HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-09-23; City Council; Minutes.?, 0- citp Dt clLar1s'uaa COUNCIr - C' I, Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Work Study Session) Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: September 23, 1980 Place of Meeting: Counci 1 Chambers ~ ~~- ~~ ~~ I 2 ROLL CALL: (81) 1. LAND PRICE REVIEW. (40jThe City Manager introduced the matter stating the recent i tem before Council regarding purchase of land for City facilities had generated many questions about land pricing. As a result, Mr. Chenoweth of Cal dwell Banker had agreed to address Council addressing price factors for land in the vicinity of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real . Mr. Mal ter Chenoweth, Vi ce President of Col dwell Banker, 3088 Pi0 Pic0 Street, Carlsbad, began the presentation by introducing Plr. Chuck McNary of Coldwell Banker. He stated that Coldwell Banker is a real estate firm, and gave a brief hi story of the firm. Mr. McNary continued the report qiroting khe following prices for i ndus tri a1 1 and: $6 a square foot. 1 /2 to 2 acres in Pal omar Airport Business Park -- $5 to 2 to 10 acres -- '$3.50 to $5,per square foot. 20 acres and up -- $1 to $1.75 per square foot , which - 10 acres or more -- $3 to $3.75 per square foot. would essentially be land in the raw state. He concluded his report by stating the variation in the price is related to the location of the lot with regard to major roads , as well as other factors. In response to Council questions, they indicated the price in Car Country was approximately $6 per .square foot and the price on land in the area of 1-5 to El Camino Real was difficul t to Val ue in that no sales have taken place to establish comparable's. They further indicated the price for land in the area of the raceway would be approximately $1 to $2 per square foot. It was also noted that the approximate value of the -Greenwood property owned by .the City would be $15 per square ,foot. I-n conclusion, they stated they would furnish Council with a written breakdown of the prices and information which had been offered during the presentation. (57) 2. HOUSING ALTERNATIVES. Council Member Anear commented briefly on his Memorandum dated September 2, 1980, indicating it was merely a sugges- tion. He expressed the desire for input on the matter from 'staff and developers, and Council agreed with the request. The Planning Director began the staff report by outlining the City's current situation with regard to low-income . housing, and the projected needs for same. He also defined low income and moderate income as being a percentage of the region's median income. He also referenced the Coastal 'Commission's 25% inclusionary zoning requirement for low and moderate income housing. .Mayor Packard questioned wtiebher the City receives credit for those low-income citizens who have sufficient housing, and whether the only housing credited to the City is t'hat which is subsidized by HUD. *- 7 A Present xx x 1 . - t 1 v L Cttp of Ql;ar1stlao - Page 2 COUNCII September 23, 1980 1 Staff responded that in order to qual ify in the "need" category, people would have to be earning less than 80% of the median income and paying more than 25% of their income toward hous i ng . Mayor Packard expressed concern about the fact that credit is not given for those people in the low-income category who have sufficient housing. The Housing and Redevelopment Director continued with the ' staff report referencing the material furnished to Council with the'agenda bill. He then displayed a chart containing a yearly recommended allocation of housing to be provided by the specific programs outlined in the report. He responded to questions and detailed each program proposed. Mr. Chris Salomone of the Housing and Redevelopment depart- ment staff explained the basic provisions of the existing program which is administered by the County. He explained the requirements.app1icants must meet in order to qualify and displayed a map of the "target area" of the City, which they must live within. He concluded by explaining alternative actions available to Council with regard to the program, and recommended that the City pursue bringing the program under local control. He indicated that if the program were under city control , the program could be tailored to meet the desires of Council. In response to Council inquiry, staff stated the money could - be utilized to purchase land upon which low-cost housing , could be built. Council discussion. reflected the desire for additional repor and information on the matter. In additflon, it was the consensus of Council that staff pursue returning the resi- dential rehabil itation program to local control. 't . Mr.- Andrew Aitken of the Housing and Redevelopment staff then reported to Council on a proposed Housing Development Fund project. He stated the project was proposed by Mr. William Rick to provide senior housing, and would be located at Jefferson and Oak. Mr. Aitken explained the initial calculations for the project result in rents.approximating $400 per month. In order to lower this figure, he indicated the City could waive 'fees and provide housing development funds in the amount of $200,000, which would reduce the rent structure to approximately $260 per month. The City Manager summarized the report by stating a develope was desirous of building a project for low-income people, but needs approximately $200,000 to do so. He queried I . Council as to their desire to pursue same. .Mr. William.Rick, Rick Engineering, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad. Mr. Rick reviewed the four-years planning currently in the project and stressed economic factors affecting the cost of building same. He requested Council consideration of pursuing. the development of same with the aid of housing devel opmen t funds . r Council approved the project in concept. 310 - ! ~ Motion Ayes t A. I *^ - 1’ I Citp of aarls’ba’b Page 3 COUNCII September 23, 1980 1 Council Member Anear stressed the importance of pursuing other a1 ternatives for providing low-cost housing. ,Mayor Packard indicated the approval was only in concept, and a full report on the entire issue would need to be provided to Council for consideration. In addition, Mayor Packard requested a report as to the cost for the City to subsidize 750 additional units of low-cost housing, addressing the possibility of attaching a fee to every new unit in the city for their share of providing such housing, and addressing the is.sue of the best method for the City to provide its shar of the subsidy. Council recognized Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna Drive, Carlsbad, Mrs. Hayes expressed the desire for Council to explore alternative methods for providing housing, considering whethe housing is appropriate, not just low-cost. In this regard, she expressed the desire to see flexibility in City regula- re1 ate to hous-i ng. Council recognized Mr. Phil Walling, Constructjon Industry Federation, 438 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego. Mr. Walling reported on the different approaches to the issue currently being explored by San Diego. He then reported on a non-profi organization, of which he is a member, which was requested to buil d a project on. ci ty-owned land. He expressed wi 11 ingness to work,with the City to explore such options for building low-cost housing projects. RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 9328 P.M. and Council reconvened at 9:37 P.M. with all Council Members present. ~ tions to accomodate the physical and emotional needs as they (97)3. STREET STANDARDS. The City Engineer gave a brief report explaining the current standards and processes. He then referenced the proposed standards and gave a brief explanation of same. He dis- cussed four a1 ternatives for providing medians, and displayed wall exhibits depicting each a1 ternative with the ‘cost of installation and maintenance. In response to Council inquiry, Mr. Evans stated the structural design of private streets would be the same as for pub1 ic streets. Mr. Evans cond uded by expressing the desire that the matter be placed on a forthcoming agenda for Council action. It was the consensus of Council that the matter be placed on a regular agenda for consideration and action. , (87) 4. SAN DIEGUITO CIRCULATION ELEMENT. The City Manager gave a brief introduction to the matter outlining the contents of his Memorandum dated SeptembeV.23, 1980. He inquired if Council .desired to take any action on “the matter. Council expressed concern about the effect the proposed changes would have on Carl sbad, and authorized Council Member Anear to attend the County Planning Commission hearing on the matter. Council authori zed the Mayor to send a letter addressing the adverse impacts the proposed changes would have on Carl sbad, and urging ,the changes not be approved. 311 Mot i on Ayes I city ll€ Carrie'baD "." Page 4 .~ .~ . COUNCII __II D I 1 September 23, 1980 31 7 A v (72) 5. PARKING PROBLEMS IN RW ZONE. Council agreed that the matter be prepared as an amendment to the zoning ordinance as outlined in Council Member Anear's Memorandum dated August 29, 1980. Discussion and action would then be required on the proposed amendment. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: JAC Co'uncil Member Casler reported that the line which crosses the Agua Hedionda Lagoon has broken and needs to be repaired. She noted that the line is the responsibility of Carlsbad and Vista, and it is imperative that Carlsbad insure that their share of funds are available to cover the cost of the repairs. She therefore, requested that the matter be added to the agenda for action. By unanimous consensus of Council, the matter was added to - Counci 1 Member Casler stated the contractor currently working on the expansion had agreed to do the work for $25,000. The General Manager of Encina had indicated that sufficient funds are available in the contingency; however, she would 1 i ke Council's acknowledgment that Carl sbad wi 11 pay their share of ,the cost in the event there are insufficient funds in the contingency account. cover the repairs. Pol itical Action Committee Mayor Packard stated he would be absent from the next regular meeting and requested that Counci 1 appoint the Pol itical Action Committee in order that. same could meet wi.th the state representatives at a scheduled meeting. .' Council unanimously agreed to add the item to the agenda for (37) Council Nember Lewis expressed willingness to act as Council liaison to the committee which will hold it's 'first meeting at 1O:OO A.M. on September 29, 1980. Council Meeting (68) Mayor Packard stated that a majority of the Council would be attending the Annual League Conference, and would not be. available for the regular meeting scheduled for October 21 , (37) Council agreed to hold a regular meeting on October 7th, an adjourned meeting on the 14th, and the second regular meeting of the month on October 28th rather than the 21st. I ir- QCitg o€ cartsuau ,' Page 5 COUNCIL I I dn%q gzflg, ?+p September 23. 1980 313 \~~ % CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: ~ The City Attorney distributed a copy of a letter prepared by Commission for signature of the Mayor. He stated the letter addresses Council's concerns about the Local Coastal Program for the Mello Bill properties. He specifically referenced the final paragraph of the letter and requested affirmation I 1 I I I 'the Assistant City Attorney addressed to the Coastal 1 I ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:21 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ f