HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-02-22; City Council; Minutesc \ YY MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSICN (Joint) TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. /\b DATE OF MEETING: February 22, 1983 %pW PLACE OF MEETING: Harding Comnity Center MEMBERS .;t 8 .;t COUNCIL "0 %p/ 76) CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. mLL CALL: Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick, and Prescott Comissioners Schlehuber, Rombotis, Jose, Marcus, Friestedt, and Rawlins. Absent - Comissioner Farrow Mayor Casler outlined the format of the meeting as contained on the agenda. 11. A. SIGNIFICANT ISSUES IDEFPTIFIED BY EACH MEMBER. Referencing the list attached to the agenda bill, each member of the Council and Conmission identified and gave a brief explanation of what they believed to be significant issues as follows: Mayor Casler: Items 27, 28, 29, and 30 on the list. Comissioner Schlehuber: Developnt of areas prior to facilities and services being available, and Items 17, 30 and 38 on the list. Council Member Lewis: Item 24 on the list. Conmissioner Marcus: Items 16, 17, and 18 on the list. Council Member Chick: Items 19 and 23 on the list. Comissioner Rawlins: Items 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 on the list. Conmissioner Friestedt: Creation of an economic task force. Council Member Prescott: Items 17, 37, and 38 on the list. Commissioner Rombotis: Items 19 and 37 on the list, Program. Council Member Kulchin: Items 1, 3, 7, 8, 12, 14, and 16. Comissioner Jose: Establishment of workshop sessions to work on planning for future development of the City, desire to receive copies of Council minutes, and Items 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 19 on the list. The Council and Comission mehers agreed that affordable housing, El Camino Real, and the General Plan were the significant issues which would be discussed at this meeting. t and a joint meeting with Council on the Local Coastal , L c MINUTES Page 2 Fm 23.. 1983 I RECESS : I Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:02 P.M., and Council and Comission reconvened at 7:18 P.M., with all Council Members present, and six Cdssioners present, with Commissioner Farrow being absent. Affordable Housing Commission and Council discussion reflected the following suggestions for possible ways to reduce costs in order to assist in providing affordable housing: 1. Eliminate the map act for such projects. 2, Possibly apartments are affordable housing of the 3. Streamline internal processing to expedite such 4. Consideration of the market. 5. Condominium mbile hame parks. 6. Placement of affordable housing in the downtown area. 7, Back to basics - smaller living space and no amenities. 8. Discourage rent control. 9. Higher density. 10. Figuring on people (bedrooms) per acre, rather than units per acre. future. projects . Council and Comission agreed that Council Member Lewis and Commissioner Friestedt would serve as a committee to work with staff to develop some ideas for affordable housing. El Camino Real Council and Conmission discussion related to the future of El Canino Real and development of land bordering the street. Items discussed were as follows: 1, Strip commercial development. 2, Allowing comrcial development only at major intersections. 3. Requiring residential development, and methods of accomplishing same without creating a corridor of walls. 4. Possibly requiring setbacks and landscaping similar to that developed at Carlsbad Research Center. 5. Whether to maintain the previously agreed upn Spanish motiff and mission bell lights along the street. 1 Council and the Comission agreed that the City Manager be directed to coordinate the preparation of a community plan for El Camino Real, taking into consideration those areas which have already developed. General Plan and City at Buildout I Council and Conmission discussion related to the General Plan and the public's opinion of the General Plan. Also discussed was whether the plan needed to be revised, updated, and/or reviewed on a regular basis. 45 MEMBERS COUNCIL \Y %?$, Z. %q (2, 3, Z. \ b x. MINUTES Page 3 F~hn~aw 32 - 1981 I d As the individual who had developed the goals statement in the General Plan, Council Member Prescott explained his view of the City at the time that he wrote the. statement. Council and Comission then discussed possible ways of providing for a regular review of the elements of the General Plan, and who should accomplish that review. Council and Comission agreed that the Planning Comission is the appropriate group to provide for a review of the elements of the General Plan on a regular basis to ensure that the Plan is updated, if necessary. I I I IV. FUTURE MEmINGS. Council and Comission expressed the opinion that they should have a joint meeting every six months. It was a consensus that the next workshop would focus on the Local Coastal Program. I AlXSOUIWMEWT. By a proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:54 P.M. I Respectfully submitted, 4' i. 2& /@&"? ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk 1 +?+ - \\b 5 %pW COUNCIL /o .$, 9, ' MEMBERS Z. 8 Z.