HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-05-25; City Council; MinutesMINUTES /I: I MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting DATE OF MEETING: May 25, 1982 spbr PLACE TIME OF OF MEETING: MEETING: 5:OO P.M. \\y Counc i 1 Chambers COUNCIL % T$%F CALL TO ORDER : Mayor Packard called the meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: MEMBERS 2. 6 Z. Present - Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Anear Casler and Packard AB 86996 - Supplement #2 - ZONE CHANGE FOR SAN MARCOS MEADOWLARK TREATMENT PLANT - ZC 254. Having filed the appropriate Request to Speak form Council recognized Mr. A. J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad. Mr. Skotnicki expressed objection to the ordinance only because of its adoption as an emergency ordinance. He indicated that it was not appropriate in that it was only to accommodate a contract bid and did not have any purpose with regard to public health, welfare and safety. Council Member Casler referenced Council discussion at the previous meeting, and indicated that the bids were more favorable now and the costs would effect many people in the City. Therefore, it was felt appropriate to adopt it as an emergency ordinance. Council adopted the following ordinances (by one motion): Packard X Cas ler xx ORDINANCE NO. 9619, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE Anear X CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP Lewis X TO GRANT CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-254) FROM PC TO PU AND Kulchin X FROM PU TO OS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AT SAN MARCOS CANYON . ORDINANCE NO. 9623, ADOPTED AS AN EMERGENCY MEASURE TO AMEND TITLE 21 OF THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-254) FROM PC TO PU AND FROM PU TO OS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AT SAN MARCOS CANYON. Mayor Packard suggested, and Council agreed, that discussion of the items would not follow the order on which they were listed on the agenda. [70] 3. AB #7021 - REQUEST FOR CITY ASSISTANCE TO CLEAN UP BATIQUITOS LAGOON. The City Manager gave a brief staff report on the matter. Council Member Kulchin questioned the need for portable toilets due to the existence of others within a fairly close proximity to the Lagoon. Council Member Anear offered to donate $10, but expressed the opinion that for the City to provide the funds would be a misuse of City funds. MINUTES /do May 25, 1982 Page 2 Council recognized Diane Zawistowski, 1009 Daisy Avenue Carlsbad. Ms. Zawistowski expressed concern about dirt bikers using the north side of the Lagoon. She indicated the bikers are taking a shortcut down Daisy Avenue, and many were under age, their bikes were excessively loud, and they speed. She noted-it would be fine to clean up the Lagoon, but it would continue to be a problem as long as the dirt bikers are not controlled in that area. She also requested that speeding on Daisy Avenue should be stopped. In response to Council query, she indicated that there are not speed limit signs posted on Daisy. She also indicated that several of the bikers live in the neighborhood, and others come in with campers. Council recognized Mr. Joe Reed, 1008 Daisy Avenue. Mr. Reed indicated he was chairman of the Clean-up Committee last year, and they had approximately 300 to help clean up the Lagoon. He stressed the importance of having a portable toilet in the area in that the next closest facility was three miles away. Mr. Reed expressed concern about the dirt bikers and campers in the area, ' and suggested that Council declare the north side of the Lagoon closed to such activities. Council discussion briefly noted that the land is not within the City limits, and questioned whether the City could police an area which was not in the City. In response, the City Attorney indicated that the police may enforce county and state laws outside of City boundaries, but could not enforce City laws outside of City boundaries. Council recognized Mrs. J. F. Lainen, 1010 Daisy Court, Carlsbad. Mrs. Lainen expressed concern about the safety problems and fire hazards as a result of the bikers. Council recognized Mr. Ronald Zawistowski, 1009 Daisy, Carlsbad. Mr. Zawistowski expressed concern about the biker problem and noted that they were using Daisy as an access to the Lagoon. Council discussion related to the various possibilities to address the problem of the bikers on the north shore of the Lagoon. Alternatives considered included an agreement with the county to enforce the City ordinance, placement of an off-road vehicle in the area, contacting the sheriff, and cooperating with the sheriff's department use of the helicopter to spot the people and City police to pick them up. By consensus, Council instructed staff to bring back a proposed program to solve the problem of the off-road vehicles on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon. Council authorized staff to assist in the Lagoon Clean-up project as outlined in the agenda bill. COUNCIL \\$ S% % ?&? MEMBERS .Z. 8 Z. Packard Lewis Anear xx Cas ler X X Kulchin X MINUTES May 25, 1982 Page 3 [5O 1 [29] [971 4. AB !I7022 - 1982-83 APPROPRIATION LIMIT. The Finance Director gave a brief staff report with the aid of a flip chart explaining the matter as contained on the exhibits to the agenda bill. Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6883, ESTABLISHING THE 1982-83 APPROPRIATION LIMIT AS REQUIRED BY ARTICLE XIIIB OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE CONSTITUTION AND STATE LAW. 5. AB f7023 - 1982-83 OPERATING BUDGET. The Finance Director distributed to Council copies of the adjusted schedule of travel budgets and summary of the position changes in the budget. He continued by reiterating the budget changes which were discussed at the previous meeting, and explained the options available to Council which would add money back into the contigency fund. Council Member Casler commented on the situation at the state level, and expressed the opinion that an additional $200,000 should be cut from the budget, and placed in the contingency fund. Council delayed the remainder of the item until 6 o'clock in that it was advertised for a public hearing for 6 p.m. Council returned to Item #2 on the agenda. 2. AB B6442 - Supplement #1 - MEDIAN DESIGN STANDARD FOR PRIME AND MAJOR ROADWAYS. The Parks and Recreation Director, Dave Bradstreet, gave a staff report on the matter outlining the history of the currently approved median island concept for the City. He explained other issues studied and indicated the reasons staff is recommending that Council reaffirm the previous median island policy. He referred to page 2 of the agenda bill and indicated that he had recently learned that new installation figures should be inserted. He indicated that for alternative B, the installation amount should be $5.6 million, and for alternative C, the installation amount should be $6.3 million. Bob Wilkinson, Park Planner, continued with the staff report and explained the physical concept of each alternative. In response to questions, he noted that the raised median as proposed in alternative A, would not pose any problems for emergency vehicles in crossing same. Council Member Kulchin left the Chambers. Council discussed the matter and reflected concern about the high cost of installation of alternative A, safety considerations of all three alternatives, and maintenance costs of each. It was moved and seconded that the Council approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission on the matter. The motion failed for lack of a majority. T /5P /\k % 9p% $ TRUSTEES % s% Packard X Kulchin X Lewis X Anear xx Cas ler X Packard Lewis Anear xx Cas ler x MINUTES E291 / 5-P- May 25, 1982 Page 4 \\$ SPd, COUNCIL %9+%7 MEMBERS + d + r Mayor Packard suggested that staff report further on the possibility of the combination as proposed by the Planning Commission, and that the matter be returned when a full Council is present. 5. OPERATING BUDGET (Continued) Mayor Packard declared the public hearing open and invited citizens to speak. Mr. A. J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad, addressed the Council. Mr. Skotnicki suggested that it might be an appropriate time for Council to reconsider their position of limiting spending to the amount of income received. He suggested that it might be appropriate to use some of the savings to continue services. He suggested that instead of placing this year's excess funds into the Capital Improvement fund, that those excess funds be placed in the contingency. Dr. Edgar Lutz, 1815 Bienvenida Circle, Carlsbad, representing the Senior Citizens Association, addressed Council. Dr. Lutz commented that the Magee House facilities are inadequate for the needs of the Senior Citizens Association. Council Member Kulchin returned to the Chambers. Dr. Lutz indicated that the county, state, and federal governments are decreasing their fundings, and noted the importance of continuing the City's funding for next year. He indicated that the Harding Street Community Center would be a more appropriate location for the senior citizens and would provide better access. Mr. Jack Jimmink, 1435 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad, Director of the Senior Citizens' Association, addressed Council. Mr. Jimmink re-emphasized the previously requested amount of $45,862. He noted that the Council has been only funding administrative costs for the association and that program expenses are borne by the Association. He requested consideration of the original budget request and the move to Harding Street. Council recognized Mrs. Alice Beach, 405 Syme Drive, Carlsbad. Mrs. Beach questioned why the City gives money to the Chamber of Commerce. She suggested that the money used to fund the Chamber should instead be given to the Senior Citizens' Association. Mr. Henry Thompson, 330 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Thompson indicated that he had read that the City was going to spend money on fireworks. He indicated if that were the case, the money would be more appropriately spent on the senior citizens. In response, Council noted that the City had not spent- money on fireworks in the past year, and did not intend to do so this year. Mr. Joe Bastone, 7225 San Lucas, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Bastone urged Council to give the money to the seniors. I a57 MINUTES s96, May 25, 1982 Page 5 COUNCIL \$ % ?&? Council Member Casler referenced the letter which had been distributed by the Senior Citizens Association, and expressed concern about some of the comments in same. She reported on the history of the Senior Citizens Association move to the Magee House, and noted that it was in fact not under protest. She reported on previous Council actions with regard to the Senior Citizens Associations, and noted that Council has not ignored the seniors, Council discussed the request of the Senior Citizens Association, and alternate ways to address same. Council set the funds for the Senior Citizens Association Packard in the amount of the 1981-82 budget with the option that Cas ler xx it may be increased if Council finds in the future that Anear X funds are available. Lewis X Kulchin X Council instructed staff to bring before Council a plan Packard xx for the City to proceed on evaluating a site and long Casler X range program to provide a senior center facility in the Anear X City. Lewis X Ku lch in X MEMBERS Z. @ 2. * RECESS: Mayor Packard called a recess at 6:50 p.m., and Council reconvened at 6:57 p.m. with all Council members present. It was moved and seconded that Council adopt Resolution No. 6884, adopting the 1982-83 Operating Budget as submitted by staff. Council Member Casler expressed the opinion that more Packard money should be placed in the contingency fund. She Cas ler xx referred to Exhibit L attached to the agenda bill, which Anear X contains a schedule of possible program reductions, and Lewis reduced to a half time position. Item 81 on the list, and moved that the position be Kulchin made a motion to amend the original motion by referencing X Referencing Item f2 on the list, a motion was made to Packard . X amend the original motion to eliminate the General Fund Cas ler xx contribution to insurance reserves in the amount of Anear X Kulchin X $100,000. X Lewis Referring to Item 83 on the list, a motion was made to X Lewis was $5,000. X Anear and education to the 1981-82 level of expenditure, which xx Cas ler amend the motion to reduce the appropriation for training x. Packard Kulchin X Referring to Item #lo on the list, a motion was made to The motion died for lack of a second. budget by $30,000. amend the motion to reduce the total capital outlay X Cas ler Following an explanation by the Finance Director on {Ill, Packard X a motion was made to amend the original motion to include Cas ler xx $120,000 refund from Security Pacific Bank on the Parking Authority payments and to reflect it as available X Ane ar X Kulchin revenue. X Lewis 15-6 MINUTES May 25, 1982 Page 6 \\y 6% COUNCIL % ?$%? MEMBERS Z. (I, Z. The Finance Director indicated that on Page 2 of Resolution.No. 6884, a change in the document should be made to reflect that the City Manager may approve change orders on public works contracts in amounts up to $5,000 rather than $10,000. The following resolution was adopted to include Council Packard X amendments : Casler X Anear X RESOLUTION NO. 6884, ADOPTING A FINAL OPERATING xx Kulchin BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 FOR THE CITY OF X Lewis CARLSBAD AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENT FUNDS. Mayor Packard and Council Member Kulchin left at 7:21 p.m. [85] 6. AB #7025 - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR REVISED PARKS AND RECREATION EL8MENT - EIR 80-9(A). The Planning Director gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the agenda bill. Vice-Mayor Casler declared the public hearing open at 7:23 p.m., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, Vice-Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 7:23 p.m. Council certified Environmental Impact Report 80-9(A) as Casler X meeting the requirements of the City's Environmental Anear xx Protection Ordinance and the California Environmental Act Lewis X requirements. [57] 7. AB #7024 - REVISED PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT. Parks and Recreation Director, Dave Bradstreet, gave a staff report. He explained the contents of the old element and the revisions proposed in the new element. He also explained the fiscal impact of the requirements in the old e1,ement versus the requirements in the new elements. He also suggested possible funding sources for the new element. Council Member Lewis questioned the passive designation df the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon in the Plan. Mr. Bradstreet commented on the passive/active combination, and suggestions which will be forthcoming to Council. A representative from Iwanaga and Associates, the consul- tant, indicated that the passive designation had taken into account the problems regarding liability with power boats on the Lagoon. It was noted that the actual usage of the Lagoon could be increased if power boats were restricted . It was the consensus of the Council that the word active be added to the designation for Aqua Hedionda Lagoon. The City Manager referenced Lake Calavera and indicated that it was the property of the Water Department, and not the Parks Department. He noted the possibility that if it were placed in the Plan as a park, it would be putting restrictions on the land which could create problems in the future if it were necessary to sell the land to build water facilities. /43- MINUTES - May 25, 1982 Page 7 In response, the City Attorney indicated that a statement could be added to the plan which would allow an alternate use of the property if necessary, which would not require a General Plan amendment to accomodate same. A representative of Iwanaga and Associates, commented on the feeling of the consultant that it would be desirable to retain that area as a park. ’ Council directed staff to include the appropriate words in the appropriate place in the plan that would indicate that if Council determines to use Lake Calavera as a park, the particular wording in the plan would apply; however, it should recognize the possibility that the Council may in the future determine it is necessary to dispose of all or part of the property for purposes of development of the water system and in order to make that judgment, it would not be necessary to amend the plan to accomplish that. In response to Council query, staff explained the reasons for the changes recommended by the Planning Commission. Vice-Mayor Casler opening the public hearing at 8:20 p.m. and extended the invitation to speak. Public hearing was closed at 8:20 p.m. since no one responded. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents to adopt the revised Parks and Recreation Element to the General Plan to include the recommended changes that the Planning Commission and the changes noted by Council. OFF AGENDA ITEMS I Election Signs I Council unanimously agreed to consider the matter of election signs as part of the agenda. Council Member Anear referenced the numerous election signs occuring on utility poles in the City, and suggested that an abatement program be implemented. It was moved that the City direct a staff person to paint a large black X on all such signs in the City. The motion failed for lack of a second. Council discussed possible actions to abate the problem, as well as the numerous signs appearing in the City right B of way and utility poles. Council requested the City Attorney to provide them with information on the matter for consideration by -the new Counc i 1. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS [loo] Information Item D I The City Manager referred to Information Item D and indicated it was to inform Council on the current status of the issue. He indicated that if they wish to change their position and support the four cents, they would need to take action. I COUNCIL \\$ s% % ?$,%? MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. Cas ler xx Lewis X Anear X Cas ler X Lewis xx Anear X Anear X .* MINUTES May 25, 1982 Page 8 Council indicated no desire to change their previous support for the two cents tax. Off Agenda Item - Council unanimously agreed to consider legislative items at this time and add them to the agenda for consideration. City Manager referenced an urgency notice from the League and their request for cities to take a position on the state budget. He noted they were requesting that cities contact their legislators informing them of the effects that the state budget cuts would have on the city. City Manager requested Council authorization to pass information on to the legislators regarding the effects on the City of Carlsbad should the budget cuts be approved by the state. Council authorized the City Manager to advise the legislators of the impact of the proposed budget cuts on the City of Carlsbad. Billboards City Manager referred to legislation AB 1353, and indicated it would pre-empt the power of cities to regulate billboards within the city limits. He recommended that the City take a position in opposition to this legislation. Council directed the City Manager to notify the appropriate legislators of the City of Carlsbad’s opposition to AB 1353. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, !* flJ&dJ p &,;J=” , ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk fl 1 c /A 7 COUNCIL \\$ *pd) %?$%v MEMBERS 2. 8 2. Cas ler xx Lewis X Anear X Casler X Lewis xx Anear X