HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-06-28; City Council; Minutes/7/ MINUTES 1 MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) QATE TIME OF OF MEETING: MEETING: June 28, 1982 /\b 6:OO P.M. %p%2 PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers COUNCIL "0 $.p, CALL To ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CAU was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott Absent: None MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. 1 (29) 1. AB #7423 - 1983-84 OPERATING BUDGET. Mayor Casler announced that she had talked with Mr. Skotnicki about his attendance at the prior meeting, and whether his intent was to speak on the budget. She indicated he had intended to speak on the budget, but the matter came up so late in the meeting that he missed it because he had to leave for a prior comitment. Council reopened the public hearing on the operating Casler xx budget to allow Mr. Skotnicki, and any other interested -is X citizens the opportunity to speak. Kulchin X Chick X Prescott X Mr. A.J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Skotnicki expressed the opinion that the taxpayers of the City of Carlsbad should not be required to subsidize the Chamber of Comnerce by the City's annual payments to the Chamber. He indicated that services provided by the Chamber of Commerce are those which would normally be provided by a Chamber, and they should be self supporting in their efforts. Mr. Skotnicki also comnented on the munt placed in the contingency account, and questioned the rationale for setting a figure. He also queried whether the sanitation account was becoming an enterprise fund similar to that of the water fund. Mayor Casler responded affirmatively regarding the question regarding the sanitation fund. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, Mayor Caler closed the public hearing at 6:13 P.M. Council Member Kulchin comnted on the $8,000 reduction in travel and expressed approval of same. Council Mehr Prescott questioned whether actual council direction had been given to reduce the travel accounts. In response, Mayor Casler indicated that the Manager had been directed to review the travel accounts and, and to make recommendations. Mayor Casler referenced the JAWS of LIFE, equipment which has been eliminated from the Fire Department budget, and questioned the purpose of the quipment. Fire Chief Thqson responded by explaining how the equipment is used in extracting people from vehicles following accidents. 1 / 70 MINUTES - Page 2 Trine 38 - 1981 Council determined to add the Jaws of Life equipment back into the Fire Department budget. I Council determined to approve the elimination of the $8,000 in travel budgets as presented in the revised budget. As clarification, Council reiterated their request for report of the vehicle maintenance program in the near future. Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7265, ADOPTING = FINAL OPERATING -EX' FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 FOR THE CITY OF CARLSEN3 AND ESTABLISHING CoNTRoLS ON CHANGES IN AF'PRPRIATIONS FOR THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENT FUNDS; amending the budget to include the funding for the Jaws of Life equipment, and funding for the Chambe of Conmerce, Senior Citizens' Assocation, and Project 02. Council also voted to include funding for the Womens' Resource Center in the above mtion. (70) 2. AB #7424 - CITY/SCHoOL JOINT USE AQiEEMENT FOR Po0 (45) AND CULTURAL ARTS CENTER. The City Manager indicated that the matter was on the agenda for informational pupses, and that it would h on their July 5, 1983, agenda for action. Council Mer Chick referred to the recent meeting wi the Carlsbad Unified School District Board of Trustees and commented on possible inequities between the fees that would be paid by the City for use of the cultural arts center versus fees paid by the School District fc use of the swimning pool. He expressed the opinion th if the City is recpired to pay the actual cost of operating the cultural arts center, then the School District should pay the actual cost of operating the Pool 1 For clarification purposes, Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, explained that based on a twenty four hour day, the actual cost of operating the swimi pool is $15.58 per hour. He also explained the types expenses which were included in determining that cost. In response to Council query, he stated that he had SE no documentation or explanation of the $35 per hour charge for the cultural arts center. Council Me-r Chick stated it appeared possible that the District might be rapesting a return of a portior of the land near the swinnning pool. He referenced Council's recent approval of paving an additional portion of the parking lot in that area and expressed concern about improving the land and then being asked consider returning it to the District, COUNCIL \\F 5 %.p%l "0 J+p, MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. Casler X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Prescott CaSler X Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Prescott X 1 CaSler Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Kulchin X - 1 - 3 E n 3 * 16 9 - MINUTES Page 3 COUNCIL \\b 5 3 %% ? June 28. 1983 MEMBERS % %% For clarification purposes, Mayor Casler explained the sub-committee, consisting of Council Menher Lewis, the Mayor and the City Manager, meetings with representatives of the School District in an effort to reach an agreement on the use of the pool. For further clarification she gave a brief history of the swinsning pool project, including the search for land, and eventual agreement with the School District. Mayor Casler further expressed the opinion that if the City is improving the parking lot near the pool, that land should not be given back to the District; however, if they request a portion of the land back, and Council determines that the land is not and will not be used fcr the pool complex, then consideration would be given to returning it. In response to further Council query, Mr. Bradstreet gave exanples of types of programs or activities that the City might conduct in the cultural arts center. He reiterated the understanding with the District that the City was not to conduct any activities which would be in ompetition with those which would be conducted by the Cultural Arts Center Foundation. Brief discussion reflected supLmrt for the efforts of the foundation, and agreement that the City should not provide programs at the center that are in conpetition with those of the Foundation. No action was taken, and it was noted that the item would be on the next Council Agenda for action. 3. CLOSED SESSION. Council adjourned at 7:OO P.M., to a Closed Session, anj Mayor Casler announced that labor relations and litigation would be discussed. Council reconvened at 7:47 P.M., with all Council Members present, and the Mayor announced that no action had been taken on litigation, but the next item would reflect Council action on labor relations. ( 7 4 ) 4. AB #7425 - MANAm COMPENSATI(X PLAN. (39) The following resolutions was adopted: Casler EOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983-84. X Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 7268, ADOPTIMG INTERIM SALARY PLANS xx Kulchin X Chick X Prescott X CaSler xx 1 RESOLUTION NO. 7269, ADOPTING INTERIM SALARY PLANS -is X X Chick X Prescott X xx X X Chick X Prescott X FOR THE CITY OF CARLSEW FOR FISCAL YEAR 1983-84. K~C& RGSOUrrION No. 7267, ADOPTING THE MANAGEMENT Lewis COMPENSATION PIAN FOR CERTAIN MABAGEMENT PERSONNEL Casler Kulchin FOR THE 1983-84 FISCAL YEAR. In response to query from Council Meer Chick, Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager/Administration, stated that figuring maxim available for time off, management employees would get 43 days off per year. /k 27 fl MINUTES - Page 4 COUNCIL \\b 5 % 3% ? 28. 1983 MEMBERS % %% Council Member Chick expressed the opinion that the available time off per year for managemnt employees seemed excessive, and questioned whether changes would be mde in that regard. In response, Mr. Mannen indicated that changes would be proposed in the future. Council Menber Kulchin suggested that Council be included in the future to receive reimbursement for an annual physical exam, and Council concurred. Staff was directed to prepare documents providing that casler X all Council Menbers be eligible for reixkursement of up Lewis X to $250 during each fiscal year to pay cost of annual Kulchin xx physical examination. Chick X Prescott X OFF AGENDA ITEM 1 ( 76 ) Planning Commission Appintment Council Menher Lewis requested Council consideration of adding the matter of Planning Codssion appointments to X Casler X KUlChin the agenda for discussion. xx Lewis Chick X Prescott X Council Mehr Lewis indicated his concern about the recent appointee to the Planning Codssion. He indicated that though he had a high regard for the individual, he was concerned because the person is not citizen of the United States, and therefore, not a a citizen of Carlsbad. He indicated his desire to change his vote since he belived citizens should receive first choice for serving on Boards, Codssions, and Connnittees. Council Me&r Lewis made a mtion that the Council reconsider their last appointment to the Planning Corranission. The motion died due to lack of a second. In response to Council Menber Lewis's query, Dan Hentschke, Assistant City Attorney, stated that Council could legally pass an ordinance requiring all applicant; to Boards, Comnissions, and Connnittees to be citizens. He also indicated that he would have to research the proper method which would allow Council Mehr Lewis to change his affirmative vote on the appointment to a negative vote. The City Manager suggested that rather than adopting an Ordinance rquiring all applicants to be citizens, that a statement could be added on the application form regarding whether they are a registered voter in the City, which would provide Council with the same information. ADJOURNMENT: l3y proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:11 P.M, Respectfully submitted, D &A!@- ALE;THA L. RAUTENKRANZ 4 City Clerk