HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-03; City Council; Minutesi MEETING OF : CITY C0UNCI.L (Regular Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. DATE, OF MEETING: March 3, 1981 PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chambers STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY -" 1 e 1 1 i I CALL TO ORDER was made by Sthderit Mayor Ed Nilsen. ROLL CALL was taken by the Student City Clerk, Helen Watts.: Council :, I. Present - Mayor Packard, Casler, Lewis, Anear, and Kulchin. Student Cauncil : Present - Student Mayor Ed Nilsen, Mary Ann Siodia, Katie Kressin, Maria Beckman, and Michael Spitzer. INVOCATION was given by Michelle Nezet, Student Assistant City Manager. PLEDGE.OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Julie Wrench, Student Planning Director. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held February 17, 1981, were approved as submitted. STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY Mayor Packard explained the City's participation in Student Government Day, and commended the students. chosen to ., .. partixifiatel and also Staff and Council members for their participation. He-explained that the student members spent the afternoon with their respective council members and department h.eads, in preparation for the meeting; and that portions of the meeting would be conducted by the students. PRESENTATION - Rotary Club Chick Mensching from the High Noon Rotary Club gave ? brief presentation in reference to Student Government Day, and commended the students for their achievements. Mr. Mensching also presented each of the participants with a certificate reflecting same. CONSENT CALENDAR .Mayor Packard indicated he had received requests to remove discussion. Student Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items No. 6, 18, and 9, as follows: 1 Items No. 6 , 18, and 9 from the Consent Calendar for WAIVER OF DOCUMENT TEXT READING .. Student Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions before Council at this 'meeting. .. 60 u COlNICIL .MEMBERS ! Nilsen S iodia Kressin Beckman Spitzer ..I Nilsen S iodia Kressin Beckman Spitzer - .. March 3, 1981 Rage 2 1 pol 1- AB #6517 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS. Student Council ratifi.ed payment of demands against the City. in the amount of $1,621,175.36, for th period February. 11, 1981 thru February 20, 1981; payroll demands in the amount of $241,719.23, for the period February 2, 1981 thru February 15, T , 1981; and Housing Authority demands in the amount of $8,875.81, for the period February. 11, 1981 thru February 20, 1981. I. [25] 2. AB #6518 - NEGOTIATED PROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE - UKEGAWA ANNEXAT~ON. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6448, REGARDING ~ROPERTY TAX EXCHANGE ,RE~,TSNG TO JURISDICTIONAL CHANGES - UKEGA.WA ANNEXATION. *. . [36]X3. AB #6519 - WORD PROCESSTNG EQUIPMENT. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6449, APPROVING THE ?URCHASE OF WORD PROCESljXNG EQUIPMENT, AND AUTHORTZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TQ NEGOTEATE THE LEASE-PURCHASE AGREEMENT, I [106]4. AB #5903 - Supplement #4 - UNDERGROUND UTTLITY DTSTRICT NO. 7 - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD. Student Council adopted a motion pursuant to Section 11.08.050 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, granting special permiss.Eon to Pacific Telephone to maintain overhead service in Under- ground Utility District No. 7 for a period not to exceed two years as follows: three poles beginning east of Carlsbad Boulevard on Pine at 3206 Carlsbad Boulevard extending south to behind 3248 Carlsbad'Boulevard. [99] 5. AB #6237 F Supplement #2 - FXNAL PpP FOR CARLSBRD TMCT 79-20 - FRIES. Student Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 79-20 7. AB #6512 - Supplement #1 - TENTATTVE .MAP AND COiDOMTNXUM - ["I PERMIT - CT 79-7 (A)/CP-lO (A). - APPLTCANT: HESCON. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6451, APPROVING WTTH CONDITIONS REVTSED ' .MINIUM PROJECT AND APPROVING ,REVISED CONDOMINIUM PEmIT ' TENTATIVE SUBDIVTSTON MAP (CT 79-7 (A).). FOR A 39-UNIT CONDO- @ (CP-10 (A) ) FOR SAID PROJECT ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SANTW ISABEL STREET AN EL FURTE STREET. APPLICANT: HESCON. 8. AB #6520 - APPROVAL .OF APPLICATION FOR A LORN TO. FUND [641XSTREET LIGHT CONVERSIONS. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION NO. 6452, AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR A LOAN FOR CONVERSION OF STREET LTGHTS. c 4/ y COUNCIL MEMBERS c ~ * .. March 3, 1981 Page 3 I I' I [28] 10. AB #6522 - PERSONNEL BOAb'hCTION. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: . [991 , RESOLUTION NO. 6454, AFFTRMING THE DISCTPLINARY ACTION TAKEN BY THE CHIEF OF POLTCE' IN THE CASE OF' SERGEANT JOSEPH H, HASENAUER. 11. AB #65J3-- Supplement #I - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - APPLICANT: SHAW, TALBOT, BUDGE AND DAVIS. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTTON NO. 6455, APPROVING WITH CONDTTIONS 'A 6-LOT TENTATTVE SUBDIVTSION MAP (CT 80-15 (A).). AND A PLANNED .UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMTT (PUD-17(Al). FOR AN 11-UNIT TNDUSTRIAL COMPLEX ON APPROXTMATELY 15.2 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ON AVENIDA ENCTNAS BETWEEN CANNON ROAD AND PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. APPLTCANT: BUDGE. f[llo] 12. AB #6523 - SETTTNG PTPELTNE FEES. 1 6.z v COUNC i L ? .MEMBERS I Student Council adopted the following Resolution: .. I RESOLUTION NO. 6456, SETTING FRONT LINE FEES FOR CERTAIN WATER LINES CONSTRUCTED UNDER CITY OF CARLSBAD CONTRACT 1070. I- . [631 13. AB #5571 - Supplement #7 - CALIFORNIA LIBRARY SERVICES ACT MONEY (CLSA) . Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6457, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR, PURCHASE OF BOOKS AND FOR PURCHASE OF PERIODICALS ON MICROFORM. I [991 14. AB #6275 - Supplement #2 - OFFSITE ROAD EASEMENT FOR CT 80-15 - CARLSEAD MUNICTPAL CENTER. I ,I Student Council adopted the following Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 6458, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FROM RAY W. AND BARBARA WINTER FOR STREET AND GENERAL UTILITIES PURPOSES. I RESOLUTTON NO. 6459, SUWRTLY VACATING A PORTION OF RVENT'DA. ENCINAS. [lo71 15. AB #6380 - Supplement #1 - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO 'VACATE A PORTION OF JEFFERSON STREET. I Student Council maintained 84 feet,of right-of-way, and adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION NO. 6324, DECLARTNG TNTENTTON TO VACATE A PORTION OF JEFFERSON A,VENUE. [741 16. AB #6488 - Supplement #I - UPDATING OF PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS. .. e Student Council adopted the following Resolution: ' RESOLUTION NO. 6423, CONSOLIDATING AND INTEGRATING A NUMBER ' OF PREVIOUSLY AND SEPARATELY ADOPTED CHANGES INTO THE PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS. I .. I - + Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6460, ESTABLTSHTNG A T,RA,SH RATE INDEX. Library Director; and Lyle Thompson, Student Purchasing- Following brief discussion, the Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6450, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PURCHASTNG The staff report was presented By O’Neil Straub, Student City referred to a brochure that had been distributed to .the Council Members, on Bicycle Storage Lockers. RESOLUTION NO. 6461, APPROVZNG AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CALTFORNIA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF The staff report was presented by Greta Bertotti, Student - Parks and Recreation Director, essentially as contained in the Statement of the Matter. With the aid of wall exhibits, she pointed out the parcels affected in the lease agreement, Student Council Member Kressin inquired .if the Sta,t.e picks up the responsibility, and Student Pa.rks and Recreation Director responded that SDGGrE is required. to provide lifeguards, or close it up. of management, and further, that he was present only to not made any decisions to date. documents to return the leased beach area to San Diego Gas and Electric Company. 63 \ COUNCIL MEMBERS Nilsen Siodia Kressin Beckman Spitzer Nilsen Siodia Kressin Beckman Spitzer r Nilsen S iodia Kressin Beckman Spit zer March 3, 1981 Page 5 Police AEROSOL PAINT TO MINORS, The staff report was presented by Nancy Tibbels, Student, . Police Chief, essentially as contained in the. Statement of ' the Matter. She also explained that they have talked to several merchants in the 'downtown area, who indicated they . would support-the enforcement of such- an ordinance. imposed for those minors found to be in possession of aerpsol paint, and Student, Mayor. Nilsen suggested juvenile work programs. A motion was made to leave ordinances as they are and not take a position of special enforcement; therefore, continuing with current enforcement techniques and community awareness CONCLUSION OF ITEMS TO BE CONDUCTED- BY STUDENT MEPBERS. The meeting was then turned over to Mayor Packard at 6:39 P.M. Mayor Packard commended the students and Staff for their interest and contributions to Student Government Day. . Council then approved..the.previous items' discussed and acted upon by the Student Council; with Council Member Lewis indicating that on Rem No. 30, the Beach Lease with San Diego Gas & Electric, his vote should reflect an affirmative vote. ADDITIONAL ITEMS FEMOVED'FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: [79] 9. AB #6521 - MTLEAGE 'PETMBURSEMENT - AUTO ALLOWANCE. Council Member Kulchin expressed concern over the increase of 20 cents to 26 cents pefmile, and inquired as to where the City received their statistics. Frank Aleshire responded that the report was a result of an inquiry by City employees. Mr. Aleshire explained that the City did a study, surveying other cities in San Diego County, and quoted some of the rates from other cities for comparison. He added that the raise was based on the survey. the allowances to certain City department heads. Council directed Staff to submit further input, in order to justify increasing the mileage 'reimbursement rate and the authorization of automobile allowance for certain positions, and return same to Council for further consideration. [lo71 15. AB #6380 - Supplement #1 - RESOLUTION OF TNTENTION TO VACATE A PORTION OF JEFFERSON STREET. A brief staff report was presented by Les Evans, the City Engineer, essentially as contained in the Statement of the Matter. .. 64 y COUNCIL .MEMBERS Nilsen S iodia Kressin Beckman Spitzer Fa,ckard Casler Lewis Anear Kulchin Packard Casler Lewis Ane ar Kulchin r i - - March 3, 1981 Page 6 1 1. Council Member Anea,r indicated that the neighb0r.inc.j property to the proposed vacation is multiple dwelling zoning, He therefore suggested placing sidewalks, upgrading 'the nearby fire hydrant, and landscaping the area to improve the esthetics in the area. He,also questioned the possibility af charging the property owner for the land that would be returned in the vacation. The City Attorney indica,ted that there would be some legal restrictions-on whether a City could charge for yacqted land, and the matter would. have to be reviewed to determine the legality. Council maintained the 85 fieet of right-of-w,ay, and adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION NO. 6324, DECLARTNG ITNTENTTON TO 'VACATE A PORTrON OF JEFFERSON AVENUE. Council Member Lewis reiterated Council Member Anear's concerns, and expressed the desire for a report as to whether the original property owner was paid by the Stgte for the land, or whether the land was dedicated. RECESS Mayor Packard called a recess at.7:02 P..M., and Council . reconvened at 7:08 P:M., with five members present. Mayor Packard suggested that Etem No. 27 be heard at this time, due to the number of people present to hear same. Council concurred. [I131 27. AB #6528 - APPEAL OF PLaNNTNG COMIQSSION DENIAL FOR ZONE CHANGE FOR EXIST~NG MOBTLEHOME PARKS - 2c-227. APPELLANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD. a The staff report was presented by the Planning Director, essentially as contained $n the-Statement of the Matter, with the aid of the overhead projector. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7:11 P.M.*, and extended the invitation to speak. Council recognized W. Joe Tengler, 7214 San.Bqrtolo, Carlsbad, who spoke in favor of the zone change. Council recognized 'Mr. Will Hall, 7217 San Miguel, Carlsbad, who spoke in favor of the zone change, and requested that Council approve same. 'Council recognized Mr. Joe Bastone, 7225 San Lucas, Carlsbad, who requested approval of rezoning for the parks. 1 Council Member Anear stated that at the time Lakeshore . Gardens and Rancho Carlsbad had been rezoned for mobilehomes, the CounkiJ at that time had agreed that it was a good . holding usage for the land, which would allow the land to be developed at such .time as it was economically fea.sible. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Mayor Packard' closed the public hearing at 7: 20 P.M.. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate documents, approving ZC-227. Y ' 65 v COUNCIL 'i MEMBERS Packard Capley Lewis Anear Kulchin r Packard Casler Lewis Anear Kulchin e March 3, 1981 Page 7 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTEON: Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9577, AMENDTNG TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.49 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICTPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.49.020,(11) TO ALLOW THE ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS, PROCESSING AND INITIAL APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENTS LOCATED ;CN AN AREA TO BE SERVED BY A SATELLITE TREATMENT PLANT. APPLICANT : TUNG. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9578, AMENDING TFTLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDTNG THE ZONTNG NAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-220) FROM R-1-7500 TO RD-PI (.RESIDENTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF APPLICANT: TUNG. 21. AB #6510 - $AN DTEGO COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDTNANCES Council adopted the following Ordinances: 6.02.010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTION (e) AND SUBSECTTON (f)., AND THE ADDITTON OF SUB- SECTION (k) , (1) , AND (m) RELATIVE TO FEES CHARGED FOR VARIOUS CONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT APPLPCATIONS ORDINANCE NO. 5059, AMENDING TI'TLE 6, CHAPTER 6 -02, SECTTON 6.02.010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNTCTPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTION (j) RELATTNG TO PERMIT AND GRADE CARD TO BE ORDINANCE NO. 5061, AMENDTNG TXTLE 6, CHAPTER 6.02, SECTI'ON 6.02.010, OF THE CARLSBAD ,MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SUBSECTION (c) TO REVISE THE ANNUAL INSPECTION FEfES FOR RESTAURANTS. ORDINANCES FOR ENTRODUCTTON: AB #6511 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CHANGE AND MASTER PLAN 0 AMENDMENT - ZC-225/MP-149(F). APPLICANT: ROSTON.. ORDINANCE NO. 9sgg AMENDTNG TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD. MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE-ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-225) FROM C-2 AND P-C TO RDM ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCBTED ON CENTELLA STREET, SOUTH OF LEVANTE STREET IN LA COSTA. APPLICANT: ROSTON. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9579, AMENDTNG ORDINANCE NO. 9570 AND MASTER PLAN (MP-149(E) BY THE DELETION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM SAID MASTER PLAN GENERALLY LOCATED ON CENTELLA STREET, SOUTH OF LEVANTE STREET IN LA COSTA. APPLICANT: ROSTON (MP-l49(F). 44 u COUNCIL MEMBERS Packard Casler Lewis Anear Kulchin Packard Casler Lewis . Anear Kulchin Packard Casler Lewis Anear Kulchin Packard Casler Lewis Anear Kulchin Packard Cas ler Lewis - Anear Kulchin I I AYii e .. March 3, 1981 Page 8 I PUBLIC HEARINGS: [113] 23. AB #6524 - ZONE CHANGE AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT - ZC-219/SP-23 (C) - APPLT'CANT: .CALTFORNIA "6" MOTEL. The staff report was presented by the Planning Director, essentially as contained in the Statement of the Matter. - a 1 Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7: 39 P .M, , and extended the invitation to speak. kr Council recognized Mr. Ron Whitney, 1156 S. 7th, Hacienda Heights; representing the applicant, California "6'' flotel. Mr. Whitney requested approvaL, and expressed the willingness to respond to any questions. In response to Council query, Mr. Whitney acknowledged the nearness of the Encina Plant, and the possibility of an odor, and indicated willingness to sign a Hold Harmles$ Agreement for the City. I Since no one else,wished to speak on the matter, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 7:38 P.N. Council directed the City attorney to prepare documents approving ZC-219/SP-23(.C), per Planning Commission Resolution Nos: 1766 and 1768. I [114] 24. AB #6525 - REVrSZlON OF R-W ZONE PARKING STANDaRDS - ZCA-129 - APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD. The Planning Director gave the staff report on the matter, with the aid of transparencies showing the location of the lots in the R-W zone, whlch are loca'ted in the Bristol Cove area. Council Member Anear expressed concern that the proposed Ordinance would not apply to apartments in the area convertin to condominiums, and indicated that such exceptions Were not allowed anywhere else in the City. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 7:50 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was closed. 1 a Council introduced the following Ordinance, amended to delete lines 26 ,thru 28 on page one, and add the fpllowing: I .The above standards shall apply to all developments f,or. . . which a building permit is issued after 'March 3, 1981: ORDINANCE NO. 3580, AMENDPNG TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.22 (RESIDENTIAL WATERWAY ZONE). OF .THE CARLSBAD 'MUNICEPAL CODE BY DELETING SECTION 21.22.110, AND CHAPTER 21.47 (CONDOMI'NIQUM OF THE CARLSBAD MUNTCIPAL CODE BY MENDING SUBSECTTON 21.47.130(2), TO REVISE THE P&RKING REQUIFS3MENTS OF THE R-W ZONE. [I131 25. AB #6526 - ZONE CHANGE - ZC-229 - APPLTCANT: CTTY OF CARLSBAD . The staff report was presented by the Planning Director, with the aid of transparencies, showing the location of the subjec property. .. -c g SI 't 67 \$ COUNCIL 1 ,MEMBERS Packard Casler Lewis Anear Kulchin Packard Cas ler Lewis. Anear Kulchin r March 3, 1981 c Page 9 Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 8 :00 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wgshed to speak on the matter, the publtc hearing was closed. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving ZC-229, per Planning Commis$ion Resolution No. 1763, 1,' [88] 26. AB #6510 - Supplement #1 - SAN DIEGO COUNTY CODE 'OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES - FOOD HANDLER REQUT'REMENTS. A brief staff report was presented by the City Attorney, essentially as contained in the \Statement of the Matter, I Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 8:04 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 5060, AMENDING TTTLE 6, CHAPTER 6,02 OF THE CARLSBaD MUNICTPAL CODE BY THE AJWNDMENT OF SECTION 6.02,060 RELATING TO FOOD HANDLER TmTNTNG REQUIREMENTS. -. :113] 27. AB #6528 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMM1,SSION DENIAL FOR'ZONE CHANGE FOR EXISTING MOBILEHOME PARKS - ZC-227. APPELLANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD. ~~ This item was heard earlier in the meeting. [74] 28. AB #6049 - Supplement #4 - AMEND'MENT OF LOCAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. A brief staff report was presented by the City Attorney, essentially as contained in the Statement of the Matter. Mayor Packard opened the public.hearing at 8:07 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was-closed, Council approved the Amended Local Conflict of Tntegest Code by minute motion. I ' DEPARTmNTAL AND CITY mNAGER ,REPORTS: 0" Engineering [95] 29. AB #6529 - APPEAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S DECXSION TO REQUT'RE SIDEWALK RAMPS - APPELZaNT: DENBAR CONSTRUCTION. [95] 29. AB #6529 - APPEAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S DECXSION TO REQUT'RE SIDEWALK RAMPS - APPELZaNT: DENBAR CONSTRUCTION. Council continued the item to the next regular meeting, to allow for the presence of the appellant. I Parks and Recreation ([70] 30. AB ' #6530 - BEACH LEASE WITH SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC. [451 This item was heard earlier in the meeting. 7- \\ LB F COUNCIL MEMBERS Packaxd Cas ler Eewi8 enear , Kxlchin Packard Cas ler Lewis Anear Kulchin Packard Casler Lewis Anea~r Kzllchin Packard Casler Lewis Anear Kulchin - * March 3, 1981 P.age 10 .. Police [a61 31. AB #6496 - Supplement #1 - PROHTBITION OF THE SALE OF I AEROSOL PAINT TO MTNORS. I This item was heard earlier in the meeting. 4' Central Services [69] 32. AB #6506 - APPOINTMENT. TO PARKS & RECWATION COMMXSS2ON. No action was taken, and the matter was continued to the next 1 meeting. I LETTER FROM ANNA LEEDS, PLWNNTNG COMMISSION Mayor Packard indicated he had received a letter from Anna Leeds of the Planning Co&ission, stating her wish to resign effective April 1, 1981. I Mqyor Packard requested that members of the Council come to the next regular meeting with nominations for a new Pla,nni,ng Commissioner. I COUNCIL REPORTS: .. Santa Margarita/San Luis Waters.hed Agency Council Member Anear reported on a recent meeting, and , requested that Staff 'verify the..C$ty's payment of dues for the year. He also indicated that the amount of due9 would be reduced in the future. Water Reclama.tion Mayor Packard referenced the City Agreement w&th CWD , and indicated it may be causing some confusion with regard to the disposition of the City's reclaimed water. He suggested, and Council concurred, that it be placed on the agenda for . discussion at the meeting of March 10, 1981. 0 JAC - Council Member Casler reported on the recent meeting, and indicated that the proposed completion date for the Phas.e 3 is October 1, 1983. She also reported that the Vista Meter was to be installed that week, and necessary actions adjustin costs to the City would be taken following a couple of . months time allowed to obtain operating data. She also indicated there was discussion.about Phase 3a for the plant, whkch would increase the capacity of Encina up to 2i%.:MGD, and indicated it would .be on the agenda for Council discussion and consideration. on March 17,.1981. .. Library Board,of' Trustees i Council Member Casler recommended that the Council have a joint meeting with the Library Board in the near future, to discuss the goals and objectives, and the site selection for the new library. Mrs. Casler reported that the Art Auction will be held March 20, 1981, and the Council is invited. Also, the Book Fair will be held May 17, 1981. It was suggested that March 24, 1981, be the date for the joint workshop meeting, and Council concurred. I 49 j COUNCIL MEMBERS r ,. ! 4 76 y COCINCr L March 3, 1981 Page 11 .MEMBERS I Buena Vista Lagoon Council Member Lewis reported he had attended a cormittee meeting, and it was pointed out that before the money is approved, they are going to requi're that the Tri-City area show that it can deal with the problems from earlier. 0 Task Force Meeting - Parks & Recreation and Library Boa,rd Mayor Packard-reported on the task fo-rce meeting which dealt with the Macario Canyon Park issue, and addressed the survey that the consultant.has prepa.red for public input. He indicated-that he had met with the Cole Company, and dis.cussed the purchase of' the kacario Canyon, and a suggested dat.e for escrow closing was July 1, 1981, ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the .meeting was adjourned at 8:33 P.M., to Tuesday, March 10, 1981, at 6:QO P.M. Respectfully Subm'itted, ALETHA &ctdld?@y L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk Ann 'R. Allemnn, Minutes Clerk e n: -