HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-17; City Council; MinutesT' - MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL <Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: August 17, 1982 TIME OF MEETING: 5:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 5:Ol P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present - Council Members Anear, Kulchin, Lewis, and Casler. Council Member Chick arrived at 5:02 P.M. CLOSED SESSION Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 5:02 P.M., and Mayor Casler announced that personnel matters would be discussed. Council reconvened at 6:OO P.M., with all Council Members present, and Mayor Casler indicated personnel matters had . been discussed, and no action taken. INVOCATION was given by Pastor Dalton Webber, Carlsbad Gospel Tabernacle Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Vice-Mayor Lewis. PRESENTATION Mayor Casler presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Laurie Nelson-Boone for her service as a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Approved by one motion.) Minutes of the Regular Meeting, held August 3, 1982, were approved as submitted. (Council Member Kulchin abstained . ) Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting, held August 10, 1982, were approved as submitted. CONSENT CALENDAR Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: b WAIVER OF DOCUMENT TEXT READING Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (50) 1. AB f7116 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified payment of demands against the City in the amount of $1,014,673.92 for the period July 29 to August 6, 1982; Payroll demands in the amount of $539,605.93 for the period July 19 to August 5, 1982; and Housing demands in the amount of $3,196.08 for the period July 29 to August 6, 1982. - COUNCIL \$ +% %?$%? MEMBERS Z. ~p .;t 1 Cas ler X Chick X Kulchin X Anear xx Lewis X Casler X Chick xx Kulchin X Anear XI Lewis xi 1 * MINUTES I ( ( ( ( . ' COUNCIL \\$ +% %?$%? August 17, 1982 Page 2 MEMBERS Z. tp Z. 51) 2. AB $171 17 - ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT FOR PARAMEDIC TRUST FUND. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6967, ACCEPTING A GIFT OF MONEY FOR THE PARAMEDIC TRUST FUND. 81) 3. AB $17118 - ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6968, ACCEPTING A GIFT OF FURNITURE FOR THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR. 84) 4. AB $16679 - Supplement $/3 - PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6899, ACCEPTING A BID(S) AND ATJTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE. 100) 5. AB $17119 - ESTABLISHING THE TAX RATES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 FOR LIBRARY AND SEWER BONDS. Council adopted the following Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 6969, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF REVENUE FROM PROPERTY TAXES NECESSARY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE "1962 SEWER BONDS, SERIES A, By AND C" AND "1966 LIBRARY BONDS" FOR FISCAL YEAR 1982- 83. RESOLUTION NO. 6970, SETTING THE TAX RATE FOR THE 1982-83 FISCAL YEAR. 99) 6. AB $17110 - Supplement $11 - TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CALAVERA HILLS - CT 82-8/PUD41 - TREETOPS UNLIMITED. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6971, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CT 82-8) AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD-41) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED TO THE NORTHWEST OF THE EASTERLY TERMINUS OF TAMARACK AVENUE. 181) 7. AB $17087 - GRANT OF RIGHT-OF-WAY TO SERVICE CALAVERA HILLS SEWER PLANT. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6943, APPROVING A GRANT OF RIGHT-OF- WAY EASEMENT TO THE COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MAYOR TO SIGN THE EASEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 3 I (97) 8. AB $17006 - Supplement $11 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR (45) TYLER STREET IMPROVEMENTS - CONTRACT NO. 1113. Council adopted the following Resolution: 1 RESOLUTION NO. 6972, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF CONTRACT NO. 1113 FOR IMPROVEMENT OF TYLER STREET. (40) 9. AB $17120 - APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS FOR CITY (45) RE-ROOFING - CONTRACT NO. 1125. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6973, APPROVING SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR CITY RE -ROOFING. (99) 10. AB $16103 - Supplement 413 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 79-12/CP-16 - MALTER. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6974, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE MAP CT 79-12 SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. (78) 11. AB #7121 - REQUESTING STATE TO FUND COSTS OF EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6975, REQUESTING THE STATE TO FUND CERTAIN PORTIONS OF THE COSTS OF THE 911 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM. (74) 12. AB $17122 - AMENDMENT TO THE MISCELLANEOUS SALARY PLAN. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6976, AMENDING THE SALARY PLAN OF THE CITY TO ASSIGN AN APPROPRIATE SALARY RANGE FOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE CARPENTER. (92) 13. AB $17123 - DIRECTIONS TO THE JAC ADMINISTRATOR - ATTENDANCE FEES. Council adopted the following Resolution: * RESOLUTION NO. 6977, SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES FOR PAYMENT OF ATTENDANCE FEES TO CARLSBAD REPRESENTATIVES TO THE ENCINA JOINT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE JAC ADMINISTRATOR. (70) 14. AB 87124 - BUENA VISTA LAGOON IMPROVEMENTS - (45) .CONTRACT NO. 1117. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6978, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS FOR DREDGING AND IMPROVEMENT OF BUENA VISTA LAGOON - CONTRACT NO. 1117. I - COUNCIL \\y S% %y!s$ MEMBERS Z. rz, Z. MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 4 (1051 15. AB #7130 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT APPROPRIATIONS. 1 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6980, APPROPRIATING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR 1982-83 TO SPECIFIC CAPITAL PROJECTS. I ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION I (113) 16. AB 87090 - Supplement 81 - PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE - ZC-253 - DAON CORPORATION. I Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9641, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A PREANNEXATIONAL CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-253) FROM A-70-8 AND R-S-3 (COUNTY) TO R-1-7500 (CITY) ON 42.7 ACRES OF PROPETY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MELROSE AVENUE (FUTURE) APPROXIMATELY 600 FEET NORTH OF LA COSTA MEADOWS DRIVE. I (114) 17. AB #7111 - SIGNS FOR FREEWAY SERVICE FACILITIES - ZCA-143. Council discussed Section 2 of the ordinance, and expressed concern that three or more uses upon a lot would be allowed 150 square feet per use. It was noted that a resulting sign could approach huge dimensions. Staff noted that if Council desired, they could adopt this ordinance, and Staff would immediately process an amendment to clarify that section, or the matter could be returned to Staff for processing the amendment, prior to adoption of the ordinance. It was noted that such an amendment would have to go before the Planning Commission for approval. Council returned the matter to Staff for processing the appropriate amendment. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4 (99) 18. AB f7125 - TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CT 82-12/PUD-42 - BARNES. Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave a staff report on the matter. He introduced Mr. Barnes, the applicant, who referenced wall exhibits containing the site plan for the project, and explained the major features of the project. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to address Council on the matter, the public hearing was closed at 6:20 P.M. The City Manager referenced Conditions 41, 42, and 43 in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1989, and indicated that this entire project is part of the Calavera Hills drainage basin. 7 COUNCIL \\y 5 % ?$%? MEMBERS Z. 0 Z. Cas ler Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin X Anear X Casler Lewis X X Chick X Kulchin xx Anear X ~ ~ MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 5 He noted since the Master Plan for reclaimed water has not been completed to determine exactly where reclaimed water will be used, that it may be desireable to modify the conditions which could be used as standard conditions for projects in the area, to notify the developer that they may be required to use reclaimed water in their 1 1 common areas. Council again recognized Mr. Barnes, the applicant, who requested that Condtion No. 46 be modified by the deletion of the last sentence. He indicated that it may be more cost effective in some cases to build the full width of the road, rather than half width, and he would like to be able to be reimbursed for that second half if it is built. In response, the City Attorney indicated that the wording contained in Condition No. 46 would not prohibit that reimbursement. He indicated the condition, as written, does not allow for reimbursement to the developer for improvements required as part of the development project. It does allow for reimbursement agreements if improvements are made in excess of those required for the project . Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 82-12/PUD-42, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 1989, to include the modification of Conditions No. 41, 42, and 43, to result any standard water reclamation condition. (114) 19. AB 117126 - AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE - DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS - ZCA-146 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report, as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:42 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was closed. I Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9643, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 21.70 TO PROVIDE FOR CONSIDERATION OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS. + (20) 20. AB 117093 - Supplement #l - ABANDONMENT OF OCCIDENTAL LAND PARK SITE. The City Manager gave a brief staff report on the matter. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:43 P.M., and extended the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was closed. In response to Council query, it was -noted that if the site is eventually soid, funds from the sale would be placed in the park fund, and would be used in that particular district. - COUNCIL \\$ *% % ?&? MEMBERS Z. fi Z. Cas ler X Chick X Ku lch in xx Anear X Lewis X Casler X Chick xx Kulchin X Anear X Lewis X (1 August 17, 1982 MINUTES Page 6 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6981, TO ABANDON 3.95 ACRES FROM THE OCCIDENTAL LAND PARK SITE. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS P1 anning .13) 21. AB 417109 - ZONE CHANGE - ZC-259 - TRAYER. Michael Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave a staff report on the matter, with the aid of a transparency showing the location of the subject property. He explained the different zones which could be applied to the area, as contained in his memo, dated August 12, 1982. Council recognized Zonia Richards, 2648 Davis Place, Carlsbad. Ms. Richards expressed opposition on behalf of herself and her neighbors to the rezoning of the property. She expressed opposition to a high density development coming into the neighborhood. Council discussed the various zones which could be applied to the area as contained in the memorandum dated August 12, 1982, and whether appropriate controls would result with regard to concerns about high density. It was moved and seconded that Council deny the requested zone change, and direct Staff to process an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, which would allow the City to be more specific concerning the actual desired density that would be permitted when granting the R-D-M zone. The motion failed for lack of a majority. Further discussion related to questions regarding actual density which would result in the area if the different zones were applied. Council continued the matter for mQre specific information on densities of the different zones, and resulting affects on the neighboring area. As noted on the agenda, Council took Item No. 29 out of order, and heard it at this time. 1 Personnel (74) 29. AB f7132 - MEET AND CONFER IMPASSE. The City Manager gave an introductory report on the matter, as contained in his memorandum dated August 17, 1982. He reviewed the final position of the parties, as contained in the memorandum, and factors which need to be determined in the process. It was noted that the first decision Council must make was whether to approve an alternative method of resolving the dispute, or whether Council should resolve the dispute. A representative of each party would be allowed five minutes to present their recommendations. - COUNCIL \\$ +os %?&? MEMBERS s tp Z. Casler X Chick X Kulchin xx Anear X Lewis X Cas ler X ' Lewis xx Anear Kulchin Chick Cas ler Ane ar X Lewis X xx Chick X Kulchin MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 7 Jerome Pieti, Personnel Director for the City of Carlsbad, recommended that Council decide to resolve the dispute itself. He noted that the members of the Council are the elected representatives of the people, and therefore should resolve the issue. Mr. Richard Castle Jr., 110 W. "C" Street, San Diego, Attorney representing the Carlsbad Police Officer's Association (CPOA), addressed Council. Mr. Castle first explained the process of mediation, and indicated that the service is provided free by the State. He also explained advisory arbitration. He indicated that in advisory arbitration, Council could appoint the arbitrator, and CPOA would pay the costs. Further, Council would not be bound by the arbitrator's recommendation. He recommended that Council consider both options, and if they could not approve mediation, then approve advisory arbitration. It was decided that the City Council would resolve the dispute between CPOA and the City. Mayor Casler then indicated that each side would have 30 minutes to present its position on the issues. Mr. Jerry Pieti, Personnel Director for the City of Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Pieti indicated that the issues do translate into numbers. He noted that the subjects of equipment deficiencies and personnel shortages had not come up or been discussed during negotiations. He noted those issues had only recently been presented in the newspaper. He presented figures to reflect the turnover rate of personnel, and increase in capital expenditures for the Department since 1976. With the aid of wall exhibits, Mr. Pieti identified the five major issues and detailed the City's offer on each issue. He also cited examples of compensation, which would be paid, should the City's offer be approved. In conclusion, he referenced the negotiation activities in other cities, and requested that Council adopt Resolution No. 6983, implementing the City's last offer. Mr. Gary Spencer, Senior Police Officer and Member of CPOA, addressed Council. Officer Spencer commented on the benefits the City would experience by retaining their police officers for long periods of time. He commented on the high cost to the City in training and recruiting new police officers. He indicated a way to keep the officers was to provide incentives. He suggested that one incentive should be to prohibit filling promotional positions from outside the organization. Heather Ross, Dispatcher with the Police Department, addressed Council. She stated that equipment failures and personnel shortages are items which must be dealt with on a daily basis. She indicated the Association had bargained and negotiated in good faith, and always acted as professionals. She noted an example was that the Association had been working without a contract since June 30, 1982. She indicated that there are no career advancement opportunities in the Comunications Section of the Police Department. COUNCIL \\\ 5 %9 /o +*%? A MEMBERS Z. * Z. Casler X Chick X Kulchin X Anear xx Lewis X ., MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 8 She also commented on the need for additional pay, and its affect on her personal life. Mr. Castle commented that personnel shortages and deficient equipment had been discussed during negotiations. Officer Vanhooser addressed Council. He stated he had worked in several cities as a police officer, and the City of Carlsbad has the worst facilities, worst equipment, and worst morale. He stated the Department is working on a radio frequency which is assigned to South Pasadena, and is a public works channel. He also stated that the south part of the City is covered by one officer, and that officer is often out of radio contact with the station. He gave a slide presentation displaying the facilities available in other cities, and those which exist in the City of Carlsbad. Officer Paul Childers , with the Association, addressed Council. He indicated he had been with the Department for ten years, and three years ago, Carlsbad was number 1. He noted that the City's standing had dropped substantially during those three years, and gave comparative salaries with the Oceanside officers, and the Sheriff's Department. As a point of clarification, he indicated that the education incentive pay is not guaranteed, and the officers need additional take home pay. Officer Don Metcalf, with the Association, addressed Council. He indicated the City has no hiring list for police officers, and that there was a shortage. He stated that if five officers quit, it would not be possible to hire replacements, since there is no list. He noted the Department is short one officer, but that there are also three out on inactive duty, due to injuries. He also related problems which result from personnel shortages. He stated that the average take home pay for an officer is $1200.00 a month, and requested that Council take time to consider the Association's requests. Mr. Castle stated that the frustrations and concerns expressed were also discussed in negotiations. He referenced a salary survey which had been distributed by the negotiating team, and indicated the figures did not match with those on the wall exhibit at the meeting. He also commented on the difficulties experienced in attempting to obtain information from the City, and expressed the opinion that there was an agreement made by all City Managers to withhold information. He also noted several technical mistakes which had been made during the negotiating process by the City representatives. Council discussion reflected that direction had been provided to the City's negotiators throughout the process. It was also noted that land had finally been purchased, which would accomodate the new police facility. Also referenced was Council's attempt to build a parking lot for the police department across from City Hall, and the citizens' opposition to the project. Council expressed concern about the reports on equipment deficiencies, and requested a report on same. COUNCIL I\& 3 %% % MEMBERS % $% I I MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 9 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6983, RESOLVING AN IMPASSE AND DIRECTING CERTAIN COMPENSATION CHANGES FOR EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE CARLSBAD POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION. RECESS Mayor Casler called a recess at 8:40 P.M., and Council reconvened at 8:47 P.M., with all Council Members present. Mayor Casler suggested, and Council concurred, that Item No. 23 be taken out of order and heard at this time. (97) 23. REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL - HARRY HAUBERT. In response to Mayor Casler's inquiry, Mr. Hal Zack indicated that Mr. Harry Haubert was out of town on vacation, and had requested that Mr. Zack read his statement. Council recognized Mr. Hal Zack, 3969 Adams Street, Carlsbad. Mr. Zack indicated that the primary concern is safety. He also indicated there is concern about a loss of parking, should Tamarack be widened. He presented a petition containing 207 signatures in opposition to the widening, or extending of Tamarack, and requested that Council rescind their plans for same. Mayor Casler indicated that Council had previously approved the preparation for design for widening Tamarack Avenue from Carlsbad Boulevard to Highland. She indicated there was currently no plan to implement same, but the intent had been to receive input on the finished design. Staff indicated the final plan had been completed, and expressed a willingness to meet with the property owners to explain how they may or may not be affected by the plan. The City Engineer also indicated that the Planning Staff had expressed a need for an environmental impact report on the project. He also indicated there was currently no funding available for the project, but expressed a willingness to meet with interested property owners. Council Member Chick referenced a letter received from Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, and queried whether they B were in attendance at the meeting. Council also noted that it may be desireable for the plan to be submitted and heard by the Traffic Safety Commission. Council Members also indicated an interest in participating in that presentation; therefore, the matter was set for a workshop meeting to be discussed on Tuesday, September 28, 1982, at 6:OO P.M., as number one on the agenda. c COUNCIL \\y 5 % 3%: MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. Cas ler Lewis xx X Chick X Kulchin X Anear X ~ Cas ler Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin X Anear X I MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 10 I I Engineering I (99) 22. AB $17127 - APPEAL OF ENGINEER'S DECISION - MINOR SUBDIVISION 583 - PORTER. I t The City Engineer, Richard Allen, gave a staff report on the matter, as contained in the Agenda Bill. He noted to not require the cul-de-sac, or to require the developer on the other side of the street to provide the full cul-de-sac. Council recognized the appellant, Paul Porter from El Centro. Mr. Porter gave a history of his purchase of the property, and purchase of the appropriate permits. He explained the difficulties experienced in trying to build and complete the project, in accordance with City requirements, since the City kept changing its requirements. Council recognized Mr. John Byrnes, of Ocean Pointe Realty. Mr. Byrnes expressed agreement with all the comments of Mr. Porter. He indicated that Mr. Porter had performed in good faith from the beginning, but that the City kept changing the rules. Council recognized Betty Toman from El Centro, representing the co-owners of the property. She indicated the co-owners have suffered much frustration, and loss of the use of the property. She requested that the additional improvements not be required. Council discussed the great deal of confusion and problems which had surrounded this project from the beginning. Also discussed was the desire not to penalize the owner when Staff error had played a significant part in the problem. Council discussed possible ways to resolve the issue, including elimination of the cul-de-sac, substitution of a hammer-head design, as well as methods of paying for same . It was moved that the City require the installation of the cul-de-sac, but that the City pay the cost for relocating the electric and water meters, and for the additional expenses for the added curb, gutter, sidewalk, and asphalt, totaling approximately $3,250. The motion died for lack of a second. I that the alternatives to requiring a cul-de-sac would be t Council determined that the option of installing the hammer-head design should be explored for consideration. If Council determines it is not feasible, then the City will pay for the installation of the cul-de-sac. Utilities (84)x 24. AB $17128 - CONTRACT FOR STREET SWEEPING SERVICE. The Assistant City Manager/Operations, Bill Baldwin, gave a staff report on the matter, as contained in his memorandum dated July 28, 1982. He also indicated if Council approved the matter, and services were contracted, it would be suggested that that service begin on January 2, 1983. - COUNCIL /\y % %' % MEMBERS % %% Casler X Cas ler Chick X Kulchin xx Anear X Lewis X x~ ~ ~ i I MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 11 He also indicated that the bid specifications contain a clause which requires the successful bidder to offer employment to the present sweeper operators. In addition, the City would also retain them in some other capacity, at the employees' choice. Mr. Kelly Irving, P. 0. Box 2056, Carlsbad, addressed representative for the Carlsbad City Employee's Association. He expressed the opinion that there was not proper notice given to the Employees Association on the possibility of eliminating those positions. He requested the opportunity to meet and confer in good faith on this issue. He also expressed the opinion that cities traditionally experience higher costs when they contract with private firms to provide public services. In response, Mr. Baldwin indicated that the affected employees had been notified several months in advance of the matter. He also referenced the occasions subsequently when the employees had again received notification of the matter. Council Member Lewis expressed concern about the money issue, in that the costs could increase significantly in the future, and requested that Staff provide documentation from other cities regarding their actual cost experiences 3s a result of contracting for street sweeping services. t Council. Mr. Irving indicated he was the staff - Council concurred with the request for the additional staff report on the matter, and adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6979, AUTHORIZING THE CITY PURCHASING OFFICER TO MAKE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CITY STREET SWEEPING SERVICES. Mayor Casler indicated that due to time constraints, it would be appropriate to continue Items No. 25, 26, and 27, to the meeting of August 24, 1982. Central Services (69) 28. AB f7094 - APPOINTMENT TO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 6950, APPOINTING ONE MEMBER TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION; that member being John Conti. OFF-AGENDA ITEM San Diego County Flood Control District, Zone 1 Mayor Casler indicated the City Clerk had been contacted by the Chairman of the Committee, and indicated a need for the City to make a new appointment to the Zone 1 Committee. She noted that the City's previous representative had been Mr. Les Evans, the City Engineer. COUNCIL /\k %9 4 A@ A 2 MEMBERS % $% , Cas ler X Lewis X xx Chick X Kulchin X Anear Cas ler X Lewis xx X Chick X Kulchin X Anear Cas ler X Lewis xx X Chick X Kulchin X Anear MINUTES August 17, 1982 Page 12 Council nominated Mr. Richard Allen as the representative to the San Diego County Flood Control District, Zone 1. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 P.M., to Tuesday, August 24, 1982 at 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully Submitted, ALETHA wB@- L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR : aa - COUNCIL /\y % %' % MEMBERS % %% Cas ler X Chick X Kulchin X Anear X Lewis xx I I ~