HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-11; City Council; MinutesPC * MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular) TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. DATE OF MEETING: March 11, 1983 PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The meting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 2:13 P.M. FOLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, and Presmtt. Absent: Council Merhr Chick. Council Member Chick arrived at 2:29 P.M. ( 8 I. ) 1. ARCHITECT'S REFORT ON CITY OPERATIONS CENTER. Mr. Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager/Developmntal Services, gave the staff report detailing the contents of his memrandum, dated March 10, 1983, regarding City Operations Center/Site Development. He responded to Council questions indicating the projected acreage figures for each facility includes setbacks, but does not give consideration to mn-bined usage of any of the facilities. Site Development Plan Council Member Kulchin expressed support for the police building, fire facilities, and the maintenance,' utilities, and parks department offices, shops and storage. She indicated a conference room rather than a conference center, and an equipment room rather than a physical fitness center would be appropriate on the site. She also indicated the desire to leave room on . the site for a city hall. Council Member Lewis indicated his support for only the police building; fire facilities; maintenance, utilities, and park departments offices, shops and storage; and the purchasing warehouse. Council Member Chick expressed agreement with the six facilities identified by Council Menher Lewis. He also expressed the opinion of the need for a police firing range, but noted that it my be mre appropriate at another location. He indicated that if the firing range could include skeet and trap shooting, and could be turned over to private enterprise, it could possibly pay for itself. He also indicated the support facilities would be appropriate on the site, and he expressed the opinion that the cluster concept rather than the campus concept should be utilized. Council Member Presmtt expressed support for the police building; fire facilities; the maintenance, utilties, and parks departments, office, shops and storage; purchasing warehouse and support facilities. He indicated that the site should contain no library, no performing arts center, and no cafeteria. He also expressed the opinion that the city hall should eventually be located on the site, and a weight room rather than a physical fitness center, and a conference room rather than a conference center would be appropriate. - 3 COUNCIL \p 5 ?b /o $7 I MEMBERS Z. @ 7 \ & & # I( 3, I MINUTES Page 2 Marrh 11 - 1981 Mayor Casler expressed support for the police building; fire facilities; purchasing warehouse; and offices, shops and storage for the mintenance, utilities and parks departments. She indicated the emergency comnications center could be combined with the police building, and a conference room could be used by both police and fire. She expressed the opinion that the city hall complex should stay where it currently is located. She also indicated support facilities would be desirable, but not in a separate structure. She indicated a performing arts center and library would not be appropriate on the site. She also indicated the desire to keep a great deal of space available at that location for future development. Further Council discussion related to keeping space available on the site and designating the space for future development, but not making specific determina- tions at this time as to what that future development wuld be. Therefore, the question of whether the city hall would be located on that site would be discussed and determined at the appropriate time. Council agreed that the site development plan would accommodate the police station; the fire station; fire administration building; maintenance department offices, shops, and storage; utilities department offices, shops and storage; parks divisions offices, shops, and storage; purchasing warehouse; emergency comunications center conbined with the police facility; conference room; a physical fitness workout room, and space for supprt facilities and city hall, or such other facilities as may be determined in the future. Council reiterated their concern about designating the space for city hall, and again noted that it should just be designated as land available for future development. In response to Council query, Police Chief Jimno and Fire Chief Thorrpson expressed agreement with the concept of sharing facilities. First Phase Construction Council referenced page 10 of the development program for the Operations Center prepared and presented by the consultant, H. Wendell Mounce and Associates and discussed the item to be included in the first phase of construction, Council agreed that the basic site work/comnications, police building, fire administration, maintenance with equipment, utilities, and parks and recreation service center would be included in the first phase construction, However, Council requested additional information and cost be provided to also include the police firing range, and costs using the existing modulars for administrative offices on the new site, and not using the existing mdulars on the site. c COUNCIL \\b 5 ?ApW /o $, 9/ 1 MEMBERS * fl Z. c \ doc MINUTES Page 3 March 11, 1983 RECESS : Mayor Casler called a recess at 3:30 p.m., and Council reconvened at 3:40 p.m., with all members present. City Operations Center/Citizens' Cormittee Ron Bedman, Assistant City Manager/Developmental Services, gave a brief report outlining the contents of his memorandum to Council on the matter, dated March 10, 1983. Mike Straub, President of the Chamber of Comnerce, addressed Council. Mr. Straub expressed the belief that a Citizens' Cormnittee could deal with questions such as the size of the conference room, and make staff justify their position before the matters come to Council. He suggested that at each stage, when the architect submits something to staff, the cornnittee should review that information. He also indicated the desire for the second codttee, which would act in a technical capacity to review the design and possibly suggest alternative materials to reduce construction costs. Council expressed agreemnt with the concept of the two committees, and directed staff to work with Mr. Straub in establishing both codttees. Council agreed that each council member would come to the next meeting with a name of an individual to serve on the cormnittee, and the Chamber will provide names of industry personnel to serve on the cornnittee. OFF AGENDA I'I": (32) Pacific Telephone Charges - Lifeline Council unanimously agreed to add the matter of Pacific Telephone's reduction of the number of calls for lifeline service to the agenda for consideration, Mayor Casler reprted that Pacific Telephone had recently announced that while they would not increase the cost for lifeline service, they were going to decrease the allowance of number of calls from 30 calls per mnth to 10 calls per mnth. She indicated that the City had been asked to express objection to this reduction in the number of calls. After brief clarification, Council authorized the Mayor to send a letter to the Public Utilities Comission informing them of the City's opposition to the reduction in the number of lifeline calls allowed per mnth. COUNCIL /\B %pW e %.p/ MEMBERS .;t 6 .;t Casler Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Prescott X Casler Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X X Prescott X k J MINUTES Page 4 March 11. 1981 I CITY ATlylRNEy ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: a The City Attorney reported on his recent attendance at an annual seminar, and informed Council of a significant issue dealing with Conflict of Interest. He indicated that the law applies to candidates and the Council as they sit as members of other quasi judicial boards. He indicated that if an amount of over $250.00 is received over a twelve mnth period, there are my guidelines which mst be followed, and should any menher of the Council need the information, they can contact his office. ADJOURNMENT By proper mtion, the meting was adjourned at 4:08 P.M. I Respectfully submitted, ALm &tztf!L6PR- L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk c MEMBERS COUNCIL \Y %?$, 2. %j 8 9/ 2.