HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-02-14; City Council; Minutes0 0 MINUTES I - Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) Date of Meeting: February 14, 1984 Time of Meeting: 6:OO P.M. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:02 P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick and Prescott. Absent: Council Member Kulchin I (99) 1. AI3 #6745 - Supplement #2 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD (99) 2. AB #7628 - FINFL MI - CARLSBAD TRACT 82-21 (A) - "J! 81-23 - A & W mmS. (GREENBRAE). Mayor Casler indicated that the final maps for these two subdivisions had been withdrawn from the agenda at the meeting of February 7, 1984, in order to examine the siltation problem in the lagoon. She indicated that she and Council Member Prescott had met with the engineering staff to discuss the matter, and they believe that the problem is being addressed and will be resolved. She also indicated the belief that these two subdivisions were not responsible for the siltation problem. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 81-23 and the final map of Carlsbad Tract 82-21(A). I (70) 3. AB #6133 - Supplement #9 - AGUA HEDIONDA JAGCXX STUDY. Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, with the aid of a flip &art and wall exhibits, detailed the mntents of his report to the City Manager, dated February 9, 1984. In response to council questions, he clarified portions of the report and explained the possibility of a land swap with SE&E in the vicinity of Hub Park. He also stated that a representative of SE&E stated that their mmpany had no intention of dredging the inner lagoon and noted it would not be cost effective to dismantle their dredge for use by another agency to acconplish the dredging. Council recognized Mr. 7hmas E'rey, 4677 Park Drive, Carlsbad. Mr. F'rey expressed the cpinion that development of the lagoon should not be expanded without further dredging. He expressed the opinion that every effort should be made to preserve the lagoon, and noted that SDGbE should dredge the lagoon before it gets any mrse and any more mstly to accoqlish. Council reqnized Marion Lefferdink, 4567 Cove Drive, Carlsbad. Mrs. Lefferdink expressed the opinion that the lagoon should be preserved, and she suggested getting SE&E to dredge the lagoon and place the sand on the beaches. 9cL COUNCIL /\b %+w "0 %.p, MEMBERS Z. @ Z. Casler X Prescott X Chick X Lewis xx - I L e 0 MINUTES g Page 2 COUNCIL % MEMBERS Z. Council discussion reflected concern about the laqoon and reluctance to dredge the laqmn using city funds. Council agreed that the lagoon is an asset to the City, but acknowledged that usage of the lagoon my have to &ange if dredging is not achieved. Council directed staff to continue the existing lagoon program, to mnitor the silt and sand bar buildup, to plan for future south shore launching facility development, to mnitor improvements to the Windsong/Papagayo easement, and to continue to seek funds for dredging. (97) 4. AB #7639 - SELECTION OF CONSULTAlfT TO DEW3LQP A (45) PAVEMENT MANAGE" PLAN. Mr, Roger Greer, Utilities/Maintenance Director, gave a staff report on the mtter as contained in the agenda bill. In response to questions, he further clarified the purpose and intent of the program noting that City staff would be able to maintain the program once completed. Council adopted the following Resolution: RGSOLUTION NO. 7503, APPROVING AN AGREE" WITH BERRYMAN AND SIXPEENSON, INC., TO DEVELOP A PAV!3MENT MANAGEMENT PIEOGRAM, AND AUTHORIZING WE APPROPRIATE F"D 7RANSJiER. (37) 5. CITY COUNCIL mm AM) OBJECTIVES* Jim Hagaman, Research/Analysis Manager, gave a brief introduction of the matter. He referred to Objective A-1-1, and indicated that the staff person should be CR"D rather than Utilities Director. He also referred to Goal A-2 and suggested that the wording h changed to reflect that the task would be iqlemntation of the water agreement between CRlVlwD and the City, with the subseguent remval of Objectives A-2-1 and A-2-2. Council concurred with those changes. In addition, Council concurred that the following changes be mde: Objective C-2-2 - add the word lagoons. Objective C-6-2 - change the word "Support" to the word "Encouraqe" Goal E-4 and Objective E-4-1 - leave the goal and objective in inasmuch as the seniors do not see Harding as their permanent facility. the word "Continue". Objective F-2-1 - change the word "Develop" to Council approved the Goals and Objectives as amended. 2 Casler Lewis Chick Prescott Casler Lewis Chick Prescott Casler Lewis Chick Prescott W % vi xx X X X X xx X X X X X xx - - * 0 MINUTES Page 3 Pahr1lan7 1 A 1WA 1 (68) 6, AB 87640 - m 'ID SANDAG JOINT POWERS (45) AGREEMENT. The City Manager gave a brief report on the matter. In response to questions, he indicated that funds come from dues paid by the City plus grants. It was also noted. that the SANDAG representative would be responsible for reporting to the council regarding the actual cong?ensation approved, The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 7504, APPROVING AN m 'Io SECTION SEVEN, PARAGWH FOUR OF THE SAN DIEGO ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS JOINT =RS AGREEMENT. (41) 7. AI3 #7641 - Sm OF LITIGATION. The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION NO. 7505, APPROVING THE SETTLEMENT OF LITIGATION. COUNCIL REmm : ( 3 7 1 City's Selection Committee Mayor Casler reported that she had nominated Council Member Prescott to serve as alternate to the LAFCO City's Selection Comittee, and he was unanimously approved. League of California Cities Executive Board Meeting Mayor Casler reported on the recent meting of the Board of Directors of the San Diego County Division of the League of California Cities, Safety Center Subcommittee Mayor Casler reported that Council Member Kulchin was ill and would be unable to serve on the subcoxrunittee, therefore, she had volunteered to take her place for the interview process. After brief discussion, Council Member Chick agreed to continue serving on the subcommittee. It was the mnsensus of Council that the subcommittee would interview six applicants, and narrow the choice to two which muld be submitted to Council for a final determination. ADJOURNMENT By proper mtion, the meting was adjourned 7:55 P.M. to Tuesday, February 21, 1984, at 5:OO P.M., in the City Council Chambers, for a closed session. Respectfully Submitted, (81) LfA?BzLk<* ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, d City Clerk c 40 COUNCIL \\k 5 % 5% 3 MEMBERS % %% Casler xx Prescott X Chick X Lewis X Casler X Prescott X Chick xx Lewis X