HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-26; City Council; Minutesw MINUTES [281 MEETING OF: City Council (Adjourned Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: January 26, 1982 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO p.m. PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chambers COUNCIL \\y % %% % S% MEMBERS % %% f CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Packard at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken by the City Clerk: Present - Packard, Casler, Anear, Lewis, and Kulchin. 0 1. AB #6881 - HUMAN SERVICES REPORT. Mr. Drew Aitken, Redevelopment Department, gave a brief introduction to the matter. He referenced the draft Community Services Directory presented to the Council earlier in the evening, and indicated the desire of the Committee to update the Directory and mail to all households in the City. In conclusion, he summarized recommendations of the Human Services Advisory Committee as contained in their report. The members of the Human Services Advisory Committee were introduced, and Council expressed appreciation for their efforts. In response to Council query, Committee Chairman Demy stated the Committee had discussed in length which department would be appropriate to oversee the func- tions of Human Services. She indicated the final conclusion of the discussion was that it should be a Council policy decision. Council discussed the recommendation for assigning a full time staff person, and the possibility of whether in fact a part time employee would be sufficient. Committee member Courson indicated his opinion that a half time person would suffice. He also suggested the possibility of encouraging volunteers. As clarification, Committee indicated they did not suggest that the City become a provider of services, but merely make people aware of how to obtain services. Council directed staff to correct and update the Packard X Community Services Directory, and to distribute the Cas 1 er xx Directory to all homes in the City. Anear X Lewis x Kulchin X council approved the six recommendations on page 4 of Packard X the report, and included the recommendation that a Cas ler xx half time coordinator position be established. Anear X Lewis X Kul chin X Council Member Anear expressed the need to hire a separate person for that half time position as opposed to using an existing employee half time for the position. In response to Council query, City Manager indicated he had no recommendation as yet on the department that would be appropriate to oversee the Human Services Committee functions. He indicated a report would be returned to Council at a later date with a recommenda- tion. -1 MINUTES \\y 5 January 26, 1982 Page 2 COUNCIL %?&? MEMBERS Z. tc, .2. I [281 2. AB #6878 - COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM. Following a brief introduction by Marty Orenyak, the Building Director, Chris Salamone, Redevelopment, continued with the staff report. Mr. Salamone explain- ed the program distributed to Council with the Agenda Bill briefly, and indicated it would allow a great deal of flexibility to the Loan Committee. In response to Council questions, he i%dicated that no specific bank had as yet been selected; however, proposals have been received from five banks. He also indicated that City approval of the program at this time would not commit any City funds now or in the future. He stated only block grant funds which Council approves would be utilized, and that the banks would qualify the applicants. Council authorized staff to deposit funds with a local Packard X lender and to begin a Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Casler X Program. Anear xx Lewis X Kulchin X I ~ E81 3. AB #6879 - RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM. Mr. Chris Salamone, Redevelopment, gave a brief staff report on the matter. In response to Council question, Mr. Salamone stated that an owner within the appropriate area could apply for a loan to add a room addition on his house; however, he would have to agree to certain stipulations. Council directed staff to begin conducting a locally Packard X administered Residential Rehabilitation Program. Casler X Anear X Lewis X Kulchin X 130 1 4. AB #6880 - IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY AUDIT. The Building Director, Marty Orenyak, gave a brief I introduction of the matter and introduced Mr. Stephen Maybury, representative from San Diego Gas and Electric, who had prepared the energy audit for the City. Mr. Maybury expressed appreciation for the City's in- terest in asking for the energy audit and continuing with possible implementation of recommendations. In response to Council questions , he indicated that implementation of the recommendations would save the City money at this time as well as during future rate increases. He also explained the operation of an economizer unit which he had recommended be installed. He also commented on the cost of operating individual heater units by employees. 3 MINUTES 1 January 26, 1982 Page 3 In response to Council question, Mr. Orenyak stated that the existing p'ersonnel do not have the necessary skills to accomplish all of the tasks outlined in the Agenda Bill. Therefore only those necessary would be contracted with private contractors. Council directed staff to implement the recommendations contained in the San Diego Gas and Electric energy I audit . :371 5. AB #6577 - SUPPLEMENT #2 - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES mPORT. ~~ Mr. Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager/Administratio gave a brief introduction to the matter. Council discussed the following goals and objectives: I B- 3 Discussion related to the new condominiums near the Magee House and possibility of implementing a design review plan in the City. Council Member Casler commented on a design review plan she had prepared several years previously, and indicated she would prepare an Agenda Bill to bring forward to Council for consideration of the matter. - B- 3-6 Council indicated that North County Transit District is currently working on the project. c-4-5 Council questioned whether in fact the City is paying the YMCA for the use of the 1.agoon when the City owns the P.agoon. In response, Building Director indicated that the YMCA charges the City for use of their facilities, and not the P.agoon. C- 4-2 Council questioned which lagoons this related to. Mr. Mannen indicated a response would be returned to Council on the matter at a later date. 1 c-4-3 Discussion indicated the need to clarify that the I ~ current committee is working only on the Buena Vista Lagoon. D- 1- 3 Council requested a status report on the matter of coordinating the stop lights on Elm Avenue from Pi0 Pic0 to 'Carlsbad Boulevard. Council also discussed striping and reflectors on various City streets, and requested a report on costs and other factors if the striping were to be increased. F- 2 - Council indicated the Energy Award Program should be included. COUNCIL \\$ +% 3 %' % MEMBERS % $% f Packard Ane ar X Casler X X Kulchin X Lewis xx January 26, 1982 MINUTES Page 4 E-3-7 ~~ - . Council requested a report on the programs which are self supporting to explain costs and fees. F- 3-5 Council requested a report which would show a comparison of the old processing procedures with the new processing procedures and time required for both. Also to be included in the report are actions taken by Council which will shorten the processing time. I?-5-6 Council discussed whether action should be taken to establish a Cultural Arts Commission. The City Manager reported on the activities in the Library relating to cultural arts as well as the school district's new Cultural Art Center. F- 5- 3 Council indicated the desirability of possibly holding meetings in the south part of the City when items of interest to those residents are on the Agenda. B-1- 3 Following brief discussion, Council agreed to remove objective B-1-3 from the goals program. Further Council discussion related to the process to be utilized in updating the goals and receiving citizen input. It was the consensus of Council that staff set the matter to public hearing on February 9, 1982, following which Council Members Casler and Kulchin would compile the information and present it to Council for consid- . eration. OFF AGENDA ITEMS Council agreed to add the matter of the request from the City of Oceanside regarding a truck route to the Agenda for Council cons ideration. I Truck Route - Oceanside Beach Sand Replenishment The City Manager gave a report on the matter and distrubuted a memorandum dated January 26, 1982 from the City Engineer regarding the request of the City of Oceanside to use the City of Carlsbad's street as a truck route in their sand replenishment project. He indicated that the matter needed Council consideration since there was no question about the fact that citizens in the neighborhood of the truct route would be inconvenienced and would complain. 26 I COUNCIL \\$ 5 %?$, x., 9, ~ MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. -? I Packard xx Casler X X Kulchin X Lewis X Anear Packard Anear X Casler X xx Kulchin X Lewis X 2 MINUTES January COUNCIL \$ +% 3 %' % 26, 1982 Page 5 MEMBERS 06-f Z. 6 2. I He indicated if Council approves the request of the City of Oceanside, that conditions would be applied such as requiring daily cleanup of spilled sand, limiting the hours of operation, limiting the days of operation, and repairing damage to the City streets. Council discussion related to whether the large trucks could make the sharp turn from Carlsbad Boulevard to Mountain View Drive, and effect the traffic safety in the area. Council approved the request of the City of Packard X Oceanside for a temporary truck route as explained Casler xx in the memorandum dated January 26, 1982, subject Anear X to the review and approval by the Police Chief , Lewis X allowing the City Manager and the Police Chief the Kulchin X flexibility to make necessary adjustments, and making the Police Chief and City Manager responsibl: for all complaints. - COUNCIL mPORTS Council Member Casler reported on the activity of Judi Missett and her opening an art center in the City to teach dancing and drama free. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:49 pm. Respectfully submitted, &d#- AL8THA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk