HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-03-17; City Council; Minutes.. J ' 0 ., " 1 Q 1 i a 1 MEETING OF: CITY COuNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: March 17, 1981 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: Council. Chambers CALL TO ORDER was made by Mayor Packard at 6:02 P.". ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk: Present - Packard . Caslep Anear: Kulchin Absent - Lewis I INVOCATION was given by Council Member Kulchin. PLEDGE OF ALLEGTANCE was led by Council .Member Anear. APPROVAL OF MINUTES : (Approve'd by one motion. 1 Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting, held.Februarg 24, 1981, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting, held February 28, 1981, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held March 3, 1981, were approved as submitted. PRESENTATIONS: Carlsbad High School - Student Government Day Mayor Packard briefly explained the City's participation in Student Government Day, and commended the students, Staff, and Council Members for their participation in same.- He then introduced Michelle Nezet, whose participation was that of Student Assistant City Manager, for the presentation. Michelle Nezet expressed her appreciation to all who participated in Student.Government Day. She added that her day was one filled with extensive learning, and hopes that Student Government Day will become a tradition for the City. Mayor Packard then introduced Nancy Tibbels, whose partici- pation was that of Student Police Chief, to continue the presentation. Nancy Tibbels explained that the Day was very beneficial to all who participated, and requestgd that everyone support it in future years. \ Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club - Clean City Kick-Off Mayor Packard introduced Mr. Glenn McComas, who urged the. - City's participation in this function. %Ir. McComas explained .that there will be a street closure, Saturday, March'21, 1981 program, and ipvited the Council to attend. July 4th Celebration ) from Elm Avenue to Chestnut on Pi0 Pico, to kick off the c Mayor Packard,then introduced Carol Jenkins, who gave a b.rief presentation on the "I'm proud to be an American" celebration to be held July 4, 1981. She explained the day will be centered around a musical celebration, "In God We Trust,'! and the different activities to be held. Ms. Jenkins also , hllbroduced Mr. Charles Fox, who designed the bumper stickers and buttons reflecting the celebration, and presented him, along with the Council, with same. v I '1 7f v( COUNCIL MEMBERS Packard Casler Anear Kvlchin r 1 I 1 0 March 17, 1981 Page 2 I I CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Packard indicated he had received requests tg remove. Items No. 5 and 9 from the Consent Calendar for discusgion; and Ttems No. 4 and 10, to be re-noticed on a future agendq, 1 @ I . Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Ttems No. 4, 5, 9, and 10, as follow@; 1 i- WAIVER OF DOCUMENT TEXT READING Council waived the reading,of the text of all Ordinance? and Resolutions before Council at this meeting. [501 1. AB #6534 - RATTFTCATTON OF DEMANDS, Council ratified payment Df demands against the City in the amount of $753,576.61 for the period February 27, 1981, thru March 9, 1981; payroll demands in the amount of $242,172.46 for the period February 16, 1981 thru March l., 1981; and Housing Authortty-demands in the amount. of $45,774.31 for the period February 27, 1981 thr-u ,March 9, 1981. [991 2. AB #5088 - Supplement #5 - FTNAL MAP FOR CT 77-2, UNIT NO. 3 - BROADMOOR HOMES. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 77-2, Unit I NO. 3. [99 1 3. AB #5088 - Supplement #6 - FINAL MAP FOR CT 77-2, UNIT NO. 4 - BROADMOOR .HOMES. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract No. 77-2, Unit No. 4. 1501 6. AB #6536 - ALLOCATTON OF CONTTNGENCY RESERVE FUNDS AND POLICE DEPARTMENT MTD-YEAR APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS, Council adopted the following Resolution: - RESOLUTION NO. 6466, AUTHORTZTNG THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE CONTTNGENCY RESERVE ACCOUNT FOR POLICE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AQUA HEDTONDA LAGOON PROGRAM, BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT CONTRACT INSPECTION SERVICES, AND PERSONNEL TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES- PURPOSES; IN ADDTTION TO APPROVING FINANCE DEPARTMEN APPROPRIATION TRANSFER #54 PRWIDING FOR POLTCE DEPARmNT I i 0 ' 7. AB #6537 - REPAIR OF PASEO DEL NORTE AREET IN CAR MID-YEAR ACCOUNT APPROPRTATTONS ADJUSTMENT, 1 ::g; COUNTRY AREA 2 CONTRACT NO. 1090. -, I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6468, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECTFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR THE REPAWTION OF PASEO DEL NORTE - CONTRACT 1090. 8. AB #6423 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR 1811 STREET PURPOSES ALONG A PO.RTION OF OCEAN STREET. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6469, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FROM RAYMOND C. AND DOROTHY J. C. EDE FOR STREET PURPOSES. .. - I 'T 79 \ COUNCIL .MEMBERS Rackard Casler Anear Kulchin I 1 * 0 F H L$ COUNCIL MEMBERS ! March 17, 1981 Page 4 [501 9- AB #6047 - Supplement #4 - LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR CITY COMPUTER SYSTEM. .t . Council Member Anear expressed concern with Condition No. A of the Lease Agreement, requesting the clause "Any additions and improvements made to the Units shall become the property of Lessor," be deleted. Jim Elliott, the Finance Director, explained he had discussed the matter with the Bank, and they expressed agreement to the deletion of the clause in the contract. Council adopted the following Resolution, with the above Casler mentioned deletion: Packard Anear [451 RESOLUTTON NO. 6470, ACCEPTING THE BID OF BANK OF APERTCA FOR Kulchin THE FTNANCING OF THE CTTY COMPUTER SYSTEM. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: [1131 14. AB #6511 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CHANGE.AND MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT - ZC-22'5/MP-149(F) - APPLICANT: ROSTON. Council adopted the following.Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9578, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING NAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-225) FROM C-2 AND P-C TO RDM ON PROPERTY GENE'RAGLY LOCATED ON CENTELLA STREET, SOUTH OF LEVANTE STREET IN LA COSTA. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9579, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9570 AND MASTER PLAN (MP-149(E) BY THE DELETION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM SAID MASTER PLAN GENERALLY LOCATED ON CENTELLA STREET, SOUTH OF LEVANTE STREET IN LA COSTA. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: i. .. ' . ,.. [1133 15. AB #6528 - Supplement #1 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION TO DENY A ZONE CHANGE OF EXSSTING MOBILE HOME.PARKS TO THE RMHP ZONE - ZC-227. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9581, AMENDING TITLE 21. OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY WNDING THE ZONING MAP- TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-227) FOR FOUR EXISTING MOBILEHOME .PARKS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FROM RD-M, R-1-10,000, R-1-10,000 AND R-A-10,000 TO RMHP (RESIDENTIAL MOBILEHOME PARK.) Packard Cas ler Anear Kulchin Packard Cas ler Anear Kulchin Packard Cas ler Anear Kulchin 16, AB #6524 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CHANGE AND SPECZFTC PLAN ['13] AMENDMENT - ZC- 219/SP-23 (C) - Council introduced the following Ordinance: Packard ORDINANCE NO. 9582, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD Anear MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF Kulchin Cas ler ZONE (ZC-219) FROM M (INDUSTRIAL). TO CT-Q (COMMERCIAL-TOURIST). ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF PASEO DEL NORTE, SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. ~ I I 0 a e s/./ u March 17, 1981 COUNCIL -.. MEMBERS Page 7 1 I Council adopted the following Ordinance: Packard ORDINANCE NO. 8088, REPEALING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.06 AND Anear AMENDTNG TTTLE 18 BY THE ADDITTON OF CHAPTER 18.06 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM HOUSING CODE (1979 EDITION.). Kulchin Casler Council adopted the following Ordinance: Packard t - Casler ORDINANCE NO. 8089, REPEALING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18-16 AND AMENDING TITLE.18 BY THE ADDITTON OF CHAPTER 18.16 TO ADOPT Anear Kulchin BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE (1979 EDITION.> Council adopted the following Ordinance: Anear ORDINANCE NO. 8090, AMENDING TTTLE 18 BY THE ADDITION OF Packard CHAPTER 18.19 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM CODE FOR THE Kulchin ABATEMENT OF DANGEROUS BUTLDINGS (1979 EDITION.) Cas ler [28] HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COPIMTSSTON: Mayor Packard adjourned the meeting at 7:24 P.M., to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission. I Council reconvened at 7:25 P.M., with four members present. GER REPORTS : I DEPARTME~TAL AND' CITY MANA~ I [g5] x Engineering 21. AB #6529 - APPEAL OF CITY ENGINEER'S DECISION TO REQUIRE SIDEWALK RRMPS. Les Evans, the City Engineer, indicated they have still been unable to contact the appellant and suggested he be notified by certified letter. Council concurred. .. Council continued the item to the next regular meeting, and- directed the appellant be notified by certified mail. [921 22. AB #6544 - ENCINA SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT PHASE IPT A EXPANSION. A brief staff report was presented by the City Engineer, essentially as contained in the Statement of the Hatter. RoiBeckman, Assistant City Manager, indicated there were some corrections to the memo from his office of March 12, 1981 . reference the summary analysis of the project. Under para- graph 4, ''4 mgd to .6.75" should read "4 mgd to 5.7," and "5.4" should read "4.5". Council authorized the City's JAC representatives to bring a .. Seventeenth Supplement to the Basic Agreement, Providing for 1ncreasing.Capacity in the Encina Plant, to the Council for consideration. 1 Planning ~1141 23. AB #6525 - REVISIONS OF R-W ZONE PARKING STANDARDS - . ZCA-129. The Planning Director gave a staff report on the matter referencing the memo to the City Manager of March 12, 1981, and utilizing transparencies to show the various lots in the area and stages of development. I 1 Packard Cas ler Anear Kulchin Packard Casler Anear Kulchin I i I I 0 \\ g5/ F COUNCIL MEMBERS March 17,. 1981 Page 8 1 Council recognized Ms. Janis Libuse, 1320 Grand Avenue, San Marcos, representing Mr. Penn Thayer: Ms, Libuse explained that Mr. Thayer is building his project as apartments. She indicated that although no condominium approvals have been. obtained, the inte.nt of the developer was to convert at a future date. Ms. Libuse therefore requested that Mr. Thayerts .-I . m ' .t apartment projects be exempt from the new parking standards. Council recognized Mr. Alden Seifried, 915 Sandra Ct., Brea; who indicated he is the owner of lot #60. Mr. Seifried expressed the opinion that the new standards are being imposed too late, and would require a. large portion of his lot being committed to parking area. Council then recognized Mr. Penn Thayer, Box ID, Dana Point. Mr. Thayer reiterated comments of Ms. Janis Libuse, and requested he be allowed to convert under old standards. Following brief discussion, Council adopted the following Ordinance: .. . ORDXNANCE NO. 9580, WNDTNG TS-TLE 21, CHAPTEFS 21-22 AND 21.47 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE DELETION OF SECTION 21.22.110 AND BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.47,130, SUBSECTION (2) , TO REVISE THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE R-W ZONE; amending lines 25 thru 26 to read: '!In the R-W zone the above standards shall apply to any project for which a City approval.is given after March 3, 1981, except that a project,which has received all discretionary approvals and which applied for a building permit prior to March 3, 1981, . may have the permit under the- standards applicable on that date. 'I RECESS Mayor Packard called a recess at 8:12 P,M., and Council reconvened at 8:29 P.M., with four members present. Housing and- Redevelopment I,,,, 24. AB #6495 - Sutmlement #l - HtJMAN SERVTCES ADVPSORP t L'u' COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. ,-~__~~~ ~~~. ___ ~ "_"" "~., "" -~- r """ I ~ ~. ~ Following brief discussion, Council concurred that Committee members should reside within the City of Carlsbad, and not all should be involved in Social Services to provide for a balanced Committee. 4 Mayor Packard indicated there was an additional applicant, No. 14, Barbara Hallman. After'a nomination and selection process, Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO.. 6472, APPOINTTNG FIVE MEMBERS TO THE CARLSBAD HUMAN SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE; THOSE MEMBERS BEING DAVID M. COURSON, .PHYLLIS A. DEMY, ALVIN GLASSNER, BARBARA HALLMAN, AND GABRIEL C. ROCHA. .. I I City Manager [621 25. AB $6545 - LEGISLATIVE ISSUES. The City Manager gave a staff report on the matter, referencipg the Agenda Bill, and materials contained therein. He also .explained his recommendation, relative to a City position on each issue. I Packard Cas ler Kulchin . Anear I 0 e March 17, 1981 Page 9 I In addition, the City Manage? referenced AB 524, which would eliminate the deadline f0.r adoption of the local coastal plan, and recommended support of see. I Mayor Packard reported briefly on'the activities of the League of California Cities Policy Committee, of which he is a 1 member. Mr. Ron Beckman, Assistant City -Manager/Development, reported onj the Gas Tax Fund issue, and defined the need for additional gas taxes. He further indicated his intentions to appear in Sacramento the following day, in support of the gas tax issue, if Council so desired. Mayor Packard further defined the issues of the bill, indicating it does not address the matter of indexing the tax to the price, rather than to gallons; and the fact that the Bill would include funds from the taxes on diesel fuel. T Council agreed that Assistant City Manager/Development, Ron Beckman, act as the City's representative in SacramentQ, on March 18, 1981, to express support of the Foran Bill. 1 a Mayor Packard requested that if Council members had concerns ' about the other issues contained in the Agenda Bill, such concerns should be expressed to the City Manager. The City Manager then briefly explained SB 13, and recommended that Council support the Bill, and oppose the amendment offered by the League of Women Voters. He indicated- the amendment would make the dredging funds contingent upon findings that measures are being taken by the three cities to combat future erosion and sediment into the lagoon. He further indicated that those findings, as contained in the League of Women Voters' amendment, were to be made by the State Fish and Game. He expressed the feeling that tieiqg the conditions to the Bill would tie up the funds,. and not allow the immediate release for the much-needed cleanup of the lagoon. 4 Council recognized A. 3. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad; Chairman of the Buena, Vista Lagoon Political. action Committee. Mr. Skotnicki informed Council that the Committee had expressed support of the amendment proposed by the League of Women Voters, and Committee members had been urged to take the matter to their respective cities for support; Mr. Skotnicki indicated he would resign from the Committee if the Council did not support the amendment, in that'he believed the non-support of the amendment would not show intent for the'future of the lagoon, and would merely address the immediate problem of the dredging. Council discussion related to concerns about loosing the funding, should conditions be placed in the Bill, which may be beyond the control of the City of Carlsbad: Additional concern was expressed about whether the Fish and Game Depart- ment 'would be the appropriate agency to have control over the matter, as contained in the amendment. Council again recognized Mr. Skotnicki, who expressed agreemen with that concern. He suggested a Joint Powers Agreement with the three cities, to coordinate their efforts relating to the 1 lagoon. .. st, y 1 COUNCIL ,MEMBERS Packard CasPer Anear Kulchin - a I- @ ff / COUNCIL March 17, 1981 Page 11 MEMBERS Council Member Kulchin left at'10:18 P.M. OFF-AGENDA TTEM - Local Coastal Plan Council Member Casler requested Council approval to add an item pertaining to the Local. Coastal Plan to the agenda for Council discussion and.consideration. - [771 ~ ':.. Council unanimously agreed to add the issue relating to the Local Coastal Plan to the agenda for consideration. Council Member Casler reported to Council her belief that there is an opportunity to have the City's plan passed by the Regional Commission, and back in the City's hands. She continued by indicating that the plan may be approved if the City is willing to consider an AG plan, similar to that of the County's. She indicated that the Class 3 soils, which were the best to preserve, had been identified on both sides of Interstate 5, and belonged to Ecke Occidental, Lusk, and Rancho La Costa. I I She .explained the County's adopted plan, referencing an agricultural resource overlay zone, to be .applied to the lands indicated in the Toups Report, as suitable agricultural lands, and their designation of agricultural land, and impacted agricultural land. She further reported that the Class 3 soils are most suitable for ag.ricuZtura1 use, and attempts would be .made to retain them in agricultural use. However, if development is proposed, the developer/owner would kie allowed to develop 50 percent of the parcel, and required to maintain 50 percent in agricultural use. She indjcated the Coastal Commission had accepted and approved this plan for the County, and suggested that the City also support this as an agricultural plan for the City of Carlsbad. Council accepted the proposed agricultural policy, explained by Council Member Casler, as the proposed agricultural plan to be presented to the Regional Coastal Commission for the City. of Carlsbad.' Council Member Anear .requested that the necessary steps be taken to insure that the correct map is included. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: 1 The City Manager requested that Council appoint a Committee . .- to work.with him on a proposal to present to the County regarding purchase of County land. He suggested, and Counc'il concurred, that the Committee be comprised of Mayor Packard and Council Member Anear. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:32 P.M., to .Tuesday, March 24, 1981, at 7:OO P.M., in Council Chambers. Respectfully Submitted, &a!& /R- ALETHA L. RAUTENKFWNZ, City Clerk Ann R. Alleman, Minutes Clerk I Packard Cas ler Anear Packard Casler Anear ~ i I