HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-17; City Council; Minutes.. 0 0 MINUTES - Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: January 1 7, 1 984 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was call-d to order by Mayor Casler at 6:Ol p.m. ROLL CAU was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott. Absent : None. INTIEATION was given by Mayor Casler. PLEEGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by City Attorney Vincent Biondo. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 3, 1984, were approved as presented. Minutes of the mrkshop and Adjourned Meeting held January 10, 1 984, were approved as presented. PRESENTATION: Mayor Casler p2Sented a Certificate of Appreciation to Mr. Joe Maestro for his wrk in helping to promte the downtown Village and Redevelopment Area. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, a.s follows: WAIVER OF' ORDINANCE TEXT PWIIifG: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (50) 1. AB #7606 - RATIFICATION OF DEIYANJX AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands qainst the City in the amount of $2,336,308.96, for the period December 24, 1983 to January 12, 1984; Payroll demands in the amount of $294,079.03, for the period December 19, 1 983 to January 1 , 1 984; and Housing demands in the amount of $789.27, for the December 24, 1983 to January 12, 1984. (81) 2. AB #7607 - ACCEP'I'AJYCE OF GIFT MONEY FOR PARAMEDIC TRUST FUND. Council adopted RESCLUTION NO. 7466, accepting a gift of mney for the paramedic trust fund. 22 COUNCIL \\k 5 % %' 3 MEMBERS % %% Casler Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Casler Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X - 0 0 MINUTES January 17, 1984 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) ( 74) 3 AB #7608 - AGFZXMEJW FOR LABOR RELATIONS ( 45 1 NEGOTIATION AND CONSULTING SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7467, approving an agreement with Richard S. Whitmore for labor negotiations and consultation services. (97) 4, AB #7609 - AGREE!MENT FOR ENGINEERING SEWICE FOR (45) FZ4RADAY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS - CONTRACT NO. 3 142. Council adopted R!ZSOLUTION NO. 7468, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Rick Engineering Company for engineering services for Faraday Avenue iqrovements - Contract No. 3142, (107) 5. AB #7610 - MOTICE OF IJTENTION FOR SmET VACzhTION Of A PORTION OF PINE AVENUE, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7469, declaring its intention to vacate a portion of Pine Avenue. 6. NUMBER NOT USED. (99) 7. AB #7600 - Supplement #1 - AMENCMENT To PRevIOUSLY APPROVED PLANNED UNIT DEVEIxlpMENT - PUD-8(A) - MCKELLAR DEVELOPMENT, (99) 7. AB #7600 - Supplement #1 - AMENCMENT To PRevIOUSLY APPROVED PLANNED UNIT DEVEIxlpMENT - PUD-8(A) - MCKELLAR DEVELOPMENT, Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7471, approving with conditions an amendment to a previously approved 96-unit planned unit development PUD-8(A) to allow a change of product type from duplex units to zero lot-line single family residences on said project generally located near the intersection of Monroe Avenue and Hosp Way. (99) 8. AB #7149 - Supplement #3 - m To PREVIOUSLY APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP AND PLFNLWD UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CT 82-5(A)/PUD-39(A) - WESTAEaA/TELESCOPE POI". Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7472, approving with conditions an amendment to a previously approved 64- unit tentative tract map CT 82-5(A) and planned unit development PUD-39(A) to add one additional unit and lower the grade elevation of the southerly one half of the project by four feet on property generally located west of Neblina Drive and south of future Tamarack Avenue in the R-A-10,000 zone. (28) 9. AB #7611 - APFtXNTIVE OFFICES LIST OF VACANCIES FOR 1984, Council acknowledged receipt of the list of vacancies in appointive offices for 1984, and directed the City Clerk to publish the list and post the list in the City Clerk's Office. (26) 10 - AB #7612 - CYNTHIA LANE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - CONTRACT NO. 3161. Council directed staff to proceed to prepare assessment district documents for the establishment of the Cynthia Lane Assesssment District: and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7473, authorizing the fund transfer and expenditure of funds for the formation of the Cynthia Lane Assessment District - Contract No. 3161, - - - dl/ COUNCIL k\k %p%z /o %p, MEMBERS Z. tp Z. e 0 MINUTES 20 January 17, 1984 Page 3 Mayor Casler announced a reuuest to mnsider Item #18 at this time, and Council concurred. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Eng ineer ing (99) 18. AB #6657 - Supplement #5 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION FOR CARLSBAn TRACT 81-16/LcDP 81-1(VISTA SANTA FE - DAW). Council adopted the following Resolution: FZSOLUTIOJ!J NO. 7458, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENTATIVE MAP 81-16/LCDP 81-1 SURJECT 110 CEWAIN CONDITIONS. PUBLIC m.mGs : (99) 11. AB #7613 - ZONE CHANGE, TENTATIVE MAP AhTD PLANWED (113) UNIT DEVELOPMENT - ZC-268/CT 82-22/PUD-48 - llllMpHREYS. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the project site and wall maps to show the design of the project. He reiterated the two concerns, access and view of the project from El Camino Real, had been resolved. The applicant would place the buildings as far back from El Camino Real as possible and use heavy landscaping and munding to screen the project from El Camino Real. Mr. Holzmiller stated the Traffic Consultant, Kent Whitson, had found the access driveway onto Chestnut to be safe, which, together with the access onto El Camino Real, provided two accesses to the project. In answer to Council query, Dave Hauser, Acting City Engineer, posted a drawing showing Chestnut Avenue and the proposed change in the curve at that site. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:16 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Phil Bucmla, 1000 Quail Street, Mewport Beach, the Engineer for this project, addressed Council, delineating the improvemnts to be made to Chestnut Avenue and El Camino Real. He added that the sewer line will be brought in, allowing the neighboring residents, who have experienced septic tank failure, to join onto the sewer. Mr. Ray Knapp, 2286 Cameo Road, addressed Council stating at the Planning Commission meeting he had requested a msonry wall between his property and the Humphreys property. He stated he objected to Condition #I9 of the Resolution callin9 for a den fence, as this would allow too much access to his property. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:24 p.m. Kent whitson, Traffic Consultant, used a wall mp to explain the inprovements on Chestnut Avenue and assured the Council Members this would be a safe intersection. e \\k 5 COUNClL ?5 %Jli\ ? MEMBERS % %% Casler X Presmtt X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X 0 0 MINUTES January 17, 1984 Page 4 In answer to Council query, IW. Whitson recommended 300 feet of half-median on El Camino Real to discourage any left turn at that access. Council Member Lewis stated his concern for safety of pedestrians and cars on Chestnut and for the buyers of the condominiums in exiting onto Chestnut. He expressed his apposition to this accesss on Chestnut. Council Member Prescott concurred with Council Member Lewis' contention that the Chestnut access was a hazard. Council Member Kulchin expressed concern about the Chestnut access, but stated since the Traffic Engineer said this would be safe, she would accept that. She felt if the El Camino Real access were the only one, it would be unfair to the residents of the project. Council Yember Chick felt the access on Chestnut Aveme should not be denied, making only the El Camino Real right turn access available to the residents. Council directed the City Attorney's Office to prepare documents approving CT 82-22/PuD-48, and introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE No. 9705, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSRAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING ?HE ZONING MAP FROM R-1- 10,000 TO F?E"(Q) O?J APPROXIMATELY 4.1 ACRES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LKA'JlED ON THE SOUEWEST CORNER. OF CHESTNUT AVENUE IWD EL CApllINO FEAL. (l13) 12. AB #7614 - aMENI3MENT TO THE CAIXVERA HILLS VASTER PLAN - MP-1% (F) - CALAVERA HILLS CCMPANY. -c 19 \\B 5 COUNCIL 0 CJ, ? MEMBERS % %% 539 A Casler Lewis X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report B mntained in the Agenda Bill, using transparencies to show the project site and the Calavara Fills Faster Plan. He added that of the two issues remaining, the one regarding the Park dedication had been resolved and the applicant did not object to paying park-in-lieu fees. Mr. Holzmiller stated the only remaining issue is the product type, with the major change to be changing to cluster-type units with flexible standards as to lot sizes. The applicant objects to the minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet and would like to 17ary them according to the topqraphy. At the request of Council, Mr. Holzmiller used a wall chart showing the densities of the surrounding properties in relation to the Calavera Hills project. Mayor Casler cpened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Cedric Sanders, 110 "C" Street, San Diego, addressed Council as the mer of 500 acres in Calavera Hill. Mr. Sanders stated that althouqh the density could be increased, in reality it would not be, as fewer units have been built than originally planned. - - * 0 MINUTES 18 COUNCIL \\\ 5 % %% d January 17, 1984 Page 5 MEMBERS % %% Mr, Sanders explained the feasibility of varied lot sizes to allow for unit designs suited to the particular site. He referred to a transparency showing the general plan of Calavera Hills, and another transparency showing Villages FT, X and Y. He indicated these three Villages are surrounded by lU$! and RM densities and requested Council to change the conditions relating to Villages X and Y requiring a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet. Mrs. Jan Hall, 3652 Azure Lad0 Drive, Oceanside, addressed Council questioning whether there were any plans for Calaveras Lake, and was told there was no no plan for this at this the. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:22 p,m. Council directed the City Attorney's Office to prepare Casler X documents approving MP-l50(F), modified to delete the Lewis X minimum lot size requirements for Villages W, X and Y. Kulchin xx Chick X Presmtt X (113) 13. ABS #6017 - Supplement #3 - A"ENT TO RANCHO CARRILIx> PLAN - MP-l39(B) - RICK ENGINEERING. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the area location and a wall map indicating the original proposed alignment and the new proLmsed alignment o€ Palomar Airport Road. Mayor Casler cpened the wblic hearing at 7:31 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, addressed Council representing the applicant, asking for approval. He noted one change on page V-11; next to last line - "H. and G." should be changed to read "H.6". Mr. Ladwig explained the alignment of Palomar Airport Road and added there would be no su,oer elevation needed on the proposed curve, making a safer road. Mr. Richard Sachs, Attorney representing North County Properties, 211 North El Camino, Encinitas, addressed Council in cpposition to this item, stating the original re-alignment of Palomar Airport Iiaad was done for safety, and that alignment should be retained. Mr. Jim Downs, 1303 Crestridge, Planning Consultant for Carlsbad Raceway, addressed Council in apposition to this item. He referenced previous reprts and EIB, and stated the original re-alignment was determined to be necessary due to safety. He asked Council to continue this item and direct the Engineering staff to review in detail the EIR's and traffic studies previously completed on the alignment issue. - 0 MINUTES e January 17, 1984 Page 6 Mr. Ebb Ladwig spoke in rebuttal, stating the original master plan hearing record showed the applicant was not happy with the alignment as shown and the EIR stated the new alignment would be safer than the existing Palomar Airport Road. He added that the applicant stated at that time they would return and request an amendment to that proposed alignment. Since no me else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:49 p.m. Council Member Lewis stated his recollection of the original presentation was that the straight line would be the safest alignment for Palomr Airport Road. Dave Hauser, Acting City Engineer, reiterated that although the straight road might appear to be better, staff feels the roadway as proposed by applicant would be as safe. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE JYO. 9706, AMENDING ORDINANCE No. 9611 AND MASmR PLAN MP-l39(A) TO CHANGE THE ALIGN" OF PALOMAR AIRPORT R3AD AND TO MAKE CHANGES IN THE PHASIXG OF ROAJXRY IMPFOVEbENTS IN THE RANCHO CARRILL0 WTER PLAN. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared at recess at 7:56 p.m. and Council re-convened at 8:07 p.m. with all Council Members present. (43) 14. AB #7615 - AME"ENT To SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT CONDITIONAL TJSE PERMITS TO RESTRICT AGE - CUP-217(A) AND CUP-220 (A). Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as amtained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:13 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mrs. Escavillo addressed Council asking when this was this was made into a senior housing project. Mayor Casler answered it was sometime during last year, and unless you live within 300 feet of the proposed project, you do not receive notice of the hearing. Mrs. Mary Kopp, 4085 Harrison, spoke to Council stating her relief to know this amendment would not allow youngsters there and would be restrictive, keeping this a senior citizen project. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:18 p.m. I 17 - COUNCIL /\b %.pJli,% /o $,% MEMBERS .Z. tp Z. Casler Lewis X xx Prescott X Chick X Kulchin - 0 0 MINUTES 16 /\p %p%% January 17, 1984 COUNCIL /o $.p, Page 7 MEMBERS % 6 % Council adopted the following Resolutions: X X xx X Lewis X Casler RESOLUTION No. 7474, APPROVING AN m- m Kulchin CONDITION # 15 OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CUP-21 7 HOUSING P.WECT OS PlXIPJiRIY IXATED AT 3363 TYLER Prescott PROVIDING AGE RESTRICTIONS ON A SENIOR CITIZEN Chick STREET. RESOLUTION NO. 7475, APPFOVING AN AMENDMENT 'IO CONDITION #12 OF CONDITIOMAL USE PEWIT CUP-220 PROVIDJXG AGE RESTRICTIaS ON A SENIOR CITIZEN ERxlSING PROJECT ON PIZOPERTY LaCATED AT 987 CHINQUAPIN. (114) 15. AB #7616 - ZONE CODE A"? ALKWING CONSIDERATION OF MINIWAREHOUSES BY COKlDITIONAL USE PERMIT - ZCA-170 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mike Flolzmiller, Land Use Planning Planager, gave the staff report as contained in the Auenda Bill. In answer to Council query, he stated these applications would not corn before the Council unless appealed frm. Planning Conmission. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:26 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Ken Perkins, 6406 Camino Del Parque, addressed Council stating his concern for the property across the street from Alta Mira and stating that the residents there would oppose any miniwarehouses being built there. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:29 p.m. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Casler X Lewis X ORDINANCE NO. 9707, AMENJIG TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21-42 OF Kulchiln X THE CARLSEiAD .MUNICIPAL CODE BY TE1E ADDITION OF Chick X SUBSECTION 21,42.010(5)(CC) TO ALGOW CONSIDERATION OF Presmtt xx MINIWAEEHOUSES BY CK)NDITICR;IAL USE PERMIT. HOUSING AND REDEvETxlpMENT COMMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 8:30 p.m. and re-convened at 8:35 p.m. with all Council Merhrs present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning (96) 16. AB #7307 - Supplement #2 - WEST FOR RE- EVALUATION - BI- - MIRANDON, mC. AND FOSTER- KLEISER. Marty Orenyak, Building and Planning Director, gave the staff report, using a transparency to show the location of the billboards, Mr. Orenyak stated using the CalTran schedule, the time allowed for dismantling these billboards would be increased to five years, Mr. Ron Sibreoni, Foster and Kleiser, 1550 West Washington Blvd., Los Angeles, addressed Council stating if this plan were adopted, they would remve their billboard within five years, a 0 MINUTES /5 - COUNCIL \\B 5 3 %' 4 January 17, 1984 Page 8 MEMBERS % %% Mr. Charles Mirandon, owner of Mirandon Outdoor Advertising, addressed Council stating he was willing to conply with the five-year limit for the remval of their billboard. Council discussed the formula for determining of the value of the billboards and the need for a signed agreement with the sign companies for the remval of the billbards within five years. The City Manager suggested the agreement contain a provision for tranfer of awnership of the property, at which time the City could require the inrmeaiate remval of the signs. In response to query, the City Attorney stated the signs are illegal and no one could rebuild them if anything happened to the signs during that five-year period. Council agreed to re-evaluate the value of the Casler X billboard signs and provide for remval within five Lewis X years, subject to the mers signing an agreement to Kulchin xx that effect. Chick X Presmtt X Buildinq (96) 17. Ai3 #7617 - appEAL OF BUILDING AND PLANNING DIRECTOR'S DECISION TO FUWOVE ILLEGAL OFF-PREMISE ADVEXTISING SIGNS. Marty Orenyak, Buildiing and Planning Director, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mr. Michael Pack, 7170 Ronson Road, San Diego, representing Harvey & Conpany Outdoor Advertising, addressed Council stating the directional signs of the real esta.te corpanies are necessary to help prospective customers find the housing development. He stated the need for a provision for real estate development signs, and urged Council to have a workshq with the sign people to work this out. In response to Council query, he indicated that the signs do not have valid permits at the present tim. Mr. Marc Simns, LaJolla, representing McKellar Development, addressed Council stating prospective buyers need directional signs to help them locate projects, and without such signs they make illegal U- turns and drive mre dangerously. He stated the signs are in County pockets along El Camino Real and if signs were allowed in Carlsbad, the signs would be farther apart and fewer in number. Mr. E. D. Richardson, Al Wylie Associates, 6332 Riverdale Street, San Diego, spoke to Council stating there is a need for some kind of signing. Mr. Richardson stated he would serve on a workshop cormnittee to work with Council and the developers to solve this problem. - Y 0 a MINUTES I4 \fB %.p%% January 17, 1984 COUNCIL /o $, 9, Page 9 MEMBERS * 0 .2. Mr. mol J. Yeager, Pacific Coast Advertising Graphics, Inc., 9537 Candida Street, San Diego, addressed Council stating directional signs are needed to direct buyers to new subdivisions, and if there are no directional signs, a traffic problem is created. Mr. Harry Shull, Standard Pacific, 7290 Clairmont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, spoke to Council, stating directional signs are the lifeline to builders, and without those signs their ability to work would be affected. He asked that sow kind of off-site sign proqram be adopted. Linda Tanner, 2727 Hoover Avenue, representing MMillin Developmentfiealty, National City, addressed Council stating they spend mney for maps in the newspapers to guide people to their subdvisions, but in this area a good many prospective buyers mme from Orange County and are not familiar with the area. She stated directional signs are necessary to guide people to their projects, and felt the signs could be limited as to type and wording. Ms. Tanner favored a workshop to resolve these problems. April Elaine Skrobiza, representing Ponderosa, Sorrento Valley Road, spoke to Council stating that approximately 60 percent of their traffic and actual sales are from directional signs. Council discussed the existing signs and the Ordinance, with the mnsensus of opinion being the illeqal signs should come down inmediately . Also discussed was the possibility of amending the ordinance to allow some type of directional siuns. Council denied the appeal of the Director of Building Casler 11 & Planning decision to remove ilegal off-premise Lewis advertising signs and ordered removal of the signs. Kulchin I Chick Prescntt Mayor Casler announced she would ask the County to follow through and follow Carlsbad's Ordinance with regard to the illegal signs. Mayor Casler asked, and Council concurred unanimusly, that staff be directed to return with a recormended cornittee to review the sign Ordinance with regard to providing for some off-site directional signs for developments. 18. This item was taken up prior to the Public Hearings. Parks and Recreation (701 19. AB #7618 - AQiEE" FOR USE OF J3ARDIEJG ColVIMuNITY (qs) CENTER RY THE SENIOR CITIZENS ' ASSOCIATIOM. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the staff report on this item as mntained in the Agenda Bill. - 0 0 MINUTES I3 January 17, 1984 Page 10 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION No. 7476, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT FOR USE OF HARDING COMMUNITY CENTER BY THE SENIOR CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION. ( 70) 20. AB #7619 - 1984 OLYMPIC TORCH $3,000 RELAY DONATION. Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7478, APPROVING !lTE TRANSFER OF REVENUE FROM THE CONTINGEJCY FUND TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE ACCOUNT OF PARKS AND RECREATION FOR A CD~BUTION ?o THE OLYMPIC 'IORCH RELAY. (68) 2 1. AB #7376 - Supplement #2 - APPO- To BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR FOUNIIATIC%J FOR CARISBAD C0"UNITY CABLE TELEVISION. Council adopted the following Resolution inserting the names of Sharon Strong, Bill Levinson and John Mamaux: RESOLUTION NO. 7477, APPOINTING THREE MEMBERS a0 THE FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD ~"UTX~T!T! CABLE TELEVISION. OFF-AGENDA ITEM I (104) Bullet Train I Council Member Prescott requested an off-agenda item to re-consider the vote on the bullet train. Council agreed unanimusly to mnsider this item. Mayor Casler stated Council Member Chick and she had not voted in apposition to the bullet train previously as they wanted to wait for all reports. Council agreed to reconsider their vote on the bullet train. Council reaffirmed their opposition to the hllet train project. COUNCIL REPORTS : I Bullet Train Council Member Prescott reported on a San Diego Council Meeting, with San Diego joining the suit. CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned at 9:56 p.m. to a Closed Session. Mayor Casler announced that personnel would be discussed. COUNCIL /\k 3 %$8 MEMBERS % %% Casler X Lewis X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Casler Kulchin X Lewis xx X Prescott X Chick X Casler Kulchin X Lewis X xx Presmtt X Chick X Casler X Lewis X Kulchin X Chick X Prescott xx L' 1) 0 MINUTES I& January 17, 1984 Page 11 CLOSED SESSION: Council re-convened at 10:28 p.m., with all Council Members present. Mayor Casler announced that no action was taken other than instructing the negotiating team to meet and confer. A.DJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the mting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m. to Tuesday, Januaq7 24, at 6: 00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, WBRW ALETHA L. RA-z, City Clerk Harriett Babbitt, Minutes Clerk COUNCIL \\k 5 559 0 AB A ? MEMBERS % Q%