HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-02-24; City Council; Minutes- MEETING OF : CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular) DATE OF MEETING: February 24, 1981 PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chambers TIME OF MEETING : 6 : 00 P .PI. .. . SI \ coutw L MEMBERS - CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Packard at 6:02 P . M . ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk: Present: Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin .a [30] 1. AB 86497 - Supplement #l - ADOPTION OF THE 1979 EDITION OF THE UNIFOWI FIRE CODE. A brief the Fire Council staff report on the matter was given by discussion and questions. Chief Thompson Chief, Jim Thompson, referencing previous brieEly explained staff's reasons for recommending the amendments contained in the Statement of the Matter . A slide presentation, which had been compiled by the Los Angeles County Fire Department, was shown to Council by Brian Watson, of the Carlsbad Fire Department. The slides depicted some of the fire problems associated with closer densities and taller residential buildings as well as the in- creased probability of-conflagration associated with proximity to brush covered watershed areas. Following the presentation, the Mayor inquired if anyone wished to speak on the matter. Council recognized Mr. John McCoy, 390 - 0 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, who expressed concern re the .recommendations re restrictions for fire retardan roofs. He indicated that such restrictions pro- vide limitations which could be architecturally unpleasant, due to the extremely high cost of fire retardant shake roofs. Council discussion reflected concern re the safet factors and their responsibility to.citizens to try to insure protective measures and prevent large-scale fires within the City in the future. Nayor Packard expressed concern with the severity of some of the restrictions which would increase the cost of housing in the City even more. iIe indicated the hope that some coEpromise could be found which would insure the safety as needed, and also guard against escalation of housing cost B L :Y :s I Following discussion, Council concurred with the staff recommendation, directed staff to set the matter for public hearing as required by state law, and introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 2035, AMENDING TITLE 17 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE B REPEALING CHAPTERS 17.04, 17.08, 17.12 and 17.16 AND ADDING CHAPTER 17.04 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE. Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin e -. I I. - 2- February 24, 1981 7 a ~301 2. A3 8'649'8 -' 'Supplement '#I - ADOPTION OF 1979 I'IODEL CODES. The Building Director, Marty Orenyak, gave a brief introduction of the matter referencing the previous discussion of the Council regarding their concerns about the proposed fee increase in the Building Code. The Finance Director, Jim Elliott, continued the report with the aid of a flip chart detailing the figures contained in the memorandum attached to the agenda bill. In response to Council query, Mr. Orenyak stated that if the proposed fees were adopted, no additional increase would be proposed until such tine as the new Building Code is presented to Council for consideration in 1983. 1 Mayor Packard expressed concern about the in- creased fees,.and expressed the hope that the home buyer and developers would notbe overlooked as fees are raised which ultimately affect the cost of the new home. He also suggested the possibility of addressing total City fees rather than on a department-by-department basis. Council discussion reaated to whether the devel- opers are bearing the largest amount of costs resulting from city-imposed fees, and whether fees could.be implemented for other city-provide( services. As a point of clarification, the City Attorney referenced Article 13 of the California Constitu- tion, and indicated that there are only certain kinds of city services for which fees can be charged. Councilmember Ca.sler.indicated that several departmental fees had been adjusted in the last couple of years, and suggested that.a report be presented to Council reflecting those fees. Mr. Elliott stated that the previously adjusted fees did not take into consideration the overheac costs, and indicated preparation of such a repor- could be developed, but would take a great deal of time. Council recognized Kr. Roy Ward, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad. Mr. Ward stated that developers do not pay the fees, that ultimately the buyer does He also stated that in order to raise a1.stick in the air in Carlsbad, city fees amounting to $5,700 must first be paid. He further expressed ' the opinion that the figures for 1980-1981.used in the memorandum could reflect faulty informatic in that 1980-1981 was a low-activity year for build.ing. b 52" y COUNCIL MEMBERS -4- February 24, 1981 Council discussion related to various areas withir the City which would possibly require closer ob- servation and patrolling if the City should embark on a risk management program and self-insurance. c Council approved the proposed Risk Management Pro- . gram in concept and directed staff to solicit proposals from insurance brokers to serve as Broker of Record. [70] 4. AB #6516 - ALLOCATION OF CALIFORNIA PAaLANDs .ACT OF 1980 FUNDS. Councilmember Casler referenced the agenda bill and indicated she would be unwilling to accept the recom,endation that the funds currently in the CIP for Macario Canyon Park land acquisition be applied to other park.s and recreation priority projects to be determined at a later date. It was noted that that was the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission, but the Conmission recognized that the final decision would rest with the Council. Council adopted the following Resolution.: I RESOLUTION NO. 6447, APPROVING THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO'S PRIORITY PLAN FOR EXPENDITURE I OF PROPOSITION ONE, CALIFORNIA PARYUNDS KT OF 1980.FUNDS AND APPLICATION FOR THESE FUNDS. I [85] 5. AB $6172 - Supplement #1 - AMENDMENT OF [45] AGREEMENTS FOR RANCHO CARRILLO EIR. i..~ . .'. . Council adopted the following Resolutions by one motion: RESOLUTION NO. 6445, AHENDING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LARRY SEEMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR PREPARATION OF A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR. THE RANCHO CARRILLO MASTER PLAN REVISION. RESOLUTION NO. 6446, AMENDING AN AGREEMENT. BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND DAON .COSTS INCURRED FROM THE PROVISION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE RANCHO CARRILLO 'T(IASTER PLAN REVISION. . .. .. .. ' SOUTHWEST FOR THE. PAYMENT OF CONSULTAnT I I ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Mayor Paclcard stated that he had received a call from Mr. Skotnicki,regarding the Buena Vista Lag.oon Action Comitte with regard to Council's desire for making it a permanent cormittee on all lagoon management. Council recognized Mr. Don Brown of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Brown expressed concern if the existing committee consisting of members from Vista and Oceanside would rema5.n on the permanent conunittee and have an affect on the lagoons which have no affect on their sphere of influence. I T- 1 > - 54 F COUNCIL MEMBERS Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin ., r -. -5- . .. 5r y - . COUNCIL February 24, 1981 MEMBERS I The City Manager suggested Council nay desire to address the question following thelr meeting. . of March 10, 1981, following the discussion of the Toups Report and the recommendatklons or' the Planning Department. I Palomar Reclamation Design Com-ittee I T Mayor Packard referenced the need to appoint. a Council Member :to the selection cornzittee, and with the agreement of all, appointed Council Member Anear to serve. SANDAG Mayor Packardi referenced the pay increase issue which'had been before Council during his absence and indicated Carlsbad was the only City opposing same. That opposition resulted in the defeat of the matter, and he had been asked by the other representatives to bring the matter before Counci for reconsideration. [681 1 Council agreed to add the item to the agenda for consideration. Council agreed to add the item to the agenda for consideration. 3: - Packard Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin Packard, Casler Anear Lewis Kulchin 1 .. .. 1 ... . J