HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-03; City Council; MinutesP -A- . -9 5 MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. DATE OF MEETING: February 3, 1381 PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Packard at 6:03 P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk: Present - Packard Casler Lewis Kulchin 0 Absent - Anear INVOCATION was given by Mayor Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Kulbhin. 1 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the Regular Me'eting held January 20, 1981, were approved as presented. I I 3 t Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held January 27, 1981 were approved as presented. PRESENTATION - CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Mayor Packard indicated that the presentation for Citizen of the Year would be made at 8:OO P.M. ip SPECIAL PRESENTATION - RE SAN DIEGUITO CIRCULATION ELEMENT, The Council recognized Mr. W. S. Cordray, P. 0. Box 1673, Rancho 'Santa Fe. Mr. Cordray addressed the December' 17, 1980 decision of the Board of Supervisors of San Diego County to delete S.A. 680, He stated that the Greater San Dieguito Town Council filed suit against the County and the Board of Supervisors on January 14, 1981, and requested that Council authorize the City Attorney to file a supporting brief to assist them. Mr. Cordray then introduced Mrs. Lillian Ritt, Attorney for the petitioners. Mrs. Ritt explained the sequence of events that took place which led to the suit. She stated they are contacting all surrounding cities in attempts to obtain their cooperation in this matter. Mrs. Ritt distributed copies of a traffic analysis to the Council members which was completed in April of 1976, and explained the need for S.A. 680. councii recognized Mr. Fred Schreiber, 1270 Elmbrankh Drive, Encinitas, President of the Greater San Dieguito Town Council Mr. Schreiber requested Council support in the suit against the County Board of Supervisors. d In response to Council query, the City Attorney stated he had I read the petition, but was unable at this time to respond on the merits of the case, He also referenced other issues in litigation involving the City and the amount of time involved in preparation. Mayor Packard referenced other areas in which the- City is currently involved in negotiations with the County, and ques- tioned whether the city's participation in this case might affect those negotiations. He further referenced Council's previous actions and correspondence to the Board of Super- visors with regard to including SA 680 in the Circulation Element, and suggested those feelings again be conveyed. v- I 34 / COUNCIL MEMBERS (r, Packard Casler Lewis Kulchin r JLW&J&L" Page 3 36 y February 3, 1981 COUNCIL MEMBERS I t t 991 8. AB #6471 - Supplement #1 - TENTATIVE TRACT MAP - CT 80-44. APPLICANT: SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION.NO. 6415, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS A PREANNEXATION TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (CT 80-44) FOR A ONE-LOT, 22-UNIT RETIREirlENT CENTER, TO BE DEVELOPED ON APPROXIMATELY 12 . 36 ACRES, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF LAUREL TREE ROAD, SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. q i 921 9. AB #6326 - Supplement #2 - PALOMAR WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY. Council made thefinding that Westec is a sole source in accor- dance with the Municipal Code, and authorized staff to negotiate a contract for the provision of Environmental Consult ing Services. I 1281 10. AB #6504 - APPOINTIVE OFFICES, LIST OF VACANCIES FOR 1981. Council acknowledged receipt and directed the City Clerk to publish the list of vacancies and to post same in the Clerk's Office, 11. AB #6340 - Supplement #2 - CONTRACT FOR PARKS & RECREATION 1;;; CONSULTANT SERVICES. I Council adopted the following Resolution: I 351 '451 RESOLUTION NO. 6438, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND IWANAGA ASSOCIATES FOR THE PmPARATION OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT/MACARIO PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN. ." . 12. AB #6507 - AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF REVISED PARK AND RECREATION ELEMENT MACARIO CANYON PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN EIR. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6442, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES FOR PREPARATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE REVISED PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT AND THE MACARIO CANYON PARK DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Mayor Packard referenced Item No. 11, and noted for Council information the following changes: On page 4 of the agreement, line 2, ten percent should read "20 percent"; line 3, twenty percent should read "25 percent"; and line 9, twenty percent ' should read "five percent". Mayor Packard further expressed the desire for the following items to be added to page 13: Botanical Gardens and Art League Facilities. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 961 13. AI3 #6491 - Supplement #1 - STOP SIGN ON GRAND AT OCEAN, Council introduced the following Ordinance : ORDINANCE NO. 3125,-AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10,28.153 TO DESIGNRTE STOP CONTROL ON GRAND AVENUE AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH OCEAN STREET. Packard Casler Lewis .. Kul chin a4=w ri4 $L Ed Page 4 37 y COUNCIL February 3, 1981 MEMBERS [74] 14. AB #6503 - AMENDMENT TO CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO, 6436, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN OF THE CITY To EEiIMINATE THE CLASSIFICATION.OF LICENSE SUPERVISOR AND FEPLACE IT WITH THE CLASSIFICATION OF CENTRAL SERVICES DIRECTOR. @ Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO, 1238, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.48 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2.48.030(7) TO DELETE ONE POSITION TITLE FROM THE MANAGEMENT LIST AND REPLACE THE TITLE WITH A NEW ONE TO THE MANAGEMENT LIST, PUBLIC HEARINGS: Dl31 15, AB #6505 - ZONE CHANGE - ZC-220, APPLICANT: TUNG, Packard Casler Lewis Kul ch in Packard Casler Lewis Kul chin The Planning Director gave a staff report on the matter with the aid of a transparency showing the location of the prsperty. I He responded to Council questions regarding the zoning on the properties surrounding the subject property, and existing development around the subject property, Mayor Packard opened the public hearing and extended the invitation to speak. I Mr, Bill Bradley, P. 0, Box 1115, San Marcos, representing the applicant, Tung and Whitlock, addressed Council, Mr. Bradley requested approval of the application, and noted its consistencl' with the General Plan of the City. Council Member Lewis expressed concern that the surroundin? residents may be unaware of the General Plan for the area. ..$ The Planning Director explained the noticing procedures which were followed. In addition, Council Member Casler reported on her attendance at the meeting when the General Plan was being considered for;'.the area, and the fact that the residents at that time had favored the higher residential zoning, Additional discussion noted that additional opportunity for input wouUd occu during discussion and hearings on the Redevelopment Plan, The City Attorney was directed to prepare documents approving Packard ZC-220, per Planning Commission Resolution No, 1749. Casler t DEPARTMENTAL & CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Lewis Kulchin I I Planning 571 16. AB #6490 - Supplement #1 - GENERAL PLAN LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENTS - 'GPA 55 (B-E) AND GPA 57(A-E). Council adopted the following Resolution: Packard RESOLUTION NO. 6439, AMENDING THE LAND USE AND CIRCULATION ELEMENTS OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND.USE DESIGNATION FOR SEVEN AREAS OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN (GPA-55(B); GPA-55(C); GPA-55 (D) ; GPA-55 (E) ; GPA-57 (B) ; GPA-57 (D) ; GPA-57 (E) and DENYING A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT GPA-57(C)). I I I I ~~W4LU~ Page 5 c &r7SAAW u %L Aa CY Page 6 r 39 y COUNCIL &vaabAw -w A ipIl LP * Page 7 $e 40 F t COUNCIL