HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-03; City Council; MinutesIQ t MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: August 3, 1982 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk: b I Present - Casler, Lewis, Chick, and Anear. I Absent - Kulchin. INVOCATION was given by Mayor Casler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Anear. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Approved in one motion.) Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held July 20, 1982, were approved as submitted. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting, held July 27, 1982, were approved as submitted. CONSENT CALENDAR: The City Manager indicated that Item No. 8 should be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, and removed from the agenda. He noted that Staff would return it at the appropriate time. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item No. 8, as follows: WAIVER OF DOCUMENT TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. I [ 501 1. AB #7101 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified payment of demands against the City in the amount of $135,564.23 for the period July 19 to July 28, 1982; Payroll demands in the amount of $274,757.92 for'the period July 5 to July 18, 1982; and Housing demands in the amount of $50,043.90 for the period July 19 to July 28, 1982. i 5 1 ] 2. AB $17100 - ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS OF MONEY FOR PARAMEDIC TRUST FUND. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6956, ACCEPTING GIFTS OF MONEY FOR THE PARAMEDIC TRUST FUND. [44] 3. AB $16493 - Supplement $11 - AGREEMENT WITH IS1 FOR C45 1 GRANT RESEARCH AND WRITING ASSISTANCE. Council directed that the agreement with IS1 not be renewed, and directed that the matter be filed. - COUNCIL \\y +% % ?&? MEMBERS .;t @ Z. Cas ler xx Anear X Chick X Lewis X Cas ler X Anear X Chick xx Lewis X I ,r 1 MINUTES August 3, 1982 Page 2 MEMBERS COUNCIL h % . [31] 4. AB 117102 - BUSINESS LICENSE FOR WORLD CUP TENNIS TOURNAMENT. i Council approved the issuance of a business license to Rancho La Costa, Inc., for the World Cup Tennis Tournament to be held August 9 through August 15, 1982, subject to certain conditions. '741 5. AB 117103 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND MISCELLANEOUS PLAN. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6957, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE THE CLASSIFICATION OF ELECTRICAL OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR. :63] 6. AB #7104 - ADDITION TO THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY - 1451 CONTRACT NO. 1115. I Council adopted the following Resolution: I I RESOLUTION NO. 6958, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR CHILDWN'S LIBRARY ADDITION - CONTRACT NO. 1115. I 1 11, ] 7. AB 117105 - RECLAIMED WATER STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6959, ADOPTING STANDARD DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RECLAIMED WATER. [ 1 0819. AB 117084 - Supplement 111 - GRANTING AN APPEAL OF A DENIAL OF A VARIANCE - V-336 - RAYMOND. I Council adopted the following Resolution: I RESOLUTION NO. 6960, GRANTING THE APPEAL FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF A VARIANCE TO INCREASE THE HEIGHT OF A WALL IN THE FRONT YARD SETBACK FROM 42 INCHES TO 72 INCHES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LEVANTE STREET NEAR CALLE MADERA. 1 c741 10. AB $17106 - AMENDMENT TO MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN. I t I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6961, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6231, BY THE AMENDMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN FOR CERTAIN MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL FOR THE 1982-83 FISCAL YEAR. [931 [451 11. AB $16848 - Supplement f3 - COMPLETION OF VALLEY STREET STORM DRAIN - CONTRACT NO. 1098. Council accepted the construction of the storm drain on Valley Street as complete, directed the City Clerk to have the Notice of Completion recorded, and release the bonds 35 days after recordation. \ & Fj 5 J b? \ , L MINUTES August 3, 1982 Page 3 I I C81l 12. AB $17107 - ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT FROM OCCIDENTAL LAND COMPANY. I 1 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6962, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FROM OCCIDENTAL LAND COMPANY FOR SEWER AND CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES . I t711 13. AB 117113 - DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENT - E451 CONTRACT NO. 1122. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6966, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR DOWNTOWN PARKING LOT, CONTRACT NO. 1122. ITEM REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR: I C701 E451 8. AB a6629 - Supplement 82 - LA COSTA CANYON PARK - CONTRACT NO. 1093. The matter was withdrawn from the agenda. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: AB $17090 - Supplement 111 - PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE [’ ’ 3f4. CHANGE - ZC-253 - DAON CORPORATION. Council recognized Mr. Hal Zack, 3969 Adams Street, Carlsbad. Mr. Zack indicated it would be desireable for the City to implement an assessment district, or buy-in fee, which would provide additional funds for police, fire, and paramedic services. He indicated that if property being annexed to the City was subject to such a fee, it would assist in assuring that new areas being annexed pay their fair share. He urged Council to postpone all annexations, until such a fee is established. Mayor Casler indicated the item had been discussed at their meeting held July 27, 1982. She briefly summarized the results of that discussion, and indicated the matter would be back before Council for additional discussion. . Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9641, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A PREANNEXATIONAL CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-253) FROM A-70-8 AND R-S-3 (COUNTY) TO R-1-7500 (CITY) ON 42.7 ACRES OF PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MELROSE AVENUE (FUTURE) APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET NORTH OF LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE. - COUNCIL \\y +% % %’ % MEMBERS % %% 1 Cas ler X Anear X Chick xx Lewis X MINUTES August 3, 1982 Page 4 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: I 15. AB #7073 - Supplement 111 - PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE 11 131 CHANGE AND SPECIFIC PLAN - ZC-25O/SP-181 - SIGNAL LANDMARK. I 6 Council adopted the following Ordinances: ORDINANCE NO. 9634, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE (ZC-250) FROM A-1(8) (COUNTY) TO P-M (PLANNED INDUSTRIAL,) ON PROERTY GENERALY LOATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, SOUTH AND WEST OF PALOMAR AIRPORT, APPROXIMATELY 3500 FEET WEST OF EL CAMINO REAL. ORDINANCE NO. 9635, APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER (SP-181) AB V7074 - Supplement #2 - PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE [I 1 3 Il6 * CHANGE - ZC-244 - SEABLUFF. I Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9636, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE FROM A-1(8) (COUNTY) TO RD-M AND 0-S (CITY) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BATIQUITOS LAGOON, WEST OF INTERSTATE 5 AND EAST OF AT&SF RAILROAD. 17. AB +I7069 - Supplement #I1 - PARK-IN-LIEU FEE c701 COMPLIANCE. I Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9637, AMENDING TITLE 20, CHAPTER 20.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 20.44.040 AND 20.44.050 TO ALLOW AN EXCEPTION FROM PARK DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING RESIDENCES. Council Member Lewis reiterated his previous comments on the matter, indicating that if an existing building is torn down, the fee should be charged for the new unit. i 18. AB #7076 - Supplement fl - SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING C 1 1 4 1 ORDINANCE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9638, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.14, 21.16, 21.20, 21.22 AND 21.24 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.14.015 (R-3L), 21.16.016 (R-3) , 21.20.025 (R-T) , 21.22.015 (R-W) AND 21.24.025 (RD-M) TO AUTHORIZE SENIOR CITIZENS HOUSING DEVELOPMENT IN ALL THE MULTI-FAMILY ZONES . T- COUNCIL \\y 5 % %' % MEMBERS % %% ' Cas ler Anear X Chick xx Lewis X X Cas ler Ane ar X Chick xx Lewis X X Cas ler Lewis X xx Anear X Chick ' ~ I I Cas ler Anear X Chick xx Lewis X X MINUTES August 3, 1982 Page 5 I 19. AB f7075 - Supplement #I1 - IMPLEMENTATION OF ~1131 REDEVELOPMENT PLAN BY ADOPTION OF DESIGN MANUAL IN [ 1 1 4 3 REDEVELOPMENT AREA. C281 Council adopted the following Ordinances: t ORDINANCE NO. 9639, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 21.35 ESTABLISHING A VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE. ORDINANCE NO. 9640, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3, R-P, C-M, C-2, AND M TO V-R, VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE ON PROPERTIES LOCATED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE VILLAGE MDEVELOPMENT AREA. ORDINANCE NO. 1254, AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 2.26 CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE POWERS OF A DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FOR THE VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA AND FURTHER AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 2.24 TO DESIGNATE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AS THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. I 20. AB .$I7092 - AMENDMENT TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. I 1301 Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 8096, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.04 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 18.04.080 TO ALLOW A TWO-HOUR FIRE WALL EXCEPTION TO THE BUILDING SPRINKLER REQUIREMENT. I PUBLIC HEARINGS E971 21. AB #I7108 - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF BRIDGE AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS FOR CARLSBAD BOULEVARD. The Land Use Planning Manager, Michael Holzmiller, gave a brief introduction on the matter, and indicated the purpose of the hearing was to determine whether the environmental assessment adequately addressed all the possible environmental impacts of the project, and therefore, would approve the issuance of a negative declaration. - I Mr. Ed Dilginis, President of New Horizons, 1850 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, Consultant, continued with the report. followed during the preparation of the document. With the aid of wall exhibits he explained the features of the . project, and indicated the purpose of the hearing was to explain the project, the environmental analysis, and determine if the assessment document has shown that all potential impacts are mitigated to a non-significant level I Mr. Delginis explained the process involved and the steps Mr. Dilginis continued that the project begins just south of Tamarack Avenue and continues to the south, including the bridge, and stopping just north of Cannon Road. He indicated the existing two-lane bridge would be replaced with a four-lane bridge, and Carlsbad Boulevard would be widened from two to four lanes. He also noted that the existing bridge structure, in engineering terms, is considered structurally deficient. MEMBERS COUNCIL \v %%+% 2. x., 8 $ , Cas ler xx Lewis X X Anear X Chick i ~ I Cas ler Lewis XI X Anear xx Chick X - August 3, 1982 MINUTES Page 6 - He explained the alternatives contained in the assessment, which included doing nothing, replacing the bridge with a two-lane bridge, or closing the bridge. He indicated if nothing was done, the bridge would need to be closed in a few years; if a two-lane bridge were built, in a few years it would be insufficient to handle the traffic, and I Federal funds would not be available for a two-lane bridge . He further indicated that one concern would be a loss of parking, and explained alternatives available which could be completed as part of the project, to make up the lost parking spaces. He also indicated that noise to the neighboring homes would not be significantly increased. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:47 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Mr. Bailey Noble, President of the Terramar Association, 5470 Los Robles, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Noble indicated his concern was safety. He noted that elimination of the parking would be a problem, and expressed disagreement with the parking space figures provided by the Consultant. He indicated if the bridge needed to be fixed, it should be fixed, but not made wider. He noted existing problems on Carlsbad Boulevard, and indicated if it were widened to four lanes, the traffic hazards would increase because traffic speeds would increase. Council recognized Mr. Charles Campbell, 175 Chinquapin, Carlsbad. Mr. Campbell expressed the opinion that the traffic count and actual parking spaces which will be eliminated are higher than stated in the assessment, Mr. Fred DOW, 5080 Carlsbad Boulevard, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Dow expressed the opinion that whether the improvements are paid for by the Federal Government or by the City, they still come out of the same taxpayers pocket. He expressed the opinion that the project is unnecessary, and expressed concern about the possible impact on the environment of the lagoon. He suggested Council solicit input from such organizations as the Sierra Club. Mr. George Carsten, 5026 Tierra Del Oro, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Carsten commented on the confusing information he had received regarding the project, and its affects on residences. He questioned whether there would be a curb and sidewalk, and if so, ) where they would be located. Mr. Carsten questioned the need for the project, and indicated that free parking is part of the problem. He indicated that there should be a charge for beach parking. He indicated if the bridge were fixed and the street widened, large commercial vehicles would then be able to use the route, which would increase air pollution. He also indicated that the report in one place says there will be no traffic increase, and in another it says there will be an increase in traffic. In response, Mr. Dilginis indicated that there are oleanders in the area, and according to the engineering plan, the paved portion of the roadway will be no closer than 15 feet from the wall. ” 1 MEMBERS COUNCIL N %?$, Z. x., @ % Z. 1 I I 7- August 3, 1982 MINUTES Page 7 ~~~~ In clarification, the City Engineer, Richard Allen, stated that there would be curb and sidewalk included in the project. He stated that the edge of the road (curb) would be approximately 15 feet from the wall. Another five feet from that would contain the sidewalk. Mr. James Gavin, 5001 Tierra del Oro, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Gavin indicated that if the bridge were widened, traffic would increase, and commercial vehicles would then use the route. He expressed preference for maintaining two lanes, in paying for the project as a taxpayer of the City. He also expressed the opinion that there is insufficient beach to encourage additional beach- goers by providing additional parking. He noted that if the oleanders are destroyed, the noise level to the homes will increase. He suggested that Council consider whether the Federal funds, the project, and the increased parking are really necessary. Mr. Syril Goodenough, 5040 Tierra del Oro, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Goodenough expressed the opinion that the project would not resolve the traffic problem in that it would just be moving the problem further down to where the street would then become two lanes. He questioned the figures on the placement of the pavement, and the distance from the wall. He expressed the need for the oleanders to help deaden the noise. Mr. David Moriarty, 5036 Tierra del Oro, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Moriarty expressed disagreement with the statements which indicate there will be no noise impact, and suggested there would be significant noise impact. He expressed concurrence with the statements of all other speakers, and suggested other impacts have not been addressed such as additional dirt, and opening the area to intruders if the oleanders are removed. Mr. Edward L. Valentine, 5019 Tierra del Oro, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Valentine commented on the traffic problems at Tierra del Oro, including those which exist for people trying to enter or exit from Tierra del Oro. He indicated double lines previously placed on the street were removed when the street was re-paved, and stated the no parking is not enforced. He suggested that the research should also consider including the installation of a new sewer on Tierra del Oro, since Carlsbad Boulevard and the project would drain onto Tierra del Oro. Since.no one else wished to address Council on the matter, Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 7:25 P.M. In response to Council query, Mr. Dilginis indicated that the existing parking is helter-skelter, and the actual figures could be higher than those projected. The Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services, in response to Council query, stated the bridge had been built in 1934, and many repairs to the reinforcing steel had been made since that date. He indicated it is highly deteriorated, and could not be substantively repaired. As a point of clarification, Mr Dilginis indicated that no supports on the new bridge would be located in the water . - COUNCIL \\\ 5 %?$%a MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. " - MINUTES I August 3, 1982 Page 8 Council approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager on July 14, 1982 regarding the environmental impacts of the proposed bridge and highway improvements for Carlsbad Boulevard. RECESS Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:35 P.M., and Council reconvened at 7:45 P.M., with 4 Council Members present. 22. AB 1,7109 - ZONE CHANGE - ZC-259 - TRAYER. The Land Use Planning Manager, Michael Holzmiller, gave a staff report on the matter, with the aid of a transparency showing the location of the properties. He responded to Council questions clarifying the zoning of the surrounding properties. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:53 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. ~131 Mr. Brooks Worthing, P. 0. Box 1041, Carlsbad, General Contractor representing the five property owners, addressed Council. Mr. Worthing indicated that the property owners had combined their efforts on the application; however, they were not planning a joint development project. He expressed willingness to respond to any questions. Zonia Richards, 2648 Davis Place, Carlsbad, addressed Council. She referenced a letter she had recently sent to the City Council, which contained a copy of the public notice, and an article from the newspaper (copy not furnished to City Clerk.) She expressed opposition to the higher density which would be allowed by the zone change, and requested that the residential character of the area be maintained. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 7:58 P.M. Council discussion related to the sudden transition which would occur if the property were rezoned as proposed. It was noted that neighboring properties would be zoned from 0 to 4 dwelling units per acre, and immediately next door the zone would al.low 10 to 20 dwelling units per acre. . Council expressed the desire that a more suttle transition would be appropriate. In response, Mr. Worthing indicated the property owners 1 would object to a lesser zoning, since the General Plan had been in place for many years, and the proposed zoning would be in conformity with the General Plan. He briefly explained the development plans for two pieces of the property, noting senior housing was proposed. Council discussed the desireability of having additional information on the available zones, and the number of units allowed in each, as well as the number of units actually developed on the properties surrounding the subject properties. Council returned the matter to Staff for additional report and information, to be returned in two weeks. COUNCIL \\& 5 5bA /o J+Gs? MEMBERS s tp Z. Cas ler xx Anear X Chick X Lewis X Cas ler X Anear X Chick xx Lewis X -7 - MINUTES COUNCIL \\$ +% %9+%$ August 3, 1982 Page 9 MEMBERS Z. J, Z. 23. AB #7110 - TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT t991 - VILLAGE G - CT 82-8/PUD-41 - TREETOPS UNLIMITED. The Land Use Planning Manager, Michael Holzmiller, gave a staff report with the aid of a transparency showing the locat ion of the project. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:16 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Mr. John Schumaker, Pacific Scene, 3900 Harney Street, San Diego, the applicant, addressed Council. Mr. Schumaker expressed concurrence with all Staff recommendations with the exception of Condition No. 20. He indicated Condition 20 required the developer to develop a two acre RV storage lot prior to occupancy of any units. He noted that the requirement required development of the two acres in I Village E-1 or E-2, and stated that Pacific Scene did not own those properties. He requested that a condition not be placed on the development which would be out of the developer's control. Mr. Barry Bender, Rick Engineering, Engineer for the applicant, addressed Council. Mr. Bender, as a point of clarification, stated the map should not be conditioned to provide RV storage because providing the storage was not in the power of the applicant. He noted if it were necessary, the applicant could provide for temporary RV parking on another piece of property.owned by them, which could be utilized until the permanent RV parking issue was resolved. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 8:23 P.M. Council discussion related to the RV parking issue, and whether to leave the condition as is, or to modify same. Council directed the City Attorney to modify Condition No. Cas ler X 20 to provide for the development of temporary RV parking Lewis X on other property owned by Pacific Scene. Chick X Anear xx Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents Cas ler X approving CT 82-8/PUD-41, per Planning Commission Lewis X Resolution No. 1983, with the modifiation of Condition Chick X No. 20. Anear xx 24. AB f7111 - SIGNS FOR FREEWAY SERVICE FACILITIES - [ 1 141 ZCA-143 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. The Land Use Planning Manager, Michael Holzmiller, gave a staff report on the matter with the aid of a transparency. He explained how existing regulations affect the visibility of freeway oriented signs, and how opposed regulations would affect freeway oriented signs. Mayor Casler declared the public hearing open at 8:34 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to agdress the matter, the public hearing was closed. I -. - ~ MINUTES COUNCIL \\y 5 % ?&? August 3, 1982 Page 10 MEMBERS 2. 6 2. Council introduced the following Ordinance: xx Anear OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF X Chick ORDINANCE NO. 9642, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.41 X Lewis X Cas ler SECTION 21.41.030(6) AND 21.41.070(3) (B) TO MODIFY REQUIREMENTS REGARDING FREEWAY SERVICE FACILITIES. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: P 1 ann ing 25. AB f7097 - Supplement #l - TENTATIVE MAP AND I391 CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 81-30/CP-174 - PACESETTER. Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, explained the redesign of the project, noting the new circulation, which would provide two access points on Paseo del Norte, and none on Camino de las Ondas. He also noted the area that had been designated for RV parking, should Council so desire. The City Engineer, Richard Allen, referenced the sheet distributed to Council containing the traffic counts for the particular streets in that area. Mr. Landen Exley, Vice-president of Pacesetter, addressed Council. He expressed concurrence with the Staff findings, but questioned the need for RV parking. He indicated that RV parking would be provided; however, if Council so desired. Council adopted the following Resolution: Cas ler X Lewis X RESOLUTION NO. 6964, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS Chick X TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CT 81-30) AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT Anear xx (CP-174) ON 27.599 ACRES OF PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF POINSETTIA LANE AND PASEO DEL NORTE IN THE PC ZONE. t991 26. AB f7112 - DESIGN GUIDELINES MANUAL. The Land Use Planning Manager, Michael Holzmiller, gave a staff report on the matter. Council Member Anear suggested that on one page it should be added that where possible, the sideyard setback should be staggered. Mr. Holzmiller indicated that it would also be added in the manual that a project would have to be found to be consistent with the Design Guidelines Manual. Council adopted the following Resolution, and established Cas ler X a selling price of five dollars ($5.00) per manual: Lewis X Chick X RESOLUTION NO. 6963, APPROVING A DESIGN GUIDELINES Anear xx MANUAL FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS. Engineering 27. AB f7052 - Supplement #1 - CONTRACT FOR STREETSCAPE L971 [451 IMPROVEMENTS ON MADISON AND ROOSEVELT - CONTRACT 1094 The City Engineer gave a staff report on the matter, and explained the alternatives which were included as part of the bid. I L I I MINUTES August 3, 1982 Page 11 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6965, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1094 FOR STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS. Central Services ~91 28. AB 4,7094 - APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Mayor Casler withdrew her nomination of Mr. Jon Steven Lees, and nominated Mr. John Conti. Council noted that the reason for the change had been in order to have members on the Commission representative of many areas of expertise, and thus provide a variety and broad information base. COUNCIL REPORTS Housing and Redevelopment Council Member Chick reported on the recent meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Library Board of Trustees Mayor Casler reported on the recent meeting of the Library Board of Trustees. Senior Citizens Association Mayor Casler reported on the recent meeting of the Senior Citizens Association. JAC Mayor Casler reported on the recent JAC meeting, and indicated each City was being asked to pass a Resolution, and determine whether Staff members should be paid for attending the meetings. It was noted that an Agenda Bill on the matter would be on the agenda for Council decision at their August 17, 1982 meeting. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS - 1 Boards, Commissions, Committee Appointments Mayor Casler announced the following appointments: SANDAG NCTD Mayor Casler Alternate - Chick Council Member Kulchin Alternate - Chick Housing & Redevlopment . Council Member Chick Advisory Committee Mayor Casler indicated that all other appointments would remain the same. - COUNCIL \\y 5 % ?&? MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. Casler X Anear xx Chick X Lewis X MINUTES August 3, 1982 Page 12 CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned at 9:13 P.M. to a Closed Session to discuss litigation and meet and confer matters. Council reconvened at 9:35 P.M., with four Council Members present. t110-founcil approved the recomnendation of the City's [45]negotiating committee for an interim agreement with CRMWD, and authorized execution of a written agreement or stipulation, in form approved by Council, including the terms of the recomendat ion. Mayor Casler indicated no action was taken on meet and confer matters. I ADJOURNMENT By proper motion,-the meeting was adjourned at 9:37 P.M., to Tuesday, August 10, 1982, at 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. I Respectfully Submitted, ALETHA L2&?5LL L. RAUTENKRANZ 2f- City Clerk ALR: aa 7 COUNCIL /\k % ?k% ? MEMBERS % Q% Cas ler X Anear xx Chick X Lewis X ! ~