HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-08; City Council; MinutesI. MINUTES 306 - MEETING OF: CITY aUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: November 8, 1983 \\B 5 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers COUNCIL %9 0 A* A 3 MEMBERS % %% CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CYLL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chi& and Prescott Absent - None PRESEN?T1TIONS: Mayor Casler reported on the numerous meetings and various duties acconplished by the members of the Circulation Plan Advisory Codttee, and presented a certificate of appreciation to each member for their extensive wrk on the conunittee. (28) 1. AI3 #7205 - Supplement #lA- REFORT FRCM CIRCULATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITEE. Jeanne McFadden, co-chairperson of the mmittee, addressed council. She stated that throughout their meetings the message from the community had ken that they did not want traffic through the residential community m under-sized streets. She cormnented on some of the issues in the report and stated that the committee would like to reconvene after the computer traffic del is received before this goes to the Planning Cmission. She referenced the Committee's deliberations and concerns about SA 680, and explained that the mdttee had considered the surrounding communities and their circulation taking into account alignments of streets. She mncluded by mnnnenting on the efforts of all members of the mnnnittee, and expressed appreciation for their efforts. Mr. Jim Hagaman, Research/Analysis Manager, then gave a staff report on the matter. He gave a description of the various street categories, and then explained the differences between the recommendations in the Willdan report, the existing plan, and those of the mmmittee, as contained in the Circulation Plan Report, dated November, 1983. b Mayor Casler extended the invitation to committee members who desired to speak on the matter. Mr. Jim Goff addressed council. Mr. Goff stated that the City Engineer had asked the conunittee for their support in getting a mnputer study on traffic. He stated that study was now being done at SWAG following council wproval. In that regard, he reiterated the comments of Jeanne McFadden concerning the mnnnittee's desire that this mnputer study be reviwed by the conunittee prior to sending the GPA forward to the Planning Codssion for hearings. Mr. John McCoy addressed council. Mr. McCoy expressed the opinion it doesn't make sense to stop Tamarack at El Camino or Adams. He stated a 60 foot street would not do the job. He also stated he wuld like to see Tamarack Street, from Jefferson to Carlsbat Blvd., added to the funding priorities of the City. 305 MINUTES Page 2 /\b November 8, 1983 MEMBERS % 8 Z. %.pw COUNCIL "0 %p, Mr. Hagaman offered clarifica.tions on the issue stating that the width of Tamarack is proposed to be 80 foot, which is the same street width requirement, however, the street would be in an 84 foot right-f- way. Mr. Ponti addressed council. He indicated that the issue of Tamarack was originally a split vote at the committee, and expressed the opinion that Tamarack should not be a secondary arterial. He asked that the codttee be given the opportunity to further study the issue of Tamarack and the proposed downgrading of a portion of the street. Since no one else wished to speak, Mayor Casler closed the item to public testimony. Mayor Casler expressed concern about Lagoon Lane beins designated a secondary arterial. She expressed the opinion that the traffic on that street would not be heavy. She also expressed agreement with'the remarks of Mr. Ponti with regard to Tamarack being a coll-ector street. Councilmmber Chick expressed aqreemnt with Mayor Casler ' s comments about Lagoon Lane. Mr. Chick expressed the opinion that Tamarack would receive heavy use and should not he downqraded. Councilmkr Prescott expressed concurrence with remarks reaardinu Lagoon Lane. Councilmenber Kulchin expressed the opinion that Tamarack is danqerous, and should not be downgraded. She suggested that possibly Lagoon Lane should not be designated until such time as p1a.m had been submitted from Hunts. Councilmmber Lewis expressed agreement with the comittee on the issue of Tamrack. General discussion next related to whether the changes should proceed as an amendment to the Circulation Element or as revision to the Circulation Element. Council adopted the following resolution: X Prescott CARLSBAD GENERAL PLAN. X Chick TO CONSIDER REVISING THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT OF 'IHE xx Kulchin RESOLUTIolrT W. 7402, DECLARING COUNCIL INTENTION X Lewis X Casler 1 (74) 2. A. AB #7557 - ESTABLISHEnENT OF TRAFFIC ENGINEEF. POSITION IN THE E%IGINEERINC, DEPAFKBE". Mr. Ron Beckman, Assistant City Manager/ Developmental Services, gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the aaenda bill. In response to council questions, he indicated that the services received to date have been quality services, but the quantity or amount of time the consultant has been able to provide is not sufficient at this time. He also indicated that it would be possible to contract with an Engineering firm for the service, j 304 MINUTES Page 3 /\b COUNCIL %%%% November 8, 1983 MEMBERS % $% but noted that the cost will still have to be expended for the fumishinu. He also indicated that contracting €or between 20 to 30 hours a week at this time should be sufficient. The City Manager, as further explanation, explained the duties which would be required of the Traffic Engineer and reiterated the need for the position. Council discussion related to the benefits of hiring a full-time employee versus contracting for the service, and costs associated with same. Council approved the concept of contractinq with Casler an Engineering firm for Traffic Engineer, and directed X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin staff to investigate same, xx Lewis (78) 2. B. AB #7558 - ESTABLISEMENT OF A TRAFFIC DIVISION IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Vincent Jimno, Police Chief, gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the auenda bill, and responded to questions of clarification. Council adopted the followinq resolution: X Prescott APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS. X Chick OF A TRAFFIC DIVISION IN ?HE POLICE DEP- AND xx Kulchin RES0LUTICp;I NO. 7400, AVTHORIZING T3E ESTABLISH" x Lewis X Casler FWESS Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:50 P.M. and council reconvene at 8r02 P.M. with all councilmembers present. (78) 3. AB #7556 - POLICE FIW TRAINIMG FACILITY. The Police Chief gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the agenda hill. Councilmember Chick questioned what access rights the City has to that property, and staff responded that the matter of access would have to be formalized with the property owners. 1 Discussion related to the improvements that would have to occur on the designated site, and it was noted that an alternate site had been located in that same vicinity. Additional discussion related to the physical constraints for developing each site, and staff indicated the alternate site would have to be reviewed further since it had only been identified that same day. Council reqnized Mr. Jay Hoffman, 4901 El Camino Real, Carlsbad. Mr. Hoffman referred to his letter dated September 26, 1983, which had been previously submitted to council regarding the potential in the city to develop a trap and skeet range. (Letter not furnished to City Clerk.) - MINUTES Page 4 Nave" 1983 He comnted on the need for such a facility which could be jointly used by the police department for traininq, and by the public at other times. He also indicated that such a range would allow re- establishmnt of the youth programs. Coucilmember Chick indicated that Mr. Jack Duncan, representative of NRA, had expressed the need for a range because of the mv youth programs, and indicatc that the NRA would be willinq to participate. He stated that the NRA would assist in the range developmnt including the possibility of low interest loans. 1 It was noted that such a shared use facility concept might be appropriate for a permanent facility, but not for a temporrary facility. Councilmember Chick, with council concurrence, indicated he would pursue the concept of a shared use facility, and stated he would study the matter and return with some figures on haw it could possibly work. Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7398, AUTHORIZING STAFF El PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A POLICE FIRING RANGE AND APPROPR.IATING FUNDS, with the exact site to be determined followinq review of the two possible s ites. (60) 4. ANNUAL RISK MANAGEMENT RePORT 1 Ruth Fletcher, Risk Management Coordinator, gave a staff report smrizinq the contents of the report dated October 1, 1983. She also responded to specific council questions reuardinq the prqran?. Council then reviewed a slide presentation prepared to shaw employees as a training vehicle with rward to liability insurance and what to do if they are involved in a traffic accident. (62 1 5. AB #7554 - CABLE TV RESOLUTION AT NLC CONGRESS OF CITIES Y3ETINGS. Council directed the Mayor to send a letter to the Mayor of Laked expressing support of the City of Lakewood's resolution relative to federal cable legislation, local authority, and cable subscriber protection. b (85) 6. AB #7559 - CHARGES FOR COPIES, MIS, REKRI'S, MINUTES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. The following resolution was adopted: SOLUTION No. 7401, FIXING CHARGES FOR COPIES, MAPS, REPORTS, "ES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS. 303 COUNCIL /\k %p%% "0 $3, MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. Casler xx Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Presmtt xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X Casler xx Prescott Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X I. 302 (29) (68) MINUTES Page 5 COUNCIL \j 5 % 9L' November 8. 1983 MEMBERS % 4 INFORMATION 1"s ONLY: A. The City Manager reported that item number 3 on the list (The Central Business Storm Drain) had been dropped since a grant had been applied for but not received. He also indicated that council my wish to discuss funding additional projects, or not funding projects, and that all should be considered together including the funding of the Safety Center. Council discussion related to the number of years the central business storm drain had been budgeted, and reaffirmed their need for the storm drain. Council also indicated that council should be the authority to drop items from the CIP and not staff. Mr. John McCoy addressed council expressing the need for the central business storm drain. Mr. McCoy also questioned why other projects have mney funded when they are on hold or merely in design, and those that are needed did not receive funding. Following further comnts, council expressed the desire to hold a workshop in the near future to establish priorities on the CIP. B. City Manager indicated if any Councilmember desired to attend the League meeting in San Diego to notify his office. CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned at 9:40 P.M. to a closed session, and Mayor Casler announced Litigation would be discussed. Council reconvened at 10~04 P.M. with all councilmmbrs present and Mayor Casler announced that Litigation had been discussed and no action taken. ADJOURNMENT By proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 10~05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, QJMd,& 4. Qy ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk \ k h? ~