HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-24; City Council; Minutest ." - 0 0 MINUTES a '7 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: January 24, 1984 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL \ MEMBERS \. CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott. PRESENTATION: Mayor Casler presented a Certificate of Appreciation and a check for $180 .OO to Patrick Kelley, Systems Operator I11 in the Sanitation Department as a result of his suggestion which was presented in the Employee's Suggestion Award Program. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council confirmed the action of the consent calendar as follows: (97) 1. AB #7577 - Supplement #I - AWARD OF CONTRACT AND (45) TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR ALGA ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - CONTRACT NO. 3141 . Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7480, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of Contract No. 3141 for the Alga Road improvements to T.B. Penick & Sons, Inc . (110) 2. AB f7521 - Supplement 82 - SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT (45) WITH COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT REGARDING EMPLOYEES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7470, approving a third supplement to the Water Service Aqreement between the City of Carlsbad and Costa Real Municipal Water District for the termination and employment of certain City personnel. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Finance (27) 3. ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 1982-83. ~ Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave a staff report with the aid of transparencies detailing the contents of his report to Council dated January 12, 1984. He responded to Council questions regarding projected revenues and property and sales tax for the last quarter of 82-83, as well as projections for 83-84. In conclusion, Mr. Elliott distributed a memorandum to Council dated January 23, 1984, containing his reponses to the axountant 's management letter. He indicated that was for information purposes, and he would be happy to respond to any questions. Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescot t \ 5 yl % X b \ bz. X X X X X ., l e 0 MINUTES 26 /\b ?ApW January 24, 1984 Page 2 COUNCIL "0 %p/ MEMBERS 2. 8 2. :50) 4. REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT, Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave a staff report with the aid of a flip chart detailing the contents of his memorandum dated January 20, 1984. In conclusion, he requested that Council authorize the revision of the budget estimates for revenues as shown on the face sheet of his memorandum. Council approved the revision of the budget Cas ler X estimates for revenues in the General Fund as Lewis X detailed on the face sheet of the Finance Director's Kulchin xx memorandum dated January 20, 1984. X Chick Prescott X Mr. Elliott then introduced Mr. Bill Esterline, City Treasurer. Mr. Esterline defined the job of the City Treasurer, and explained the philosophy and program he has followed for investments, He also distributed to Council a list showing the history of investments made since May 6, 1983. In conclusion, he indicated his intention to form a committee to consider the selection of a bank with whom the City should do business. He indicated there were no problems with the current bank; however, there had been no review of the matter for some time. (29) 5. 1984-85 BUDGET. Jim Elliott, Finance Director gave a staff report referencing the proposed budget calendar. Council Member Kulchin referred to the calendar and noted a conflict on March 27. Council concurred to changing that date to March 26, but indicated that as the time got closer, additional changes might be required, In response to Council query regarding which two departments would be placed on zero base budgeting the next fiscal year, the City Manager indicated the Police and Fire Department. (31) 6. AB 117622 - TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR BUSINESS LICENSE AND AUDIT ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM. Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the Agenda Bill. In response to questions, he stated that the Enforcement Officer does not stop vehicles, but does go to places where vehicles are stopped making deliveries. He also noted that the Enforcement Officer goes to construction sites. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7482, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF Casler X FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO THE FINANCE Lewis X DEPARTMENT BUDGET FOR PART TIME SERVICES TO ASSIST Kulc hin xx IN BUSINESS LICENSE AUDIT AND ENFORCEMENT PROGRAMS. Chick X Presc ot t X nr- .’ I ( 0 0 MINUTES d3 January 24, 1984 /\b Page 3 COUNCIL % %* ’ MEMBERS % $% ‘*5) 7. AB f7620 - COST ALLOCATION CONSULTANT. (45) Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the Agenda Bill. He also explained the possibility of receiving a cost allocation study and fee study at the same time as well as the possibility of doing a cost allocation study now which would give staff the mechanism to do the fee study at a later date. Council Member Chick questioned what would happen to tax revenues if fees were developed for all services. In response, Mr. Elliott indicated that though fees could be developed and suggested for all services, it would be Council determination on what portion of what fees should be supported by taxes. He also indicated that tax monies could be allocated to such activities as street maintenance where it is not possible to charge a fee, but the service must be provided. Council discussion related to whether the fee study would be beneficial at this time. Also discussed was the possibility of studying a few departments with regard to fees as opposed to all departments. Council directed that a contract be awarded to Cas ler David M. Griffith & Associates, Ltd. for the Lewis X preparation of a cost allocation plan and a fee Chick study for total amount of $36,750. Ku lc hin xx Prescott X Council Member Chick reiterated his feeling that rather than the full fee study, the City should narrow the scope of the work. RECESS : Mayor Casler called at recess at 7:57 p.m. and Council reconvened at 8:08 p.m. with all Council Members present. (50) 8. AB 87624 - CONSULTANT TO ASSIST WITH ACCOUNTING (45 1 SOFTWARE. Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave a staff report on the matter. In response to Council query, he indicated that consideration had been given to doing the full study suggested by DNM Management Resources, Inc., but that would significantly lengthen the process. He also indicated that the recommended action was one of the right ways to proceed. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7483, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER Casler X INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES WITH Lewis X ARTHUR YOUNG AND COMPANY TO ASSIST THE CITY IN Ku lc h in X SELECTING AND IMPLEMENTING AN ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE Chick X SYSTEM, AND TRANSFERRING FUNDS. Prescott xx .. - ~ e 0 MINUTES d4 January 24, 1984 Page 4 I Central Services (85) 9. AB f7621 - SELECTION OF COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT. (45 1 Lee Rautenkranz, Central Services Director, gave a brief staff report summarizing the contents of the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7481, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL FROM COMMUNICATION RESOURCES COMPANY FOR COMMUNICATION I CONSULTANT SERVICES, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH CRC, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS. (51) 10. AB 17623 - FIRE DEPARTMENT REORGANIZATION. I Chief Jim Thompson gave a staff report detailing th contents of the Agenda Bill explaining the differences in the current organization versus the proposed reorganization. Also displayed was a slid presentation showing development which had cccurred in the City over the last three years which has impacted the Fire Department operation. He also indicated that the Carlsbad Firefighters Associatio had also expressed their approval of the proposed reorganization. e e n Following brief discussion, Council approved the proposed reorganization of the Fire Department as detailed in Agenda Bill No. 7623. City Manager (70) 11. BATIQUITOS LAGOON SLIDE SHOW. I The Researc h/Analysis Department presented a slide show displaying an overview of the Batiquitos Lagoon's natural and historical environment and indicated survey forms will also be presented in order to provide input for the lagoon management plan. It was noted the presentation would be available for scheduling to organizations. COUNCIL REPORTS: Senior Citizens Association. Mayor Casler reported on the recent activities of the Senior Citizens Association noting their intended move into Harding Street Community Center on February 6, 1984. COUNCIL \\k 5 3 %' 3 MEMBERS % %% Cas ler X Prescott X Chick xx Ku lc hin X Lewis X Cas ler X Prescott X Chick X Ku lc hin X Lewis xx I .. I (25) (81) a a MINUTES d3 \jk %p%% January 24, 1984 Page 5 COUNCIL /o %p, MEMBERS .;t 8 Z. Citizens Advisory Committee to LAFCO. Mayor Casler reported that the Woolley Annexation had come before the Committee. She indicated that Olivenhain and Leucadia had both previously requested the City sign an agreement allowing them to provide sewer and water service to that area plus other areas in the future. In response to that, she indicated she did not favor signing the agreement and that she believed LAFCO would condition the annexations in that regard. She further reported, however, LAFCO could not impose such conditions and indicated that if land was annexed into the City, the City is entitled to provide all services. With that, she indicated she did approve signing the agreement for this annexation only, and if Council determines that the City should provide sewer and water service, they could still oppose the agreements with the water districts. Public Safety Center. Mayor Casler reported on Council's previous decision to hire a Project Manager for the Public Safety Center, and noted that currently 20 applications have been received. In this regard, she indicated that though some questions as to the actual duties of the Project Manager and whether that person would be responsible for reviewing previously approved architect plans, or merely implement directions given. Council Member Chick expressed the opinion that this item should be placed on a regular agenda rather than discussing same as an off agenda item. It was noted that there are two concepts for a project manager - a clerk of the works who merely follows instructions, or a Project Manager who reviews plans and possibly makes recommendations for changes in addition to over-seeing the construction. Following discussion, Casler Council directed that the matter of the duties and Lewis X functions of the Project Manager for the Safety Center Kulchin xx be placed on the Agenda for February 7, 1984, for Chick X discussion. Presc ot t X North County Elected Women. Council unimously agreed to discuss the matter. Council Member Kulchin noted that the City would be mailing notices to 25 elected women regarding a meeting on February 23. She indicated if any Council Member had a problem with the City paying the postage, they should so indicate. ADJOURNMENT. By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m. Respectfully submitted, QJ!i.aLRd- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk