HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-09; City Council; MinutesCitp of Carlrs?Jao Meeting of: CITY COUWCIL (Work Study Session) Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: September 9, 1980 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers k La (77) i I I ROLL CALL: Mayor Packard briefly repor.ted on the purpose of the meeting stating the newspaper arti cl e had been in error in that Council would not be considering the Mobile Home Ordinance at this meeting. Mayor Packard recognized the members of the Cor0 Foundation and briefly explained their purpose in the City at this time. 1. REPORT ON CONDOMINIUM CONVERSIONS. The P1 anning Director gave a staff report: on the matter indicating the matter would be processed leaving the current condominium conversion standards in tact, but also i ncl udi ng a requirement for an owner to pay to a1 1 relocated tenants an amount equal ton one and one-half times their monthly rent to be used for movi ng expenses. He stated if Council desiredathe matter to proceed in a different manner, guidance would be desirable at this time. Council discussed payment of the fee in terms. of whether a- flat amount should be paid equal to one and one-ha1 f times their monthly rent; whether a bill should be presente for moving to the owner and a maximum amount of one and one-half times the monthly rent be paid, but the amount would just pay the bill ; whether any consideration should b given those renters based on length of time at that address and whether single-family home owners should be subject to the same requirements if they sold a home they own and required the renters to move. The City Attorney advised that such a requirement could not be placed on owners of single-family homes. He stated that City approval is needed for a conversion; therefore, the City can condition an approval with the requirement for those desiring to convert apartments to condominiums. The City does not have to give approval for an individual to sell a sing1 e-fami ly home, and therefore, the City had no means by which to require that condition. A1 so discussed the possi bil i ty of insuring adequate notice to tenants in lieu of requiring payment of moving expenses. In response to Council inquiry, the Planning Director state processing ti'me for a condominium conversion woul'd take approximately 3 to 4 months. During that time, all tenants receive notice of the application for conversion. The City Manager noted that rqquiring adequate notice would be easier for the City to control than the possibility of the City becoming involved as a mediator between tenants and owners who do not agree on the moving bill . Following further discussion, Council directed that the. . condominium conversion matter be set to public hearing at an .early date, with the provision that the standards remain the same, but include the requirement for tenants receiving one-month's free rent, or reimbursement of moving costs, at the choice of the owner. Council Member Lewis stated his opposing vote related to the fee payment. He favored moving forward with the matter. The City Attorney stated the necessary actions which will allow the matter to be set to public hearing will be 292 Present 1 I i 1 Motion Ayes Noes I L COUNCIL Citp ot cetarmm Page 2 - b t (40) 2. REPORT AND DISCUSSION ON LEASING LA:~D FROM SAN DIEGO COUNTY'FOR'POLICE'AND'YARD~FACILITIES. Following a brief .introduction of the matter by the City Manager, Assistant City Manager-Operations, Bill Baldwin, continued the staff report with the aid of wall maps and areal photos showing 1 ocations of property under consi dera- tion. He then explained the figures contained in the agenda bi 11 . i H,e stated, in addition, that since preparation of the agenda bill, Mr. Hubbard had indicated a willingness to sell his 6-acre parcel of property near El Camino Real. In response to Council question, Mr. Aleshire stated that Supervisor. Eckert had expressed a will ingness to cooperate with the City in discussions re the County land, but that it was uncertain as to whether the County would sell in that the money would go back to the FAA. Council Member Lewis suggested contacting the federal government to discuss the City's problem and desire to acquire the County-owned land. Mr. Baldwi n added tha.t Mr. Hubbard had also expressed the possibility of taking the City's 405 Oak Street property in trade on his parcel. Counci 1 discussed the various areas under consideration and questioned the possi bl i ty of a faci 1 i ty being buil t in the first phase of the Koll Company project, and same being sold to the City upon completion. Also questioned was the possibil ity of locating a City facility in the proposed Marcario Canyon park. Police Chief Jimno responded to Council discussion stating that if Marcario Canyon park is devel oped as proposed, then it would be 1 ikely that a facility located in that area would be in the middle of a major traffic jam every weekend in ten to fifteen years. He also noted the problem of lack of water and sewer facilities to the area. He stressed the importance of a pol ice facil ity being located so as to be accessible to a major thoroughfare so people can find the facility and recognize same. Following further discussion, it was the consensus of Council that staff conduct further rese.arch on the Hubbard property, including a figure on Oak Avenue City property; research the possibility of a facility being built in the first phase of the Koll project, and verify the lease figures for the County 1 and as well as pursue the possi bil i of purchase of the County land. The report is to be returned to 'Council for consideration and action when sompl e ted . (92) 3. JAC REORGANIZATION. 1 I . The City Manager gave a brief introduction to the matter referencing the memorandum previously dis-tributed by the City Attorney containing a history of the matter. Council Member Casler, the City's representative to JAC, continued with the report stating the matter need not be returned to JAC. Council's action would need to be reportec to Vista Sanitation District in that they had brought the proposed agreement to Carlsbad at this time for considera- tion.. 293 f I ~ 1 I 1 1 I. COUNCII Cltp Ot YLar153uau PagG 3 - k B - September 9, 1980 6 Council Member Casler continued by outlining briefly the history of the matter. She indicated that after review of the proposed agreement, the biggest problem appeared to be that the reorganizat.ion would allow any of the special districts to get together on a project in which ,Carlsbad would not be included. The only i tern which would require the consent of all agencies would be the yearly budget. Therefore, some districts could go ahead with a project budget', with which .Carlsbad may not agree, yet Carlsbad would be unable to vote the project out. Therefore, the City would lose control of the 1 and use of this project. 'In addition, she stated the agreement tal ks about Encina going into ,reclamation, and it appears that conflict could result between .Carl sbad and Encina and the reclamation efforts of each. Mrs. Casler concluded her report by referencing the agree- ment previously proposed by Carlsbad. She stated the agreement had been refused by JAC without discussion or comment . Council discussion expressed concern about the possi bi 1 i ty of losing control over the land use and plant which is located within the Ci'ty 1 imi ts. They also expressed the desire to attempt to reach an agreement with the other agencies as to the operation of the plant, but expressed th desire to know the actual areas of disagreement with the agreement as proposed by Carlsbad. e It was the consen.sus of Council that Coundil Member-Casler * meet with the representative from Vista Sanitation District ' . in order to review and clarify the areas of di sagreement in . the agreement proposed by Carl sbad in order to develop an understanding for continued negotiations. RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 8:52 P.M. and Council reconvened at 9:12 P.M. with all Council Members present. 4. PROGRESS REPORTS: I a) Water District Negotiations. I The City Manager reported that the Commi ttee wo'uld meet the following morning for the first negotiation session. b) Agua Hedionda LCP. The City Manager reported there had been no direct contact with the state for three weeks. The City had compl.eted all promised follow-up work. He stated he intended to send a letter to the state requesting a meeting be scheduled for continued negoti ations. . He reported that the next hearing before the State Coastal Commission on the Mello Bill properties is scheduled fo'r . September 18, 1980, at 9:00 -A.M. in Los Angeles. He noted this should be the final action of the state in adopting those LCP's and they do not require Council approval. In this respect, he stated a position paper would be prepared for the Mayor to present at the meeting in order to have i ncl uded in the record some City concerns with some basic issues. 1 I I 294 ~ i. i I COUNCIL 1 Kitp Ot ULarLBUaQ Page 4 COUNCIL - to B September 9, 1980 I f c) CIP Hearings. The City Manager referenced the 1 etter which had been mai 1 ed regarding hearings on the Cagi tal Improvement Budget process. He stated the first meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 17, 1980, at St. Elizabeth Seton Church in La Costa, and the next is scheduled for Thursday, September 25, 1980, at the Harding Street Community Center. In response to questions, the City Manager stated the m,aterial presented to the pub1 ic would contain a 1 ist of approximately 70 projects plus all items which had been on the previous CIP. In addition, a proposed five-year budget program wi 11 be presented which will be unable to include a1 1 i terns. At the time of the Council hearing, Counci 1 woul receive all the information plus recommendations and comments received from citizens as a result of these meeting Council Member Casler requested the information to be presented be included in her next packet in order to be aware of the contents' in the event she were pyevented from attending the meeting on the 17th. Mayor Packard also requested that the matter be 1 isted on the agenda for the meeting of September 16, 1980, in the event Council desired to have any discussion. d) Housing Element. The City Manager stated the matter is scheduled before the Planning Commission at their meeting of September 24, 1980, and will be before Council in October. e) Mobi 1 e Home Ordinance. The City Manager stated the matter is scheduled before the Planning Comission the following night, and would be before Council in early October. 5. APPOINTMENTS PENDING: a) Agricultural Committee. The City Manager stated' the i tern would be on Council 's next agenda for consideration. Council Member Casler referenced the memorandum from the Planning Director dated September 9, 1980, and suggested that the people appointed to the comrni ttee be residents of Carl shad. Following brief discussion, it was agreed that those appointed to the committee should be residents of the City ot+ owners of land in Carlsbad. Each Council Member was . requested to contact staff with any suggestions for appoint- ment to the committee for placement on the following agenda. ' b) Park and Recreation Master Plan Citizens Committee. The City Manager queried as to Council's desire to appoint a committee to work on the Park and Recreation Haster Plan. Council suggested that question of a committee be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Commission for comment. I I ( L J 295 I - citp of QCarlsbwb " " ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Page 5 - t .. 8 September 9, 1980 1 t c) Planning Commission Vacancy. The City Manager referenced the resignation of Commissioner Schick and noted the item would be on the next agenda of Counci 1 . Mayor Packard requested that each Council Member come to the meeting prepared to make a recommendation for nomination I courxIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Buena Vista Lagoon . Council Member Casler queried -the status of the lagoon problem. The City Manager stated the Parks & Recreation Director is meeting with the State Fish and Game to attempt to determine plans. He stated the State apparently has no desire to get involved in' the matter, so Carlsbad may have to take a leadership role in pushing for action. He stated a representative from Vista and Oceanside would also be present at the meeting with the State. Mayor Packard referenced his previous correspondence to Oceanside re the formation of a Political Action Committee to lobby and apply pressure for action on the '1 agoon. He stated the City is legally unable to actually do the work in that the lagoon is a game preserve owned by the State Fish and Game. He noted that 0ceanside's.response to the Committee had been favorable, but that nothing further had been accomplished on the matter. . Council Member Anear questioned the State Fish and Game Department's responsbility to Carl sbad and Oceanside when the lagoon silts up, it rains, and the lagoon washes out Carlsbad Boulevard.where it joins with Hill Street. Mayor Packard suggested that each Council Member come to th next meeting prepared to suggest an individual for appoint- ment to the Pol iti cal Action- Committee who will lobby and press for action on the Buena Vista Lagoon. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Manager stated he had been receiving calls from residents in the area of Tamarack and Ei Camino .Real statin they understood that a crossing guard would be provided at that intersection when a signal was instal led. They noted the presence of the signal and requested a crossing guard be placed at the intersection. Council discussion reflected previous actions on the matter with regard to the residents offering to provide voluntary crossing guard service if their chi1 dren would be allowed to go to that school. Then as a resu'l t of crossing El . Camino Real and the pressure- from those same residents, Council had agreed to accelerate the date for installing the signal , but no action was taken by Council with regard to providing a crossing guard. (Io3) Council agreed that the matter be submitted to the Traffic Safety Commission for consideration, to include the possibility of lowering the speed limit in the area. 296 - a ! i I I 1. - COUNCII Citp o€ QLarI$ba% ." "" -~ ~ COUNCIL Page 6 ADJOURNMENT: Respectfully submitted, I