HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-08-26; City Council; Minutescitg of (ICatl$baO .~~ ~ ~ ~ COUNCIL CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Veeting) at ,this meeting. In response to a query from Council Ivlember Casler, the City Clerk stated the meeting of August 19, 1980, had been adjourned to the 26th as an Adjourned Regular Meeting as opposed to a '1;Jorkshop Meeting, as is customary when specific direction from Council is not Provided. tion at! thi.s meeting. five-year contract. Council recognized !!r. Arie deJong, President and owner of Coa.st Waste Management , Inc. , 7204 Ponto Drive, Carl sbad. would require the relocation to take place prior to any renewal of the contract. Mr. deJong stated he would be moved within .that five-year time, and expressed agreement with the conditions in the contract. Council directed staff to prepare the necessary documents for a new contract with Coast Naste Management, to include a five-year term.- I (72) 2. AGENDA BILL #6274 - Supplement #1 - HANDICAPPED PARKING. The City Manager gave a brief report on the matter detail ing Staff efforts in contacting the various businesses, and explained that adoption of the Resolution would allow the . .pol ice Department to enforce appropriately signed parking restrictions for handicapped persons. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLlJTION NO. 6213, TO PFOVIDE PARKING FOR HANDICAPPED Citp SI€ VLarls'baD Page 2 COUNCIL August 26, 1980 L 275 (81) 3. 'AGENDA BILL #6343 - LEASE OF STORAGE SPACE. (45) .. The city Manager reported on Council's previous consideration of the item wherein staff was authorized to purchase the ups building. In that the City was not SuCCessfu1 in its attempt to purchase the building, the item was again before Council for consideration due t? the need of storage space- Council' discussion related to the possibility Of .constructing I In response, Assistant City Ma.nager, Bill Baldwin, noted , the possf bil j ty of using City land known as Reservoir #2, and he explained the problems which could be encountered. Council agreed upon the desirability of further research on August 11 9 1980, - 8 .The City Nanager gave a brief-report on the matter explaining the recommended tax rates. Council questioned the number of years remaining on the bonds and discussed the possibility of setting a tax rate for the Librw Bonds 'in order to. build up the amount of money in the reserves for Paying the bonds. Also discussed was the Possibility Of paying off the bonds early. I citp of aar1sstlau Page 3 COUNCIL t B August 26, 1980 276 The following Resolutions were adopted by one motion: I RESOLUTION NO. 6287, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE FROM PROPERTY TAXES NECESSARY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF I !",:On THE "1962 SEWER BONDS, SERIES A, B, AND C" AND "1966 LIBRARY I- BOt4DS" FOR FISCAL YEAR 1980-81. RESOLUTION NO. 6288, SETTING THE TAX RATE FOR THE 1980-81 FISCAL YEAR. I' (40) 6;. SOUTH CAgLSBAD SERVICE CENTER. I The City Manager gave a brief report on the matter out1 ining -the contents of the Agenda Bill-. In response to Council questions , he stated that an exis ti ng staff person would be placed in the Center. Council discussion reflected concern about taking a staff person out of City Hall in that work currently being done by .that employee would then be assigned to another staff person, thereby possibly creating the need for additional personnel. Also discussed was the possibility that a person located in the Center would merely act as an information officer, and would be unable to assist citizens by responding to the variety of questions which would arise. .. A. J e Skotnicki , 3535 Bedford Circle, had submitted a Reques to Speak on the matter, but declined the invitation due to the comments made by Council . Council Member Kulc,hin expressed the need for such an opera- tion in the southern part' of the City, and suggested it be I implemented on a trial basis. I I I Council directed that the agenda item be filed. (92) 7. JAC REORSANIZATION. Motion Ayes Noes The City Manager gave a brief introduction of the matter referencing the proposed reorganization agreement which was ~ i offered by the Vista Sanitation District. tie indicated a i similar agreement had been proposed in 1979, and Council had a rejected same. Council Member Casler gave a further report on the. matter detailing the history of same, and actions leading to the current proposal. She stated it would create another special district, and Council had previously rejected the ~ proposal. I i Having filed a Request to Speak, Council recognized Mr. A. J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad. Mr. Skotnicki referenced his experience with JAC and offered telling Carlsbad to change the agreement in any way desired, however Carl sbad previously submitted a proposed agreement , and they rejected same. . his assistance. He stated the special district keeps ~ Council expressed the desire to discuss the matter further, directed that the matter be set to a work shop meeting at 1 Ayes the earliest possible time. 1 ' in order to discuss the matter in detail. Therefore, Counci Motion L I X x xx I aitp of Carlgbab Page 4 COUNCIL - c B T- August 26, 1980 I (110)8. COUNCIL POSITION - FORMATION OF SUBSIDIARY DISTRICT OF COSTA REAL 'MUNICIPAL 'WATER'DISTRICT. I The City Manager gave a brief introduction to the matter referencing the proposed policy statement which. would be used to guide Council representatives in negotiat.ions. Council. recognized Mr. Glenn M&omas, 1265 Cynthia Lane, Carlsbad, Consultant on the matter for the City. Mr. McComas stated it should be clear that the statement is me.rely in- may not be a final position. Mayor Packard then referenced a set of rules by which nego- tiations would operate, which were just distributed. Council recognized Mr. John Gray, 5451 Los Robles, Carlsbad. 3r. Gray stated the matter was previously placed on a ballot, and the citizens had voted'in favor of the City operating the entire water. system. He referenced the proposed statemer which indicates a 'dater Utilities Service Commission will be comprised of the current Costa Real Municipal Water District Board, and that all existing staff will be maintained. He f expressed opposition to the proposal in that it would save the citizens no money. He further stated that City staff is capable of operating the District, and that the City water department. should replace Costa Real Municipal Water District. ' tended as a beginning point for negotiations. It may, or Council recognized Mr. A. J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsb'ad. Mr. Skotnicki expressed disappointment .in' the proposed statement and indicated it would not serve the .purpose for the con'solidation. He stated that the only thing that would c.hange if it were implemented would be that Council would be a "front" for the Costa Real Municipal Water District. Council recognized +lr. Bill Meadows, Manager of Costa. Real Municipal Water District. He stated LAFCO has concluded their investigation and reviewed the City's application. He stated they concluded that there would be no cost savings created by the merger. He concluded stating that the Special District's Advisory Commission to LAFCO unanimously agreed that the previously declared savings wou1.d not be real i zed. Council again recognized Mr. Glenn McComas. Mr. McComas stated he heard in the committee meetings that even though the Anderson report stated that approximately $100,000 could be saved by the proposed merger, the committee said they could not go on the report. Therefore, they were coming back with no recommendation. 'They did not say it was true or not true. Mayor Packard, as clarification, stated that the position paper would- not be effective if the rnatter has to go to -an election. This is for purposes of negotiations in an attemp ' to resolve the matter without an election. . Council accepted the proposed statement as a beginning point for negqtiations with the District. i citp of QLarle'bab Page 5 COUNCIL - I* 1 August 26, 1980 CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Council Member Anear stated .the Housing and Redevelopment Committee had met the prior evening and approved the first three buildings in the Redevelopment area. Council Member Anear a1 so informed Council of an open house which would be held on September 19, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. by the San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency. Mayor .Packard referenced a 1 etter from .the Mayor of Chula Vista requesting the City's participation as amicus curiae i their litigation with the Coastal Commission. He requested that the matter be placed on the next agenda for Council cons i dera ti on. RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 9:15 P.M. Council reconver at 9:26 P.M. with all Council Nembers present. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mayor Packard called an Executive Session -at.9:26 P.M. for the purpose of discussing personnel, which would be the annual review of the City Attorney. Council reconvened at 10:38 P.H. with all Council Members present, and the Mayor announced that personnel matters had been discussed. ADJOURYMEMT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:39 P.M. I i Respectfully submitted, I ~ m$R- KETHA L. RAUTENKFUNZ '& City Clerk j * I August 26, 1980 278 L CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Council Member Anear stated .the Housing and Redevelopment ,Committee had met the prior evening and approved the first three buildings in the Redevelopment area. Council Member Anear a1 so informed Council of an open house which would be held on September 19, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. by the San Diego Region Water Reclamation Agency. Mayor .Packard referenced a 1 etter from .the Mayor of Chula Vista requesting the City's participation as amicus curiae in their litigation with the Coastal Commission. He requested that the matter be placed on the next agenda for Council cons i dera ti on. RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 9:15 P.M. Council reconvene at 9:26 P.M. with all Council Nembers present. EXECUTIVE SESSION: , Mayor Packard called an Executive Session -at.9:26 P.M. for the purpose of discussing personnel, which would be the annual review of the City Attorney. I I ~ By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:39 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 278 L n le 1