HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-07-15; City Council; Minutes- b 0 attp 81 &BFLBUi3U Page 4 July 15, 1980 B e Council Member Lewis .expressed the opinion that Council should hold a public hearing on this matter to gain the input of citizens who will be impacted by the removal of parking restric- tions in front of their homes. The City Attorney responded that while no public hearing on this matter is required, introduc.tion of the ordinance .would not obligate .,Council to adopt the ordinance, if a public hearing was desired. A motion was made and seconded to amend the motion to include instructions to staff to notice the matter for a public hearing at the time. scheduled for adoption of the ordinance.' Council introduced the following Ordinance, with instructions to staff- to notice the matter for a public hearing at the. time scheduled for adoption- of said .Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3119, AMENDING TITLE 10,.CHAPTER 10.40 BY THE AMENDMENT OF- SECTION 10.40,043 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN PARTS OF CARLSBAD BOULEVARD. 14. AB /I6197 - Supplement #2 - PROPOSED GRADING ORDINANCE. ~. A motion was made and seconded to introduce Ordinance No. 8086. A Request to Speak having been properly filed, Council recognized Larry Hunts, 501 Chinquapin, Carlsbad. Mr. Hunts expressed concern that the limitation on slopes exceeding 25% .(Page 16, Line 7) would be detrimental to the development of a great deal of property in the City. In support, he expressed the opinion that the stability. and drainage of the finished grading was the important- consideration. Furthel the restrictions and requirements in this sectior governing areas of the City within the Coastal Zone, should be applied uniformly. Mr. Hunts second point addressed the requirement that a civil engineer prepare all grading documents (Page 5, subparagraph (c)), indicating State law allows architects to sign grading documents. Mr. Hunts concluded with the request that the 25% limitation be deleted and the term architect be included where appropriate. The City Engineer responded the language relat- ing to preparation of grading documents was excerpted from the Uniform Building Code; how-. ever the City ordinance could not preclude State 1,aw. With regard to the slope limitations, Mr. Evans explained this language was excerpted from the recommendations in the Coastal Commission Ordinance and is consistent with what is required in a Coastal Permit. COUNCI mtg ae &astsDaa COUNCI Page 5 July 15, 1980 .~ I Council discussion indicated staff should review State law with regard to services of architects relative to the'ordinance and include the same if appropriate. D Council discussion reflected concerns that the City ordinance conform to actual Coastal Com- mission requirements , rather than recommendation and that grading standards be uniform throughout the City. Additionally, Council desired questio . raised in a letter from the Construction Industr Federation should be addressed. I Following discussion, the motion maker, with the consent of the second, .withdrew the original motion. I Council directed this matter be continued for further staff report per Council discussion and responding to questions raised by the Construc- tion Industry Federation. 1 PUBLIC HEARINGS : I (99) 15. AB #80-13/CP-68 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - APPLICANT: WHIN & CRISMAN I I In accordance with the July 15, 1980 Memorandum from staff to Council, Council continued this matter to August 5, 1980. I (99) 16. AB a6298 - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDO- MINIUM PERMIT. The staff report was presented by Bill Hofman, Associate Planner, who, with the aid of wall map exhibits, explained the design of the projec and outlined the issues of design criteria and density, as discussed in the staff report to the Planning Commission of June 11, 1980. I 0 Mayor Packard opened .the. public hearing at 6:54 P..M. and invited public testimony. Council recognized Joe Sandy, Post Office Box 590 Carlsbad, who indicated he represented the applicant, Hermosa Homes. In response to the issues , Mr. Sandy indicated the storage and recreational areas were accessible to the units and represented an efficient use of space. Wit1 regard to the density, m. Sandy expressed the opinion the housing element and goals and objectives of the redevelopment plan provided for consideration of projects featuring close- in living at a moderate price. In this regard, Mr. Sandy indicated he client was willing to. enter into an agreement with the City to ensure a $65,000 to $75,000 price range. Since no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 7: 01 P.M. t .. attp Ot &art8 COUNCI Page 6 July 15, 1980 . ,. , .,,., 1 ~- ~- B 0 Council discussion related to accepting reduced amenities in consideration of more housing in the downtown area and in the offered price range. Also discussed was the need for low and moderate income housing standards . Council returned this matter to staff for preparation of the appropriate findings and conditions of approval, 'in accordance with .Council discussion. (99) 17. AB {I6299 - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDOMINI1 PERMIT CT 80-17/CP-83, -APPLICANT: SALEEN. The staff report was presented by Bill Hofman, Associate Planner who, with the aid of wall map exhibits depicting the location and design of the project, explained the relationship of the units to the amenities and described a'ccess and circulation patterns. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7:20 P.M. and extended the invitation to speak. There being no response, the public hearing was closed. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving CT 80-7/CP-57, as per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1658. (92) 18. AB /I6230 - SEWER SERVICE CHARGES. The staff report was presented by the City Manager who summarized prior reports and Council action on the matter. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7:24 P.X. and extended the invitation to speak. Council recognized A. J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad, CA. Mr. Skotni-cki expressed the opinion the proposed increase would provide sewer facilities for future residents at the expense of current residents. Mr. Skotnicki requested the necessary funds be obtained from monies in the existing sewer construction fund, which was financed by current users. Since no one else wished to speak, the public- hearing was closed at 7:30 P.M. In response to Mr. Skotnicki'sconcerns., staff explained the proposed increase was predicated on the requirement of the EPA to upgrade existing Encina facilities in onjunction with the expansion. Newcomers who will later benefit from the system will be charged. The upgrading will guaranteecontinuing service to existing users and expansion will provide capacity for new- comers. -j 235 - Mo ti Ayes M - Mo ti Ayes 1 ~. . a/!%)? ox &ara%srJwu Page 7 July 15, 1980 . .,. . . B In response to Council inquiry, the City Xanager indicated hook up fees charged to newcomers are deposited in the sewer construction fund. The loan proposed to be made from the general fund to provide additional monies required for Encina would' be made when and if the need arises. Pursuant to Council Procedure Ordinance, Council unanimously agreed to reopen the public hearing at 7:44 P.M. Council again recognized A.J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad, CA, who stated if a loan from the general fund is made to the sewe: construction fund, money from newcomer hook-up fees would not be needed, the effect of which would be subsidized sewer facilities for future residents. 'I The public hearing was again closed at 7-:45 P.M. Council adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION NO. 6244, SETTING SEWER SERVICE CKARGES . 1 (28) HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: .I Council adjourned to the Housing & Redevelopment Commission at 7:46 P.M. and reconvened at 7:47 P.M. with all Members present. I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning (68) 19. AB $16305 - PRELIMINARY SERIES V FORECASTS An introductory report was made by Joyce Crosthwaite of the Pl-anning Department, who summarized the methods of the three agencies providing a source of population figures, as contained in the July 15, 1980 Memorandum from . the Planning Director. Council recognized Glenn Barroga,district office management for the Census Bureau, 200 West Broadway, Vista, CA, who explained current. efforts to reconcile the Census figures with those of the Department of Finance. 0 Council then recognized Rick Alexander of CPO, 1200 Third Avenue, San Diego, who made a slide presentation illustrating the forecast statistic and explaining the process and describing factors which impact same. In response to Council .discussion and inquiry, Mr. Alexander indicated recent action by the Cit which would impact population figures will be included in the final results. I RECESS : L_ Mayor Packard announced a recess at 8:21 P.M. and Council reconvened at 8:35 P.M. with all members present. COUNCI , ~ ,. - B e .. astp OE ryBTt5U COUNCI Page 8 .. c I - I) 0 Citp Qt &art€5UmJ COUNCIl Page 9.. City Manager The staff report was presented by the City Manager, who explained the procedure necessary to effect the proposed reorganization. A Request to Speak having been properly filed, '.Council recognized A.J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad, CA. Mr. Skotnicki offered his services as a consultant for this project on a gratis basis, and expressed the willingness as a public servant to devote substantial effort to the project, irrespective of the number of hours required. Council expressed appreciation of Mr. Skotnicki' offer and indicated his contributions, as well Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6251, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND GLENN E. MC COMAS FOR REORGANIZATION OF WATER SERVICES. COUNCIL REPORTS: Council Member Casler indicated the need for Council to appoint an alternate to represent the City at the next JAC meeting, in that she and Council Member Kulchin, as well as Ronald Beckman, staff member, would-be on vacation. (92) Pursuant to Council Procedural Ordinance, See to this Agenda, and authorized L-es 'Evans, City Page Engineer, to act as a temporary alternate. Mayor' Packard reported on the new programs implemented by the District. With regard to the "people mover" concept, Mayor Packard suggested the City direct a letter to CPO requesting a status on the CPO funding of a feasibility study for this concept. Beach Erosion Council Member Anear reported a tentative solution has been reached. Following refine- ment, the matter would be returned to the committee for forwarding to the Council with their recommendation. I. . - P 1 .. t E@ Q'b bWF%BDlilU Page 10 COUNCII July 15, 1980 239 CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Expansion of Palomar Airport Council Member Lewis conveyed to Council concern expressed to him by citizens who are opposed to any election with regard to airport expansion. Insurance Requirements for Agua Hedionda Lagoon . Council Member Lewis related problems of boat owners/users in obtaining certificates of insurance naming the City as a co-insured. The City Manager acknowledged these concerns, indicating staff was attempting to contact companies who would be willing to provide the necessary insurance. On an interim basis, it was proposed that the City accept a copy of the owner/user certificate of insurance and direct the individuals to companies who would provide the required policy. Buena Vista Lagoon Siltation Council Member Lewis requested a status of corrective measures regarding the siltation The City Manager reported on the status of the dredging applications and possible sources t recover the funds that the City may need to Following discussion, it was the consensus of Council that this item be placed on the next Agenda with a report and recommendation. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, Council adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to Monday, July 28, 1980 at 7:OO P.M. in the 'City Council .Chambers. Respectfully submitted, CITY CLERK Anita D. Murphy, Recording Secretary J"f"I"L A ,, A ,, Council Member Kulchin reques.ted a correctio to reflect she would be unable to attend the JAC meeting because of conflicting City business, rather than vacation.