HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-04-19; City Council; Minutest B MINUTES 185 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meetinq) Time Date of of Meeting: Meeting: 6:OO p.m. \\& 5 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers COUNCIL %9$%7 CALL To ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Student Mayor Steven Marshall at 6:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Student City Clerk Joel Tarman: STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY April 19, 1983 MEMBERS 2. 6 Z. Present: Student Council - Marshall, Spano, Romero, Olson and Rajah. Present: Regular Council - Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott. Absent: None. INVOCATION was given by Student Legislative Representative Kim Giro. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Student Council Merriber Fatemah Rajah. Mayor Casler announced the Hi-Noon Rotary Club had sponsored Student Government Day today, with 35 high school students taking on City roles today from 9:00 a.m. this mrning. The Rotary Club provided a social and buffet dinner at the Harding Recreation Hall at 4:OO p.m., and now the students are ready to conduct the business of the Council Meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one mtion) Casler X Lewis X Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 5, 1983, Kulchin xx were approved as presented. Chick X Prescott X Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held April 12, 1983, were approved as presented. PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Casler presented Mr. Earl Cunningham with a plaque honoring his fourteen years of employment with the Maintenance Department of the City of Carlsbad. Mayor Casler presented Mr. Albert Blacic with a Resolution signed by the City Council commending him for his thirty years of outstanding work with the young citizens of the City of Carlsbad. Student Mayor Steven Marshall awarded the $50 first prize for the Essay Contest held in conjunction with Student Government Day to Miss Suzanne Stebelski. CONSENT CALENDAR: Student Council Member Frank Romero requested Item #7 be remved from the Consent Calendar. Student City Manager Madeleine Mamaux requested Item #IO be remved from the Consent Calendar. 1 b (50) (97) (45) (81) (97) (45) 1(99) MINUTES 143 April 19, 1983 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR : Student Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items 7 and 10. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Student Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. AB #7349 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS. Student Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $444,573.71, for the period April 1 to April 14, 1983; payroll demands in the amount of $553,391.26 for the period March 13 to April 10, 1983; and housing demds in the amount of $54,937.81, for the period April 1 to April 14, 1983. 2. AI3 #7316 - Supplement #1 - ALLey ImROVEMENT BE'IWEEN MADISON AND ROOSEVELT FKPl OAK TO CHESTNUT AVENUES - CONTRACT NO. 3717. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7189, accepting bids and awarding Contract No. 3717 to Southland Sealing and Striping Company for the improvement of the alley between Madison and Roosevelt . 3. AB #7350 - EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREm PURPOSES ACROSS RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY FOR EM AVENUE. Student Council adopted FESOLUTION NO. 7190, accepting an easement from AT&SF for public street puvposes across the railroad right-f-way for Elm Avenue. 4. AB #7017 - Supplement #2 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TYLER STREET IMPROEMENT. Student Council accepted the reconstruction of Tyler Street as conplete, and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release the bonds 35 days after recordation. 5. AB #7339 - Supplement #1 - TENTATIVE MAP ATSD CONDCMINIUM PERMIT AND APPEAL OF SETBACK VARIANCE - CT 83-2/CP-225/V-346 - STANDARD PACIFIC. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7191, approving a tentative map and condominium permit on property located at the existing east end of Poinsettia Lane, inmediately north of the ,Spinnaker Hills development; and Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7192, denying the appeal of the Planning Corrunission decision in denying a variance to reduce the front yard setback. - - COUNCIL \\y 5 3 %' % MEMBERS % %% I Marshall X Span0 X Romero xx Olson X Rajah X MINUTES 143 (50) (101) (43) (77) (97) (45) (50) (63) April 19, 1983 Page 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 6. AB #7351 - RErmMD OF FEES. I Student Council approved the refund of $695 to C. A. Larsen Construction; $1,327.50 to Woodward Conpanies; and $526.57 to Try "J" Advertising. 8. AB #6104 - Supplement #3 - METRO TAXI - REPLACEMENT OF TAXICAB. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7193, authorizing the replacement of one taxicab for Metro Taxi. 9. AB #7353 - DECLARATION OF INTENTION TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING RE NUISATKE ABATEMENT - CHAPPEE AUTO WRECKING. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7195, setting a public hearing regarding nuisance abatement of Chappee Auto Wrecking for the May 17, 1983, Council Meeting. 11. AB #6389 - Supplement #1 - AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 6329, FIXING CHARGES FOR DOCUMENTS. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7194, increasing the charge for copies of the Zoning Ordinance, General Plan Elements, and the Environmental Protection Ordinance. 12. AB #5894 - Sumlement #3 - - TO I LC CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF CARLSBAD POULEVARD BRIDGE - CONTRACT No. 3098. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7203, amending the consultant agreement with McDaniel Engineering Company to permit earlier payment of fees. IlBlS FENOVED FRCM CONSENT CALENDAR: 7. AB #7352 - REFUND OF FEES. Student Council Member Romro requested this item remved from the Consent Calendar to question the difference in the amount shown under AMOUNT of $1,188.00 and under REASON $1,118.00 on the agenda bill. Student City Manager Madeleine Mamaux stated this was a typographical error and the correct amount should be $1,188.00 in both places. Student Council approved the refund of $1,188.00 to Fred Morey. 10. AB #7354 - ESTABLISHMENT OF SEPARATE CITY LIBRARIANS DEPARTMENT WITHIN "HE! LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. Student City Manager Madeleine Mamaux requested this item removed from the Consent Calendar as she had doubts &ut the necessity of passing this Resolution. \p 5 COUNCIL 3 %' MEMBERS % q Marshall span0 Romero X Olson Rajah k h? \ X X X X X B (68) (62) (70) (70) (45) MINUTES w COUNCIL /\k % %' 9 April 19, 1983 Page 4 MEMBERS % %% ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR:(Continued) Student Library Director Laura Plumer gave a report on this item, stating it was felt the Library should be a separate department to give them more voice in the League. Student Council Member Romero asked if there would be any added costs to the City and Miss Plumer answered there would be none. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: Marshall X RESOLUTION NO. 7196, URGING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A Romero X SEPARATE CITY LIBRARIANS' DEPARTMENT WITHIN THE LEAGUE Olson xx OF CALIFURNIA CITIES. Rajah x DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 13. AB #7355 - PRELIMINARY SERIES VI REGIONAL GFOWI'H FOFECAST. The Student City Manager announced the Student Research and Analysis Manager, Laurie McDemtt, would introduce the speaker. Miss McDemtt introduced Mr. Rick Alexander of the staff of SAMDAG, who gave a slide presentation on the Series 6 Regional Growth Forecasts. Span0 X 14. UPDATE ON LEGISLATION. Student Legislative Representative, Kim Giro, gave a report on binding arbitration. AB 187 and SB 788 relate to binding arbitration and their implementation would enforce this. The disadvantages of binding arbitration were given by Miss Giro and a request was mde to renew opposition to these bills. 15. BATIQUITOS LAGOON FOUNDATION PRESENTATION. Student Larry Johnson, on behalf of Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation, presented an interesting slide program on the Batiquitos Lagoon, showing what the Lagoon is and what it can be. Student Johnson gave a letter to the Council announcing Lagoon Week May 16 - 21. The week will culminate with a picnic on Saturday, May 21, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The City will be asked to supply several items for the picnic and it was requested a representative be present when the City Council discusses this matter. Due to the short time between now and the Lagoon Week, the request was made for the Council to act as quickly as possible. 16. AB #7277 - Supplement #1 - SWIMMING POOL PARKING LOT CONTRACT NO. 3146. Student City Engineer, Nina Gladir, gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, adding the alternatives were to use existing poles on the B (96) MINUTES /go April 19, 1983 Page 5 MEMBERS COUNCIL \ sidewalks, with stadium-type lighting-which SE&E will not allow; new heads which would not give adequate light. Engineering proposed remving the existing lights and installing new poles and new lighting heads to provide adequate light. Student City Manager Madeleine Mamaux inquired whether it would be mre economical to put underground wiring in now and pave the lot and put the lights in at a later date and also asked the cost of doing that. Student City Engineer Gladir answered it would cost $20,000 to put in the underground wiring, but with inflation, it would be cheaper to put the lights in now rather than later. The Student City Manaqer announced a Representative from the School District wished to address the Council. Student Paula Spano, School District Representative, addressed the Council, stating that new questions had come up since this was placed on the Agenda, and she requested this matter be referred back to the joint school/city connnittee for further discussion. Student Council referred this item back to the joint Marshall school/city committee for further discussion. Span0 Romero Olson Rajah 17. AB #7356 - CITY ENTRANCE AND COMMUNIW DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. Research and Analysis Manager Laurie Mcnermott, save the report on this item, as contained in the Agenda Bill. She used wall maps to shaw the locations for the proposed signs and pointed out the different types of signs. Miss McDemtt noted that the four entrance signs would be of concrete and indestructible. The thirty-five directional signs would ca.rry out the color scheme of blue and white used at the entrance points to the City to further assist tourists to find their way around the City. Student City Manager Madeleine Mamaux asked why, if there was already one Carlsbad Village by the Sea sign, didn't they match that sign. Miss McDennott answered that was for Carlsbad Village by the Sea and the City of Carlsbad should not be identified as a Village. Student Mayor Steven Marshall stated he thought the extra expense would be worthwhile--without signs people could pass by Carlsbad. Student City Manager Madeleine Mamaux stated that once people were in the City, they didn't need all those directional signs. Student City Manager Madeleine Mamaux stated that once people were in the City, they didn't need all those directional signs. ps 8 y*% 5% % 4 xx X X X X MINUTES 99 -5 \\& COUNCIL %9 e L*J*sT A April 19, 1983 page 6 MEMBERS * tp * Student Council Memkr Anita Spano disagreed with that statement and said people are always asking her where something was. In a strange tm, people don't like to have to ask where everything is located. With the directional signs, people will be able to find their way around. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: Marshall X D Span0 X RESOLUTION NO. 7197, APPROVING THE APPROPRIATION OF X Rajah DIVISION BUDGET. xx Olson FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT To THE MAINTENANCE X Romero (51) 18. AI3 #7357 - FIRE PFXXECTION FOR COUNTY ISLANDS. Student Fire Chief Charles Francis gave the report on this item, which he stated was for information only and not an action item. A map was used showing the County islands not annexed to the City of Carlsbad. The Agenda Bill contained the information given in the balance of the report. Student Fire Chief Charles Francis stated the Fire Department would continue to respond to calls until the Council makes a decision. Student Council Member Romero asked what the approximately 50 structures in those areas were and Student Francis stated homes, farm areas, packing sheds, etc. Student Council Member Romero asked if the majority of the structures were homes, how would a fee be determined, if there was one, and Student Fire Chief Francis said there was no study on that at the present time, so there was no way to know how much would be charged and how it would be enforced. Student Council Member Olson asked how many calls or how often were there emergencies in these areas, and Student Fire Chief answered that in the past two years there have been no structural fires, but many brush fires, and those could always spread into the City. Student Council Member Spano asked the Student City Manager what the advantage was in those islands being in the County and not the City. Student City Manager Mamaux answered that at one time there was an advantage tax-wise, but after Proposition 13 passed, the taxes in the County and the City were the same. Those areas are annexing into the City, but it just takes time. (84) 19. AB #7358 - DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPEwrY. Student Purchasing Officer Erin Moreland gave the report on this item, basically as contained in the Agenda Bill, but adding the grader was only used approximately four times a year, and recommended selling the grader and placing the mney in the Central Garage Fund. 98 April 19, 1983 MINUTES Page 7 @ ~ ~~ Student Council Member Romero asked the Student Purchasing Officer how she knew the City could get $5,000 to $7,000 for this grader and Miss Moreland answered this was an estimate. Student Council Member Spano asked if any other graders are owned by the City and Student Purchasing Officer Moreland answered no. Student Council Member Spano asked if it were anticipated to purchase any and Miss Moreland answered no, because they didn't use a grader that much and the City could rent one at a fairly low cost. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7198, DECLARING AN ITEM OF EQUIPMENT AS OBSOLETE AND AUTHORIZING THE DISPOSAL OF SUCH ITEM. (106) 20. AI3 #7364 - AGREEPENT TO JOIN UNDERGROUND SERVICE ( 45) ALERT OF S0UTHEP.N CALIFORNIA. Student Utilities Director Leslie Kulchin gave the reprt on this item, basically as contained in the Agenda Bill. Student Council Menber Rajah asked the implications if the City did not join and Student Utilities Director Kulchin answered it was a State law and Carlsbad must anply by July 1 . Student Council Member Olson asked what happened if Carlsbad did not join and Miss Kulchin answered the City would be liable. Upon a further question from Student Council Member Olson as to liability of what, Miss Kulchin stated it was the City's responsibility to protect itself from this liability. If digging or excavating were being done, the Underground Service Alert would be responsible to notify those people of any other facilities and to mark out those areas to prevent damage to any lines while digging. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7202, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN "IE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE PRINCIPAL PAR!TIES OF THE UNDEIRGW3UND SEWICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Student Council and Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Connnission at 7:28 p.m. and reconvened at 7:34 p.m. with all Student Council and Council Members present. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (114) 21. AB #7282 - Supplement #I - ZONE CODE m REGULATING PARKING IN THE FRONT YARD AND STREET SIDE YARD AREAS ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS - ZCA-154 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. I c .- COUNCIL \$ 6% % ?&? MEMBERS s 8 Z. 1 Marshall X spano X Romero X Rajah xx Olson X Marshall X Rajah X Olson xx Romero X Span0 X MINUTES April 19, 1983 Page 8 I The following Ordinance was introduced: ORDINANCE NO. 9668, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.44.165 TO REGULATE THE PARKING OF VEHICLES ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS. I) (114) 22. AB #7338 - ZONE CODE m AND PFOXDuRAL CHANGES TO VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT ZONE - Zw-160 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. I The following Ordinance was introduced: ORDINANCE NO. 9679, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.35 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 21.35.080, 21.35.100 AND 21.35.110 TO MAKE PROCEDURAL CHANGES TO THE VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT ZONE. Mayor Casler expressed appreciation for the participation by the students in Student Government Day and thanked the Hi-Noon Rotary Club for nuking it possible. i OFF AGENDA ITEM: Student Mayor Marshall requested that the Student Council add the matter of payment for student services to the Agenda for action. The Student Council agreed to add the matter of paying the students for their services to the Agenda for discussion and action. The Student Council voted to be paid for their services for today at the rate of $25 per student. Student Mayor Marshall, speaking on behalf of the students, thanked the Hi-Noon Rotary Club and the City Council for allowing them to participate in this learning experience and expressed the hape that it will be carried on year after year. RECESS : Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:40 p.m. and Council reconvened at 7:54 p.m. with all Council Members I present. The Council voted to confirm the vote and action of the students so the vote of the students would also reflect the vote of the Council on the Agenda item. The Council voted on the off agenda item to extend $25 mrth of thanks to each student by sending letters of appreciation to the students. c 97 COUNCIL \\y 5 % 9+%7 MEMBERS Z. 8 2. Marshall spano X Romero X Olson X Ra. jah xx Marshall X spano X Romero xx Olson X Rajah X Marshall X spano X Romero xx Olson X Rajah X Marshall X spano X Romero X Olson xx Rajah X Casler X Prescott xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Lewis xx Kulchin X Chick X Prescott X I I MINUTES (112) B (113) A April 19, 1983 \\\ Page 9 COUNCIL pA MEMBERS * 96 . PUBLIC HEARINGS: 23. AB #7332 - Supplement #1 - WEED Al3ATEMENT PUBLIC HEARING. Brian F7atson, Fire Marshal, gave the reprt on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:OO p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. The following Ordinance was introduced with the word "none" being inserted on line 17, F?ESOLUTION NO. 7199, ORDERING THE CITY MANAGER TO ABATE NUISANCE BY XAVING WEEDS, RUBBISH AND REFUSE FEMOVED. 24. AB #7359 - PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE AND MASTER PIAN A" - ZC-273/~~-150 (D) - WN3D. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report, using transparencies showing the location map and the property, as contained in the Agenda.Bil1. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:06 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Pat O'Day, 315 North Clementine, Oceanside, addressed the Council representing the applicant. He expressed agreement with the statements of staff and requested approval. ~ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescott Mr. O'Day called attention to the statement contained on the last page of the Agenda bill packet, and requested it be made a part of the record by reference, The City Attorney stated this was irrelevant to this proceeding, as the subdivision map was not before the Council, and the referenced conditions were part of the subdivision approval. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:09 p.m. ~ The following Ordinances were introduced: ORDINANCE NO. 9682, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 961 3 TO EXPAND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE LAKE CALAVERA HILLS WTER PLAN TO INCLUDE A 3.94 ACRE PARCEL ON THE SOUTH END OF GLASGOW ADJACENT TO TAMARACK AVENUE. ORDINANCE NO. 9683, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FROM A-70 (COUNTY) TO P-C ON 3.94 ACRES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTH END OF GLASGOW ADJACENT TO Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescott ~ TAMARACK AVENUE, \ B p % X X b*, t @* < I X X X X X X X X X X April 19, 1983 MINUTES Page 10 (114) B (70) (45) (26) (85) 25. AB #7360 - AMENDElENT TO RESIDENTIAL MOBILEHOME PARK ZONE - ZCA-163 - CITY OF CXRLSBAD, Mike Holzmiller gave the staff report, using a transparency showing the text of the amendment, as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:13 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. The following Ordinance was introduced: ORDINANCE NO. 9684, AMENDING TITLE 21 , CHAPTER 21.37 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL ODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.27.120(b) 'IO REVISE THE CoNvERsIa SECTION OF THE RMHP ZONE, DEP- AND CITY MANAGER REFORTS: Engineering 26. AB #7124 - Supplement #3 - CONTRACT FOR BUENA VISTA LAGOON DREDGING - PROJECT 3122. Roy Kackley, City Engineer, gave the staff report on this item, as mntained in the Agenda Bill. He stated he had received a letter from State Fish and Game concurring with the award and stating all permits needed for disposal of the spoil had been received. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 7188, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHOFXZNG THE EXECUTION OF THE CONTRACT FOR PROJECT NO. 3 132, BUENA VISTA LAGOON DREDGING AND IMPFXIVEMENTS, ALTERNATIVE C. 27. AB #7342 - MONROE STREET ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Roy Kackley, City Engineer, gave the staff report on this item, as contained in the Agenda Bill. In answer to query, he stated the property mer indicated they would not construct the inprovements, but would not *pose the assessment district. The Council Members discussed the problem of dirt that washes onto the road in this area from the dirt alleyway, and expressed the desire that the problem be taken care of at the same time. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 7183, ORDERING THE INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN A BLOCK, AND INSTRUCTING THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS To GIVE NOTICE AND ORDER THE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS. 28. AB #7361 - CONTINUATION OF BEACH MONITORING PROGRAM BY SCRIPPS INSTITUTE. Roy Kackley, City Engineer, gave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill. - 9s COUNCIL \\y %% 3 %' % MEMBERS % $% f I I , Casler X Presmtt X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Presmtt X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Presmtt X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X B (29) (103) (97) Yy MINUTES COUNCIL /\b ?$ %' ? April 19, 1983 Page l1 MEMBERS % %% Dr. Reinhard Flick, Scripps Institute, addressed the Council, requesting this fund to continue mnitoring Carlsbad beaches. He stated the beaches are suffering from a lack of sand, and when that sand is replaced, it mst be distributed to the proper places. The only way to tell the proper distribution and the amount needed is to continue mnitoring by qualified individuals. He explained the reports and that the City will be getting increased analyses with the additional funds. Dr. Flick answered questions from the Council regarding the beach erosion problems and possible solutions to those problems. The following Resolution was adopted: Casler X Lewis X RESOLUTION NO. 7200, APPFOVING PFOPOSKG AND FUND Kulchin X TRANSFER FOR CONTINUING BEACH MONITORING PROGRAM BY Chick X SCRIPPS INSTITUTE. Prescott xx Finance 29. AB #7362 - BUDGET UPDA'IE. Jim Elliott, Director of Finance, gave the staff report, using a flip chart, summarizing the 1982-83 estimated vs actual revenue. He then explained the revenue estimated for 1983-84. Council discussion reflected the desire to start the fiscal year with 1.2 million dollars in contingency, which would leave approximately 12.5 million dollars as the operating target. City Council 30. AB #7363 - TRAFFIC SAFm ClXllMISSION APPOINTMENT. Mayor Casler announced her intention to appoint Mr. Pat O'Day as a member of the Traffic Safety Corranission at the next meeting. OFF-AGETDA ITEM: Mayor Casler requested the Council consider an off- agenda item concerning Tamarack Avenue. The Council agreed to discuss an off-agenda item Casler X concerning Tamarack Avenue. X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis Mayor Casler announced Member Lewis and she had met with four members of the HOT Corranittee. The decision was reached that Council should take a definite stand on the width of Tamarack Avenue. She referenced previous Council discussions and reammended that Tamarack Avenue, between Adam and Skyline, be 48 feet wide with a 60 ft. right-of-way. The Mayor said she would like to make a presentation to the Circulation Conunittee on April 20, and have the item on the May 3 Agenda for Council. B MINUTES Y3 April 19, 1983 Page 12 In answer to query, Mayor Casler stated the street wuld be downgraded from secondary to collector, with two lanes for traffic and two for parking. Mayor Casler stated the mmbers of the HOT Comittee indicated there was no confidence in the Council. She stated she felt it was necessary to give assurance the Council was concerned with the problems and would take action. The other items at issue should not be considered at this time and should wait for a report from the Traffic Circulation Committee. However, this item has been brought up and never acted upon, and Mayor Casler felt it should be acted upon now. The Council voted to allow Mayor Casler to present a proposal to the Circulation Conmcittee, asking to put this item on the May 3, Council Agenda;involving Tamarack Avenue being designated as a collector street with a 60 ft. right-of-way and 48 ft. pavement between Skyline and Adam. COUNCIL mmm : Buena Vista Lagoon Committee Ron Beckman gave a report on the meeting held at Vista on April 14, 1983. Design Review Board Council Member Kulchin gave a report on the recent meting. Parks & Recreation Commission Council Member Lewis gave a report on the recent meeting . OFF-AGENDA ITEM: Council Menibr Lewis requested Council add the. matter of a senior element within the Parks and Recreation to the agenda for discussion. The Council voted to discuss an off-agenda item of a senior element within Parks and Recreation. Council Member Lewis stated that every year the seniors come before the Council and ask for mney. He questioned if there my be an advantage to take the seniors in as part of the City organization. It would be mre beneficial to the seniors and to the City overall to control. He suggested a staff report be prepared identifying the advantages and disadvantages to bring the seniors in as part of the City. Mayor Casler stated the seniors are a legally formed non-profit corporation and unless they request to bemm a part of the City, the City should not initiate the action. If they ask, then the City could take action. 7 , COUNCIL \\y S% %?&? MEMBERS Z. tp .;t Casler X Presmtt Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler X Presmtt X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X MINUTES D I April 19, 1983 Page 13 Council Member Lewis said he had not heard from the Senior Board, but since the budaet requests keep expanding, felt City should have direct bearing on what happens to the fund. Council Member Lewis withdrew the request for staff report. JAC Mayor Casler gave a report on the hiring of a new director. - CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Manager stated that next Monday, April 25, 1983, would be a closed meeting of the Council at 4:OO p.m. to discuss labor negotiations. AasouRNMEfaT: By proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m., to Monday, April 25, 1983, 4:OO p.m., in the Council Conference Room. Respectfully submitted, 44 @* ALlm L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk j Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk - Jgv COUNCIL I\\ % ?k' 2 MEMBERS % $%