HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-06-17; City Council; Minutesfba&.r 3Pb K&LBbLZ3Ub.)W COUNCI: __I e 8 -2- I 1 I , lune 17, 1980 .. .. .. - (34) 6. AB #6272 - CARLSBAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE- FOURTH QUARTERLY REPORT FY 1979-1980 - AND REQUEST FOR SPECIAL SERVICE FUNDS(PRINT1NG MAPS 1. Council authorized the expenditure .of $8,988.7 for the fourth quarter payment, and authorized expenditure not to exceed $l,OO-0 for printing additional maps. (43 .. 7. AB #6262 - Supplement #1 - 243 UNIT CONDO MINIUM PROJECT - APPLICANT: SH.APELL INDUSTRIE Council adopted Resolution No. 6211 , approvi.ng with conditions condominium permit (CP-36) for a 243 unit condominium project on 'approx- imately 40.8 acresj generally-located on Piragua and Venado Streets, La Costa. APPLICANT: SHAPELL INDUSTRIES OF SAN DIEGO. .. (94) 8. AB #6261 - Supplement #1 -. AMENDMENT TO THE PRECISE PLAN FOR PLAZA CAMINO REAL. APPLI-CANT:' MAY STORES (PP-24(C). Council adopted Resolution No. 6212, approving with conditions a revised precise plan (PP-24(C for the.expansion of the Plaza Camirio Real Shopping Center. APPLICANT: MAY STORES. (50) 9. AB #6273 - APPROVA.L OF COMPUTER RFP REV'I'E'W CRITERIA. Council approved t.he proposed RFP review .cri- teria and instructed staff to enter into competitive negotiations with the vendors ranked high-est by these criteria. (50) 9A. AB #6276 -. RATIFICATION OF DEMAND'S AGAINST 'THE CITY. - Council ratifi.ed demands against the City in the amount of $2,231,925.66 for the period May 19, 1980 to June 4, 1980, and payroll de- mands in the amount. of $210,760.92,-for the period'May 26, 1980 to June 8,-1980. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CON'SENT CALENDAR: (79) 2. AB #6269 - RECREATION FACILITY POLICY. Council Member Casler indicated th.at she had requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar in that she did not feel that the Harding Street Community Center, the Magee I Park Recreation Hall and the Scout House shoul ~ be included in the "No Smoking I' policy for I the City's recreation facilities. I Motion was made that Counci.1 not adopt the "No Smoking" policy. The motion died for' 1 1 ack of a .second. j I i i Following brief discusison, Council continued the matter so that all Council Members could be present to act on same. I L 1 UBbF vw W~*9LPU"=- CUUNCfI Juen 17 Y n I . -3- . .-. OR-D.INAN.CES FO.R ADOPTI- .. . .. ~ 10. AB #6133 - Supplement #3 - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON PROGRAM. Council adopted the following Or-dinance:. ORDINANCE NO. 3118, AMENDING TITLE 11 AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 11.24 .TO REVISE THE REGULATIONS OF AQUATIC AREAS AND DEVICES. OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE - MORATORIUM - ZCA-124.. CHAPTER 21.49, SECTION. 21.49.020 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS .( 13) AND (1'4) TO ALLOW THE PROCESSING OF GENERAL PLAN AM.END- "ENTS'AND ANNEXATIONS NECESSARY FOR RE- VISIONS TO APPROVED MASTER PLANS. ZCA-121. ORDINANCE NO. 9553, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.47 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE .AMENDMENT OF SECT.ION 21.47.130 TO PROVIDE FOR SPECIAL SETBACK CONSIDER- ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 13. AB #6264 - Supple.ment #l - ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TO CHANGE SIGN REQUIREMENTS IN THE R-P 'ZONE - ZCA-125. ORDINANCE NO. 9555, AMENDING T.ITLE 21, THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTION (2) AND BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTION (9) TO ALLOW AN INCREASE IN SIGN AREAS IN THE R-P ZONE. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 14. AB #6258 - Supplement #1 - WEED ABATEMENT 1980. CHAPTER 21.41, SECTION z~41.070, OF atr,c we W""93WW COUNCIL Ju ne 17, .. (71 1 (99) w,*g P1I - "" -" - COUNCII June 17, 1 .I ' -5- 980. .-. .-... . "~ . - . . ... . -.. Since no one else wishe.d to speak, the public hearing was closed at 6:45 P.M. . Council Member Casler commented that this proposed project is owned by Burroughs, and though she owns a small amount of stock in that company, she would vote on the .matter nevertheless. Following discussion, 'Council directed the Ci,ty Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 80-15/PUD-17, per Planning Commission, Resolutions No. 1638 and 1639. 17. AB m77 - ORDINANCE AMENDMENT LIFTING. PLANNING MORATORIUM IN ENCINA SE.WER SERVICE TERRITORY. - ZCA-126. The staff report was given.by the Planning Director, including a. brief history.of the matter and description and location of the va.rious sewer service areas. The Mayor opened the public hearing at 6:51 P.M., and asked if anyone wished to speak. Council recognized David Phares, Vice-Presi- dent of Standard Pacific, 7290 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, San Diego, CA-, who addressed Council with regard to'his company's "Quail Ridge" subdivision, He noted the location of same, and indicated it to be bi-sected by the'boundary line separating the Lake-Calaver Hills sewer .service area and the Encina sewer service area, and w.ith the use.of a wall exhi bit he suppli.ed, indicated that due .to the terrain, the drainage was naturall-y de- signed to flow to the Encina service area. He then responded -to' questions-from Council- regarding the drainage and the new grading plans arid designs which would be, necessary if drainage were.to. be routed to the Lake Cal avera Hi 11 s service area. In response to Council's questions, the City Engineer, using a wall exhibit which he supplied, reviewed the'location and history of the, Quail Ridge project. - He then responded to questions regarding the progress of the Lake Calavera Hills sewage treatment plant and indicated that the entire Quail Ridge project is located wi'thin the Lake Calavera .sewer service area and that grading had not yet been done for subject project. Council recognized Bob Ladwig, of Rick Engineering, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad, CAY the consultant for the Quail Ridge project, who indicated that his client's request was simply that Council exclude this project from the Lake Calavera Hills-sewer service area at this time, to allow the developer to meet with staff on the,matter and work out a prompt solution to same. Wbec 4"- w-vv-"-.v COUNCII JI I WlbZ VB W.B9."" COUNCIL L . -7- 980 -. .. .. . . ._ ....... Following discussion, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare a grading ordinance and staff to schedule a work shop session to review and discuss a hillside ordinance. Personnel 20. AB #6267 - RECOMMENDED CLASSIFICATION - PLAN AMENDMENT. ' A.brief staff report on the matter. was given by the City Manager. Council introduced the following Ordinance:. ORDINANCE NO. 1231, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER.2.48 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE~A~IENDMENT OF SECTION 2.48.030(7) TO ADD ONE POSITION TITLE TO THE MANAGEMENT LIST. . Council adopted the following ResoTution: RESOLUTION NO. 6207, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6185, EXHIBIT A; RESOLUTION N0.5853, EXHIBIT A. City Manager 21. AB #6266 - Supplement #1 - RENEWAL OF CITY INSURANCE. Council continued the matter to th-e June 30, 1980, Council meeting. City Clerk 22. AB #6258 -. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUST.EES .. APPOINTMENT. Mayor Packard announced his i.nt'eption to appoint Mr. 'Stephen L'Heureux to the Library Board of Trustees to replace 'Tom Hammond.. 23. AB #6256 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6192, APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION.(sucH being John Lusignan) 24. AB #6255 - PERSONNEL BOARD APPOINTMENT. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. -6191 , APPOINTING A MEMBER TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PERSONNEL BOARD. (such being Donald Watkins) wpog yI ---_L""F- COUNCII L_ -8 - . Council adopted the 'following Resolution: North County. Transit District for the elderly. Parks 81. Recreation Commission Parks & Recreation Commission meetin-g re- garding the fencing of the natural amphi- theater in Hosp Grove Park which is.to be . Sidewalk - Holiday Park The' City Manager. reported .that a r-equest had been received from Ben Acuna and D.ick Chick of the Board of Realtors to provide a si.de- walk.around the gazebo in Holiday Park. ~ Sonneborn. Pursuant to Council Procedural-Ordinance No. 1231, this item was a'dded to' the agenda. Council recognized Mr. Robert Sonneborn, 3985 Stella Maris Lane, Carlsbad, CA, who indi- cated that the residents in the area felt that the grading and fill is done in violation of the conditions of the approvals of the tentative map, the grading plans and the . Coastal Commission approval for subject sub- division.. He then responded.to questions from Council. Citp at &BFLSOi%B ; -9- I e 8 J lune 17, 1980 .. . . -... . . -.- .. , . . .~ . .. Council recognized Mr. Raymond Floyd, 401 0 Syme Drive, Carlsbad, CAY who indicated that the residents of the area had been.told by the .developer that the fill would only be- six feet but when actually completed, it was over fif- teen feet. Mr. Floyd also inquired as to the purpose of the drainage to Chinquapin. .. Council then recogn-i-zed Mr. Carl Mangold, 3970 Stella Maris Lane; Carlsbad, CAY who :. commented that he was one of the first resi- de.nts of the area and commented.regarding the extent to which the fill had cut off his view. A staff repprt on the matter was subsequently presented .by the Ci-ty Engineer. He indicated that t.he neighboring.residents had been no- tified a't the time of the hearing on the EIR, and accordi,ng to the r.ecords, none. had pro- tested. He added that the subdivision had been given a Negative Declaration based on its .con'tent and that no substantial changes had been made in the grading plans since Council ' .approve.d the tentative map. He then responded to questions from Council re drainage and . erosion control in the area as. well as the grading plams for subject subdivision-. In response to Council inquiry-, the Assistant City Attorney indicated that if the developer is found to be in violation of the conditions ,. of the tentative .map approval , the.City could enforce compliance w'ith .same. Following discussion, Council directed the sta-ff to make an on site review of the. project k.nown as CT 76-6, in relation to the Petition filed by the citizens and enforce com,pl.iance with all conditions and take steps necessary to cease any vidati.ons. CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: . The Assistant City Attorney indicated that the League of California Ci-ties has re- quested the participation of all its members as amici in their lawsuit regarding Propositia 13, Taxpayers vs San Joaquin Local Health District. (62 1 Council directed that*the City participate as an amicus as requested by the League of California Cities in the suit, and directed staff to take necessary action. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Council adjourned at 8:37 P.M., to an Executive Session for the purpose of dis-' cussing Meet and Confer matters. .. .. COUNCS .. LVULYbJ.fr