HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-05; City Council; MinutesT MINUTES I MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: October 5, 1982 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P . M . ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as fol lows: 1 Present - Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Anear Absent - None INVOCATION was given by Dr. Larry A. Moss of the Morrnan faith. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Casler. PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Caslier read and presented a proclamation to Mr. John Frenzel of the Oceanside Elks Club proclaiming the week of October 10 - 17 as Youth Appreciation Neek. Mayor Casler presented a plaque to Lee Rautenkranz, Central Services Director for the City in recognition of Outstanding Management Professionalism for the fiscal year 1981 -82. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the regular meeting held September 21 , 1982, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as fol lows : WAIVER OF DOCUMENT TEXT READING . Counci 1 waived the reading of the text of a1 1 ordinances and resolutions at this meeting.. (50) 1. AB #7176 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $992,579.41 for the period September 13, 1982 to September 24, 1982; payroll demands in the amount of $268,756.53 for the period September 13, 1982 to September 26, 1982; and housing demands in the amoun of $51,008.43 for the period September 13, 1982 to September 24, 1982. t COUNCIL /\k % %' 3 MEMBERS % %% Casl er xx Anear :x Chick x ,: Kulchin X Lewi s X Casl er Lewis X X Anear X Chick xx Kul chin X MINUTES COUNCIL /\b % 5% 3 October 5, 1982 Page 2 MEMBERS % %% CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) (101) 2. AB #6104 - Supplement #2 - METRO TAXI - AUTHORIZING THE'REPLACEMENT OF TWO TAXI CABS. RESOLUTION NO. 7024, authorizing the replacement of two taxi. cabs for .Metro Taxi and amending Resolution No. 6498, was adopted. (81) 3. AB #7171 - ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES FROM W.T. GRANT AND MARY ELLEN GRANT. RESOLUTION NO. 7025, accepting a grant deed, was adopted. (63) 4. AB #7172 - FURNITURE & SHELVING FOR THE ADDITION TO THE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY. RESOLUTION NO. 7026, authorizing the purchase of furniture and shelving for the addition to the children's library and the transfer of funds from the contingency reserve, was adopted. (70) 5. AB #719& USE OF AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON FOR JET SKI RACES. RESOLUTION NO. 7027, approving the use of Agua Hedionda Lagoon by Snug Harbor Marina, Trans-World Recreation, Inc. to conduct jet ski races on October 30, 31 , November 20, and 21 , 1982, was adopted. (70) 6. AB #7124 - Supplement #1 - CONTRACT NO. 1117 - DREDG- (45) ING #ID IMPROVEMENTS OF BUENA VISTA LAGOON. RESOLUTION NO. 7028, rejecting bids and authorizing the re-advertisement of Contract No. 1117 for dredging and improvement of Buena Vista Lagoon, was adopted. (99) 7. AB #7165 - Suppelemtn #1 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDO- MINIUM PERMIT - VILLAGE "J" OF CALAVERA HILLS MASTER PLAN- TREETOPS - CT 82-16/CP-213. RESOLUTION NO. 7029, approving a 15 lot/222 unit ten- tative tract map (CT 82-16) and condominium permit (CP-213) on property generally located to the north- west of the easterly terminus of Tamarack Avenue, was adopted. (99) 8. AB #6398 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK - CT 80-33. Council accepted the improvements, authorized the City Clerk to release bonds, and directed the Maintenance and Utilities Departments to commence maintaining the public streets associated with this subdivision. (99) 9. AB #6399 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - PALOMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK - CT 80-34. Council accepted the improvements, authorized the City Clerk to release bonds, and directed the Maintenance and Utilities Departments to commence maintaining the public streets associated with this subdivision. MINUTES October 5. 1982 Paae 3 --a- - ( ( ( CONSENT CALENDAR (Continued) :99) 10. , AB #6225 - Supplement #3 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH CT 83-1 - KAFIAR CONSTRUCTION, Council accepted the public improvements, authorized the City C1 erk to release subdivision bonds, and directed the- Maintenance Department to maintain the public side- ) walks. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: :114). 11. AB #7166 - Supplement #1 - AMENDMENT TO C-M ZONE AND :113) KOLL SPECIFIC PLAN - HEIGHT LIMITS - ZCA-l48/SP-l80(B). Mr. Bernie Fipp with the Kol 1 Company in San Diego , was recognized by Council. Mr. Fipp expressed concern with the new wording proposed for the sidewalk portion of the Plan. He indicated that the initial phase received approval from the City Engineer and from Planning to be built without sidewalks on the cul-de-sacs. Due to that, he noted that the new wording would mean that their first phase would not be in compliance with the specific plan requirements. He requested that wording be added which make the first phase acceptable as is , and woul d a1 so a1 low the possibility for other portions to be built with. out sidewalks on the cul-de-sacs. Staff indicated that the city's sidewalks standards are being reviewed and revised. Therefore, the proposed wording would be sufficient in that the revised standards would allow for review of projects and possibility of wai vi ng the requi rements for certain si dewal ks. Counci 1 concurred with the sidewalk plan currently approved for the first phase of the plan which does not require sidewalks to be bui 1 t on the cul-de-sacs. The following ordinances were introduced (by one motion): ORDINANCE NO. 9645, AMENDING TITLE 21 , CHAPTER 21.30 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.30.030 TO REVISE THE HEIGHT LIMIT IN THE C-M ZONE. ORDINANCE NO. 9646, AMENDING A REVISED SPECIFIC PLAN INDUSTRIAL AND RESEARCH PARK ON APPROXIMATELY 559 ACRES KNOWN AS CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF EL CAMINO REAL NORTH OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. (SP-180A) AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 9594 FOR AN I Counci 1 directed staff to prepare and return to Counci 1 with recommended changes in the city ' s si dewal k standards for Planned Industrial Parks. - - COUNCIL /\iJ 3 %' ? MEMBERS % %% Cas1 er xx An ear X Chick X Kul chin X Lewis X Cas 1 er xx Anear X Chick X Kul chin X Lewis X - MINUTES COUNCIL \\k 5 % %' % October 5, 1982 Page 4 MEM6ERS % $% (57) 12. AB #7151 - Supplement #1 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS. X Anear X Chick duced (by one motion) : xx Kulchin The following Resolution was adopted and Ordinance intro- X Lewis X Casler RESOLUTION 1110. 7030, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS FOR and GPA-62C. ORDINANCE NO. 9647, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9570 AS AMENDED REVIEW THE LAND USE PLAN OF LA COSTA SOUTHEAST AND TO MAKE MINOR ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES TO THE MASTER PLAN TEXT AND MAPS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF RANCHO SRNTA FE ROAD AND FUTURE MISSION ESTANCIA. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: THREE AREAS OF THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN GPA-62A; GPA-62B; BY ORDINANCE NO. 9628 AND MASTER PLAN (;4P-l49(E)) TO (70) 13. AB #7069 - Supplement #2 - AMENDMENT TO PARK DEDICA- TION ORDINANCE. The following Ordinance was adopted: Cas 1 er 0R.DINANCE NO. 9644, AMENDING TITLE 20, CHAPTER 20.44 OF X Lewis X X Anear 20.44.040 and 20.44.050 TO ALLOW AN EXCEPTION FXOM PARK X Chick THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS xx Kul chin DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING RESIDENCES. (114) 14. AB #7066 - Supplement #1 - AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE - DRUG PARAPHERNALIA STORES - ZCA-147. The following Ordinance was adopted: X Anear ING TITLE 21 , CHAPTER 21.42 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE X Chick MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 5.18 AND AMEND- xx Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 6066, AMENDING TITLE 5 OF THE CARLSBAD X Lewis X Cas 1 er BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.42.010(5)(BB) TO REGULATE ESTABLISHMENTS SELLING DRUG PARAPHERNALIA AND THE SELLING OF DRUG PARAPHERlALIA. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (99) 15. AB # 719% 115 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CT 82-6/PUD-40 - KAMAR CONSTRUCTION. Mike Holzmi ller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave a staff report on the matter with the aid of a wall exhibit dis- playing the project site plan, and explained the features of the project. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing, and extended the invitation to speak. Jerry Rombotis, representing Kamar Construction, the appl icant , addressed Counci 1. Mr. Romboti s expressed agreement with the staff report and urged Council approval of the project. In response to Council query, he expressed agreement wi th having the private streets decl ared pub1 i c so parking restrictions could be enforced by police. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 6:46 P.M. MINUTES (113) (99) 1 COUNCIL /\k % %’ 8 October 5, 1982 Page 5 MEMBERS % s% Council Member Anear suggested that the private streets be declared semi-public so the City could enforce the parking restrictions. In response .to Council query, Mr. Holzmiller detailed the grading pl an and indicated it must be approved by the City Engineer. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents Cas1 er X approving CT 82-6/PUD-40 , per P1 anning Commission Reso- Lewis X lution No. 2006, to include the provision to allow City Kul chi n xx enforcement of the parking restrictions on the private Chick X Anear streets. X 16. AB #7164 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CHANGE, TENTATIVE MAP CORPORATION. Mike Hol zmi 1 ler, Land Use Planning Manager, indicated that the project resolution contains a number of conditions regarding grading due to concerns expressed. As clarifi- cation, he distributed copies of those conditions per- taining to grading. Mr. Holzmiller continued with the staff report with the aid of wall exhibits displaying the site plan. He ex- pl ained the features of the project as proposed. He referenced the two issues which were of concern as con- tained on the Agenda Bi 11. In that regard, he indicated the developer has proposed to increase the separation and to densely landscape that separation so the visual impact will be mitigated. With regard to grading, he indicated the applicant had agreed to a number of miti- gating conditions. The City Engineer, Richard Allen, continued with the staff report by further defin’ing the grading conditions. Counci 1 Member Anear suggested the possibility of placing restrictions on the hours when the grading equipment could receive on-site maintenance. Mayor Casler declared the pub1 ic hearing open , and extend- ed the invitation to speak. Mr. Jim Goff representing Daon Corporation, 1241 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, applicant, addressed Council. Mr. Goff explained density of projects surrounding the project site, and noted the density and bui 1 ding height had been kept low. He commented on the open space and other features of the project which exceed city requirements. He also commented on the location of the project and noted there would be 1 ittle visual impact from surrounding areas o With regard to the improvement of Alga Road, he stated Daon would be cooperative to accelerating its development on an assessment district approach. Mr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad, addressed Council on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Ladwig addressed the grading issue and expressed the feeling that the many grading conditions would mitigate the issue and minimize any problems. AND CONDOMIMIUM PERMIT - ZC-262/CT 82-1 5/CP-212 - DAON MINUTES October 5, 1982 COUNCIL A Page 6 MEMBERS 9 I I Mr. Weston Pringle of Weston Pringle and Associates, also representing the applicant, responded to Council question regarding the firms studies on traffic counts in the area as contained in his report. I In response to further Council query, Mr. Goff stated he had read the new proposed condition #47 distributed to Council prior to the meeting. In that regard, he express ed disagreement with that new condition. He reiterated that they would support an assessment district and par- ticipation in same to accomplish the improvement of Alga earlier, but that they did not agree that the street should be improved by the developer if the project did not proceed. Mr. Paul Graham representing La Costa Resort, addressed Council. !W. Graham expressed the opinion that the proposed project would have no adverse impacts on the open space or the surrounding areas. He expressed support for the project and requested Council approval. Marylynn Brown-Bel lman , 2376 A1 ti sma Way , Carl sbad , addressed Council. Ms Brown-Bellman stated this was the third zone change on this site in the last year, and she expressed concern about the area becoming strictly occupied with condominiums of high density. Further concerns were traffic, extreme amount of grading, usable open space, and improvement of Alga Road. She also suggested that they not be allowed to maintain or repair equipment on site due to noise. She requested Council consider all factors of the project prior to taking action. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 7:50 P.M. Council discussion reflected the opinion that an assess- ment district for the improvement of Alga should be pursued immediately. Also discussed was the timing for the improvement, as contained in condition #47. As clarification, the City Attorney noted that the new condition #47 had been prepared in accordance with Council direction and concerns. Council recognized Mr. Goff who suggested it would be appropriate to require improvement prior to occupancy of the first unit, but not prior to approval of the final map. RECESS: Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:57 P.M. and requested that the City Attorney and Mr. Goff discuss the condition during recess and attempt to come to some sort of agreement. Council reconvened at 8:12 P.M. with all Council members present. The City Manager reported that agreement had been reached on the new wording for condition #47 as prepared and distributed to Council prior to the meeting. He indicated that the understanding of that condition and the wording ~ - was as follows: \ $ k 9L \ k h? MINUTES (99) COUNCIL /\b 3 %% 9 October 5, 1982 Page 7 MEMBERS % $% It was agreed that prior to final map approval, the developer would be responsible to put in Alga Road. The City, however, intends to initiate assessment district proceedings and if something happens and the district does not proceed, the developer could enter into a secured agreement to complete the Alga improvements withir si x months. As further clarification, the City Manager stated the traffic signal falls under the public facilities fee category, and the City has money for that signal. The City Attorney further stated that if the assessment district fails and if the developer has not improved the road, the matter would come before Council for acceptance of the secured agreement. He stated at that tiMe Council could look at the situation and determine the appropriate action. It was moved and seconded that a condition be added which Casler would require that in the event the Homeowners Associatiov Lewis X does not enforce the provisions of the CC&R's, that the Kulchin provisions may be enforce said provisions and charge the Chick Association the legal expenses incurred as a result of Anear xx that enforcement. The motion failed for lack of a majority. The following Ordinance was introduced: Casl er X Lewis X ORDINANCE NO. 9648, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD Kulchin xx MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A Chick X CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-262) FROM R-1-10,000 TO RDM ON PROPERT? Anear X GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF CORTE DE LA VISTA, EAST OF ALICANTE ROAD. The City Attorney was directed to prepare documents Casl er X approving CT 32-15/CP-212, per Planning Commission Lewis X Resolution Nos. 2013 and 2014, including the new condi- Kulchin xx tion #47, and to include restrictions on equipment Chick X maintenance after 8:OO p.m., before 7:30 A.M. and all Anear X day Sunday. 17. AB 87163 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVAL OF CT 82-ll/PUD-44 - PLAZA SERENA DE LA COSTA. Mayor Casler indicated the item was continued from the meeting of September 21 , 1982, at which time public testimony had been taken. She asked that any further testimony at this meeting be limited to new information. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager,' noted that new information had been submitted, and with the aid of a transparency, he displayed and explained the density of the areas surrounding the project site. Council Members Kulchin and Chick stated they had 1 istened to the tape of the previous meeting when this item had been considered, and were, therefore, able to participate in the discussion and action. Mayor Casler inquired whether anyone desired to give further testimony on this matter and extended the invi- tation to speak. MINUTES (113) (70) COUNCIL /\k % %' ? October 5, 1982 Page 8 MEMBERS % %% Mr. David M. Thomas, 215 S. Highway 101, Solana Beach, representing the applicant, indicated he was present to respond to questions Council may have. Mr. Thomas responded to Council query by explaining the circulation through the project, and location of buildings on the site. As further response to Council questions, Mike Holzmiller eplained the R-2 zone and the uses possible in same. He explained that if the two 1 ots were devel oped separately, they would be limited to two units per lot. However, due to the large size of the lots and by combining the two lots, a PUD could be used and a higher density sought. He noted that in this particular case, the density would be eight units for the two lots combined. Since no one else wished to address Council on the matter, Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 8:46 PM. Council discussion related to whether the project was compatible with the neighborhood, traffic problems which may arise, and parking. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents Casler X granting the appeal and denying CT 82-ll/PUD-44, with Lewis X appropri ate f i ndi ngs . Kul chin xx Chick Anear 18. AB #7177 - ZC-263 - AGATEP CORPORATION. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave a staff report on the matter with the aid of a transparency show- ing the location of the property. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing and extended the invitation to speak. Mr. Jack Henthorn, the Agatep Corporation, P. 0. Box 590, Carlsbad, addressed Council on behalf of the applicant. He expressed agreement with the staff report and expressec willingness to respond to questions. Since no one else wished to address the matter, Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 8:56 P.M. The following Ordinance was introduced: Cas1 er X Lewis X ORDINANCE NO. 9649, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD Kul chin xx MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A Chick X PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND THE AT & SF RAILROAD. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Parks & Recreation 19. AB #6133 - Supplement #7 - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REVISION. Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the Agenda Bill. With the aid of wall exhibits, he explained the reasons for the suggested revisions, and the opposition from boaters and skiers to the revisions. CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-263) FROM R-l-10,000 TO RDM (Q) ON X Anear 1 - -. MINUTES COUNCIL k\b % %$ 2 October 5, 1982 Page 9 MEMBERS % %% Counci 1 recognized Mr. Mark W. Reed, 4705 Marina Drive , Carlsbad. Mr. Reed stated he has been skiing on the lagoon for the past eight years. He expressed the opinion that the proposed revision would be dangerous in that skiers would be taking off at a 90 degree angle into the ski lane. Further, in the evening, those taking off would be looking into the sun and could not see oncoming skiers which would cause accidents. He further stated the proposal would be denying skiers access to Snug Harbor and the facilities even though they had paid a1 1 the required fees. Council recognized Mr. Jerry Rombotis, 1730 Calavo Court, Carlsbad. Mr. Rombotis expressed support for the comment: of Mr. Reed. He agreed that there is a safety problem on weekends, but noted that during the week there are few boats and no safety problems. He expressed support of staff's alternative #5 which would limit power boats in Snug Harbor on weekends only. He also stated the matter should be publicized more prior to Council taking any action. Council recognized Mr. William A. Gaarde, 8812 Westmore Road, San Diego. Mr. Gaarde stated he represented a group of concerned boaters and skiers and presented Council with a petition containing 244 signatures in opposition to the proposed revision regarding power boats and skiers use of the Snug Harbor area of the lagoon. He distributed a copy of an outline of his comments on the matter and read same. Council Member Lewis indicated he had skied on the lagoon since 1968, and the majority of the accidents that have occurred have been in the Snug Harbor area. He stated when there are a lot of boats on the lagoon, it is dangerous. He also expressed the opinion that it would be more appropriate to have jet ski is in the Snug Harbor area since there would be better supervision for them. Council discussion reflected concurrence with the comments of Council Member Lewis and the desire to make the lagoon safe for a1 1 users. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents Casler X in accordance with their discussion, which would reduce Lewis xx the speed limit in Snug Hargor to 5 mph for any power Kul chin X boat or boats pulling water skiers, and relocate the jet Chick X skis to Snug Harbor on weekends and holidays. During the Anear X week, jet skis would remain at the east end of the lagoon and power boats or boats pulling water skiers would be allowed to use Snug Harbor for take-offs and landing. Council further directed that the City Attorney include Casler X in those documents provisions to permit board-sailing Lewis X instruction in the middle lagoon at Agua Hedionda, and to Kulchin xx transfer the enforcement program to Parks and Recreation. Chick X Anear X V" (28) MINUTES October 5, 1982 COUNCIL A Page 10 MEMBERS $ I Council agreed to take item 22 out of order and consider it at this time. Redevelopment 22. AB #7175 - RECOMMENDATION OF HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO INCREASE HEIGHT IN VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. Marty Orenyak, Building & Planning Director, gave a brief staff report on the matter as contained in the agenda bill. Council recognized Frankie G. Runzo, 355 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad. Mrs. Runzo encouraged Council to lift the 35 foot height limit in the redevelopment area for projects to be considered on a case by case basis. Council recognized Mr. Harold Clarke, 824 Caminito del Reposo, Carlsbad. Mr. Clarke indicated he owned a few properties in the redevelopment area, and he requested that Council retain the 35 foot height limit restriction. Counci 1 recognized Wilma McDonald, 3161 Falcon Drive, Carlsbad. Mrs. McDonald stated she was speaking on behal of a group of citizens who had been circulating petitions protesting the lifting of the 35 foot height limit re- striction. She submitted petitions containing 1,000 signatures from people who believe the 35 foot height limit should be retained. Council recognized Robert Snyder, 3655 Highland, Carlsbad Mr. Snyder stated he had assisted in the gathering of the signatures. He indicated the people in Carlsbad are not ready to lift the 35' height limit. Council recognized Mr. Joseph C. Demy, 3495 Ridgecrest Drive, Carlsbad. Mr. Demy stated he also gathered signa- tures. He expressed the opinion that increasing the height limit would be detrimental to the city and in particular to the beach area. Following brief discussion, Council agreed to retain the 35 foot height limit in the redevelopment area. City Attorney 20. AB #7173 - AMENDMENT TO SIGN ORDINANCE. The City Attorney gave a brief report summarizing the contents of his memorandum dated August 24, 1982. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents strictly regulating political campaign signs and author- izing the summary abatement of certain illegal signs. f' Casl er Lewi s Kulchin Chick Anear Casl er Lewis Kulchin Chick Anear \ B F 91 X X 1 b bz. \ X X X X X X X X X X I MINUTES (28) i October 5, 1982 Page 11 Building and Planning 21. AB #7174 - SELECTION OF MEMBERS FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD DESIGN REV I EM BOARD. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7031 , APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE CARLSBAD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, those members being: Mary Marcus, Clarence Schlehuber, and Jerry Rombotis from the Planning Commission, and Robert Holmes and John McCoy from the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee. 22. This item was taken out of order and heard following item #19. CITY COUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Mayor Casler indicated she had received a request for Council to appoint a representative to serve on a commit- tee to study the practices at Tri-City Hospital and the possibility of changing it to a Kaiser-type facility. Following individual Council comments, no conclusion was reached and no representative was appointed. COUNCIL REPORTS SANDAG Mayor Casler reported that SANDAG had taken a position ir opposition to Proposition 13 on the November 2 ballot. JAC Mayor Casler gave a brief report on the recent meeting. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:27 P.M. to Tuesday, October 12, 1982, at 6:OO P.M. in the Council Chambers. Respectful ly submitted , f, /*J) ; (?-LLLd/L/iU '7. y \ &//, ;'y ') /' "'yd9" ; L" ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ p City Clerk c I I I COUNCIL /\b % %' 8 MEMBERS % $% Cas 1 er X Anear X Chick X Kul chin xx Lewis X ~