HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-14; City Council; Minutes< MINUTES c >t (, L L Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: . December 14, 1982 Place of Meeting: Council--Chambers . Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P .PI. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: 1 Present: Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, and Chick Absent: Prescott Council Member Prescott arrived at 8:33 P.M. PRESENTATION: Mayor Casler read and presented an award to Dave . . .! I ... Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, from the California Parks & Recreation Society for outstanding achievement. Mayor Casler stated that a request had been received to delay discussion of item number 1 to allow time for the arrival of some people concerned with the item. Council concurred with the request to delay discussion until later in the meeting. 0 ,7_q1 2. STATUS REPORT ON LONGA~ TUBE. 45) Assistant City Manager/Developmenta1 Services, distributt an agenda bill containing'three resolutions pertaining to the award of a contract, approval of agreements, and the transfer of funds for the Longard Tube, Contract No. 1126. He explained the documents attached to the agenda bill and also noted the need for Council to authorize the Mayor to sign the Lease agreement. with the State Lands Commission. 23 He also explained that the contractor had requested that the Labor and Materials bond be waived, but discussions with the City Attorney indicate the City must require the bond. Council recognized Mr. Neils Weis, with Longard Pacific. Mr. Weis expressed the opinion that the contract is long and complicated. He also noted that staff has asked for a lot of guarantees even though there is no way to give guarantees due to unknowns about weather and wave action which could affect work on the project. He asked that Council waive the requirement for him to provide the Labor and,Materials Bond and noted he would be providing 1 all the labor and materials and there would be no need for the bond. In response to Council questions, Mr. Beckman referenced portions of the contract that deal with the obligations of. the contractor should the weather result in the de- struction of portions of the tube before completion of the pro j ect. COUNCIL ~~\ A9 0 LJ, A % MEMBERS % $% $ MI N,UTES December 14, 1982 Paqe 2 The following resolutions were adopted (by one motion) : RESOLUTION'NO. 7092, AWARDING CONTRACT NO. 1126, LONGARD TUBE TO LONGARD PACIFIC, WITH CONDITIONS. t RESOLUTION NO. 7093, APPROVING THE AGREEMENTS WITH THE LANDOWNERS ON THE LONGARD TUBE. RESOLUTION NO. 7094, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR LONGARD TUBE BEACH REVETMENT CONTRACT NO. 1126. Council authorized the Mayor to sign the lease agreement with the State Lands Commission. I 50) 74 1 100) 3) 3. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 1981-82 AND UPDATE FOR 1982-83 FISCAL YEAR. The Finance Director, with the aid of a flip chart, summarized portions of the audit which was furnished to Council at an earlier date. He also distributed copies 'of memos .to Council dated December 12, 1982 regarding the 5-month financial update, and reported on same. In addition, he distributed a memorandum dated December 13, 1982 containing a response to the auditor's management letter. He also responded to Council questions regardins possible affects of the state's financial problems on thc city. 4. AB #7229 I- WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION CLAIM IN .CASE OF SENIOR POLICE OFFICER MARY STAPLETON. After a brief introduction of the matter by the City Manager, Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7085, AUTHORIZING A COMPROMISE AND RELEASI SETTLEMENT FOR A WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM IN THE CASE OF MARY C. STAPLETON. 5. AB #7230 - APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR'PROPERTY TAXES ON MACARIO CANYON. After a brief introduction of the matter by the City Manager, Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7086, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO COVER PROPERTY TAXES DUE ON MACARIO CANYON. 6. AB #7231 - SEWER USER CHARGES. The City Manager gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the agenda bill. Mayor Casler reported that' the Joint Advisory Committee is applying for an ocean waiver which would mean that the effluent going into the ocean would not need to be as clean as secondary treatment generally provides. She noted that the pLant-may not produce secondary treatment until such time as it is known whether the waiver is granted. As a result, it may not be necessary to charge the even-higher rates which are predicted for 1985. I " 3 2 3 s96, MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ %V /o % +@%$ 8 Jb Z. 6 Casler X Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin Casler X Lewis X Chick xx Kulchin Casler Kulchin X Lewis X X Chick xx Casler X Lewis x X Chick xx Kulchin "- MINUTES December 14, 1982 Page 3 I Council recognized Mr. A. J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad. Mr. Skotnicki stated he was 'speaking on behalf of ACT, which was originally formed in respons to the $2.00 capital surcharge which Council approved. He indicated the organization understands the need for additional. money for operation of the plant, but they opposed the passing of the charge as a capita1,construc- ) tion charge since it. was in violation of Proposition 13. He suggested that Council eliminate the $2.00 surcharge pr.ior to imposing the increase sewer rates instead of just carrying over the charge. e The following ordinance was introduced: ORDINANCE NO. 7064, AMENDING TITLE 13, CHAPTER 13.12 OF THE CAFULSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE DELETION OF SECTION 13.12.040 AND BY THE AMENDMENT'OF SECTION 3.12.020 TO ADJUST SEWER SERVICE. Council agreed to discuss Item No. 1 at this time since all interested persons had'arrived. 84) 1. AB #7128 - Supplement #1 - CONTRACT STREET SWEEPING. 45 1 Following a brief introduction of the matter by the City Manager, Mr. Bill Baldwin, Assistant City Manager/Opera- tions, continued with the staff report. Mr. Baldwin referenced the letter submitted by Mr. Paul Worthman dated December 8, 1982, and commented and clarified portions of the letter with regard to the actual street sweeping operation which would be covered by the contract. In addition, he distributed a sheet to Council containing statistics regarding actual sweep- ing time for one fiscal year. Council recognized Mr. Ronald Null, 2124 E1,Camino Real, Oceanside, attorney representing SCA Services. Mr. Null referenced the packet of biographical information pro- vided to Council earlier and noted that members of SCA were present to speak to, Council. b Council recognized Mr. Jim Reid, District Manager for Oceanside Disposal and North County Contract Sweeping, 4889 Hillside, Carlsbad. He stated that neither he nor any members of his family were in any way connected with organized crime or any of its members. He then detailed his and his family's background. He concluded by statin the belief that it is cost effective for the city to contract their street sweeping services, and he explaine the improved service provided to Oceanside since they began contracting for same. g d In response to query by Council Member Lewis, Mr. Reid stated that in the 19 months they have been providing the service to Oceanside, there have been 14 occasions when it was necessary to provide additional service not included in the contract. *% MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ %9+%%14, % 8 Z. 8 Casler Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin X ~ ~ I ~ I - M'IN'UTES December 14, 1982 Pase 4 I Mr. Jim Booran.representing SCA, addressed Council. He explained the background of each member of the Board of Directors.. He also explained about the initial allega- tion of their firms' connection with organized crime, an al1,activities since that time noting that each time the firm bids a contract, the. allegation is again rais'ed. With regard to Los Angeles, he stated that the Police D said they. had limited their review to the State of Cali- fdrnia and based on that review, the company was clean. He stated that it was the labor issue in Los Angeles ' which had precluded them from receiving the contract. RECESS: Mayor Casler called a recess at 8:07 P.M. and Council reconvened at 8:18 P.M. with 'four Counci'l Member present. Council recognized Mr. Paul Worthman, 1910 W. Sunset, . with Professional Services Enterprises, representing the CCEA. Mr. Worthman stated that the concern and question was whether the City would save money by con- tracting its street sweeping service. He expressed the opinion that the city's costs would increase if this contract were awarded. ' Mr. Worthman displayed wall exhibits showing cost figure in comparison with the 'cost figures presented by Mr. Baldwin. He stated Mr. Baldwin's personnel savings figure is incorrect because it reflects three positions when in fact there have only been two positions filled for the .last two years. Therefore, he stated the saving for personnel should only reflect the cost of two posi- tions. He also di'splayed costs of new street sweeping machines which he had obtained from other organizations and no'ted that the purchase of new-.machines would reduce downtime. He concluded by.stating that the City does not have sufficient information to justify awarding this contract He also stated that the questions about the company .': are ongoing questions, and the County of San Diego did ask the District Attorney to look into the matter. Council recognized Mr. Tom Coleman, president of CCEA. Mr. Coleman spoke in opposition to contracting the street sweeping service. d S IS 'S Council recognized Mr. Harry Haubert, 1241 Tamarack Avenue, Carlsbad. Mr. Haubert stated he owns property in Santa Ana and Anaheim, and SCA provides trash removal service to Santa Ana. He stated his recent bill was amount of service as he does on his other property from a different company. He requested that Council give careful consideration to We matter. ' twice as high from SCA and he receives one-half the In response to Council query, Mr. Baldwin stated that during a previous attempt to fill the position of the 3rd sweeper operator, there had been 85 applicants of whom one-was qualified, but who turned down the job. I " - COUNCIL ~\~~ % %% % MEMBERS % s% % MINUTES - December 14, .1982 Paqe 5 Council discussed the matter with regard to cost and level of service with contract sweeping versus the city providing the service. Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7084, ACCEPTING BIDS AND. AWARDING CONTRAC SWEEPING . D' TO CHULA VISTA SANITARY SERVICE, 1NC.i- FOR STREET Council Member Prescott ,noted 'he.:abstained since he had not been present to hear the entire presentation. 1 :371 7. AB #6577 - Supplement #5 - CITY COUNCIL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES STATUS REPORT. The City Manager gave a brief. report noting the status report had been provided to Council for information and no action was required. Mayor Casler indicated that two Council Members prepare the new goals and objectives each year and she appointed Council Members Kulchin and Prescott for the task for 'the next year's goals .and objectives. :28) 8. AB #7205 - CIRCULATION. PLAN COMMITTEE. Council recognized Mr. Harry Haubert, 1241 Tamarack, Carlsbad. Mr. Haubert spok'e..?in favor of the committee, but in opposition to members of the HOT committee being excluded from membership on the committee. He requested that Council allow a member to participate on the committee and indicated that precluding members of the HOT Committee would violate their constitutional rights. The following names were offered for nomination to the committee : Jeanne McFadden - Parks & Recreation Commissioner Vern Farrow.- Planning Commissioner Bill Harkins - Traffic Safety Commissioner Claude Lewis - Council Member Barbara Pursehouse Lefty Anear, Jim Hicks Jim Goff Robert Royce 8" 9. AB #7232 - REVISIONS TO CITY'TRAVEL POLICY. Council continued the matter to the next.meeting. OFF AGENDA ITEMS: 0rdi.nance 1255 Guidelines " Mayor Casler referenced the Guidelines which had been distributed to Council, and requested that the item be added to the Agenda for conskderation. I *% MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ 3 % %% %% % % Casler Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin L4-e MINUTES December 14, 1982 Paqe 6 Council unanimously agreed to add the item to the agenda for oonsideration. Jim Hagaman, Research/Analysis Manager, referenced the guidelines and briefly explained the set-up of same. Mayor Casler requested that Council review the guidelines and that they be placed on the agenda for December 21 for discuss ion. With regard to the appointments to the committee, Mayor Casler inquired if Council Members Chick and Prescott had nominations. Council Member Chick nominated Marjorie Cool and Council Member Prescott nominated Mike Straub. Off Shore Oil Drilling Council unanimously agreed to add the matter of of€ shore oil drilling to the Agenda for discussion and action. The City Manager indicated that the Council is being asked as to whether they wish to take a position on the issue of off shore oil drilling. He noted that Sandag would be asking its board of directors to.take a positio on the matter, and Council may desire to instruct their representative. In Council reaffirmed their position in opposition to the off shore oil drilling and directed that a letter to that effect be sent to Secretary Watt with copies to Senator Craven and Assemblyman Frazee. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:27 P.M. Resp.ectfully submitted, [&?&?&&Qd7 ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk I COUNCIL /\k % ‘PL% 9 MEMBERS % $% Cas ler Lewis X X Chick X Kulchin X X Prescott Casler X Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin X Prescott