HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-09; City Council; Minutes/* d6-J MINUTES (48) (104) Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) /\k Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: November 9, 1982 COUNCIL % %' 8 Place of Meetinq: Council Chambers MEMBERS % %% CALL TO ORDER: The meet'ing was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:07 P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Anear Absent: None A. RESULTS OF SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD NOVEMBER 2, 1982. After a brief staff report by Lee Rautenkranz, City Clerk, Council adopted the following resolution: Casler X Anear NOVEMBER, 1982, DECLARING THE RESULTS THEREOF AND SUCH X Chick MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE 2ND DAY OF xx Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 7060, RECITING THE FACT OF A SPECIAL X Lewis X OTHER MATTERS AS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW. B. PRESENTATION TO OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBER. Mayor Casler presented a plaque to Girard "Lefty" Anear in appreciation of his extended service as a Council Member. C. OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEWLY ELECTED OFFICIAL. The oath of office and Certificate of Election were given to the newly elected Council Member, Robert B. Prescott. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 1. BULLET TRAIN PRESENTATION. Mr. Carl Schiermeyer, Director of State and Local Relations, with American High Speed Rail Corporation, addressed Council. Mr. Schiermeyer first explained the history of the development of the Corporation, and continued with a report on the proposed route and construction features of the bullet train. He continued with the report referencing environmental aspects of the project and expressed the hope that such matters would not cause insurmountable problems. He noted that current projections reflect that the noise level should not exceed 60 dba. He indicated that if everything goes well, they would know by the end of 1983 whether they will be able to attract sufficient private capital to construct the system. In response to Council query, Mr. Schiermeyer explained why the Corporation was not required to prepare an environmental impact report on the project. He also stated that an environmental impact report would be required only for those portions of the project which did not fall within the railroad rights-of-way. / JX MINUTES November 9, 1982 Page 2 I Mr. Schiermeyer also responded to Council questions regarding the need for high maintenance on the system and the affect on property adjoining the tracks as a result of noise and high compression. He also noted that the bullet train service would be in addition to the existing Amtrak service and would not replace it; therefore, it was possible for a train to go through the city every 12 minutes. In conclusion, Mr. Schiermeyer requested that Council allow them the opportunity to bring more specific in- formation to Council in order to respond to the many questions of Council. Council recognized Mr. Bill Bonas, 3180 Monroe Street, Carlsbad. Mr. Bonas expressed concern about the affect:; the train would have on the city's environment, and expressed opposition to the bullet train. Engineering I (97) 2. AB #7200 - CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENTS- LOS MONOS ROAD. Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services, gave a brief introduction to the matter. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, began the staff report by first explaining the background of the existing alignment of Los Monos Road and reasons for the need to consider an alternative alignment. With the aid of a wall exhibit displaying the five alternative alignments for Los Monos Road, he explained the environmental and planning issues and concerns for each alternative alignment. The City Engineer,. Richard Allen, continued with the staff report. Using a transparency, he explained the advantages, disadvantages, and projected costs for each of the five alternative alignments. He also explained some possible mitigation measures which could be used to possibly offset the negative impact on Beckman Instruments if the recommended Alternative B alignment is selected by Council. Mr. Kent Whitson, Traffic Consultant €or the City, continued with the staff report explaining traffic flow and affects of signalization and increased numbers of intersections on traffic. He further referenced the City's standards and effectiveness of same in providing for the safe and effective flow of traffic. ~ RECESS: Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:40 P.M. and Council reconvened at 7:53 P.M. with all Council Members present. COUNCIL \\b % '% ?$v MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. 5bc2 I MINUTES COUNCIL F %' November 9 , 1982 Pacre 3 MEMBERS 9 I Council recognized Mr. Ed Vivanco, Beckman Instruments Mr. Vivanco referenced wall exhibits showing the loca- tion of the Beckman property and gave a history of the firm since it'located in the City. He then referenced a wall exhibit displaying a site plan previously approved by the City, and another wall exhibit showing a recent site plan on the property. He pointed out on the site plan how Alternative alignment B would cut through some of their buildings. He explained the nee for their development to be unified, and not split by a road. He suggested that the road alignment problem was a result of City action, therefore Beckman should not be required to suffer the consequences of that action. d Mr. Don Agatep, 2956 Roosevelt, Carlsbad, representing Beckman Instruments and Tootsie K, addressed Council. With the aid of a transparency, Mr. Agatep displayed and explained an additional possible alignment which would utilize a codination of Alternatives B and C. He also suggested consideration be given to a possible modification of Alternative alignment E. He expressed opposition to alignments A and B. Mr. Jack Kubota, P. 0. Box 1095, Carlsbad, representing the Costa Real Municipal Water District, addressed Council. Mr. Kubota expressed opposition to alignment D and suggested consideration be given to Alternate alignment C. He also. explained, with the aid of a wall map, the location of a 30-inch high pressure gas line which is located in the area. Council recognized Mr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering. Mr. Ladwig referenced the wall map and suggested leaving the existing alignment A in place, but restrict it from truck traffic, and direct the truck traffic down El Fuerte. Mr. Kent Whitson responded to further Council questions and explained some projected traffic counts in the area. He also indicated that any alignment other than B would not resolvecithe problem with the intersection at Palomar Airport Road and El Camino Real, and that intersection would fail at peak hour in the evening in the future. Richard Allen, City Engineer, displayed three wall exhibits showing conceptual plans for possible re- location of the buildings on the Beckman site to accomodate Los Monos going through the site. As a point of clarification, he explained that the recent site plan being displayed by Beckman was submitted to staff, but was not approved. In response to further Council questions, Mr. Davidson architect for Beckman Instruments, stated that the site has an existing grade of only 1%. In addition, he stated that for every entrance, they must pay approximately $50,000 in security costs annually. Thr splitting the lot with Los Monos Road would require additional entrances. He also explained how keeping the building together is necessary because of the desi as a total system for access, security, utility, and I 1s , ~ 91 other purposes. \ 9 p % I h \ ad= MINUTES Council discussion reflected the need to address the circulation needs of the entire City, which could best be accomodated by the Alternative alignment B as proposed by staff. Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney, noted that since Council could not take action at this meeting which would change the alignment of the road, they should consider placing a moratorium on etevelopment in that area until such time as the alignment can be fixed by processing an amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan. He explained that though there could possibly be some exceptions, the moratoriurr should feasibly cover the entire area around all five alternative alignments. Council concurred with the staff report and instructed staff to prepare an amendment to the Circulation Element of the General Plan to relocate Los Monos Road along Alignment B, and directed the City Attorney to return with documents at the next meeting which would impose a moratorium on development in the area of the five alternative alignments. Due to the late hour, Mayor Casler suggested, and Council concurred that Items #3, 4, 6, 8 and 9 be continued to the next meeting. Fire 1151) 5. AB #7203 - REGIONALIZATION PLANNING FOR FIRE PROTECTION. 1 The Fire Chief, Jim Thompson, gave a brief staff report on the matter. Council discussion reflected concern about total regionalization of the fire departments, which could possible result in the creation of a “super fire chief” Council also expressed the desire to review other aspects of regionalization which would be cost effect- ive, and agreed that a study would provide important information in that regard. J The following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 7058, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE CITY’S PARTICIPATION IN THE REGIONALIZATION PLANNING STUDY FOR FIRE PROTECTION WITH THE CITIES OF OCEANSIDE AND VISTA AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT. City Manager (68) 7. AB #7204 - FORMATION OF A JOINT POWERS AGENCY FOR THE SAN DIEGO REGION (SANDAG). I Mayor Casler indicated this was the item she had reported on at the previous Council meeting, and gave a brief report on same. COUNCIL /\\ 3 %’ % MEMBERS % s% Casler xx Lewis X X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin Cas ler X Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin i - MINUTES (41) (74) COUNCIL \\b 5 %%%? 0 +9/ November 9 , 1982 Paqe 5 MEMBERS Z. (r, Z. The following resolution was adopted: X Prescott TION FOR FEDERAL HYDROELECTRIC POWER FOR THE SAN DIEGO xx Chick OF A JOINT POWERS AGENCY TO MAKE A PREFERENCE APPLICA- X Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 7059, APPROVING IN CONCEPT THE FORMATION X Lewis X Casler REGION. CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned to a closed session at 9:35 P.M. and Mayor Casler announced that litigation would be discussed. Council reconvened at 9:58 P.M. and Mayor Casler announced that litigation had been discussed, and some action taken as follows: The City Manager referenced a letter dated November 4, 1982, received from the County Auditor regarding settling a dispute on tax increment financing. He suggested that Council accept the proposal. Council accepted the proposal of the County Auditor dated November 4, 1982, to pay 89% of Tax Increment funds for 1982-83. Cas ler X Prescott xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X Council adopted the following resolution: Casler X Lewis X RESOLUTION NO. 7061, AUTHORIZING A COMPROMISE AND Kulchin xx RELEASE SETTLEMENT FOR A WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM IN X Prescott THE CASE OF ROBIN L. HARGETT. X Chick ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: SANDAG Mayor Casler referenced her previous report at the meeting of November 2, 1982, regarding application for funds to move the switching site from downtown Oceanside to Camp Pendleton, and to build siding tracks in the Encina area and San Onofre area. she indicated that Oceanside is anxious to get the funding, and Council did express concern about the siding tracks. Therefore she inquired whether Council felt she should pursue the matter of getting the matter back on the Sandag agenda €or further consideration at their next meeting. Council directed Mayor Casler to pursue the possibility Casler X of getting the matter of the UMPTA applications for Lewis xx funding back on the next agenda €or Sandag. Kulchin X Chick X Prescott X ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 1O:lO PM. Respectfully submitted, & 'W ggd7 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk