HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-08; City Council; Minutes-. . s 1 MINUTES IYY 1 B Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: June 8, 1983 /$ Time of Meeting: 2:30 p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % $ CALL T8 ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 2:40 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: I Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott. (29) 1. BUDGET: I Mayor Casler announced that the main purpse of the meeting was to discuss the operating budget for fiscal year 1983-84, and she suggested that Council first hear from the representatives for cornunity service requests. Mr. Mike Straub, president of the Chamber of Comnerce, addressed Council. Mr. Straub referenced his letter to Council dated April 25, 1983, and reiterated the request of the Chamber for funding in the amount of $45,000. He indicated that the $45,000 request was the same as the amount requested and received in fiscal year 1982-83. In response to Council questions, M.r. Straub briefly explained some of the activity of the Chamber. He also noted that efforts would be made to increase the membership rolls which provides their main source of income. In response to Council query, the City Manager indicated that the majority of Cities in the State give mney to their Chambers. He noted that amounts differ for each City. Marva Bledsce Chriss, Executive Director, for the libmen's Resource Center, addressed Council. She indicated the Center was requesting $5,000 from the City, which was identical to the previous year's funding level. She also noted that seven percent of the clients of the center are within the City limits of Carlsbad. She responded to questions explaining other sources of revenue, and total budget figures for the Center. Mr. Jack Jhink, Executive Director of the Carlsbad Senior Citizen's Association, addressed Council. Mr. Jinunink indicated the Association is still requestifig $37,825 which is the same as the previous years request. He also explained the Senior's total budget for the year, and in response to questions, explained some of the activities and nutrition program conducted by the Association. Sharon Delphenich, Director, YMCA Project Oz, addressed Council. She indicated she would not repeat previous speeches, but expressed willingness to respond to any questions. In response to Council uuery, she explained the operation of Project Oz, methods for obtaining contributions, and staffing levels. 1 Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave a brief report with the aid of a flip chart, and outlined. estimated funds available and proposed budget expenditure totals. b \ 'z. .I b MINUTES June 8, 1983 Page 2 ?fie City Manager continued with the report by detailing the contents of his memrandm dated June 7, 1983. Council referenced each departmental budget, and comnted and/or questioned many line item munts. During the budget discussion, Council requested the following: 1. Additional report on the Fleet Management Program focusing on the issue of increasing the life of vehicles. 2. Review and possible ten percent reduction in total travel amount. 3. Review of furniture costs due to varying munts contained in different budgets for a piece of furniture. Council directed staff to set the matter to public hearing for the regular meeting of June 21, 1983. (39) 2. CITY TREASURER. VAcmCY: Mayor Casler recomnded that Mr. Eill Esterline be appointed to the position of City Treasurer for the unexpired term. Council Memkr Lewis requested that the appointment be continued one week to allow an opportunity for public input on the matter. Council appointed Mr. Bill Esterline to the position of City Treasurer for the unexpired tern which ends in November, 1986. Mr. Lewis indicated his negative vote was not against Mr. Esterline, but due to the fact that he felt there should be additional time for public input. City Attorney, as clarification, indicated the appropriate resolution of appointment would be prepared in accordance with Council action for the Mayor's signature. CLOSED SESSION : The Council adjourned at 4:53 p.m. to a closed session, and Mayor Casler announced that litigation and personnel matters would be discussed. Council reconvened at 5:42 p.m. with all Council whrs present. Mayor announced that litigation and personnel had been discussed and no action taken. 1 ADJOURWENT: 1 By proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m. to Tuesday, June 14, 1983, 7:30 p.m. at the Kelly School for a joint meeting with the Board of Trustees of Carlsbad Unified School District. Respectfully submitted, Li!l&%&uUC&LW~ ALETm L. m-z City Clerk 1 /YB \\b 5 COUNCIL "0 + 3/ 1 ?A+W MEMBERS Z. tp .;t Casler Lewis xx X EZrescott X Chick X Kulchin