HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-09-22; City Council; Minutes:; t - 1 [ I: i MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Date of MeetQg: September 22, 1981 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers COUNCIL \ %? CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Packard called the meeting to order at 6:OO P.M. MEMBERS INVOCATION: The invocation was given by Mayor Packard . ROLL CALL: Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk: I Present: Mayor Packard, Council Members Casler, Anear, Lewis and Kulchin. :99] 1. AB f6602 - Supplement #3 - FINAL MAP CT 81-3 - APPLICANT : MOLA; The Assistant City Manager/Development, gave a brief report on the matter, referencing the Memorandum, dated September 11, 1981, from the Director of Planning to the City Manager. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 81-3. PRESENTATION: Mayor Packard read and presented a Resolution to Judi Missett honoring her for her dedication to physical fitneess by the promotion of Jazzercize. :921 . Packard Cas ler Anear Lewis Ku lch in PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. AB #6737 - CALAVERA HILLS TREATMENT PLANT. The City Manager gave a brief introduction of the matter, noting that the material presented to Council at this meeting is identical to that presented to them at the previous meeting, held on September 8, 1981. He stated that the agreement is not in final form; however, following the public hearing, Council Committee would mee again with staff and the developer in accordance with Council direction. I Ms. Missett expressed her appreciation for the Resolution has well as the support of all the citizens of Carlsbad. I I t Mr. Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager/Development, bega the staff report by detailing the history of the matter as well as Council's actions to date. I The City Engineer, Les Evans, continued with the report and explained the two phases of the contract, which relate to the sewer plant and the water reclamation facility. He also reiterated some of the discussions that took place regard to costs and capacity. With the aid of a transparency, he explained how population projections were converted into sewage flow, and possible effects with and without the Lake Calavera Hills Plant. 1 during the preparation of the initial agreement with Mr. Evans also explained projections for water availability and demand, and indicated that the need for reclaimed water may generate the need for the Lake Calavera Hills Plant, rather than the need for sewer. With the aid of a wall map, Mr. Evans showed the location of the plant, and explained the amount of line needed to connect the plant to the existing line along Palomar Airport Road. He also referenced the Master Sewer Plan for the City, and noted the need for its revision in accordance with the existing Lake Calavera Hills Plant. X " MINUTES -2- September 22, 1981 I Mr. Beckman concluded the staff report by explaining the pros and cons of staying with the existing agreement or moving forward with a new agreement. He indicated that if the City takes over the plant at this time, it would cost approximately one million dollars to complete the effluent disposal line, and approximately one million dollars to complete the water reclamation facility. Council recognized Mr. Dennis Reid, Manager of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. Mr. Reid expressed the opinion that water reclamtion may be feasible in the late 1980's, or early 1990's. He stated that they are ahead of the Phase IV schedule at Encina, and it may be completed in 1984. He also stated that it appears to be cheaper to process sewage at Encina, rather than at a smaller plant, and noted the need for consideration of the service to be provided. Mr. Reid concluded by stating that he had read the existing agreement and the proposed agreement, and concurs with the proposed agreement. Mayor Packard opened the hearing to public testimony at 7:lO p.m. Mr. Roy Ward, 1207 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, addressed Council. For clarification, Mr. Ward stated that the treatment plant is complete, but what needs to be done is to build the effluent disposal line. He stated that to date they have spent 2.9 million dollars, and have built a dual line from the plant to El Camino Real, and have participated in the line along Palomar Airport Road. He further stated that the cost to the City to date and in the future is zero. He noted that an advantage to the City and taxpayers is that the developer is providing the facility for the use of future development in the City at a fairly reasonable cost. In addition, he stated that the existing contract says that the cost of construction, including interest, runs until the City accepts or rejects the plant, and that interest is running at approximately $46,000 per month. He stated that the City's acceptance of the plant would stop that interest from adding to the cost, and would allow the City flexibility in the determination of the final placement of the effluent disposal line. He concluded by stating that they were reserving the right in the contract to finish the effluent disposal line if the City cannot, and the developer needs the capacity to proceed with development. I Mr. John Gray, 5451 Los Robles Drive, Carlsbad, Vice- President of the Association of Carlsbad Taxpayers, addressed Council. Mr. Gray stated that the Association had a committee study the proposal in an attempt to analyze its effect on the Carlsbad Taxpayers. He stated that Mr. Aldrich and Mr. Nyhagen would present those findings to Council. Mr. Nelson Aldrich, 4410 La Portalada Drive, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Aldrich distributed to Council at typewritten product of their committee meetings and read same for Council consideration. MEMBERS COUNCIL \ 4 MINUTES -3- September 22, 1981 I Mr. Norman Nyhagen, 3445 Ann Drive, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Nyhagen stated that the Association believed that the new agreement should be accomplished by means of deletions or amendments, rather than creating a new contract . Mr. John Gray concluded the Association's presentation by questioning the need for the City to assume the risk and liability of completing the plant. RECESS : Mayor Packard called a recess at 8:07 P.M, and Council reconvened at 8:19 P.M., with all Council Members present. Mr. Bruce KOPSCO, 3970 Gloria Lane, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Kopsco questioned the need for the plant, and expressed the opinion that this plant is an example of poor City planning and engineering. Mr. Bill Meadows, 4305 Seabright Drive, Carlsbad, General Manager of the Costa Real Municipal Water District, addressed Council. Mr. Meadows referenced the District's letter which had been submitted on July 8, 1981, as a response to the report. Mr. Meadows stated that water reclamation should be placed in perspective and that it is important to realize that it is one of many ways to cope with water shortages in the future. He suggested that water reclamation should be looked at on a regional basis. i Mr. Jess Alvarez, 1220 Stratford Lane, Carlsbad, addresse Council. Mr. Alvarez requested that the proposed agreement not be approved. Mr. Hugh Singleton, 1235 Stratford Land, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Singleton expressed the opinion that Council had waited too long to receive citizen input on the matter. He suggested that the City wait, and if i is determined in the future that the plant is needed, the they should buy it. d .t In Mr. Jack Kubota, P.O. Box 1095, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Kubota stated that he is registered Civil Engineer, and expressed willingness to make himself available to work with staff on the matter. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Packard closed the public hearing at 8:38 P.M. I Council comments indicated that though many had stated th it is going to cost the taxpayers money when, in fact, it is not. The money to complete the line and the water reclamation facility would come from future sewer connection fees. Therefore, the proposed contract would save the City money. a: The City Manager summarized the comments stated at the public hearing, and commented on same. He further explained the the'proposed agreement would not cost the taxpayers any funds. Also, another consideration for not completing the plant at this time was due to the many uncertainties in the water reclamation issue. MEMBERS COUNCIL k MINUTES -4- September 22, 1981 - I Council concurred that the Council Committee should meet with staff and the developer to finalize the agreement fo presentation to Council for discussion and action. .i In response to the City Manager's summary, Mr. Jack Kubot stated, and the Manager agreed that he, in fact, had not said the word "reclamation" during his coments. 1 9 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: I City Attorney I I [70] 3. AB 86689 - Supplement #l - MACARIO CANYON PURCHASE. I cS1l The City Attorney gave a brief report on the matter, indicating that the signed deed had just been delivered five minutes prior to the Council Meeting. He further stated that the signed deed was different than the copy previously distributed in that there were some "subject to's" on the signed deed. He concluded by suggesting that if Council desired to move forward with the matter, that they accept the deed subject to the resolution of the exceptions to the City Attorney's satisfaction. I Council adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION NO. 6678, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FROM CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER FOR GENERAL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES, subject to the resolution of the exceptions to the City Attorney's satisfaction. c921 C45 1 Maintenance I 4. AB 86752 - REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE. I Mr. Roger Greer, the Utilities/Maintenance Director, gave a brief staff report on the matter as contained in the agenda bill. Council recognized Mr. Arie De Jong, President of Coast Waste Management, 7204 Ponto Drive, Carlsbad. Mr. De Jon stated that the existing rates have been in effect since 1978. He further outlined the rising costs for his operation, and requested approval of the requested increase. Council adopted the following Resolution: 1g RESOLUTION NO. 6679, REVISING THE REFUSE COLLECTION RATES FOR TFIE CITY OF CARLSBAD. City Manager I 5. AB # 6753 - AGREEMENT FOR GAS LINE EXTENSION AT ENCINA PLANT. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6680, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION BY VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT OF AN AGREEMENT WITH TH SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ON BEHALF OF I THE ENCINA JOINT POWERS. COUNCIL k %? MEMBERS Packard Cas ler Anear X Lewis Kulchin Packard Cas ler Anear Lewis Kulchin X Packard Cas ler Anear X Lewis Ku lch in I, i. MINUTES -5- September 22, 1981 CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 9:15 P.M., to discuss litigation. Council reconvened at 10:25 p.m., with all Council Members present, and the Mayor announced that litigation had been discussed and no action taken. I ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:26 P.M. Respectfully submitted, L2!&22&$ - ~~ ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk 1 - /y CoUNC'L %( 39 MEMBERS