HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-03; City Council; MinutesL. CommrA .. c couxcxr. Kb-aspl Vb WW*""V Page 3 COUNCII Mayor Packard announced the following item would be removed from order and considered at this time in order to accommodate the schedule of the applicant's representative: The staff report was presented by Jim Hagaman, .Planning Director, who detailed the contents of the May 14, 1980 Memorandum and,. with the aid of a wall map (Exhibit A), explained the proposed modifications. Ilayor Packard announced the public hearing and invited public testimony at 6:11 P.M. Council recognized John Mamaux, 1393 Basswood, Carlsbad, who indicated he represented the applicant, May Stores, Inc. lk. Mamaux expressed agreement with staff and Planning Commission conditions , and req-uested Council approval. There being no further public testimony, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 6 12 P.M. Following brief inquiry and staff clarification Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving PP-24(,C), as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1637. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (99) 9. AB $'3213 - Supplement 86 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS (CT 73-29 UNIT #I). Councilman Lewis indicated he had requested'this item removed in order to ascertain that no citize complaints had been filed. Staff indicated no complaints had been made and the project had been completed for some time. Further, staff was satisfied with the public im- provements and rights-of-way, as constructed. of El Fuerte be concurrent with construction of (64) 13. AB $15071 - Supplement $15 - STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1. Councilwoman Casler indicated she had requested this item removed from the Consent .Calendar to obtain clarification of which of the 2 prices re- flected in the t?genda Bill were correct, and in- quired as to type of street lights to be used. mercury vapor. " utsy Ub ww**J+wwy COUNCIL Page 4 June 3, 1980 .* ..= . - 186 Council adopted Resolution No. 6204, approving . Motion contract and authorizing execution for street lighting maintenance within said City for a street lighting district. I (70) 14. AB $16265 - AGPZEMENT FOR USE OF MAGEE HOUSE 0 (45) Councilman Lewis indicated he item removed in order to expre subject agreement should conta allowing rooms designated for u Society to be used by others, in the event such The City Manager acknowledged not all of the rooms designated in the proposed agreement were being used by the Historical Society,indicating one of the reasons was that Council had not yet approved the agreement. Council discussion reflected concern re including such a provision prior to discussion with the Historical Society. Council continued this matter to allow staff to communicate Society regarding their plans for occupancy and use of all rooms designated for them. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: ,rooms were not occupied by the Historical Society (74) 15. AB $16245 - Supplement #l - AMENDMENT TO PERS (45) CONTRACT FOR SAFETY PERSONNEL. Council adopted the following Ordinance': ORDINANCE NO. 1230, AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. b (114) 16. AB $16251 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT ZCA-122. Council adopted the following Ordinance': ORDINANCE NO. 9551, MENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.36 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE.AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.36 TO PROVIDE FOR CERTAIN REGULATIONS FOR WA.TER RECLAMATION. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: (113) 17. AB $16254 - Supplement #l - ZONE CHANGE FROM 8 R-1-15,000 TO R-1-7,500 ZC-209 APPLICANT: SYITH. Prior to reading the title, the City Attorney indicated this ordinance would not be returned to Council for adoption until satisfaction of certain conditions. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9554, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-209) FRON R-1-15,000 TO R-1-7,500 ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF SUNNYHILL DRIVE, SOUTH OF XONROE STIXEET. &t&r VL UUbLJIcpww Page 5 June 3, 1980 .. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (114) 18. AB #6260 - '.AMENDMENT TO PLANNING MORATORIUM ZCA-124. 1) The staff report was presented by Jim Hagaman, Planning Director, explaining the background of the matter. Mayor Packard announced the public hearing and invited public testimony at 6:26 P.M. There P .being no response, the public hearing was closed. The City Manager suggested deletion of the word "minor" ?receding the word "annexation1'. .. Following brief discussion, Council introduced the following Ordinance, with clarifying changes as indicated: I ORDINANCE NO. 9552, AWNDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.49, SECTION 21.49.020 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF .SUBS.ECTIONS (13) AND (14) TO ALLOW THE PROCESSING OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS AND ANNEXATIONS NECESSARY FOR REVISIONS TO APPROVED MASTER PLANS, with deletion of the word "minor" in the title and at line 13-1/2. I (94) 19. AB /I6261 - AMENDMENT TO PRECISE PLAN FOR PLAZA CAMINO REAL PP-24(C) APPLICANT: MAY STORES I This item was removed from order and discussed following adoption of the Consent Calendar (see Page 3 hereof). 8 (113) 20. AB /I6262 - 243 UNIT CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT CP-36 APPLICANT: SWELL INDUSTRIES OF SAN DIEGO The staff report by Jim Hagaman, Planning Direct provided background information on the matter an included reference to the wall map depicting the location and configuration of the individual condo clusters in relation to open space and recreation areas provided in the project, and adjacent canyon and existing public park. Addi- tionally, Mr. Hagaman explained the recommended inclusion of school fee payment condition. Councilman Lewis expressed concern that a projec this large had not been reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Commission relative to sufficiency an quality of free activity open space elements. Staff responded the Parks Department had reviewe the project and approved the plans with regard to those considerations. Mayor Packard then opened the public hearing at 6:46 P.M. and extended the invitation'to speak. Council recognized V. -H. Bates, representing the applicant, 3272 Rosecrans, San Diego, who con- curred with staff and Planning Commission recommendations. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packarc closed the public hearing at 6 48 P.M. 5 COUNCIL W$&(y &s& "D9WY" COUN CfT WH.~ u4 WWP+”” Page 7 COUNCII. Council recognized Lawrence Nusil, 3707 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, representing Musil, Perkowitz, Ruth, Inc., Architects, who explained his request for the amendment was necessary in order to provide desirable identify- ing signs for businessmen in the R-P Zone. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 7 ::L1 P.M. .Council discussion reflected concerns re desirability of allowing signs in the subject zone to be as large as 150. square feet. In response to Council inauiry, YY. Hagaman explained the allowable square footage of the total sign area (one or more) would be determined upon the number of feet of building frontage with a 1 square foot of sign per linear foot of frontage. Many areas with the R-P Zone designa- tion also have the “Q” overlay ,and, if Council desired,. a provision could be included which would permit a maximum total of 150 square feet at the discretion of the Planning Commission, if circumstances and design justified same. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Parks & Recreation (70) 23. AB /I6133 - Supplement #3 - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON PROGRAM. Councilman Lewis commended staff efforts and Council introduced the following Ordinance‘:: ORDINANCE NO. 3118, AMENDING TITLE 11 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICTPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 11.24 TO REVISE City Manager (81) 24. AB $15203 - Supplement #5 - LAND ACQUISITION EAST OF LIBRARY. The City Manager referenced prior Council direction regarding negot,iations to acquire the vacant property. - 0 $ -.- C"" COUNCL: Wt&F UB wsa~*sawpo4y COUN CJ - 0 @ June Page 10 - CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: - Legis lation Mayor Packard refere.nced a letter from John Witzel, legislative represencative for the City of San Diego, which requested formal Council authorization to speak in Sacramento with regard to the issue of tax distribution during the process of annexation (Lancaster Bill) North - County Beach Erosion Study Committee Mayor Packard related discussion and slide presentations at recent meetings with regard to the groin project, indicating a presentation . by Dr. Inrnan of Scripps Institute of Oceanography would soon be ?resented. Following further -expert input, a presentation would be made to the City Council. Bris to1 Cove Parking In response to Councilman Lewis' inquiry, the City Manager indicated the report would be presented. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Local Coastal Program Mayor Packard expressed his concerns re approvin any portion of the overall City Program prior to approval of the Agua Hedionda Program and indicated he had requested the City Manager to convey these concerns to the State Coastal Commission. Council concurred with the Mayor's sentiments. 1. Councilw.oman Casler reported on recent con-, siderations re increas5ng the renumeration .of th Board of Directors from $25 per meeting to $50 per meeting, expressing the opinion such increas was not justified. Council concurred the salary should be uniform for all representatives. 2, councilwoman Casler reported Encina had questioned the integrity of the May Company line in connection with the excess flow rate and indicated further investigation was required to determine if Encina or the May Co. line was responsible for the excess flow rate. 3. Councilwoman Casler reported on recent effor to make Encina a separate special district had failed. Mayor Packard reported on recent discussions to raise bus fares and conveyed concerns expressed by parents whose children ride public buses to school. .* ULLy uc ry/U~+rrU~So coUNc1: Page 11 San Diego Yater Reclamation Agency Councilman Anear reported on recent discussions re water reclamation budget. Councilwoman Kulchin reported on recent Seniors ' activities. . Parks & Recreation Commission Councilman Lewis invited Council inspection of the findings of the Commission regarding the Hosp Grove erosion matter. Mayor Packard expressed concerns with regard to Buena Vista Lagoon damage and requested staff report with regard to responsibility and intentions of the Fish & Game Department. The City Attorney reported the California Suprem Court had recently decided a Santa Barbara ordinance defining "family" in the R-1 zone was unconsitutional, which opened the door for communal living. Mr. Biondo indicated the Ckty. of Carlsbad had an ordinance similar to that 'of Santa Barbara and that he would be working with other City Attorneys to determine what options were available to preserve the integrity of the R-1 zone. Council concurred. The City Attorney then reported on the results of enforcement of the gas price posting ordinance. By proper motion, Council adjourned at 8:44 P.M. to Tuesday, June 10, 1980 at 7:OO P.M. in the City Council Chambers. ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ CITY CLERK Anita Dack Murphy' Recording Secretary rather than Rancho Carlsbad Mobile Hone Park, as