HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-16; City Council; Minutes- Y' MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: February 16, 1982 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CA.LL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Packard at 6:02 I P.M. + ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk: Present - Packard, Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, and Anear. I INVOCATION was given by Mayor Packard. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager/Pevelopment. APPROVAL OF MINIJTES: (Approved by one motion.) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 2, 1982, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held February 9, 1982, were approved as submitted. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Anear requested Item No. 8 be removed from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item No. 8, as follows: WAIVER OF DOCUMENT TEXT READING Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. [501 1. AB $I6901 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS. Council ratified payment of demands against the City in the amount of $856,969.85 for the period January 29, 1982 to February 5, 1982; Payroll demands in the amount of $254,419.15 for the period January 18, 1982 to January 31, 1982; and Housing demands in the amount of $3,295.10 for the period January 29, 1982 to February 5, 1982. I [63] 2. AB 86900 - ACCEPTANCE OF BEQUEST. t Council adopted the following Resolution, and authorized Staff to deposit funds to account 65-602-0519: RESOLUTION NO. 6787, ACCEPTING A BEOUEST IN THE SUM OF ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00). [93] 3. AB 86848 - Supplement f2 - VALLEY STREET STORM DRAIN 1451 CONTRACT NO. 1098. Council adopted the following Resolution: ESOLUTION NO. 6788, ACCEPTING RIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1098 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE VALLEY STREET STORM DRAIN. - - - COUNCIL \\p +os % ?&$ MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. I ~ i ~ ? ackard xx Casler X .Anear X~ Kulchin XI Lewis 1 x~ PacEard xx Casler X X Ane ar X Kulchin X Lewis u MINUTES February 16, 1982 'Page 2 I [50] 4. AB 86902 - REFUND OF WATER LINE INSTALLATION FEES. Council approved the request for refund of water line installation fees to the Moran Company, in the amount of $1,470.80. + [48] 5. AB A6893 - Supplement 81 - GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Council adopted the following Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 6789, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1982, FOR THE ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS OF SAID CITY AS REQUIRED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RELATING TO GENERAL LAW CITIES AND CONSOLIDATING SAID ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SAID DATE. RESOLUTION NO. 6790, REQUESTING TIiE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO CONDUCT THE ELECTION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1982, AND TO CONSOLIDATE THAT ELECTION WITH STATEWIDE DIRECT PRIMARY ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE SAME DAY. MEMBERS COUNCIL y$ % Z I [70] 6. AB 86903 - TERMINATION OF GIRLS CLUB LEASE. I [451 Council directed Staff to transmit the necessary correspondence to the Carlsbad Girls Club to terminate the lease between the Carlsbad Girls Club, Inc., and the City of Carlsbad for the City-owned building at 3251 Eureka Place. [gg] 7. AB {I6904 - OFF SITE ROAD EASEMENT FOR CARLSRAD TRACT [811 81-23 - A & W VENTURES. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6791, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FROM A&W VENTURES FOR OFF SITE ROAD EASEMENT PURPOSES. t ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: 511 8* AB f6907 - FIRE HYDRANT MARKER PROGRAM. Council Member Anear inquired with regard to the standards for fire hydrant markers, and suggested Council consideration for use of markers with reflectant materials on all four sides, which would necessitate only one marker at an intersection rather than two, and would cut down the cost of same. Mr. James Thompson, Fire Chief, explained that the blue fire hydrant markers are not available with reflectant material on all four sides; therefore, necessitating that two markers be placed at each location. Council approved the Fire Hydrant Marker Program and system of marking, as outlined in City Standard No. GS-12 dated October 15, 1980. I Packard Casler Lewis Kulchin Ane ar \ b p PL X b 3% q v* 1 ~ X X X X X 3 MINUTES February 16, 1982 Page 3 INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCES: [gg] 9. AB $16888 - Supplement 111 - MP-l50(B)/CT 81-47/PUD-35 TREETOPS UNLIMITED - CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN. Council introduced the following Ordinance and adopted the following Resolution: 1 1 " ORDINANCE NO. 9613, AFBNDING ORDINANCE NO. 9517 AND APPROVING A MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT (MP-l50(B)) TO THE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN TO CHANGE THE PHASING BOUNDARIES TO ALLOW VILLAGE C TO BE DEVELOPED AS A PART OF PHASE I ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET EAST OF THE EASTERLY TERMINUS OF TAMARACK AVENUE. APPLICANT: TREETOPS UNLIMITED. RESOLUTION NO. 6792, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS A 230- UNIT TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP (CT 81-47) AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (PUD-35) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERN PORTION OF THE CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN AREA, APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET EAST OF TAMARACK AVENUE. APPLICANT: TREETOPS UNLIMITED . I [70] 10. AB 116873 - Supplement $1 - REVISION OF PARK-IN-LIEU FEES . Council Member Lewis reiterated his concern about the number of zones and their values and questioned the possibility of an additional zone dealing with coastal properties . For clarification purposes, the City Attorney indicated that the Ordinance requires that Staff evaluate land values on an annual basis. In response, the City Manager reviewed the discussions and actions which resulted in the current proposal, and explained problems which could result from an additional zone. He also commented on some additional problems in the new formula which would be modified in the near future. Council introduced the following Ordinance and adopted the following Resolutions: 1 ORDINANCE NO. 9614, AMENDING TITLE 20, CHAPTER 20.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 20.44.010 THROUGH 20.44.080 AND BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 20.44.120 TO ADOPT A STANDARD FEE FOR PARK-IN-LIEU FEES. RESOLUTION NO. 6794, ESTABLISHING THE ESTIMATED FAIR MARKET VALUE OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE FOUR PARK AREAS OF THE CITY AS ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION NO. 6768 FOR 1982. RESOLUTION NO. 6795, REVISING COUNCIL POLICY NO. 17 TO DELETE THE CREDIT TOWARD PUBLIC FACILITIES FEES FOR PARK-IN-LIEU FEES. RESOLUTION NO. 6796, REVISING THE FORM OF AGReEMENT FOR THE PAYMENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES FEES AS APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 6094 TO DELETE THE CREDIT FOR PARK-IN-LIEU FEES. -r- COUNCIL \\$ +% % ?$%$ MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. I Packard xx Cas ler X X Anear X xl Kulchin Lewis Packard X Anear xx Kulchin Lewis X Cas ler X I MINUTES Y \\$ *% February 16, 1982 Page 4 COUNCIL %?$%$ MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: [74] 11. AB 86892 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN. Council adopted the following Ordinance: xx Anear SECTION 2.48.030 (7) , TO ADD THE POSITION TITLE OF X Kulchin OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF X Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 1246, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.48 X Cas ler X Packard COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT MANAGER AND TO DELETE THE POSITION TITLE OF HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. [113] 12. AB #6017 - Supplement #1 - RANCHO CARRILLO MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT - (139-A) . I The City Attorney stated a full report on the matter would be presented at their meeting of March 2, 1982. He requested that Council continue the item to that date. Council continued the matter to the meeting of March 2, Packard XI 1982. Cas ler X Lewis X Kulchin X Anear xx i ~ [I131 13. AB !I6869 - Supplement #l - PREANNEXATION ZONE CHANGE FROM COUNTY A-70-8 TO CITY P-Mq ZONE - ZC-241 - HIEATT . Council adopted the following Ordinance: X Anear TO GRANT A PREANNEXATION CHANGE OF ZONE FROM COUNTY X Kulchin CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP X Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 9612, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE xx Cas ler X Packard OF SAN DIEGO A-70-8 TO CITY OF CARLSBAD P-M-Q ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. APPLICANT: HIEATT DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: City Manager [28] 14. AB lF3451 - Supplement #l - PROPOSED DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. Council Member Casler gave a brief report on the matter, essentially as contained in her memo of February 2, 1982 to the Council. Council discussion reflected the purpose of a Design Review Board, and the need for public input regarding same . Council agreed to hold public hearings on design review Packard X study, and solicit input from citizens and interested Cas ler X groups. Lewis X Kulchin xx Anear X ; -a MINUTES February 16, 1982 Page 5 Council instructed Staff to prepare a report on the implementation of a Design Review Ordinance which contains processes, standards, districts of special concern, and composition of the Review Board for consideration at the hearings . I Parks and Recreation [70] 15. AB /I6905 - MACARIO CANYON AGRICULTURAL LEASE. The City Manager gave an introduction on the matter. Doug Duncanson, Parks Superintendent, continued the staff report, and responded to Council questions regarding rare and endangered plant areas. Council Member Casler stated she was in favor of the agricultural lease proposal, but indicated that she also felt the citizens should become familiar with and take part in the development of Macario Canyon Park which may be difficult if a portion of the land is being farmed. Mr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Ladwig explained that the property is in the Coastal Zone and County, and requested that the City hold off on the agricultural leases until after the property is annexed. Doug Duncanson responded that both the County and the Coastal Commission have been contacted and have no objection to the proposal. Council discussion related to fiscal impact and revenues that could be generated from the proposal. The Planning Director indicated that the application to LAFCO for the annexation will be on the Council agenda at the next regular meeting. Council tabled the matter until such time as Staff can facilitate the annexation proceedings. Police f3I1 16- AB /I6906 - CARDROOM LICENSE APPLICATION - RALPH & EDDIE t s . Police Chief Jimno gave a staff report on the matter, essentially as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mr. John Stanton, P. 0. Box 384, Oceanside, Attorney representing the applicants, addressed Council. Mr. Stanton gave some background on the existing business, and briefly outlined the proposed design of the new building. He requested Council approval of the application, and expressed willingness to respond to any questions. COUNCIL \\! 6% % %' % MEMBERS % %% f Packard Cas ler x Anear X Kulchin X Lewis xx I i i I , Packard X Anear X Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler X ~ "4 MINUTES February 16, 1982 Page 6 Council discussion related to the disposition of the property at 2940 State Street, owned by the applicants. 4 Council adopted the following Resolution, and directed ,that the applicants be required to comply with all State, County, and City statutes and conditions that are applicable; and that approval be subject to review by the Chief of Police every five years for compliance with same : RESOLUTION NO. 6793, APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR A CARDROOM TO BE LOCATED AT 390 GRAND AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA. RECESS Mayor Packard called a recess at 7:20 P.M., and Council reconvened at 7:30 P.M., with five members present. Housing and Redevelopment [28] 17. AB 116716 - Supplement #l - REPORT ON JEFFERSON SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT. The Building Director gave the staff report, and indicated that the City has received a letter from the County on the matter, outlining the terms they are willing to negotiate. This would be a correction to Exhibit A, which indicates that the City does not have a comittment from County Staff on the terms. He added that the letter was received this date, and Council would be provided with copies of same. With the aid of a flip chart outlining the flow process, Drew Aitken, Redevelopment Program Manager, continued the staff report. Mr. Bill Rick addressed Council. Mr. Rick addressed fiscal impact, fees, and deferment of certain fees to the project. He briefly outlined the design of the project, and expressed willingness to respond to any questions. As a point of clarification in response to Council questions, the City Attorney stated that if Council approved the staff recommendation, Staff would proceed to negotiate based on the fifteen points contained in the Agenda Bill. t Council Member Casler suggested that it should specifically restrict the units to any one under the age of 18. The City Attorney further responded to questions regarding the waiver of the school fee in that Council would have a degree.of control over who lives in the project. Mr. Jeff Kimball, Financial Consultant from Miller & Schroeder, 505 Lomas Santa Fe, Solana Beach, addressed Council. Mr. Kimball explained the tax exempt bond financing and improvement bond issues, indicating that the City would not be responsible for the bond payments. He continued to respond to Council questions regarding the proposed financing structure of the project. - COUNCIL \$ +% % ?$%? MEMBERS Z. G Z. 1 Packard xx Anear X Kulchin X Lewis X Cas ler X -. MINUTES February 16, 1982 Page 7 Council directed the Director of Building and the City Attorney to proceed with the actions necessary to accomplish the project as recommended in the staff report . Council Member Casler suggested that Mayor Packard write a letter to the School Board explaining the reasons for waiver of the school fees for the project. Council concurred. Finance [29] 18. AB f6908 - REVIEW OF 1982-83 BUDGET PROCESS AND SETTING OF BUDGET TARGET. Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave the staff report, essentially as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council discussion related to the budget target worksheet with regard to revenues and expenditures. Council selected a budget target figure of $13.4 million. Central Services [63] 19. AB A6894 - LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES APPOINTMENT. Mayor Packard indicated his intention to appoint Mrs. Sharon Schramm as a member to the Library Board of Trustees, and suggested Council might wish to contact her for interview. He added that final action would be taken at the next regular meeting. OFF-AGENDA ITEMS Stress Seminar for Police employees Council Member Anear requested that Council take a matter dealing with the welfare of Police Department employees up as an off-agenda item. Council Member Anear reported that there is a one day Stress Seminar being held at Palomar College, to be conducted by an Oceanside Police Officer. The cost is $10.00 per member, or $15.00 for a member and spouse. He added that Chief Jimno is in favor of his officers attending the Seminar, and suggested that Council agree to pay the tuition fees for police officers and their spouses. Council approved any policeman and spouse to attend the Stress Seminar, tuition to be paid by the City. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The City Manager indicated that there will be a Planning Commission workshop on Wednesday, February 17, 1982 at 6:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers on the PUD Ordinance to which Council is invited. COUNCIL \\$ *os %9+%7 MEMBERS .;t 6 .;t Packard X Anear xx Kulchin X Lewis X Cas ler X , Packard xx Cas ler Xi X Anear X Kulchin Lewis Packard xx Anear X Kulchin X Lewis X Cas ler X Packard xx Anear X Kulchin X Lewis X Cas ler x T' MINUTES February 16, 1982 Page 8 CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Mail Elect ions The City Attorney referenced a request by Council for information on mail elections which he had previously advised were not allowed by General Law Cities, and indicated that there is now a bill before the Legislation, AB 2400, which will authorize General Law Cities to utilize the mail ballot. Court Decision on Children in Apartments. The City Attorney reported on the recent Supreme Court decision with regard to discrimination against children in apartments. He added that the decision exempts retirement complexes or buildings preserved for older citizens, such as the Rick Project. In response to Council query regarding action against an apartment house owner who does not allow children, the City Attorney explained that the person would have to seek civil remedy against the owner. Boulder Anti-Trust Case The City Attorney reported on the matter of the Boulder Anti-Trust Case, and indicated that the Supreme Court ruled that Cities are subject to anti-trust laws. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M., to Wednesday, February 24, 1982 at 7:30 P.M. at Kelly School for a joint meeting with the School Board. Respectfully Submitted, dflq ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk Ann R. Alleman, Minutes Clerk 1 ..- COUNCIL \\ S% % ?$%? MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. ~ ~ I ~ I