HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-22; City Council; Minutes*t 67 MINUTES - MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Workshop Meeting) TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. DATE OF MEETING: March 22, 1983 \$$ PLACE OF MEETING: Council Chambers COUNCIL "0 $, 9/ ( MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. (70) ~~ CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. I ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott Absent - None Mayor Casler indicated that a request had been received to take Item Number 2 first, and Council concurred with the request. 2. BATIQUITOS LAGOON - PRESBTATION BY REPRESENTATIVE FRO4 STATE DEP- OF FISH & GAME. The City Manager gave an introduction to the matter by briefly explaining a history of the annexation of the lagoon into the City and other landowners activities around the lagoon. He summarized the request from the State Department of Fish and Game, and indicated that a representative was present at the meeting to speak to Council on the matter. Mr. Fred Worthley, Jr., of the Department of Fish and Garne, addressed Council. Mr. Worthley referenced his memorandum to Council dated March 18, 1983, and stated that the desired designation of "Ecological Reserve" would only apply to the portion of the lagoon owned by Fish and Game. He further stated the designation was for administrative purposes only, and would not preclude any planning process with regard to the lagoon. He expressed agreement with the need for the planning process and managemnt of the lagoon, and expressed a willingness to work with the City and/or any other agencies or owners in that process. ? In response to Council questions, Mr. Worthley stated that the matter was being processed at this time because they are the land owner, and they need an administrative classification for the land. He reiterated that this classification would not preclude any planning process. In response to further query, he indicated that if, as a result of the planning process, other activities are shown as desirable and consistent with preservation of the resources, the designation as an "Ecological Reserve" would nor preclude those activities. He furthe:: indicated that the designation of their land now as an "Ecological Reserve" would not preclude any alter- natives being considered during the planning process. In response to additional query, Mr. Worthley stated that the Department of Fish and Game only has two land designations available to them, and until such time as they classify a piece of land that they own, they have no regulatory authority over that land. 4- 2 6k MINUTES (47) Page 2 /\K March 22. 1983 MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. %pW COUNCIL "0 %.p/ Mr. Worthley also responded to inquiry by stating that an issue of whether the sediment should remved from the east side of the lagoon would be a consideration of the actual planning process. He stated if that were identified as a need, and the Department of Fish and Game is part of that plan and its development, agreement on the matter should result. In conclusion, Mr. Worthley indicated that he could give his assurance that the State Department of Fish and Game will cooperate and participate with the City in the development of a master plan for the lagoon. He also indicated that the Department of Fish and Game would have an open mind in that planning process, as should other affected land owners. The City Manger expressed the opinion that Mr. Wrthley's comnts give the City the assurance they need that the State Department of Fish and Game will cooperate in a planning study, which will allow the City to go ahead with same. He also noted the possibility of a letter being sent to the City from the director at Fish and Game to the affect that they will cooperate. Mayor Casler indicated that the Chairman of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation had indicated their Board's favorable consideration of the requested action of Fish and Game. In response to further Council query, the City Manager indicated that while State Fish and Game may not be actively seeking additional dedications of land in the lagoon, the Coastal Comnission may place such requirements as development occurs on the border of the lagoon. Council agreed to withdraw their letter protesting the Casler X "Ecological Reserve" designation, and requested that the Lewis xx Director of Fish and Game send a letter to the City Kulchin X expressing their intent to participate in the Planning Chick X study. Prescott X 1. BEACH EROSION PROBLEMS The City Engineer, Roy Kackley, with the aid of a slide presentation, displayed the severe erosion problems and damage to the beach area as a result of the recent stom. Mr. Walt waldorf, from Scripps, continued the report witk the aid of a slide presentation, and explained some historical problem with erosion, and some basic oceanographic concepts. He indicated that at low tide at. the beaches in Carlsbad, bedrock is displayed rather thar sand. In that regard, he expressed the opinion that a great deal of sand is needed on the beach. 6.5 MINUTES Page 3 Marrh 3.2. 1981 Mr. Waldorf suggested there currently may be three options, 1. The beaches could be abandoned and let erosion have its way. 2. Build very expensive sea walls. 3. Put sand on the beach and continually replenish the sand supply. Mr. Kackley then displayed a slide presentation of the recent stom effects on the Longard Tube in Del Mar. Dana Whitson, with the City of Oceanside, then gave a history of Oceanside's beach erosion problem and efforts of that city to resolve the problem. She also reported on the recent attempts to replenish the sand on the beach, including the mst recent project which will involve construction of a sand bypass. In response to questions about remving the breakwater and eliminating the problem, she indicated the issue hac been studied, She indicated that the results showed that moving the breakwater facility would cost approximately $55 million and the military installation needs that harbor in the event of a need to mobilize in a national emergency. Therefore, it was not a feasible solution. d Mr. Pat O'Day then addressed Council and displayed slides of a model viewed in Vicksburg, Mississippi, which was created duplicating the features of the Oceanside mast with a groin system. He explained the results of the testing that was done on the del, and expressed the opinion that groins do work. RECESS : I Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:44 P.M., and Council reconvened at 7:53 P.M., with all Council Mars present. Dana Whitson, with the City of Oceanside, again addressed Council. She briefly explained that a study had recently been conpleted by a consultant which contained an analysis of the Corps of Engineers' proposa:- for a groin field. She indicated that the City has formed a task force to study the report, but Council has not taken any action on that report to date. Mr. A1 Koster, from the State Parks Department, addressed Council. He referenced a copy of the State's master plan for their parks, indicating they did not address the issue of how to get sand back on the beach. He also indicated that consideration should be given to the fact that erosion of the coast is part of the normal process even though a great deal of efforts are currently being undertaken to stop that process. He then continued with the report, using a slide presenta- tion, and explained the contents of the master plan with regard to the beaches in Carlsbad. L \\b 5 COUNCIL /o A+ -g+ ' %pW MEMBERS + 8 + c b7 I MINUTES Page 4 Mavch 33~ 1981 I In response to questions, he indicated the current policy does not look favorably on the development of groins, and there would be difficulty in getting approval for groins along state beaches. Bob Wojcik, of the Engineering Department, continued wit the report using a slide presentation. He explained th~ activities occurring in the area where the Longard Tube is to be installed, and gave a status report on same. E continued using slides to depict the damaged parking areas along the beach, and indicated that current plans will salvage 83 of the previously existing 156 parking spaces at an appmximate cost of $17,600. He also explained alternatives to be considered for acquiring add it ional parking spaces. I Mr. Jim Dunham, consultant for the City, then addressed Council, comnting on the need for sand on beaches. He also indicated the uncertainties relative to the rate of travel for sand in the ocean. He also expressed the opinion that a rock revetment was the best type of structure. In response to query by Mayor Casler, Tony Howarddones indicated that the property owners still desire to move forward with the installation of the Longard Tube in their area. Council discussion reflected acknowledgement of the erosion problem, and awareness of the need for sand on the beaches. Also noted was the necessity in working with the State since the majority of the beaches in Carlsbad are controlled by the State. Council indicated their willingness to continue with the Lmgard Tube project as previously approved, and expressed the desirability that staff work with the State and the City of Oceanside to address the erosion problems at the beach. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS : (28). Circulation Element Committee Mayor Casler indicated that Mr. Vernon Farrow, the Planning Comission representative on the Circulation Element Comnittee had indicated his inability to attend meetings due to the established time of the meetings, Mayor Casler indicated that she had asked Mr. Schlehuber to be the Planning Corranission representative on that cornittee, replacing Mr. Farrow. AaTouRNMENT By proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, a ?# 4 4 /GL!J- ALm L. RAuTENmANz City Clerk v COUNCIL /\b %pW "0 %.p, MEMBERS 2. 8 Z.