HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-04-09; City Council; Minutesr CITY OF CAWLSBAD COwCBhOulE Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION (Joint Meeting) Roll Call : Also present were Planning Commissioners Schick, Larson, Rombotis, 'Friestedt, Leeds, Jose and consultant. Staff then introduced Mr. Rick Alexander of the Comprehensive Planning Organization, who was present to re.port on population forecasting. Mr. Alexander outlined the process followed by CPO in the preparation of a regional forecast, and explained the meaning of same. In addition, he indicated local councils would be requested to take action in.July with regard to adoption of the new forecasts known as Series V. With regard to the.Development Suitability Analysis and its relation to the Series V Fore- casts, Mr. Alexander indicated it relates to the developability of local land, and the Series V Forecasts represent current pol icy. Therefore, the Analysis will tell .if development is occurrin throughout the region at optimal locations. In response to questions, Mr. Alexander stated the forecast for 1995 for Carlsbad based on the January 1 , 1979, boundary of the City is 77,800. However, the forecast for' the General Plan area of Carlsbad in 1995 is 85,700. Tom Hageman, from the Planning Department, then reported to Council on the status of the Compre- this regard, he stated staff was proceeding by basing it on public facilities, which would, in fact, produce a Pub1 ic Facil ities Management Mr. Hageman then introduced Mr. Paul Sedway of Sed/Cooke Urban and Environmental Planners and Designers, the consultant approved by Council to provide services with regard to the development of the Growth Management Plan. Mr. Sedway introduced the lother members of his by the consultant. A transparency was displayed and corresponding sheet distributed to Council and the Commission explaining the six-step proce, and time-line prop0se.d. Furthey report was give as to-the fiscal implications which would .be considered, I. CITY OF CAALSBAD COUNCILME -2- - I) 0 April 9, 1980 I. Mr. Sedway then displayed. a transparency and dis tributed a corresponding sheet titled Issues, which listed 4 questions. He requested Council comment on the questions. Councilman Anear expressed a desire to have the resport address'the advantages and disadvantages of future annexations. Mayor Packard expressed the.opinion that the Local.Coasta1 Program will have an impact and that it will be reviewed simultaneously as the Plan is prepared. Councilwoman Casler requested information as to lag time for furnishing public facilities after growth has occurred. She also questioned to what extent the City could furnish proper facilities in existing facilities prior to needi additional. Also questioned was whether a syste should be developed which would have the poten- tial of saying no to a developer. Councilman Skotnicki queried the reference to minimum public facilities and adequate public facilities, and requested they be defined. Following further discussion, staff indicated a contract with the consultant would be prepared for presentation to Council based on Council comments, and consensus that the Plan will be based on public facilities. The City Manager requested and Council concurred that the time frame in the contract should be reflected as 90 days.rather than 60 days. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, Council and the Planning Commission adjourned at 4:43 P.M. Respectfully submitted, l2tLtk&g@- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City C1 erk I i I I ~ I