HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-14; City Council; Minutes\ x MINUTES 153 - P MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL/CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TIME OF MEETING: 7:30 P .M. \\k 5 DATE OF MEETING: June 14, 1983 PLACE OF MEETING: Kelly School, 4885 Kelly Drive COUNCIL % 3% ? MEMBERS % %% CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7 :38 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present : Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick and Prescott . Absent : Council Member Kulchin Roll call by the District Secretary was as follows: Present : Trustees Thomas L. Curt in, W. Allan Kelly, J. Edward Switzer, Jr., Julianne L . Nygaard . Absent: Trustee John J . Mamaux (70) 1. SWIM POOL: Mayor Casler began the item by indicating that the school district had requested free use of the swimming pool and requested free use of the pool from the hours of 9:OO a.m. to 12 noon and 2:OO p.m. to 5:OO p.m., and the City had offered free use of the pool from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 2:OO p.m. For informational purposes, she indicated that during the. afternoon hours, the City is able to get approximately $20,000 in revenue, and it would not be economically viable to commit those hours to the school district for free and thereby eliminate that revenue. Trustee Kelly questioned the effect on interscholastic activities since they generally occur after school. He indicated he didn't object to paying a reasonable fee if they could get on the schedule to use the pool. Mayor Casler indicated it would be feasible as long as Parks and Recreation knows in advance for scheduling purposes. General discussion resulted regarding various hours which might be used for those purposes, and Trustee Kelly indicated that early morning practices would not be advisable because it would discourage student participation, and for those that did participate, they might become overtired and fall asleep in class. Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, in response to query by the district, indicated that if the department knew three months in advance, scheduling could be worked out. For clarification purposes, Mr. Bradstreet also indicated that the proposed hours for the school district were 8:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. and 1:OO p.m. to 2:OO p.m. Trustee Kelly referred to the proposed new agreement and the termination clause in same. He commented that the city council could eliminate the district's use of the pool entirely. 1 1 - B MINUTES 153 June 14. 1983 PnuP 2 Trustee Nygaard questioned the possibility of amending the old agreement rather than preparing an entirely new agreement. In particular, she referenced the section in the old agreement which addresses the bail out payment. For clarification purposes, the City Attorney, Vince Biondo, Jr., stated that a great deal of the old agreement had to do with constructing the pool and the district's payment for use of the pool. He indicated that the pool was now constructed and circumstances had changed. He also indicated that the termination clause in the new agreement refers to specific sections in the old agreement which still would keep in effect the bail out clause. Trustee Curt in referred to the original agreement, original pool concept, and differences in a completed project. He indicated the City had agreed to give back unused land, but the Council seemed to have a problem accomplishing same. Mayor Casler indicated that if the district desires the land back, they should direct a request to the Council for Council consideration and discussion. Dr. Grignon, Superintendent, stated that an additional feature of the new agreement was a provision for the City to use the Cultural Arts Center. Trustee Kelly questioned the termination date and whether it would be extended five years from 1992 to 1997. He also described a port ion of the land which was given to the City which is a forty foot strip off of Basswod, and requested consideration of giving the property back to the district. He also requested that consideration be given for a provision that if the pool is ever abandoned sometime in the future, that the land would revert back to the ownership of the school district. Mayor Cas ler suggested that the items requested by Trustee Kelly be put in writing and forwarded to Council for their consideration. 1 The City's use of the Cultural Arts Center, hours, fees, and fact that the City is not to use the Center to feature recreational activities which would be in direct competition with the district, were explained. Trustee Kelly commented on the need to provide swimming lessons for third grade students in an effort to make the children drown proof, and suggested consideration be given to working out some type of a program. Mayor Casler suggested that the Parks and Recreation Director could work on such a program for the next year, but scheduling would not permit it this year. Council Member Lewis questioned the possibility of the district providing transportation to children from the Boys and Girls Club to make it easier for them to participate if such a program is developed. COUNCIL \\k 5 ?$ %' ? MEMBERS % %% 1 MINUTES /5/ - P COUNCIL \\b 5 3 %% ? June 14. 1983 Pase 3 MEMBERS % %% Trustee Kelly indicated in his opinion transportation would not be the problem, but that price of the program would be the determining factor of participation. Trustee Nygaard suggested the possibility of providing the district free use of the pool for such a program with the district providing the instructors. Council Member Chick questioned where the $14 an hour figure came from and the determination of the charge for the school district when the City's cost is $26 an hour. He indicated the City has agreed to pay the direct cost on the Cultural Arts Center which is $35 an hour, and questioned why the district was not paying the City's direct cost for use of the pool at $26 an hour. In response, the City Manager indicated that the City's rates for use of the pool vary, based on time of usage, groups, and other factors. He stated the City does not have a fixed rate. He also noted there was a memo out that says that the direct cost of the pool is $27 an hour, and he indicated the various items which that cost includes. However, he noted that the actual maintenance and operation cost of the pool is $18 an hour, and if supervision were eliminated, the cost would be less. Dave Bradstreet explained the pool budget, and method of calculating the cost, and indicated the results of that calculation shows that the direct cost for operating the pool is $18.50 an hour. Superintendent Grignon indicated that he disagreed with the method of calculation for the cost since the facility is there and must be maintained 24 hours a day rather than only during usable hours. He indicated such calculation had been used in determining the direct cost of the Cultural Arts Center. Council approved the new agreement with the school district with an adjustment in the hours to reflect Cas le r xx 8:OO a.m. to 11:15 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 2:OO p.m., a Lewis X change in the fifteen year term so that the agreement Chick X would expire in 1997, and the inclusion of a clause Prescott X that after school, an after school athletic program could be arranged at a $14 an hour fee. On motion by Trustee Switzer, the Board of Trustees approved an identical mot ion. 1 (70) 2. PARKING LOT: Mayor Casler indicated that the paving of the parking lot had been on the Council agenda previously, and had been removed on request by the school district. Trustee Kelly indicated that the request for removal had been merely to coordinate that item with the pool agreement, and he urged moving forward with paving of the parking lot. I , . MINUTES ISd P Trine 14. 1983 PnoP Lr In response to query, City Manager indicated the matter would be on Council agenda for the meeting of June 21, 1983 . (91) 3. DISTRICT BOUNDARIES: Trustee Kelly indicated the item was on the agenda beacuse the City is always questioning why something can' t be done about making boundaries coterminous. He indicated that to the district, changing boundaries could mean a reduction in attendance, which would mean a loss of money for the district. He suggested, however, that this would be the appropriate time to do something about the boundaries for the areas in the City that are not yet developed. General discussion related to the many problems which would be encountered if attempts were made to change school district boundaries, and it was noted that it was a political and emotional matter for many people. Various alternatives attempting to work out a proposed change in boundaries were discussed, and problems of same noted. It was suggested that the Carrillo Ranch area could be addressed since it is currently undeveloped. Jim Hagaman, Research/Analysis Manager, briefly reported on discussions with a staff member of the San Marcos School District, and indicated the process of studying their school location plan. He suggested this may be an appropriate time for discussions with the San Marcos School District for that particular area. It was suggested that a trustee and administrator of each district meet for purposes of discussing the possibility of any boundary changes. Further discussion related to ways of generating interest among the school districts regarding possible boundary changes, and who should instigate such activities. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. I b Respectfully submitted, &?R ALETHA L. RAUTEN City Clerk COUNCIL /j % 9b MEMBERS % 9 b rZ. \ I i