HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-15; City Council; MinutesRoll Call: Invocation was given by Mayor Packard. The Mayor stated that the purpose of the meeting wa Improvement Budget proposed by staff. He further noted that while the entire Capital Improvement Budget addresses a 5-year plan, immediate concerns would relate to the first year's possiiblle expendi- tures proposed for fiscal year 1980-81. [29] to discuss and receive public input on the Capital proposed budget. Council Member Casler referenced page 6 of the establish priorities prior to submission of the matter to staff. In addition, Mrs. Casler requested that for future that regard, she requested that such a list be furnished to Council within the next week for con- sideration prior to adoption of the CIP budget. Assistant City Manager/Administration, Mr. Frank i4annen, continued with the staff presentation with the aid of a flip chart. He explained the process which were followed in the formulation of the proposed budget. In addition, he referenced and outlined the comments received from the public on the matter as contained on the summary page in the report. He deliniated the four areas which the budget had been divided into, and requested approv of the procedures to be followed during this meeti Council concurred with the proposed procedure, and Mr. Elannen continued his report indicating the Council Flember Anear expressed concern that previo expressed desires regarding inclusion of a sidewal plan for downtown Carlsbad were not addressed in t proposed budget. The Finance Director, James Elliott, continued wit the staff report addressing the financial aspects the proposed program. He explained the origin of the estimates and assumptions utilized in prepara- tion or' the budget, and explained the charts con- tained on pages 31 and 45 of the re2or-t. Council discussed the uncertainties revolving around the revenue sharing funds, and the possible effects of discontinuance of those funds. In addition, it was also noted that federal and state grants are not included due to the uncertainties o Page 2 Assistant City l,lanager/Development, Mr. Ron Seckman, concluded the staff report by addressing briefly the concerns for implementation and administration of the pro2osed budget. RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 10:25 A.M and Council reconvened at 10:43 A.M. with all Council blemb'ers present. In accordance with the schedule, Xayor Packard invited comments from the public at this time. Mr. Jeff.Crisman, 3485 Valley Street, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Crisman expressed the opin- ion that a problem exists due to the lack or' east/ west circulation in the City, and particularly in the downtown area. He requested that consideration be given to funding the extension of Chestnut acros the railroad tracks. Following discussion, Council concurred that staff be directed to evaluate the matter and return it to Council at a later date for consideration. Mr. Ralph Walton, 2395 Pi0 Pic0 Drive, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Walton questioned the cost of the beach parking lot in relation to the recent1 constructed downtown parking lot. He also stated the Fire Station No. 6 proposed for location at -Alga and Rancho Santa-Fe Road is.outside City in the area south of the Laguna-Jefferson inter- section. In response, Mr. Beckman stated that the budget co tains a typographical error, and the stop.light should be shown at the intersection of Alga and Melrose. Mr. Beckman further outlined problems in conparing beach parking with the recent lot down- town in that a great deai of landscaping had also been included in the lot which cost more. He -estimated the per space beach parking at approxi- : mately $200. " . ~. . Council referred..the concern about the traffic signal at Laguna and Jefferson to the Traffic Safe Commission-for consideration. The Fire Chief,.James Thompson, stated the actual site for station number 6 has not been selected, b the area of Alga and El Fuerte Road is under consideration. Addressing the final concern expressed by Mr. Walt Mr. Beckman stated the matter of the street light .south of the Laguna/Jefferson intersection would b reviewed. ', Page 3 Mr. Darryl M. Tell, 1700 Buena Vista Way, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Tell expressed appreciation of the inclusion of the Highland storm drain in the CIP. He presented a petition to Council requesting the flooding at Buena Vista Way and Valley Street be corrected, and he urged inclusion of the project in the first year's projects. In response, Mr. Beckrnan stated the project was recommended for 1980-81 budget. He noted it's inclusion as S-D-1 on page 8. He then explained th processing required for completion of the project. overlook the contents of same. questioned the inclusion and/or urgency of the Macario Park pro j ect . questioned the priority need for funding of the Agua Hedionda Bridge, and questioned why the proje was no longer to be funded through other sources. Following brief discussion, Mr. Skotnicki clarifie his comments regarding the CIP process by indicati his belief that at least one year of the CIP shoul come forward to Council with the Operating Budget. The City Xanager stated the next fiscal year budge complexity, he believed the separation of the two would allow better Council control. Following concerns expressed by Council kembers Casler about the appearance of a- 6-month delay in the CIP, Mayor Packard suggested Coun.ci1 review the matter and address the issue-at a later date. The City Manager stated the purchase of property f the public works facility is proposed by using wat funds since there are excess water funds, and addressed the feeling that citizens were not charged in excess in that the City had not charged for the general overhead costs. Mayor Packard stated the Macario Canyon Park issue had only recently come into existence, and as a result had been included in the CIP. In addition, Council Mernber Casler stated the fund would come from the General Fund, and would be used for purchase of the property, but improvement would come from the public facilities fee. .. would contain the 198.0-81 CIP, but.. due to the .. No Page 4 Police Chief Jimno stated the liability connected with a training facility is great, and he expressed agreement with the possibility of such a joint venture. He further noted that the proposed facility does not include a pistol range. which requires 10% matching City funds and the other requires 20% matching City funds. In this regard, the money contained in the CIP is only matching funds required of the City. Mr. Beckman further stated that projects listed as R-D-1 and R-D-2 will be funded by HCD Block Grant Funds. / With regard to an expressed concern regarding approximately 12 - 13 million dollars is in the bank. and questioned the need for a signal at Monroe and Elm. He further questioned the plans for the e.xtension of Elm to El Camino Real. .. . development occurs, then Elm will be extended by t developers. Mr. Lompart then questioned the City’s.intent with regard to the drainage problem on Chestnut. Mayor Packard stated the issue did not involve the City, but was a problem involving individual owner As a point of reference, he noted a similar proble on his property. Mr. Lompart then questioned the existence of heavy traffic on Chestnut. 1 Page 5 In response, staff indicated that Chestnut is the only street from 1-5 to El Camino Real, and thus receives heavy usage. In response to Mr. Lompart's query about the heavy usage of Chestnut by trucks, the Police Chief briefly explained the City's inability to restrict specific trucks on the City street due to lack of other east/west thoroughfares in the area. ed. estimates included allowances for inflation. He due to the rising costs. Margaret Brownley, 4120 .Skyline Road, Carlsbad, addressed Counci'l. Mrs. Brownley referenced page 35 of the report and noted the recommendation of a facility. In response, -the City Manager referenced the many studies completed,which address the needs .,of fire, the staff and the City in the preparation of the proposed budget.. ing the issue of property acquisition for housing. limit the extent of City involvement. I Page 6 Council agreed to discuss the issue of the policy and utility facility first in that a decision.on tha issue could affect other project considerations. CouGncil Member Casler inquired as to the amount of land to be acquired, the amount required for each department, the amount of money carrently encumbere for the police facility, and the possibility of in- cluding design fees in the 1980-51 fiscal year. Council Member Lewis questioned the possibility of placing the facilities in &lacario Canyon. .In response, the Ckty Manager reported on the statu to lease. He continued indicating the need for a Council decision with regard to splitting th,e facilities, o reconsidering the feasibiliy of a long-term lease. cost of a lease. Council discussed.the economic aspects of leasing the County land immediately as opposed to delaying any action until a purchase could be accomplished or a study completed on the Macario Park property-. Further discussion reflected'the possibility of using the proposed budgeted amount of 2 million.to and figures, questions about possible alternate sites and possibility of discussions with.the FAA regarding the County site. Council noted that the motion was not restrictive, but included an entire spectrum of.possibil.ities for agreement on the property. the project defined as C-F-2. suggested those items be addressed. He referenced the beach parking and informed Council of a desire by Assemblyman Frazee to pursue closing the westerly half of Carlsbad Boulevard in the area of the State Beach, and converting it to parking. The State would be urged as part of the project to provide access to the beach. He stated if Council was desirous of pursuing additional beach parking, the funds could be included in the budget, and a report would be returned to Council containing a City Engineer, and any other possibilities at a later date. Council concurred with the suggestion. Council agreed that the signal be included in the 1981-82 budget, but that funds for the design of the signal remain in the 1930-31 budget. Agua Hedionda Bridge was again brieply discussed, ing funds and that the majority of the funding for the project would come from the State. Council indicated approval for inclusion as proposed. inclusion. Drainage Problems -- Council indicated approval fo inclusion. La Costa Canyon Park -- Council indicated approval for ,inclusion. Jefferson/Buena Vista Park -- Staff reported that -volunteer services kould be utilized when availabl including'replacement for the temporary sidewalks which were installed on Chestnut between Konroe an . .EX' Camino Real. - Council agreed that the Utilities/Maintenance Director be directed to research the matter and report to Council on the cost of repair-of those ' sidewalks. Council then discussed the issue of providing new sidewalks and repairing sidewalks, and funding sources for same. Council requested a report from staff as to the possibility of an improvement district for install tion of sidewalks in the redevelopment area. Page 8 Redevelopment Property Acquisition was discussed briefly by Council. Staff indicated a portion of the money was allocated for sidewalks. The City Manager stated the sidewalks in the down- town area would be addressed as a separate item following the report requested by Council. Project identified as X-D-3 - Mayor Packard request that staff pursue with Senator Craven's Office the new legislation and possibility of acquiring funds. He also requested a further report containing con- ceptualized plans as to the extent of the City's involvement.in low-cost housing. Hub Park -- The City Manager stated the 2 million dollars was allocated for the purchase of the property as previously authorized by Council. He stated the use of the park would be considered by the consultant to be hired by the City to review all the park sites and policies. Fire Station #6 -- Staff indicated the funds were for the purchase of the land, and should be placed in the land acquisition of the budget. Council indicated approval of its inclusion. Reconstruction of Tamarack -- Staff indicated a right-of-way study had been completed, but not a Traffic Safety Projects -- Council indicated appro of inclusion, but agreed with the City Manager's suggestion for a further study on the feasibility Industrial Park -- Staff stated this item should n be included in the budget. Tri-Agency Intertie -- Council indicated approval its inclusion. Hosp Grove -- Council concurred with staff suggest to delete this in that the new planner will be reviewing this park. Bicycle Lanes -- Council indicated approval of inclusion following the City Nanager's statement that individual projects would come before Council for consideration. Civic Center Building -- Council agreed to continu discussion of this item to another meeting to be held on November 24, 1980. Page 9 Due to conflicting arrangements, Council agreed to complete their discussion at a meeting to be held on November 24 rather than November 25, 1980. Council Members Casler referenced the sewer metering proposed for budgeting in 1983-84, and suggested it be planned before that time. Mayor Packard indicated the remainder of the five- year plan also needed discussion. A. J. Skotnicki also queried whether additional discussion would take place on the Highland sewer project as it relates to an Assessment District. Council agreed that the meeting would begin at 6:OO P.M. in order to allow time for discussion of all remaining items of concern. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 2:08 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk