HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-10; City Council; MinutesAWJLAPW v A UD B ./ \\ Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) . Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M: 41 b Date of Meeting: February 10, 1981 COUNCIL :Place of Meeting: Council Chambers MEMBERS 1 1 I. Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk: Present - Packard Casler I I " Lewis Kuclhin Absent - Anear Mayor Packard announced the need for an Executive Session prior to considering the items on the agenda. EXECUTIVE SESSION: ~ Mayor Packard called an Executive Session, at 6:Ol P.M. for the purpose of discussing litigation, and Council reconvened at 6:30 P.M. with four Council Members present. Mayor Packard announced that litigation had been discussed and no action taken . [75] 1. AGENDA BILL /I6410 - Supplement #2 - MOBILE HOMk RENTS. Mayor Packard indicated that negotiations with the parks are in process, and input from the park owners had been received in the last couple of' days. He further expressed the opinion that extension of the moratorium at this time might interfere with attempts to reach agreement. He stated that time would allow at a later date for the extension if the negotiations are not successful. Council filed the' agenda bill and directed staff to renotice the matter as necessary before the end of the moratorium. 1371 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON COUNCIL GOALS & OBJECTIVES. The City Manager gave a brief report outlining previous Council discussion on the matter, and noted the purpose of the hearing is to receive input from the public on the matter. 4D I Laurie Nelson-Boone, 1751 Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad, addressed Council representing the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Director, David Bradstreet, distributed a memorandum to Council dated February 10, 1981, containing a list of goals and objectives recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Ms. Boone expressed willingness to respond to any questions regarding same. Don Brown of the Chamber of Commerce, informed Council of requests he had received for lawn bowling in the City. Harold Clarke, 824 Caminito del Reposo, Carlsbad, addressed 1 Council. Mr. 'Clarke suggested that the City attempt to generat alternate income, and suggested utilizing the village area by controlling the environment in the area which will encourage and assist the commercial businesses in the area. Xr. Clarke also .requested that Council maintain as a goal to monitor the odor from Encina, and control the noise around the airport. Packard Casler Lewis " Kulchin 3 41 Mr. Roy Sanchez, 3482 Roosevelt, Carlsbad, referenced Goal I B-3-12, and suggested that I. . ,I .. :.: i' '. improvement of alleys be included. I I AWm&J&,aW gB A AA D 42 y 4 1 COUNCIL February 10, 1981 Page 2 MEMBERS 1 1 .. .a I Mr. Herbert Palkenstein, 4108 La Portalada, Carlsbad, addressed Council as President of the Library Board of Trustees. Mr. Falkenstein stressed .the need to begin funding for the central library as contained in the Library Master Plan. Mr. Falkenste.-n also suggested development of community houses to be located in the Barrio in attempts to integrate the area. He also suggest- ed the possibility of establishing mini-cultural art centers in South Carlsbad in an attempt to integrate La Costa with the rest of the City. Mr. Falkenstein concluded by expressing the need for a goal to place sidewalks in the City, and encouraged Council to utilize volunteers and the young whenever possible on any projects. Sharon Schramm, 2430 Stromberg Circle,. Carlsbad, of the Friends of the Library, addressed Council. Mrs. Schramm expressed support for' the Library and urged that funding begin for the central library. Don Brown of .the Chamber of Commerce, again addressed Council. Mr. Brown referenced Goal A-3 and suggested that the Leo Carrillo Ranch be utilized by possibly leasing it to the private sector for development and refurbishing. Mr. Brown referenced Goal B-3 and suggested that there should be provision for housing above the commercial establishments in the downtown area. He referenced Goal B-4 and expressed concer about adequate housing for employees of prospective companies interested in locating in Carlsbad, and adequate transportation for those who cannot afford to live in Carlsbad. i ' Mr. Brown continued by referencing Goal C-1, and suggested that the City annex the County islands and allow some form of interin farming. Mr. Brown referenced Goal C-3-4 and urged completion of same. Mr. Brown suggested an additional goa1,should be directed toward ensuring that sufficient directional signing is placed within the City for visitors attempting to find their way around. I Mr. Brown also referenced the stop light at Carlsbad Boulevard . and Grand, and indicated it changes before people have time to cross the street. Mr. Brown concluded by referencing Goals F-3 and F-4, and offered the assistance of the Chamber to .... .1 . @ accomplish same. Council discussed the possibility of developing a master plan for signing within the City, and acknowledged the need for directional signs. Council Member Lewis suggested the possibility of a seminar or informative meeting for interested citizens to inform them of the way to report a crime. Mr. Roy Sanctiez again addressed Council. Mr. Sanchez expressed approval of the suggestion of Council Member Lewis, but expressed the need for instant contact with the police station possibly via a "walkie-talkie". Mr. Harold Clarke again addressed Council. Mr. Clarke expresse agreement with the comments of Mr. Brown and reiterated the desirability of allowing residential uses over the commercial -buildings in the downtown area. Margaret Brownley, 4120 Skyline Road, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mrs. Brownley expressed interest in progressing towar the central library. She questioned the possibility of making the objectives more specific and establishing suggested comple- tion dates for specific phases toward the goal. 1 I I I1LvasAm- w a 5a Rlr < 43 1 COUNCIL February 10, 1981 Page 3 MEMBERS f Since no one else desired to address Council regarding the matter, Mayor Packard closed the hearing to the public at 7:39 P.M. Council appointed Council Members Casler and Kulchin to serve as a sub-committee to meet with staff for preparation of the new draft Goals and Obj ectives for presentation to Council for consideration in March. Packard Casler. Lewis Kulchin ()291 3. AGENDA BILL. 56408 - SECOND' QUARTER REPORT/1980-81. I' I The City Manager gave a brief introduction to. the matter. by noting the problems facing the City in budget preparation due to the uncertanties concerning State funds. L The Finance Director, Jim Elliott, gave a detailed report with the aid of a flip-chart detailing the contents of his report to Council dated February 10, 1981. Mayor Packard reported on his attendance at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the San Diego County Division of the League of California Cities. He stated a report had been given which noted that-the .feeling at the State level is that cities have other means of raising funds, and would be least hurt by reductions. He expressed the need to furnish information to the legislators regarding the impacts on cities if the funds are withdrawn. Council discussed the figures presented by the Finance Director, and the alternative figures which could be utilized in prepara- tion of the budget for 1981-82. Council accepted the report and instructed staff to prepare a balanced 1981-82 budget, allowing for a $1 million reduction in State bailout bunds and State subventions. RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 8:37 P.M. and Council reconvened at 8:.45 P.M. with four Council Members present. [7g] 4. AGENDA BILL /I6446 - Supplement 81 - LEGISLATIVE POLICY. The City Manager outlined the contents of his report furnished to Council, and explained the proposed Legislative Policy contained therein. He further explained the services which would provided by Mr. McTighe with regard to the proposed Policy. Council discussion reflected agreement with the proposed policy Also discussed was whether the services to performed could be provided by staff sufficiently, as opposed to a consultant, ~. Council accepted the Legislative Policy for 1981, and directed that the matter of entering into a contract with Mr. McTighe for monitoring same be placed on the next agenda when a full Council is present. 1 941 5. AGENDA BILL C3481 - Supplement #25 - PLAZA CAMINO REAL 451 BOND SALE. After a brief report by the City Attorney, the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 6443, APPROVING AN INDEMNITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE PLAZA CAMINO REAL FOR CITY'S ACCEPTANCE OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS (36-INCH SEWER LINE) AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEEENT. L r I 1 Packard Casle$ Lewis Kulchin Packard Casler Lewis Kulchin Packard Cas ler Lewis Kulchin