HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-12-07; City Council; Minutes'c- 3Yl r MINUTES 1 . Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meetina) Date of Meeting: Decenker 7, 1983 Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. /\b Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL % %' 4 The Meetinq was called to order by Fayor Casler at 3:06 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, and Prescott. Absent: Council Member Chick MEMBERS % %% LAIA 'IU UWEK: OFF AGENDA ITEM: (100) Sales Tax Exemptions and Exceptions. Mayor Casler announced that the City Attorney had requested Council consideration of this needed revision to the Municipal Code to provide for exenptions and exceptions to the sales tax. Council aqreed to add the item to the Agenda for Casler X consideration and action. Lewis X Kulchin X Prescott xx The City Attorney gave a brief explanation of the item and indicated the mtter remired Council action so that copies of the adopted ordinance could. be forwarded to the Board of Equalization before December 15, 1983. The following ordinance was introduced: ORDINANCE NO. 1267, "DX- THE MUNICIPAL mDE TO xx Prescott EQUALIZATION, x Kulchin USE TAX ?o BE ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE €3XG?D OF X Lewis REVISE THE EXCLUSIONS AND EXEMPTIONS FOR SALES AND X Casler (70) 1. AB #7538 - SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER. Mayor Casler gave a brief introduction of the matter referencing her mem and the proposed tentative agreement dated November 17, 1983. Mr. A. J. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Skotnicki expressed the cpinion that the Harding Street Corrununity Center was purchased and renovated with taxpayers mney, and should remain a community facility for all taxpayers. He stated the Center should not be turned over exclusively for the use of one organization, For clarification purpses, Mayor Casler read the tentative agreement reached with the seniors dated Novemher 17, 1983. She noted that no comitment was being made to turn over the entire facility to the Senior Citizens Association. Council Meer Lewis indicated he had been under the inpression that the seniors wished to become a part of the City, but his discussion with some bard members prior to this meeting clarified the issue. He indicated they apparently do not wish to be a part of the City; they feel they could do better as a separate organization. He further stated that he did not believe they should be qiven the portion of the Cornnunity Center without their assistance in ampensating for the relocation of City offices. 1 3yo MINUTES (97) (45) \\b 5 December 7, 1983 Council Member Presmtt stated his discussions with members of the association reflect their desire for a larger facility than the Harding Street Center; therefore, he suggested they see this as a tenprary situation, though it my be on a long range basis. Council Member Kulchin expressed agreement with the proposed tentative agreement with the Seniors Association. Mayor Casler also questioned the possibility of sore of the proceeds from the Association's bingo being used to supprt themselves instead of getting mney from the City. She suggested that since the City is providinq space, possibly the City should not also provide mney. Further Council discussion related to unknown financial aspects of the matter including the cost of mvinu City staff out of the Harding Center and lost revenue from the use of the Center for the Recreation programs: therefore, it was suggested that the Council committee meet with the Senior Association Comnittee to discuss and review the financial aspects of the matter. Mr. Raymond Ede, 2600 Ocean Street, Carlsbad, addressed Council as a member of the bard of the Senior Citizens Association. He suggested that possibly Council my be overlooking the fact that the space they are currently using at Magee would be the exact same space as they would be getting at Harding. He suggested it would be a trade off. In response to Council query, the City Manager agreed that the amount of space muld be the sane, hut the problem is tha.t Harding is a mre desirable location not only for the Seniors, but also for staff. Therefore, the staff currently located at Harding would have to be relocated to another location, and the Mauee property would not be appropriate. Council Member Lewis reiterated his opinion that the Seniors should pay the mst of relocating the staff. He again expressed the desire to see some cost figures and suggested the oonnnittee meet and corn back with remmnda.t ions. Council approved the agreement with the Senior Citizens Casler X association as contained in the memorandum from the Lewis X Mayor dated November 17, 1 983. Kulchin xx Presmtt X COUNCIL % %' ? MEMBERS % %% Page 2 Council also agreed that the Council Comittee should meet with the Senior Association Cormnittee to review the economical aspects of the matter and for a report to be returned to Council on same. 2. FARADAY FOFJ3. The City Manager gave a brief report explaining the history on the rnatter. He indicated that he had been negotiating with Beckman Instruments, and the proposed agreement was presented as a result of the neqotiations. He summarized the mntents of his letter dated December 1, 1983, which contains the proposed aqreement. 33 '3 MINUTES (29) (81) COUNCIL /\k ?$pc%Q December 7, 1983 Page 3 MEMBERS % $% Council approved the proposed agreement and directed X Kulchin documents of implementation. X Lewis the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate X Casler Prescott xx 3. PUBLIC sAFm CENTER/CIP. The City Manager gave a brief staff reprt on the matter and explained his reconmendations and contents of his memorandum dated December 1, 1983 to the Council. Council discussion reflected agreement on the need for a construction manager in order to oversee the job and prevent problem. Also discussed was the desirability of' the construction manager being local, if pssible. Mayor Casler referred to the additional funding sources suggested in the City Manager's mrandm., and expressed agreement with charuinq the Water and Sewer fund with the pro-rata share of the Public Safety Center, ncrmber 6 on the list. She also referenced number 9 and suggested the City should sell the lots which are on Stratford Lane. Council Member Lewis expressed aqreement with those comments. He also expressed the opinion that Elm Avenue completion and the Central Business Storm Drain are important projects and should be included in the CIP. Council Member Kulchin referenced an area on Levante where sidewalks were mt installed, and suggested they be included in the CIP. General discussion resulted in agreement that a workshop should be held when full Council is present in order to prioritize the Capital Inprovemnt Program Projects. Council authorized the City Manager to take the following Casler X act ions : Lewis X Kulchin xx 1. Direct the architect to prepare site development Presmtt X plans to the Public Safety Center; 2. Direct the architect to design the Police-Fire- Administration Building and Vehicle Maintenance Facility; and as mnstruction manager during design and construction of the project. 3. Solicit proposals from qualified persons to work Council agreed to discuss the CIP at their meeting of December 13, 1983. With Council concurrence, the City Manaqer gave a brief report on the Capital Improvement Progrm with the aid of a flip &art and transparencies. He explained that the General Fund, Capital Construction Fund, Public Facility Fee, Gas Tax, and Revenue Sharing Funds are not restricted funds. He also indicated that approximately $13.3 million should be available in revenues from those funds over the next three years. He indicated that he would be recomnding that the followinq projects be retained or added to the CIP: 338 MINUTES December 7, 1 983 Page 4 State Street Storm Erain Homlein Storm Drain Coastal Stom. Drain Alga Road Faraday Road El Camino Real Widening Assessment Districts Carlsbad Boulevard Flashers Safety Center S 800,000 10,000 87 , 000 889,000 583 , 000 300 , 000 85,000 17,000 9,400,000 He noted those projects totalled $12.1 million, and with approximately $13.3 million available, there would still be approximately $1.2 million which auld be allocated for other projects. Council requested mpies of the information sham on the transparencies for ease of reference, and aqreed to discuss the matter at their rmrkshop meeting on December 13, 1983. ADJOURNEWlW: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:34 p.m. to Tuesday, December 13, 1983 at 5:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, &k-&L .pk?LJ=J”J ALE;THA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk 1 - COUNCIL \\k 5 559 0 A* A 4 MEMBERS % a%