HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-10; City Council; Minutes'It X MINUTES
Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Yeeting) 5 Y&,
Time of Meeting: 6 :00 P.M. \\p Date of Meeting: August 10, 1982 COUNCIL % %' %
Place of Meeting: Council Chambers MEMBERS % %% '
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Roll Call was called by the City
Clerk as follows:
Present : Council Members Casler , Lewis, Kulchin, Chick, and Anear.
Absent : None.
I Tom Hageman of the Research/Analysis Group gave a
brief introduction to the matter. He referenced
the Public Facilities Nanagement System recently
approved by Council, and noted that the Urban Information System would imnlement that concept except it would be computerized.
Mr. Hageman introduced Mr. Herb Wilkinson with the City of San Diego, to provide additional information. Mr. Wilkinson addressed Council and reported on the history of the devcilopment of the System, and explained the various informa- tional reports contained in the package distri- buted to Council at the meeting. He also explained the estimated costs which would be associated with Carlsbad's use of the System.
Mr. Wilkinson reponded to Council questions and
concerns regarding operator training, additional personnel requirements, costs, future growth of the System, as well as the types of reports which would be provided.
Council expressed support of the concept of an Casler
automated (computerized) development monitoring Kulchin system (i.e. Urban Information System), and
Lewis x xx X X requested additional information on cost factors. Anear Chick
The Police Chief gave a staff report on the matter. He explained problems currently exper- ienced with markings on the vehicles since they are similar to the markings on vehicles of other agencies, which confuses people. He also ex-
plained the process followed in order to develop the design being presented to Council.
He further explained the intent and meaning behind the proposed design, and responded to uuestions regarding the traffic control vehicles, and durability of the reflective to be used. He
also suggested that an appropriate notice of appreciation be sent to the students who handled the design project.
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COUNCIL \\$ 5 % % %* A %
August 10, 1982 Page 2 MEMBERS % %% 3
Cas ler X Council agreed that the appropriate notice of
appreciation be sent to senior students Vince X Kulchin
X Lewis Vince Peterson and Ai-Chiro Ueda.
Chick X
Anear xx
Casler x Council approved the proposed police patrol
vehicle markings as presented, and authorized Lewis X staff to implement the program. Kulchin xx
Chick X
[701 3 AGENDA BILL a6139 - Supplement #Z - REVISION
The Parks and Recreation Director, Dave Bradstreet, gave a staff report on the matter as contained
in the Agenda Bill. He then responded to q.ues-
tions regarding specific charges contained in the
Council discussion related to opening the
facilities to religious and political groups,
advance, and costs associated with the program. Council expressed concern about charging or- ganizations to use certain facilities when those organizations had contributed time and/or money toward the development of that facility. Concern was also expressed about charging non-profit organizations to use the facilities for fund- raising purposes.
Further discussion related to the use of alco- holic beverages in city facilities, and it was noted that if a problem developed in the future, Council would have the option to prohibit alcoholic beverages in the facilities.
It was moved and seconded that the city facilitie,;Casler be closed to religious and political groups. me Lewis xx motion failed due to the lack of a majority. Kulchin
Council approved the amendment to Council Policy
Statement #28 issued on February 5, 1980, and Casler x i approved the revised facility use regulations Lewis
requiring submittal of applications 10 days in ~
Chick Anear
contained in the agenda bill, with the modifica-
X 7 days rather than 10 days.
X Chick tion that the application period be reduced to
xx Kulchin
Anear X
The City Manager gave a brief report and distri- buted a letter from Glenn Reiter & Associates containing a revised proposal regarding the Preparation of a reclaimed water master plan. He noted that per Council direction, the revised Proposal concentrates on the area served by the Calavera Hills plant.
.. ,
COUNCIL \\y +% %%%T
August 10, 1982 Page 3 MEMBERS .Z. 6 Z.
Council authorized the study for the reclaimed
X Anear August 5, 1982.
X Chick proposal from Glenn Reiter & Associates dated
xx Kulchin Calavera Hills plant, as contained in the revised
X Lewis water master plan for the area serviced by the
X Casler
RECESS: Mayor Casler called a recess at 8:09 PM and Council reconvened at 8:18 PM with all Council Kembers present.
E451 The'.:Ci.gy Manager gave a brief ifitroduction of the
matter outlining the contents of his memorandum
to Council dated August 10, 1982.
Tom Hageman continued with the staff report and
referenced the draft School Location Plan dated July, 1982, which was presented to Council i
Mr. Hageman explained the steps and Drocesses followed in the development of the plan. With
the aid of wall exhibits, he explained the number of school sites previously rewired in the General Plan. He also showed-the resulting proposed school locations for the city, and the
areas which would be served by each.
Council approved the recommendations regarding Casler X
the School Facilities Plan as outlined in the Lewis X
City Manager's memorandum dated August 10, 1982, Kulchin xx
as item numbers 1 (a) , 1 (b) , 1 (c). Chick X
Anear X
The Parks and Recreation Director, Dave Bradstreet, continued with the staff report on the Master Maintenance Agreement , and explained section 2 of the memorandum dated August 10, 1982. He further explained the areas currently maintained by the school district and the areas currently maintained by the city, and costs associated with maintenance of those grounds.
Mr. Bradstreet indicated that staff felt the most cost effective way to implement that portion of the agreement where each agency would-pay 50% would be for each agency to maintain 50% of the grounds. He noted that could be accomplished if the city would maintain Magnolia, Jefferson, Pine ballfield, and Pine soccer field,..which totals 10.3 acres; and the school district would maintain Valley Junior E.gh and Kelly which would total 10.3 acres.
Mr. Bradstreet also suggested that consideration
should be given to charging user fees for those areas.
1 August 10, 1982 Page 4
Council Member Anear suggested it might be more
cost effective for the city to light the four
tennis courts it owns rather than to assume the scheduling responsibilities and 507, of costs associated with the nine courts owned by the school district.
Council approved the master maintenance agreemenl
2(d) in the memorandum from the City Nanager
dated August 10, 1982.
I .as outlined in sections 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), and
Council approved section 2(e) of the master
maintenance agreement as contained in the memo-
randum from;:the City Manager dated August 10,
1982, regarding the tennis courts.
The City Manager gave a brief report on the
portion of the memorandum which related to the
swimming pool, and indicated no agreement had been reached with the school district on the matter. He outlined the alternatives contained in the memorandum dated August 10,1982.
Council Member Anear suggested that the school consider charging students who desire to partici-
pate in a school swimming program. Council Member Lewis noted the improbability of a school charging for student participation in class.
Council discussion related to the various al- ternatives regarding the swimming pool and the
schools use of same.
Council agreed to ask the school district to
present a proposal regarding the use of the pool to Council for consideration.
League of California Cities
The City Manager distributed copies of three resolutions to Council Members and indicated the League Executive Committee would be asked to vote on same. He requested that if any Council Members had any comments, that those comments be B forwarded to Mayor Casler.
CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned at 9:30 P.M. to Closed Session and Mayor Casler announced that matters pertaining to meet and confer would be discussed. Council reconvened at 10:05 P.M. with all Council Members present and Nayor Casler
announced that meet and confer had been discussed
and no action taken.
COUNCIL \\$ S% % ?k$ %
MEMBERS % %% f
X Lewis
.x Anear
xx Chick
Casler X
Lewis X
Kulchin X
Chick xx
X Lewis X
X Anear xx Chick X
COUNCIL \\\ 5 %?&?
August 10, 1982 Page 5 MEMBERS Z. (I, Z.
By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M. to Tuesday, August 17, 1982,,at 5:OO P.M., in the Council Chambers.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk