HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-11-24; City Council; Minutes- / - 3 3 MINUTES Pketing of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular meting) Time of &eting: 6:OO P.M. \ Date of Wting: November 24, 1981 Place of IvJeeting: Council Chmrs COUNCIL MEMBERS CALL ?o OFXER: Mayor Packard called the meting to order at 6 p.m. FOIL, CALL: Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk as follows : Present: Padtard, lewis, Anear, Kulchin Absent: casler $1 msmm. 1. AB #6818 - RENEW.. OF PROPEFSY EQUIPBENT FIOA'ER Mr. Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager/Administration, gave a brief staff report on the matter explaining the previous insurance coverage and the process utilize to develop the proposal before Council at this tim. I I &e following resolution was adopted: I RESOLUTION NO. 6729, AUTHORIZING THE REWEWAIL OF THE Packard CITY'S Pmmm AND FQUIPmxr FLOATER INSURANCE. I Lewis Anear Kulchin ~701 2. AE3 #6821 - ORDINANCE FFGQDING DOGS IN THE PARK. The Parks and Recreation Director, Dave Bradstreet, gave a staff report on the matter by explaining the conflicting ordinances regarding dogs in the park. He explained the proposed ordinance before Council, and indicated the nurrbsr of participants at dog shows range from 50 to 150 persons. Council discussion related to whether dogs should be allmed on beaches. Council expressed concern about the possibility of adopting an ordinme which would conflict with state regulations on beaches. It was mved that the ordinance restrict dogs from the beaches. The mtion failed for lack of a second. Anear Further Council discussion reflected the need for the Packard ordinance to be mnsistent with the state requiremnts -is regarding dogs on beaches; and the matter was mntinued to the next meting in order to obtain the necessary mear infomtion. Kulchin I [701 3. AB #6820 - REXISION OF PARK-IN-LIEU FEE. I I T Mr. mnnen gave an introduction of the matter by out- lining the history of the fee and the many problerns which identified the need to revise the nethod of fee computation. Dave Bradstreet mntinued with his staff report with the aid of wall &.libits and explained in detail the revised rnsthod proposed for determining the fee. He explained the reocanmendation to reduce the districts from seven to four, and explained the computatioIls Which were utilized to develop the praposed figures for use in the standard fee as recamended in Alterna- I tive 1. I Council Mer Lewis expressed the feeling that due to the varying land values in various areas of the city, developers should provide appraisals to determine the fee rather than having one standard fee for all areas. Q %? 2 E E t <. MINUTES Noveniber 24, 1981 Page 2 Council Mr Anear expressed concern that the pro- posed standard fee rates did not take into considera- tion the huge price differences between the land in areas two, three and four. A 'I Mr. Bradstreet, to further clarify, indicated staff had talked with mers of the Realty Board and had in order to determine the prices. He stated that the information had been utilized in the developrent of the praposed method for calculating the fee. I obtained sales figure cornparables in the various areas Council recognized Mr. Jim Goff, representing Daon Corporation. Mr. Gof f cormnented that the mney collected in the LaCosta area would probably be utilized t~ improve parks rather than purchase land since the parks agrement would be providing the mjority of the park land to the city. Therefore, since the proposal would set a higher fee in the LacOsta area, he indicated that the LaCosta area should receive better parks since the cost of improving land would be the san~ for any area of tam. auncil Mexrber Anear also questioned what types of credits, if any, would be given to people when park facilities are developed in conjunction with the schools. auncil agreed to reduce the park-in-lieu districts from seven to four. It was mved and seconded that Alternative 1, the Standard Fee, be approved, and that the City Attorney prepare documents to irrq?lenwt the new park-in-lieu fee canputation, and that the matter be reviewed annually. The mtion failed for lack of a njajority. Mayor Packard suggested that additional information be returned at a Council rreeting when a full Council is present. I [96] 4. AB #6819 - SIGN Em!l?Ia. The Assistant City Attorney, Dan Hentschke, gave a staff report detailing the contents of the Memrandm to cOuncil dated October 22, 1981. t FOlloWing brief discussion, Council expressed con- currance with the reccmnendations of Planning Director and City Attorney, and referred the matter to the Planning ccaranission for public hearing. [29] 5. CIP HEVIEW OF CURRENT PFXXECTS AND Pl3fFEN~TI~ OF P€UX€EED OF 19 82-86 CIP. &e Assistant City Manager/Developmt, Ron Eeckmn, distributed a package of infomation to Council. He referenced the antents of the material, and briefly explained the different charts and information con- tained therein. With the aid of a flip chart, Mr. E9scknm-1 gave a status report on the 1981 CIP. m. BecJrman indicated the material was presented to Council at this tim for their review, and that the - MEMBERS COUNCIL k Packard Lewis Anear Kulchin 2 Packard Lewis Anear Kulchin E Packard I;ewis Anear z KulChin I 4 b I ,~ MINUTES Noventer 24, 1981 Page 3 ~~ ~~ public hearing would be held at their meting Decenber 1, 1981. Council discussion reflected concern about the Palm Airport Road and Interstate 5 intersection, as well as the improvement of Palom Airport Road. Council also noted the difficulty in planning the road improvement dE to the location in the county. Council indicated that it my be desirable to include the project in CIP; hcwever, further discussion on the matter would occur at the CIP public meting. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Renaming of Palomar Airport Council Dkniber Anear referenced the confusion about the possibility of renaming Palomar Airport, He indicated his understanding that it would be nawd Carlsbad Airport; hcwever it w+ now being suggested to nam? it Mcclellan Airport. He indicated a desire for Council to take a position on the matter. It was mved that the City forward a letter of request to the County Board of Supervisors indicating the desire to change the nm of Palomar Airport to Carlsbad Airport. The mtion died for lack of a secod. Further Council discussion indicated a desire for comts from the public on the matter. LAX0 Advisorv Cormittee .z Council mer Anear reported on the recent meting of the LAFCO Advisory Camittee, and the domts pertaining to the incorporation of San Dieguito. RedevelO~~t ccaranittee Council Wr Anear reported that the Redevelopment ccaranittee had approved the final draft of the design manual at their last meting. CIx3sED SESSION Council adjourned to a closed session at 8:32 p.m. for the purpose of discussing litigation. Council reconvened at 8:42 p.m. with four Council &ers present; the myor announced that litigation had I been discussed and no action taken. DO" By proper mtion, the meting was adjourned at 8: 43 p.m Respectfully submitted, City Clerk - MEMBERS COUNCIL \