HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-25; City Council; MinutesIC 3 MINUTES 4, - - - I r: Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: August 25, 1981 Place of Meetinn: Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Packard called the meeting to order at 6:04 P.M. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken by the City Clerk: Present: Mayor Packard, Council Members Casler, Lewis and Kulchin Absent: Council Member Anear Council Member Anear arrived at 6:34 P.M. b Mayor Packard recognized and expressed appreciation for the presence of members of the Planning Commission and Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Committee. 251 1. AGENDA BILL f6721 - CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOUSING COMMITTEE 'S PROPOSED "INCENTIVE HOUSING PROGRAM". The Housing & Redevelopment Director, Jack Henthorn, gave a staff report on the matter as contained in his memorandum dated August 10, 1981. He indicated the purpose of bringing the matter before Council was to discuss the Chamber's proposal as a possible program to implement the Housing Element, and to discuss mortgage revenue bond financing. Re summarized the contents of the Chambers proposed program, and stated that the three major staff comments regarding the proposed program are: 1. Programs should be concentrated in the 80% to 120% median income level. 2. Development standards will need to be carefully analyzed when density inreases are requested. 3. Interest rates are a major factor in the cost to the consumer. Mortgage revenue bond financing should be limited to developments concentrating on the 80% of median income level. Council then recognized Mr. Don Woodward, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce's Housing Committee. Mr. Woodward commented briefly on the proposed program, and inroduced Mr. Bill Hossfeld of Builder's Consortium in Orange County, and Mr. Tom Swanson of Walker & Lee, and stated they may be able to respond to questions of Council as they relate to the new project in Orange County. In response to Council query, Mr. Henthorn stated that th State would not recognize any housing over the 80% median income level as being low-cost housing. Thus it could be considered moderate-cost housing. D e In response to further Council questions, Mr. Swanson stated that controls could be built into the system which would make it very difficult for speculators to buy the units. He offered suggestions that a person could be required to take title to the property as the name apears on the lottery card; a check could be made as to whether the person owns any other real estate; a person could be required to furnish a copy of his recent tax statements; City the first right of refusal on resales for a period of 30 years. COUNCIL b .A, ' MEMBERS % ...* 4. - " \ MINIJTES August 25, 1981 Page 2 Mr. Woodward stated that the Chamber proposes the use of a deed restriction stating that whoever buys the unit must stay there for three years. Council Member Casler commented that all blame should not be placed on the City, that the building industry should accept its share. She stated her belief that the building industry has brainwashed the people into believing they need large homes and all the amenities. She expressed a willingness to make concessions, but suggested that the building industry should also make concessions and build a different type of home. Mr. Hossfeld responde'd to Council Member Casler's comments by explaining the mix of unit types that were built in Orange County. He indicated they contain the basics, but no frills. He further identified the concessions made by the County. Council Member Casler questioned whether attempts had been made to contact industrial or commercial firms moving intc the area. She suggested that they cooperate in building housing for their employees and hold the mortgages on the homes so they could be resold to employees. L 1 Mr. Woodward stated they had been in contact with the Koll Company regarding being notified of firms moving into the research park, and they would continue to pursue that type of possibility. Council recognized Mr. Don Brown of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Brown referenced the Chamber's proposal and the ways enumerated therein for cooperation in order to provide low-moderate cost housing. He requested Council's favorable consideration of the proposal. Council recognized Thelma Hayes, a member of the Housing & Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Mrs. Hayes questioned whether the proposal would benefit small developers. She also expressed the feeling that since the units would be smaller, it would be important to provide open space for the children. She stressed the importance of maintaining quality. Council discussed the various aspects of the proposed program, and whether the level of median income should be set at 120% or 150%. As a point of clarification, Mr. Henthorn stated the concentrate on the range of 80% to 120%. Following further discussion, Council directed staff to process enabling documents amending Title 21 (zoning) of the Municipal Code to provide for approval of below market rate housing proposals via development agreements with emphasis on that portion of the market below 120% of the median income. 1 recommendation was to leave the level at 150%, but to RECESS: Mayor Packad called a recess at 7:55 P.M., and Council reconvened at 8:07 P.M. with all Council Members present. 222 MEMBERS COUNCIL k % Packard Cas ler Anear Lewis Kulchin X ,( 1 ” [7; o? MINUTES Page 3 MEMBERS COUNCIL b % Z. August 25. 1981 \ 71 2. AGENDA BILL j.6179 - WORKSHOP ON SEDWAY/COOKE I S INTERIM GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT. Page 3 MEMBERS COUNCIL b % Z. August 25. 1981 \ 71 2. AGENDA BILL j.6179 - WORKSHOP ON SEDWAY/COOKE I S INTERIM GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT. The Planning Director gave an introduction to the matter stating the purpose of the discussion is to get an agreement on what the report says and what it does not say. Then the Planning staff will come back with recommendations on where to go from here. Tom Hageman of the Planning Department, continued the staff report with the aid of transparencies as contained in the attachments to the Agenda Bill. Council discussed at length the problems associated with lack of planning for schools due to lack of adequate funds for same. The also discussed the desirability of woking cooperatively with the schools districts in efforts to adequately plan for future schools. Council Member Anear suggested that actual cost factors should be built into the system. He also noted that while a program may tell what it costs to build a particular facility, too many times the cost of maintaining that facility are not taken into consideration. He suggested that cost of maintenance should also be built into the system. Further Council discussion related to the importance of the tracking system which would be developed, and the importance of keeping informed of how figures and estimates change through the years. Also discussed was the importance of establishing the benchmark figures. Council discussed the recommendations contained on page 5, and indicated approval of the first two, but reiterated their feeling that the Public Facility Fee should not be increased. Council expressed concurrence with the recornendations outlined by staff in the report. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Mayor Packard requested that Council discuss the Buena Vista Lagoon Wier; Council Member Lewis requested that Council discuss the mailed ballot election; and the City Manager requested that Council consider a report on the Capital Improvement Program. 1 Council unanimously agreed to add the above listed items to the agenda for discussion. Buena Vista Lagoon Wier Mayor Packard stated he had received a request for consideration of widening the Wier to help prevent flooding of streets. He stated the request was for the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside to both contribute $6,000 to complete the project. Following questions, Council directed that staff study the matter and place the item on a future agenda for consideration. Packard Cas ler Anear Lewis Kulchin X ~ r * I MINUTES August 25, 1981 Page 4 CIP - I The Assistant City Manager/Development, Ron Beckman, distributed a proposed schedule for the CIP program. He then detailed the proposed calendar and actions, indicating that there would be one public meeting in a central location of the City, and that a citizens committee would also consider the CIP. He referenced the proposed layout of a newsletter and explained the proposed contents of same. Council concurred that the print on all pages of the newsletter should run the same direction for ease of reading. Council also concurred with the proposed format of the newsletter and indicated it should be done on newsprint. Council also indicated they did not desire for the newsletter to contain a photo of Council. Council Member Anear also requested that the newsletter contain a pie chart to show citizens what portion of their tax dollar the City actually receives. Following discussion regarding the proposed committee, Council determined to eliminate the proposed committee from the process, and expressed concurrence with the remainder of the schedule as outlined. Float for Rose Parade Mayor Packard stated that the Chamber was inviting a Council Member to sit on the committee meetings regarding the float. Mayor Packard inquired whether Council Member Kulchin would sit on the committee. Council Member Kulchin indicated her acceptance. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:28 P.M. Respectfully submitted, &ZLdQ& A~ETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ 6 City Clerk I d MEMBERS COUNCIL w % 2. Packard Cas ler Anear X Lewis Kulchin