HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-12-08; City Council; Minutes.I- * a - - L L MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: December 8, 1981 Place of.Meeting: Council Chambers I 1 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Packard called the meeting to order at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL: Roll Call was taken by the City Clerk as follows : 4 Present: Packard, Casler, Lewis, Anear, Kulchin 271 1. PRESENTATION OF AUDIT Rl3PORT. The City Manager gave a brief introduction to the matter indicating the additional information that was compiled and placed in this year's audit. The Finance Director, Jim Elliott, continued with the staff report referencing the audit and explaining the three basic sections of same. With the aid of a flip chart, Mr. Elliott gave a brief overview of the expenditures and revenues and fund balances as of June 30, 1981. Mr. Elliott also responded to Council questions regarding method used in estimating revenues for the City. The Finance Director then introduced Mr. Mike Harrison, CPA with Conrad & Associates, the firm responsible for preparation of the audit. Mr. Harrison, in turn, introduced another member of his staff who had assisted in the preparation of the audit, and expressed a willin ness to respond to any questions. Council Member Casler indicated that there were no suggestions for improvements contained in this audit, and questioned why. The Finance Director distributed copies of the auditor' letter of cecommendations and copies of the Water Utili Fund financial statements to the Council Members. Mr. Elliott indicated further.:that additional questions had been raised by the City Manager, and those questions would be answered in a memo to Council in the very near future. Mr. Elliott stated that for the first time, the City's audit complies with the National Council on Governmental Accounting Standards. ~ I No action was taken by the Council. I [112] 2. REVIEW OF PROPOSED REVISION TO WEED ABATEMENT. i Brian Watson, Fire Marshall with the City Fire Depart- ment, gave a staff report on the matter outlining the contents of the memorandum dated November 24, 1981. - g" S t] 7 Council Member Casler indicated that the letter to the property owner also contains a reference to trees in the first sentence. She commented on a previous instance wherein a property owner had removed trees and had informed the Coastal Commission that the City had required their removal. She suggested that the word trees be stricken from the letter. Council Member Lewis commented on the need .to inform the people of the possible charges which could result if the City abates their property. COUNCIL %? MEMBERS k , r- MINUTES c COUNCIL k %? December 8, 1981 Page 2 MEMBERS Council Member Anear also suggested that the property owners be supplied with a list of contractors who could be contacted to perform the work. Council approved the change in policy as reflected in Packard attachment 3B to the Memorandum dated 11/24/81. Cas ler Lewis Anear Kulchin X [SI] 3. AB #6843 - FIRE DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT WITH OCEANSIDE AND VISTA FOR EXCHANGE AND UTILIZATION OF FIRE AND RESERVE EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL. Fire Chief Thompson gave a brief staff report on the matter as outlined in the Agenda Bill. In response to Council questions, he indicated that San Marcos is also covered by the City's agreement with the County. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 6741, AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT FOR THE Packard UTILIZATION OF FIRE PROTECTION, MEDICAL AND RESCUE Casler PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES BETWEEN THE Lewis CITIES OF CARLSBAD, OCEANSIDE, AND VISTA. Anear X Kulchin 1291 4. AB #6841 - Supplement #1 - 1982-86 CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENT PROGRAM. Assistant City Manager/Development, Ron Beckman, gave a brief introduction to the matter referencing Council's previous action at the public hearing. Council Member Casler commented that she would approve the 1982-86 CIP in concept only. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 6739, APPROVING THE 1982-86 CAPITAL Packard IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, ADOPTING THE 1982 CAPITAL BUDGET, Cas ler X AND APPROVING VARIOUS FUND TRANSFERS. Lewis Anear Kulchin Mayor Packard suggested that Council Members offer suggestions to staff to allow for earlier Council par- ticipation in the CIP process for the coming year. Council Member Casler suggested that after the staff and citizens have created a list of suggestions, that the list be given to Council in order for Council to establish the priority before it actually comes to a public hearing for adoption. Council discussion reflected concurrence with the suggestion for earlier Council input. [62] 5. DISCUSSION OF ASSEMBLY BILL 189. The City Manager indicated that on Friday there would be a meeting in Vista Court with judges and County repre- sentatives to discuss the surcharge on parking violation2 and criminal fines as required by Assembly Bill 189. ,. MINUTES 1 c - u M December 8, 1981 Page 3 COUNCIL k MEMBERS The Assistant City Attorney, Dan Hentschke, explained how the bail fees are established. Council discussion reflected the feeling that since the surcharge is required, it should be in addition to existing fines, and not taken out of the City's share. It was the concensus of Council that staff represent the City at the meeting to protect the interests of the City . ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Tamarack Condemnation Assistant City Attorney, Dan Hentschke, reported that a settlement has been reached with the Robinsons on the Tamarack condemnation. Council unanimously agreed to add the itq to the Agenda for Council action. The Assistant City Attorney indicated that the settlement: hdd been determined in the mount of $335,000, which would be paid by Calavera Hills. He indicated that this would conclude the condemnation action with the excep tion of SDG&E property which is currently being negot- iated by the City Attorney's Office for settlement. Council approved the settlement on the condemnation Packard action for the amount of compensation that was reported Casler by the Assistant City Attorney. Lewis Anear Kulchin X La Costa versus Penthouse 0 Assistant City Attorney Dan Hentschke reported on the meeting with the judge, and the Police records which the City would be required to disclose for the suit. La Costa Avenue Council Member Lewis suggested that the City consider putting reflectors on La Costa Avenue to the freeway for safety purposes. Staff indicated that La Costa Avenue is entirely within the County, and not the City. Council concurred that staff be directed to encourage the County to place reflectors down the center line of the road for safety purposes. Design Committee Council Member Lewis commented on the structure being built across from Magee Park, and indicated that it may be desirable to create a design committee to prevent future structures as this being built in the City. I 1 ... . MINUTES December 8, 1981 Page 4 I I I Recognition of Commissioners I Council Member Anear reiterated a previous recommenda- tion that an annual dinner be held for commissioners and their spouses who have served on various boards, com- missions and committees during the year. Civil Defense Council Member Anear commented on the recent Civil Defense meeting, and suggested that the City have at least two civil defense drills each year to ensure that employees are familiar with necessary duties and pro- cedures in the event of a disaster. The City Manager commented that from his previous exper- ience, such drills are a waste of time, but expressed a willingness to do so if Council so instructed, Following further discussion on the matter, it was agreed that the matter would be brought to Council at a future workshop meeting for discussion of the present system to determine if changes are needed. I Land Acquisition I The City Manager reported that the County had this date responded regarding the City's desire to purchase land in the vicinity of Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real. He stated that the County had expressed a willing ness to sell the land to the City, subject to certain conditions. He stated they had asked for terms of 20% down, 12% interest for five years, and the balance due at the end of the fifth year. He stated that the desired conditions consisted of a waiver of the requirement to improve El Camino Real, a- waiver of the equestrian trail through their property; industrial zoning on the remainder of the 130-acre parcel, and agreement that the County would receive the funds in ;excess of the purchase price should the City sell the property at an appreciated price. Council discussed the matter and indicated no problem with the terms, but stated disagreement and concern about three of the requested conditions. It was noted that current plans would eliminate the equestrian trail, anyway, but concern was expressed about the remainder of the requested conditions. -. It was agreed that the Mayor and the City Manager should meet with the Board to further negotiate on the matter. ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 2 8- AIETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk c COUNCIL k % 4 MEMBERS i!