HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-09-07; City Council; Minutes,-
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MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting)
DATE OF MEETING: September 7, 1983 /\y
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers COUNCIL "0 %.p, MEMBERS Z. (I, Z.
The meting was called to order by Mayor Casler at
7:02 P.M.
ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows:
Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Presmtt.
Absent : None
Mayor Casler read a letter received from the San
Clemente mmnittee members of the Boy Scout Troop 786 thanking police officers for their assistance in
locating parents when a by became ill at mnp. §he
indicated that the mmittee had sent certificates of appreciation for Officers Windell Risenhoover, Millie
Moore, and Sharon Murphy.
Mayor Casler announced that the purpose of the meeting
was to address the meet and confer impasse with the Carlsbad Police Officers Association. She indicated that the only issues which would be discussed would be
those discussed in neqotiations. She further indicated that the matter was not a public hearing, and that public testimony muld not be taken.
The City Manager gave an introduction of the matter by reporting on the history of the negotiation process
with the association and resulting declaration of impasse. He indicated that Council 's first issue for consideration muld be to determine how to resolve the
impasse, and suggested that a representative from the
City and a representative from the Association be asked for a reconnnendat ion in that regard.
Mr. Jerry Pieti, Personnel Director of the City of
Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Pieti recomnded
that the City Council act to resolve the impasse.
Mr. Thomas W. Doyle, Attorney for the Carlsbad Police
Officers Association, addressed Council. Mr. Doyle
also remmnded that the City Council resolve the inpasse.
It was determined that the City Council would consider Casler X
the issues and resolve the inpasse. Lewis xx
Kulchin X
Chick X
Presmtt X
Mayor Casler indicated that Council would first hear
from the City's representative and then from the Association's representative regarding the impasse and
unresolved issues.
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Jerry Pieti, Personnel Director, used wall exhibits
and explained the City's position and CPOA's position on the ten unresolved issues, as contained on pages 8 through 26 of the agenda bill.
In conclusion, Mr. Pieti remmnded that Council resolve the inpasse and approve the salary increases
for the positions as contained in Plan A on page 17 of
the agenda bill.
In response to Council query, Mr. Pieti indicated tha"
the Association had been offered the alternative of
taking the educational incentive pay or portion of
retirement out of the respective categories and addi
the amount to base pay, but that the Association had
Mr. Thomas W. Doyle, with Thistle & Krinsky, 110 "C" Street, San Diego, addressed Council representing the Carlsbad Police Officers Association. Mr. Doyle distributed a five page packet of information to Council. He gave a history of the negotiation proces
with the Police Officers Association, and expressed
the cpinion that if the City's final offer had been the table prior to July 1 5, 1 983, or had the City's negotiating team been given the proper per and authority to negotiate, the City and Association woul have reached an agreement. He expressed the cpinion that the members of CPOA should not lose the retroactivity of the pay raise since the City's last offer was not received until after the deadline for reaching agreement. Mr. Doyle then referred to pages
1, 2, 3, and 4 of the mterial he had distributed and explained some of the saqles of the salary
d.if ferences between employees of other cities and those in the City of Carlsbad. He then referred to page 5 of the material, and briefly explained the ten issues listed thereon noting that these items had bee agreed upon between the Association and the City. He requested that mnsideration be given to including approval of these issues as they were originally agreed upon prior to the impasse. He noted that the resolution of these issues would resolve some
currently existing problems in the department, and
if they are not approved, the problems associated wi these issues will continue to exist in the departmen
In conclusion, Mr. Doyle read the statemnts containe on page 6 of the mterial.
In response to Council questions, Mr. Doyle stated that the Association had rejected the offer to
rearrange some of the mrrpensation in order to add it to take home pay due to fact that the City was going to take the mnpensation from those positions who received same, but then distribute it to all, including those who did not normally receive that benefit. He expressed the apinion that was unfair.
He also reiterated that the final offer of the City not on the table until August 3, 1983, which was af the deadline for receiving retroactive pay.
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Sergeant Don Metcalf addressed Council, and stated that there are only two positions between the rank of
officer and sergeant. He stated that as a sergeant,
he receives a great deal of additional responsibility,
but only $75.00 per week mre than a brand new officer
with the City of San Diego. He stated that the spread of pay in the ra.nks should be greater, and noted that the City had originally offered an additional 5% to spread the difference in the ranks, but had subsequently withdrawn that offer. He also stated that because of the great deal of additional responsiblity, but cnly minor increase in salary, many officers will not go for promtions.
Pat Zavala, a Comunicator with the Police Department,
addressed Council. She explained the wide variety of duties performed by the Comnicators, and noted that
compensation for these duties was low. She stated that no other agency in the county provides the wide range of duties as do the Comnicators in the City of Carlsbad, yet the Comnicators in the City of Carlsbad are paid less. She comnted on the high turn over rate of Comnicators, and indicated that the City wuld not be able to keep Comnicators unless it was willing to pay appropriately.
Police Officer Jim Byler addressed Council. He
referred to last years inpasse meeting wherein Council had determined it was fair to raise the mn-pensation
to the average in the county. He corrunented that if that were the case, then they would not now still be the lowest paid in the county. Ye stated that the Association wants salaries raised over a two year period to the average of other law enforcement agencies in San Diego County. He also expressed the opinion that the Chief of Police and City Manager are not feeding Council accurate information, but merely a watered daJn version of what is wrong with the
Council adjourned at 8:32 P.M. to a Closed Session. Council reconvened at 10: 15 P.M., with all council
members present.
Mayor Casler stated that the Council believed one
additional item should be added to the ten addressed
by the Association -- that issue being the spread in pay between the senior police officers and the sergeants.
Mayor Casler mntinued by stating that the Council had decided that they could not unilaterally grant approval of the items and desired to take an additional week tx, study them. She indicated that the
Council would make a decisiofi on the item and the salary at the next oouncil meeting to he held on Tuesday, September 13, 1983.
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SQnternhPr 7 - 1981
Council returned the resolution to the City Manager
for inclusion of a reconmendation on each of the
eleven items, with said resolution to be returned to
the Council at their meting of September 13, 1983.
Also included was a reconmendation that the effective date of ixplementation be September 7, 1983.
By proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25
P.M., to Tuesday, Septerber 13, 1983, at 4:30 P.M., in
the City Council Chambers for a Closed Session, and the Adjourned Meeting to begin at 6:OO P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
&LzA&as @-
ALIETHA L. l44-z
City Clerk
\\b 5
COUNCIL % ?k3 3
Casler Lewis
X Resmtt
X Chick
X Kulchin