HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-21; City Council; Minutes, r \f A PVAAAW u d, Ed EB , . '. .. .. - [50 1 199 1 1 32 I MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: July 21, 1981 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chambers - - . " CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Packard at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the' City Clerk: Present - Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis INVOCATION was given by Pastor A. Barry Jones, Carlsbad Union Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Les Evans, City Engineer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting, held June 23,.1981, were approved as submitted. Mayor Packard noted that he abstained on all items dealing with the Redevelopment Plan from the minutes of June 23, 1981. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Lewis requested that Items No. 2 and 9 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Packard removed Item No. 10 from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Anear requested that Item No. 4 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items No. 2, 4, 9, and 10, as follows: .. WAIVER'OF'DOCUMENT TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions before Countil at this meeting. 1. AB 116667 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified payment of demands against the City in the amount of $1,003,759.33 for the-period July 7, 1981 to July 13, 1981; payroll.demands in the amount of $255,942.30 for the period June 22, 1981 to July 5, 1981; and Housing Authority demands in the amount of $14,430.00 for the period July 7, 1981 to July 13, 1981. 3. AB 116666 - FINAL MAP - CT 80-8 (IZBICKI CONDOMINIUMS.) Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 80-8. 5. AB f6668 - STATE FUNDING GRANT FOR RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6607, APPROVING PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT NO. 07 TO LOCAL AGENCY-STATE AGREEMENT NO. 11-5308 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE PROGRAM SUPPLEMENT y COUNCIL MEMBERS Packard . Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis f LIB1.AW U A A3 D [99 [~ 1 [321 [96:1 E01 1841 CITY COUNCIL July 21, 1981 Page 2 a 6. AB 116669 - APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOKBOND PAYMENTS. ~-1 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6608, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PAY- MENT OF BOND DEBT SERVICE FOR WATER REVENUE BONDS FOR FISCAL, YEAR 1981-82. i 7. AB /I6654 - Supplement #l'-.EIGHT'LOT'TENTATIVE'TRACT ' MAP AND FIVE'UNIT PLANNED'UNIT'DEVELOPMENT' - CT 80-46/PUD- 27 - SWAB. t Council- adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION NO.. 6609, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS AN 8-LOT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (CT 80-46) AND A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (PUD-27)' TO CREATE 5 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS AND' 3 COMMON LOTS ON APPROXIMATELY 1.36 ACRES GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF HIGHLAND DRIVE BETWEEN ELM AVENUE AND ELMWOOD DRIVE. APPLICANT:. SWAB. 8. AB #6670 -.AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT SURPLUS STATE'PROPERTY. I Council adopted the following Resolution: .RESOLUTION NO. 6610, AUTHORIZING THE EXISTING CITY MANAGER, FRANK ALESHIRE, TO ACCEPT SURPLUS STATE PROPERTY. 11. 'AB'.#6674 "TRAFFIC SIGNAL - LEVANTE AT EL'CAMINO'REAL. ... .. Council approved the project as bid, authorized the expenditure of $7,045., and adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6613, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT LEVANTE AND EL CAMINO REAL. 12. AB f6680 - REFUND OF FEES - WOODWARD. Council approved the requested refund for overpayment of fees. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: 2. AB /I6665 - UNIFORM'AND LAUNDRY'SERVICE. Council-Member Lewis expressed concern over the total amount of the bid, and compared last years expenditure of $11,118 to this years bid of $17,245. The City Manager explained that the cost per unit is up 5 percent, and added that they did increase the budget because it was anticipated that there would be an increase. Council adopted the following Resolution: 1 RESOLUTION'NO. 6606, ACCEPTING A BID AND AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR UNIFORM AND LAUNDRY SERVICE to Prudential Overall Supply. y COUNCIL MEMBERS Packard ~ Casler Anear Kulchin 1 Lewis - I j b I c UTES CITY COUNCIL July 21, 1981 y \ COUNCIL Page 3 MEMBERS t 4. AB f6672 - FINAL MAP AND PARK DEDICATION - CT 79-27 - BROADMOOR HOMES/PUEBLO DEL ORO. Council.Member Anear pointed out that under the first phase of develapment, Hosp Way was to go from.Monroe to El Camino Real; and in looking at the preparations, it did not look as though it was going.to go that far. Les Evans, the City Engineer, explained that in talking with the developer, Hosp,Way will.be.extended in September. Mayor Packard inquired about the proposed traffic signal at Marron .Road and Elm'Avenue. Mr. Evans explained that they have been notified to proceed with same. Council. approved the final map of Carlsbad .Tract 79-27, and Packar d adopted the.following Resolution: Casler Anear RESOLUTION NO. 6612, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEER FROM GROVE Kulchin APARTMENTS INVESTMENT CO. FOR PARK PURPOSES. Lewis. The City Manager. stated that letters have been .received from. Broadmoor Homes and Attorney Nicholas Banche, regarding a dispute between Broadmoor Homes and the Grove properties over the payment of the $14,000 fee. He indicated that t-he matter will come before the Council at a later date for action. 9. AB f6671 - NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES GRANT APPLICATION. Council Member Lewis requested clarification on the matter. .The City Manager explained that some City Staff time will be involved; however, there will be no additional costs to the City as far as funding is concerned. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6611 , AUTHORIZING STAFF TO SUBMIT NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES GRANT APPLICATION. IO. AB j16673 - AGUA. HEDIONDA BRIDGE - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. Mayor Packard referred to the meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding the beach areas and the issue of parking and circulation; -and indicated that San Diego Gas and Electric is concerned about vandalism at the fishing area on the east side of Carlsbad Boulevard. One suggestion was to close .off Carlsbad Boulevard at the bridge, putting in. a cul-de-sac, and not allowing traffic through that area. He reported that the suggestion has some definite possibil- ities; however, no proposals or recommendations were made. .... Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis Mayor Packard continued, explaining that if the City and the Council felt that they would lean toward that type of solution, he is.not anxious to rebuild the bridge. The concensus of the Council was that they did not feel closing off Carlsbad Boulevard was the solution. - The City Manager indicated that San Diego Gas and Electric will be bringing a report to the Council sometime in August, and alternatives can be considered at that time. ' f I t JItVJkALW u BL A2 D [991 ..... " CITY COUNCIL July 21, 1981 Page 5 y \ COUNCIL MEMBERS ~-~~~~ - ~~~~~ Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving ZC-231, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1822. B 17. AB f6676 - ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1 TO RD-M-Q - BETWEEN OAK AVENUE AND PINE AVENUE - NEVILLE - ZC-237. With the aid of a transparency showing the location of the project, the staff report was p.resented by the Planning Director, essentially as contained in the statement of the matter. The Planning Director, in response to. Council query, indicated that additional zone changes in the area will be 'processed which conform to the General Plan, and no traffic problems are anticipated. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 6: 27 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Council recognized James Scanlon, 7306 Borla Place, Carlsbad; owner of one of the involved lots. Mr. Scanlon indicated that along with himself , he was also representing Mr. Neville and Akira Muroya. . He stated his opinion that Staff has done a fine evaluation of this property, and indicated that the reason for the requested zone change was that the applicants feel the area has outgrown the R-1 zoning requirement. He concluded requesting approval of the zone change, and stated same would improve the appearance of the area in question. ' Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 6:30 P.M. Council Member Lewis expressed concern regarding the current parking situation, and stated he would oppose any allowances for off street parking for the development. Mayor Packard indicated that the parking situation would be reviewed at the time development comes before the Council for approval. Council directed the' City Attorney to prepare documents ' . approving ZC-237, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1823. Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis / ,,.. Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis I 18. AB #6677 - 28 UNIT TENTATIVE rRACT MA?? AND CONDOMINIUM b PERMIT - G. R. CAPITAL, INC. I The Planning Director gave a staff report on the matter, essentially as contained in the statement of the matter. Mr. Hagaman referred to a wall exhibit, and explained the elevation and plot plan. Mayor Packard opened the public hearing at 6:34 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. ... " ......... " - ..... " - .. - - . - ... .. ......... - I \ CITY COUNCIL July 21, 1981 1 Page 6 COUNCIL MEMBERS UTE \ CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL July 21, 1981 Page 7 MBERS ~ - [45 1 [29 1 In response, Mr. Reid indicated his belief that the expenses are justified in that the intention is to protect Encina and the agencies. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION N0:6614,.AUTHORIZING THE VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT TO EXECUTE THE THIRD.AGREEMENT TO CONTRACT WITH LOWRY AND ASSOCIATES REGARDING CONSTRUCTION CONTROL SERVICES FOR PHASE I11 ENLARGEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THE ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. b 22. AB 116,&82 - SEVENTEENTH' SUPPLEMENT TO BASIC AGREEMENT (ENCINA)'PHASE III(A)'EXPANSION. . .The City Manager gave a brief staff.report, essentially as- contained in the statement of ,the matter. Council adopted the following Resolution: .RESOLUTION. NO. 6615, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF.THE SEVENTEENTH. SUPPLEMENT.TO THE BASIC AGREEMENT FOR ENCINA JOINT SEWER SYSTEM TO PROVIDE FOR INCREASING CAPAC.ITY OF SAID SYSTEM FROM 18.0 MGD TO 22.5 MGD AND APPORTIONING COSTS OF PHASE I11 CONSTRUCTION. 23. AB 116683 - BUDGET AMENDMENT - ENCINA WATER'POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. The City Manager gave a brief report on the matter. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION. NO. .66-16 , AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY CAPITAL ITEMS AND PHASE I11 CONSTRUCTION. Finance C311 " 1701 [45 1 24. AB 116684 - CONSTITUTIONAL APPORTIONMENT SECTION".FOR BUSINESS LICENSE'ORDINANCE. The staff report was given by the City Manager, essentially as contained in the statement of the matter. Council introduced the following Ordinance: 1 ORDINANCE N0.'6063, AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 5.04 OF THE CARLSBAD MITNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 5.04.085 RELATING TO CONSTITUTIONAL APPORTIONMENT OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAXES. Parks and Recreation 25. AB 116685 - CONTRACT AGREEMENT'EXTENSION FOR SAWDIEGO GAS'AND'ELECTRIC'BEACH'AREAS. The City Manager gave a staff report on the matter, and indicated that. as of this time, there is no agreement between San Diego Gas and Electric and- the State to take over the beaches, after the City's agreement is terminated. I Packard Casler . Anear Kulchin Lewis Packard . Casler Anear Kulchin ,Lewis . I._ Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis ._ Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis - \ - 1631 . ." CITY COUNCIL July 21, 1981 Page 8 Mr. Aleshire continued to explain that if the Council does not wish to have the lifeguards withdrawn on August 1, 1981, San Diego Gas and Electric is willing to extend the contract to September 13, 1981, and they will pick up the costs. Council agreed to continue the contract through September 13, 1981, with San Diego Gas and Electric being responsible for providing funds for the continuation of the services. 1 Purchasing 26. AB i16686 - BONDING OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES. The City Manager gave a brief report .on the matter. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1239, AMENDING TITLE.2, CHAPTERS 2.08, 2.12, AND 2.20, AND TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2.08.040 ?Q REQUIRE AN HONESTY BOND FOR ALL CITY EMPLOYEES, BY THE DELETION OF SECTIONS 2.12.020 AND 2.20.040 AND BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3.28.040 TO ELIMINATE THE BONDING REQUIRmNT FOR THE CITY MANAGER,, ACTING CITY MANAGER, FINANCE DIRECTOR, AND PURCHASING OFFICER. City Manager 27.. AB i16687 - LAND ACQUISITION/DAON CORPORATION. The City Manager gave a staff report on the matter, and .indicated that.he has met with Mr. Goff and Mr. Ryan, representatives of the Daon Corporation. They indicated they were willing to work with the City, and had other sites in mind for consideration. Mr. Aleshire pointed out that other sites are available; however, the Library Board feels the Dove site is the best. Council Member Casler stated her feeling that she agrees with the Library Board on the selection of the Dove site; however, she objects to the title "Cammunity Center/Library ,I' and requested that Council consider eliminating that designation. Mrs. Casler added that the idea was. to build a library in southern Carlsbad, and the community center designation dilutes the effect of same. Council Member Casler also indicated that Mr. Holt, who did the Master Plan, had been contacted, and he agreed to look at the Dove site for a fee of $50. per hour, and make a determination whether or not it was suitable. Council Member Anear stated his opinion that he does not agree the library has to be on a major thoroughfare, and inquired why it could not be located within a community park. Council recognized Seena Trigas, President of the Library Board of Trustees. 'Mrs. Trigas gave some background on the matter, and spoke in favor of the Dove site. She pointed out that there is already a traffic signal in place, and stated that the area was in need of community rooms and library services; and urged support and consideration of the b . Library board',^ recommendation. .. . - . - - . "" " - - " . . .. .. . .. COUNCIL MEMBERS Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis ". - I 'JI' E CITY COUNCIL July 21, 1981 Page 9 \ COUNCIL MEMBERS f Council recognized Saundra Cima, 1856 Lilac Court, Carlsbad. Mrs. Cima stated that she lives in the Seaport area, and is a..supporter of library services. Mrs. Cima concluded by requesting Council consideration for a library and a park or recreational area in the Seaport area. Council recognized Mr. .Jim Nedlik, 3103 Quebrada Circle, Carlsbad. Mr. Nedlik spoke in favor of the library, recreation and park site proposed at Dove and El Camino Real; and stated his opinion that same would tie northern and southern Carlsbad into one City. Council recognized Barbra Balser, 1712 Cannas Court , Carlsbad. ' Mr.s. Balser indicated that her family would like to see a library built in southern Carlsbad, and spoke in favor of same. Council recognized Mae Johnson, 7227 Mimosa Drive, Carlsbad. Ms. 'Johnson indicated that she was representing .the Newcomers of Carlsbad, of which there are approximately 350 members; and- spoke in favor of ,the Dove site for a new library. .. Council recognized Mr. Hal Zack, P. 0. Box 422, Carlsbad; who indicated he was neither.. speaking. for or against the matter. Mr. Zack expressed concern over the traffic hazards at Olivenhain Road.and Rancho Santa Fe Road, and the possibility that the City will locate faciiites in this area. Mayor Packard explained that Mr. Zack's concerns do not tie in with the negotiations of the library site. Council recognized Mr. Jim Goff, representing the Daon Corporation. Mr. Goff explained that they are currently conducting studies relative to how Stagecoach Park and Alga Norte Park might be organ'ized in terms of future development. He added that they have no hesitancy in looking at the Alga Norte site as a place in which the library facility might be located; however, they have not yet come close to finishing that analysis. Mr; Goff stated that he is hoping the City will review all the options available, and indicated that the report should be finalized in approximately four weeks, and available to the Council. Discussion included the individual Council Member's feelings on the matter, and the concensus of the Council was that a more detailed report would be to the benefit of all. b Council directed the City Manager and the Daon Corporation to look at the alternative sites, and hire a consultant or architect at the discretion of the City Manager to assist; and come back to Council with a report on same within two months. RECESS Mayor. Packard called a recess at 8:31 P.M., and the Council reconvened at 8: 44 P.M., with five members present. I .... Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis av&kahl u A mi3 \\ \ COUNCIL MEMBERS P ackar d Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis Packar d Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis Packard Casler Anear Kulchin Lewis . I) a \ CITY COUNCIL July 21, 1981 COUNCIL ~ MEMBERS. Page 12 ~~ I f [lo31 33. AB f6690 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS., 1 I t ,” Mayor Packard stated that Mr.. Jacobs no longer lives in the City, and inquired whether Council desired to retain their policy requiring commission members to reside within the City. Council concensus reflected the desire for retention of the policy. OFF AGENDA ITEM .. Personnel Board Appointment Mayor Packard stated that the term of. David Bates expired in June.; therefore, in order .to make an appointment at the next, regular meeting, he would iike the item added to this. agenda .for action. I .. Council unanimously agreed to add the item to the agenda. I Mayor Packard announced his intention to re-apgoint Mr. David Bates to the Personnel Board. .. ‘I COUNCIL REPORTS: Human Services Council Member Casler reported on the public hearhgs., held by the Human Services Advisory Committee on June 25, 1981 and July-15, 1981. She stated that the Committee is off to a good start, and they will be communicating with some of the community leaders to obtain more input, and they are .also planning a luncheon sometime in August. San Diego Youth Symphony Council Member Casler reported that she has been contacted by the San Diego Youth Symphony. They are going to China on August 4, 1981; and brought to her .attention-that children from other cities are sending along a momento to present to the officials of the City they are visiting. I Council Member Casler suggested that the City of Carlsbad send seven plaques with the City Seal along with the children. The Council concurred. NCTD I D Mayor Packard reported that the Board of Directors for the Transit District approved the installation of lights and telephones, where feasible, for the bus shelters. The District will maintain the shelters at no cost to the City; however, they are requesting that the City maintain the surrounding areas. t ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M., to Friday, July 24, 1981 at 2:OO P.M. Respectfully Submitted, ._.. .. . I - I ALETHA l2etALdP- L. RAUTENKEUNZ, City Clerk Ann R. Alleman, Minutes Clerk . . . .. I I