 Council acknowledged that if public improvements were constructed prior to development of the residences, excess dirt would 'necessarily be removed to residential sites. In addition, Council expressed concern that no substantial grading on residential sites occur prior to all project approvals. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9546, AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-206) FROM P-C TO RDM-Q ON APPROXIMATELY 134 ACRES OF LAND GENERALLY LOCATED IN THE NORTHEASTERN AREA OF LA COSTA AND AMENDING THE LA COSTA 9322, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9469, TO DELETE A PORTION OF THE AREA BEING REZONED .FROM THE MASTER PLAN, with the additional wording suggested to Conditions 3 and 6 on Page 3. MASTER PLAN AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. PUBLIC HEARING: (85) 22. AB ]I6199 - WASTEWATER RECLAMATION MASTER PLAN - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT-EIR.80--2. I I An introductory staff report was presented by th Planning Director, essentially as contained in his February 27, 1980 memo to the City Manager. The staff report was continued by Charlie Grimm of the Planning Department, who referenced changes in the Planning Commission Minutes as reflected in the new page distributed for substitutimn and incorporation in the EIR. Mr. Grim explained the purpose of the EIR was to address the impact of a wastewater reclamatio system on the entire area. Of the issues raised it was staffs' opinion that the most significant was that of growth inducement, in that accelerat growth would have an adverse impact unless coor- dinated with necessary services and utilities through a growth management plant. 0 Mr. Grimm stated the seco'nd issue was that of water quality, in that use of reclaimed water ms . increase siltation and salts. In that Carlsbad was committed to the Regional 208 Water Plan, individual plants should be inspected against si Third in issue was that of solid waste managemer Mr. Grimm explained Encina could act as a solids handling plant, with each individual plant .as a back up. This would require additional facilitj at Encina along with land fills. Although odor was not anticipated as a problem, staff involve- ment with the system would identify any problem in that regard. I T 1 cxNNgC3LME CITY OF CARLSBAD -6- c-'" e 0 M [arch 18. 1980 - Following introduction by Mr. Grimm, Council recognized Dennis O'Leary of Lowry & Associates, who had prepared the Master Plan, 3505 Camino del Rio, South, San Diego, CA. Mr. O'Leary explained the Master Plan was a guide for the system and with the aid of wall maps and transparencies, identified the area which had been studied, indicating same excluded the Lake Calavera Hills area. He additionally demonstrated areas in which reclaimed water could be used and, as the area was developed, indicated changes from agricultural use to urban use of the water. Mr. O'Leary explained satellite plants were proposed in the Palomar Airport, Batiquitos Lagoon and Byena Vista Lagoon areas which, together with Encina and Lake Calavera Hills plant, would form the network system. Council then recognized John Larson, Vice- President of Recon, 1094 Cudahy Place, Suite 204, San Diego, CA, who had prepared the text of the EIR. Mr. Larson emphasized the EIR was not intended to serve as a detailed EIR, but only address the concept of the system and provide a framework and identify future require- ments for environmental review. In this regard, he indicated a site-specific EIR would be required for each plant.. Regarding water quality, Mr. Larson indicated discharge requirements and effluent standards were set by the Regional Water Quality Control Board and that this agency could be looked to . to insure water quality. Mr. Larson further indicated availability of. reclaimed water would encourage agricultural use of the land and explained the relation of this to the local coastal program, growth management plan and Council agricultural policy. Mayor Packard then opened the public hearing at 7:15 P.M. and extended the invitation to speak. Council recognized Jack Kubota, Post Office Box 1095, Carlsbad, CAY representing Costa Real Municipal Water District. Mr. Kubota expressed support of a wastewater reclamation system for the reasons as set forth in his December 28, 1979 letter to the Planning Department regarding the District's efforts and concerns re providing - , a continuing supply of water. Although no other persons in the audience requested the opportunity to speak, it was the consensus of Council that the public hearing remain opened to allow further public input, if desired, during Council discussion. COUNCfbMi - cx3uNC1EME -7- Councilman.Skotnicki questioned excluding from the area studied those areas which were covered by the Leucadia County and San Marcos County Water Districts. Mr. Larson responded the geographical scope of the study had been restricted to the area directed by Council. However, expansion and cooperation among the various districts were not precluded. Councilman Skotnicki questioned the proposed Buena Vista plant, which appeared on the maps ' . but only briefly mentioned in the EIR written portion, in that same was owned by the City of Oceanside. Mr. O'Leary responded explaining 'that plant had been identified as a potential minor plant. Councilman Skotnicki referenced the statement on page 24 and questioned how no adverse impacts to water- quality were anticipated without site- specific information. Mr. Larson responded that'in working with the RWQCB requirements, mitigation measures provided in the EIR were accurate at this point. Councilman Skotnicki requested clarification of statements regarding actual and potential beneficial uses identified for any of the coastal Mr. O'Leary explained per RWQCB, there were two categories -- potential and actual. All uses as set forth in the EIR are actual and exist at this time. However, RWQCB anticipates that new beneficial uses are emerging. Councilman Skotnicki inquired as to the impact of the satellite concept on the future of Encina. Mr. O'Leary responded it appeared there would be little effect, other than that of delay. Councilman Skotnicki inquired as to why 50% of all reclaimed water would be disposed of in the ocean. Mr. O'Leary indicated it was an economic question If the cost of imported and local water continued to increase, the cost of building storage tanks to hold additional water may be justified. Councilman Anear inquired into the proposal that Encina be a sludge handling facility. Mr. O'Leary indicated it would be more cost efficient for Encina to handle all s1udge;however it was recommended that each satellite facility be capable of handling their own in the event of a problem at Encina. CITY OF CA-RLSBAD CBdlNCSLME Mayor Packard then referenced page 8 which mentkons Encina having reclaimed water and questioned whether that was the existing Encina. Mr. O'Leary responded affirmatively. Mayor Packard referenced page 8 and questioned if completion of the total system would serve the entire city at saturation, along with proposed expansion of Encina. The Public Works Administrator responded that all facilities in the program would take care of a population of 110,000, with the maximum population at between 150,000 and 200,000. With regard to the plant proposed for the Palomar Airport area, Mayor Packard questioned whether industrial waste would be sent to Encina and, if so, whether a dual system would be. required -- one for industrial and one for residential waste. Mr. O'Leary responded that if industrial waste was involved, a dual line would be necessary and required by the RWQCB. As a point of clarification, Mayor Packard referenced page 1 which indicated that Encina was currently operating at capacity and explained that statement was based on the fact that all sewer connections which Encina could accomodate had been issued, whether on.line or As no one expressed further interest in speaking, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 8:OO P.M. Council certified EIl? 80-2 as being complete and pursuant to CEQA and State EIR guidelines. Mayor Packard announced a recess at 8:09 P.M. Council reconvened at 8:25 P.M., with all members' present. .. CITY - 9- March 18, 1980 DI.*BwIp.%R)..QI g 0 e il (28) HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT Council adjourned at 8:26 P.M. to the Housing & Redevelopment Commission. Council reconvened at 8:28 P.M., with all members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Public Works (93) 23. AB $,6200 - REQUEST FOR SEWER ALLOCATION SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION. The City Manager gave a brief staff report, as contained in the March,, 7, 1980 memorandum from the Public Works Administrator. Councilman Skotnicki expressed concerns with regard to the City providing fire and police services. to the project in that it was not , located near existing facilities. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents allocating 8 EDU'S to Sudan Interior Mission. Engineering (81) 24. AB #5182 - Supplement #14 - CARLSBAD - CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES. (20) BOULEVARD STREET WIDENING - RESOLUTION AUTHORIZI The City Engineer gave the staff report out- requirements of the project and reasons in support of staff recommendation. In response to the City Attorney's inquiry, the City Clerk indicated a request to address Council regarding this matter had been received within the time limit. .lining the background of the matter, explaining ~ I Council recognized Lloyd Johnson, 5031 Tierra de Oro, Carlsbad, CA. Mr. Johnson explained he owned an undivided one-half interest in the property and, through an agreement with Mr. Butler as the other owner, had exclusive use of that portion requiring the easement. Mr. Johnson indicated he had built a wall on his portion and therefore was opposed to sharing proceeds for granting the easement with Mr. Butler. In response to inquiry, it was pointed out that Mr. Johnson and Mr. Butler have a condominium ownership requiring proceeds be divided equally. Further, the appraised value included cost of rebuilding Mr. Johnson's wall. 1 I WNCILME 7 fr - - 0 e CITY OF 6 - IO - Marc:h 18, 1980 T Following brief discussion, Council adopted the following resolution, with instructions to staff to continue to work with the property owner so that actual proceedings need not take place: RESOLUTION NO. 6119, AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR THE WIDENING OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND.THE INSTALLATION OF A BICYCLE PATH AND WHEEL- CHAIR ACCESS RAMPS. (97) 25. AB $16201 - COMPLETION OF ELM AND APPLIAN WAY The City Manager' indicated bne -of the: .owners-:hail.- requested the matter continued. Council directed the matter continued to April 1, 1980. Planning (77) 26. AB $16185 - Supplement #1 - MORATORIUM ON CONVERSION OF APARTMENTS TO CONDOMINIUMS. The City Manager gave a staff report explaining the matter. Following brief discussion and clarification, directed staff to notice a public hearing for April 1, 1980 and the City Attorney to prepare documents to permit an exception to the morator- ium for individual duplexes in the RW zone. I (77) 27. AB $16202 - PURCHASE OF AERIAL PHOTOS AND BASE MAP SYSTEM. A brief report was given by the City Manager. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6121, AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF AN AERIAL PHOTO AND BASE MAP SYSTEM. Building (77) 28. AB #6207 - CONTRACT FOR PLAN CHECKING. . (45) Councilman Skotnicki questioned insurance pro- visions in the contract in that the City should be held harmless from any liability. Council adopted the following Resolution, subjec to further negotiations with.the contractor wher by staff to determine fullest extent of liabilit that is ordinarily provided for in this sort of arrangement: RESOLUTION NO. 6123 , AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR PLAN CHECKING SERVICES. (such agreement with ESGIL Corp.: CcwNCitME 0 e e CITY OF -11- CA.RLS5AD Marc:h 18, 1980 Parks and Recreation (70) 29. AB #6203 - LIFEGUARD SERVICES - CITY BEACH The City Manager gave a brief staff report on the matter. Council directed staff to enter into discussion with San Diego Gas & Electric Company and return to Council with their recommendation regarding termination proceedings. City Attorney 30. AB 86159 - Supplement #2 - TAMARACK AVENUE ( 2 0) EXTENS ION. The City Attorney explained this matter involved condemnation proceedings. A staff report was given by the City Engineer outlining the background and necessity of the matter. In response to inauiry by the City Attorney, the City Clerk indicaEed no requests to address Council had been received within the time limits, or at all. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6122, AUTHORIZING CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR THE WIDENING AND EXTENSION OF TAMARACK AVENUE, THE INSTALLATION OF REVERSIBLE FORCE SEWER MAIN APJD EFFLUENT DISPOSAL LINE, DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS, IRRIGATION LINE, PUBLIC UTILITIES AND RELATED PUBLIC FACILITIES. City Manager (86) 31. AB $16204 - REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL HAL ZACK. Council recognized Hal Zack, Post Office Box 422, Carlsbad, CA. Mr. Zack explained the petition submitted which requested addition of 8 foot patrol officers in the downtown area, expressing the opinion that increased incidences of vandalism, graffiti, littering and common drunkeness required such action by the City. Police Chief Baugh responded that foot patrol officers had not been found to be effective except in high-density areas. Mr. Baugh then reported on the number of patrol units in the ' City and their respective schedules. Further, he recommended problems of this nature be handled through crime prevention and juvenile diversion programs. COebNClkME .. .. . .. CITY OF ' CARLSBAD WNCllME -12- (94) 32. AB it-6205 - PARKING AUTHORITY APPOINTITENT. Mayor Packard announced his intention to appoint Glenn E. McComas to a further term. (76) 33. AB jj6206 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. It was the consensus o.f Council that each member submit one name for consideration at the next regular meeting. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Appointment to Library Board of Trustees. Mayor Packard announced that Ben Alice Munn had Information It em "A" (62) Councilman Skotnicki referenced CPO action in Parks & Recreation Commission Councilman Lewis reported on concerns relative to erosion in the area of Buena Woods and the proposed amphitheater as a result of the rains, in that the previously approved project should be reviewed. Scaff responded a report addressing same would be prepared. 4th Annual Meeting of Regional Councils Councilman Skotnicki advised CPO was hosting the conference May 11 - 14 in San Diego. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjourned to an Executive Session at 10:20 P.M. for the purpose of discussing meet and confer matters and reconvened at 10:59 P.N. with all members present. Mayor Packard stated meet and confer was discussed. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Council adjourned at 11:OO P.M to Friday, March 28, 1980 at 7:OO in Council Chambers. Anita D. Murphy, Recording Secretary