HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-06; City Council; Minutes.. e e MINUTES 67 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date sf Meeting: March 6, 1984 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. smm mRNMENT my \\p 5 COUNCIL % 7&% 1 MEMBERS % %% P1aM nF MenGrr? Pi tx7 rnrwi 1 P-vc CALL TO ORDER: The Meetinq was called to order by Student Mayor Jennifer Simpson at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Student City Clerk as follows: Present: Student Council - Simpson, Watts, Rhatigan, Narkgraf and Miller. Present: Regular Council - Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott. Absent: None, INVOCATION was given by Student Parks b Recreation Director Brian Conn. PLEXE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Student Personnel Director Diane Gaiser. Mayor Casler announced today had been Students in Government Day, with students from Carlsbad High, San Dieguito High, San Marms High, La Palma, Victory Christian and Carlsbad Amy Navy Academy participating. The Mayor thanked the Hi Noon Rotary for sponsoring this activity and for providing the dinner at the Harding Street Center. CONSENT c2UIENDA.R: Student Council confirmed the action of the Consent Simpson X Calendar, as fol.lows: Watts X Rhat igan xx Markgraf X Miller X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Student Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (50) 1. AB #7656 - RATIFICATION OF DFNANDS AGAINST THE CITY, Student Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $1,846,758.16, for the period February 11 to February 29, 1984; Pa.yroll demands in the amount of $591,795.66, for the period January 30 to February 26, 1984; and Housing demands in the munt of $60,711.32, for the period February 11 to February 29, 1984. (81 1 2. AB #7651 - QUITCLAIM OF INTEREST IN LAND E" COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL WAmR DISTRICT. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7517, accepting a quitclaim deed. .I 0 0 MINUTES 66 (81) (107) (99) (99 1 (50) (93) (45) (99) (291 COUNCIL \B %9 /o so/ A March 6, 1 984 Page 2 CONSENT CALENaAR: (Continued) MEMBERS * (I, Z. 3. AB #7652 - QUITCLAIM OF VACATED LAND. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7518, quitclaiming an interest in a strip of land previously vacated by the City Council in the vicinity of El Camino Real and Elm Avenue. 4. AB #7653 - STREET VACATION - PERENNE PLACE. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7519, summarily vacating Perenne Place and a 10-foot tree- planting easement for Carlsbad Tract 83-1. 5. AB #6726 - Supplement #3 - l"TATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 81-15 - RUSSELL. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7520, approving an extension of tine for tentative map 81- 15 subject to certain mnditions. 6. AB #6336 - Supplement #4 - FIE& MAP - CT 80-14/Pm- 16 - DIVERSIFIED Fl3WYCIAL. Student Council approved the final map of CT 80- 14/PuD-16. 7. AB #7654 - FW"ND OF FEES. Student Council approved the refund of sewer fees in the amount of $2,810 to Jeff and Pam Crisman resulting from an expired building permit. 8. AR #7524 - Supplement #1 - PALLMAR JOINT IAND OUTFALL IN'IXFCEPTOR INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT m NO. 2. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7521, approving amendment no. 2 between the City, the City of Vista, the Buena Sanitation District and the San Marcos County Water District, known as the Palomar Joint Land Outfall Interceptor Interagency Agreement for the mnstruction and maintenance of a joint sewer line and facilities. 9. AB #7655 - ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES. Student Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7522, accepting two grant deeds. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Finance 10. AB #7333 - Supplement #1 - REVISION OF 1983-84 CAPITAL IMPFOEMEN" PROGRAM. Jeremy Stockham, Student Finance Director, gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, calling attention to Exhibit A. Student Council Member Watts asked whether the flashing lights would be strung across the street or on the side, and Student City Engineer Joe Bear answered they would be out over the street. .. 0 0 MINUTES 65 . COUNCIL \\F 5 %pL% March 6, 1984 Page 3 MEMBERS % %% Student Council adopted the following Resolution: Improvement Program and appropriating funds xx Rhatigan RESOLUTION NO. 7523, amending the Capital X Watts X Sivson X Miller for various projects. X Markgraf Risk Management (60 1 11. AB #7657 - PURCHASE OF EXCESS LIABILITY lNSURANCE. Student Purchasing Officer, Mike Kapczynski, gave the reprt on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. He answered a question from Student Council Member Watts as to whether there had been any claims for over $50,000, stating there had not been. Student City Attorney Tq Arms stated the Council . statistics were based on the last three years, which was not representative, as in the last ten years there had been three claims in excess of $50,000 and three potential cases in 1983. She stated it would be to the City's advantage to have the extra insurance. Student Council Member Miller stated the extra coverage would not cost that mch mney and Student Council Member Rhatigan agreed and added it was worth the mney it would cost. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: Simpson X Watts X RESOLUTION NO. 7524, authorizing purchase of excess Rhatigan xx liability insurance, modified to lower the self- Markgraf X insurance retention to $50,000, with a total premium Miller X of $30,760.00. Engineering (99 1 12. AB #7127 - Supplement #1 - REQUEST FOR CITY TO PAY (97) SHARE OF OFFSET CUL-DE-SAC. MS 583 Student City Engineer Joe Bear gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Student Council adopted the following Resolution: Simpson X Watts X Miller cul-de-sac on Hemlock Avenue. xx Markgraf appropriating mnies for proportional costs of offset X Rhatigan RESOLUTION NO. 7525, approving a fund transfer and X (971 3715. 13. AB #7658 - STATE AND GRAND STREETSCAPE PRWECT NO. - Geri Reid, Student Redevelopment Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Rill, using a tansparency to show the area to be landscaped and wall mps with mre detailed drawings of the s treetscape plan. Miss Reid stated the streetscaping is to be started after the Spring Faire, May 6, and to take 90 days, with completion before the Fall Faire. .. 0 e MINUTES 64 \\K 5 %p%1 COUNCIL /o $9, March 6, 1984 Page 4 MEMBERS 2. @ 2. In answer to query from Student Council Member Watts regarding a loss of parking, Student Redevelopment Manager Reid stated parking would remain the same on State Street, but would be changed to parallel parking on Grand Avenue. Student Council Member Rhatigan asked about the difference between the esthted total and the funds ava.ilable, m.d Student Redevelopment Manager Reid stated the engineering consultant said this estimated total was very liberal and it was felt the project would not reach $440,000. Student Council Member Markgraf asked why staff had decided on the expensive brick rather than stanped concrete, and staff answered the brick would last longer and if it were damaged, muld be easier to replace. In answer to Student Council Member Watts' question regarding a possible override on the cost, staff assured her there were ample funds available to conplete the project . Student Council Member Watts stated some of the trees are uprooting the sidewalks on State Street, and Mr. Reid stated there will be allowance mde for the tree roots, but the palm trees on State Street will be relocated and replaced with different type trees. Student Mayor Sinpson asked whether there might be legal problems with the fountain, and Student City Attorney Am stated the City could be held liable for any accidents. Staff ascertained the fountain would only be 16 inches deep. Student Council Member Watts asked how graffiti would be stopped and was told a special coating would be applied which makes graffiti removable within the first 24 to 36 hours. Student Council approved the following Resolution: Simpson X Watts xx RESOLUTION NO. 7526, approving plans and specifications, Phatigan X and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for Markgraf X State and Grand streetscape. Miller X Parks and Recreation (70) 14. AB #7659 - LEASE OF AQUATIC PARK ON MIDDLE AGUA (45) HEDIONDA LAGON. Brian Conn, Student Parks and Recreation Director, qave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill. Student Mayor Simpson suggested Items 3, 2 and 1, as detailed in the Acjenda Bill, be discussed separately, and in that order. Student Council voted to consider Items 3, 2 and 1 Simpson X separately, and in that order. Watts X Rhatigan xx Markgraf X Miller X ,. e MINUTES 63 /\k ?A9 A1 March 6, 1984 COUNCIL "0 +$,% Page 5 MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. Item W3. Long Term kase. Student Council Member Watts asked about a provision for cancellation of the contract if SE&E cancels the City ' s lease and Student Parks & Recreation Director Conn stated the primary contract supersd.es the sub- lease. Student Council Menber Rhatigan stated five years might be a better term for the lease rather than ten years. There is a pssibility the lagoon miuht k dredged or used for some other purpose in the meantime. Student Mayor Siqson stated the lease should be five years and delete the 9O-day cancellation clause and include a stipulation that if SDG&E withdraws the one- year lease, then the five-year lease is withdrawn. Student Council directed the City Attorney's office to Simpson xx prepare documents to establish a five year lease with Watts X the YMCA, to continue as long as SE&E continues the Rhat igan X one-year lease with the City, with a cancellation Markgraf X clause to be effective if the one-year lease is Miller cancelled. Item #2. Default. In answer to query from Student Council, staff determined the default clause protects the City. Student Mayor Simpson clarified this for the Student Council Menhrs, stating the City wuld have the riuht to cancel the sublease if the YMCA defaults, The default clause would only benefit the City. Student Parks & Recreation Director Conn stated the City's sub-lease to the YMCA involves the surface water. Student City Attorney Arms stated the City should include the default clause in a five-year lease. In answer to query as to whether the WCA would have the right to build a pier, Student Director Conn stated only with the permission from the City and other agencies. Student Council directed that the default clause, Simpson X as amtained in the Agenda Bill, be included in the FJatts X lease. Rhatigan xx Markgraf X Miller X Item #lo Exclusive vs. non-exclusive water use. Student Director Conn explained if the YMCA has non- exclusive rights to the lagoon, the City could begin any program without approval of the YMCA. ~ ~ .. 0 @ MINUTES - March 6, 1984 Page 6 In answer to a question from Student Council Member Rhatigan regarding insurance liability, Director Conn stated if a program is under City supervision, the City is liable, and if under YMCA direction, the YMCA is responsible. Student Council Member Watts inquired about insurance liability if the YMCA were having a program and it was not a YMCA person involved in an accident, and Director Conn stated the City insurance would w7er that, and further stated that would be in the contract, Student Council directed that the lease be prepared with the non-exclusive clause as contained in the Agenda Bill. City Manager (24) 15. AB #7660 - ORDINANCE REGUIATING DOGS RIDING IN PICKUP TRUCKS. Student City Manager Tom Phee gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Student Mayor Simpson added Supervisor Fordem asked for the Council's support in this matter. Student Council discussed the dangers connected with an ordinance of this type, if the dogs were leashed while riding in the back of pickup trucks, versus the advantage of avoiding accidents. Also discussed was the extra paperwork and mnitoring needed to be done by the Police Department, especially if such an ordinance were only City-wide. In answer to query from Student Council Menhrs, Student Police Chief Weyers stated it would be very difficult to enforce such an ordinance. He stated the educational part would take time, but once the citizens were aware of the ordinance, the violations would probably slack off. Student Council directed the City Manager to write a letter to Supervisor Fordem saying the City of Carlsbad does not support an ordinance regulating &gs riding in the back of pickup trucks. Student Mayor Simpson turned the meeting over to Mayor Casler at this time, and Mayor Casler thanked the students participating in Students in Government Day. RECESS Mayor Casler declared a recess a.t 6:45 p.m., and Council re-convened at 7:08 D.m,, with all Council Members I present , MEMBERS COUNCIL A 9 Simpson Watts %at igan X Markgraf Miller Simpson Watts Rhatigan Markgraf Miller X 62 +$ p.y 4% z. X X X X X X X X X .. - 0 0 MINUTES 61 March 6, 1984 Page 7 Mayor Casler introduced Mrs. Straub, who in turn introduced the American Field Service Students, both those who are to 90 to foreign countries and the exchange students here at the present time. APPITWAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 21, 1984, were approved as amended. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held February 29, 1984, were approved as presented. AGENDA ITENS #1 THROUGH 15 I Council affirmed the Student Council action on Items 1 through 15, with Item #lo withdrawn. Council Member Lewis requested Item #lo, AB #7333 - PROGRAM, withdrawn for clarification of the location of the El Camino Real widening. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7523, amending the Capital Improvement Program and appropriating funds for various projects. Supplement #1 - REVISION OF 1983-84 CAPITAL I”ENT Mayor Casler announced that Items 22 and 23 will be continued . Council continued Items 22 and 23. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (43) 16. AI3 #7353 - Supplement #2 - DECLARATION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDER FOR ABATEMENT - AUTO WREcKIK YARD - 7200 PONTO DRlvE. (43) 16. AI3 #7353 - Supplement #2 - DECLARATION OF PUBLIC NUISANCE AND ORDER FOR ABATEMENT - AUTO WREcKIK YARD - 7200 PONTO DRlvE. Mike Holmiller, Land Use Plmning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to shaw the area, and mps to show the surrounding area. Mr. Holzmiller gave a history of the property since its annexation into the City. He explained the history of the CUP, the time limits, and recent activities since its expiration. \\K 5 0,737 COUNCIL /o %.p, MEMBERS 2. tp Z. Casler Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Casler X Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Prescott X Casler Lewis xx X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X Casler xx Lewis X X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin Casler Lewis xx X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X I .. 0 .. MINUTES 60 /\b ?ApW March 6, 1984 COUNCIL "0 %p/ Page 8 MEMBERS Z. 6 + Mr. Holzmiller continued, explaining the general plan designations on property in the surrounding area. He also explained the zoning of the surrounding property. He then reported on the development activities occurring in the neighboring areas, noting there is an interest in developing the area in accordance with the General Plan. Also noted was the visual impact-as this is very visible from Carlsbad Boulevard-which is a scenic highway . In answer to query as to why there was a CUP issued on this property, Mr. Holzmiller answered Council approved this to be used until the area started to be developed as residential. For clarification, City Attorney Biondo stated a permit was issued by the Building Director for a fence. However, a wall was built. Mr. Chappee mde claims of misrepresentation, so the Council. granted the mer a reasonable time to amortize this investment, and gave him ten years, and he stated the record muld reflect that Council was persuaded to accommodate the applicant by granting this ten-year amortization period. Marty Orenyak, Building & Planning Director, reported further on this item, stating this item had been brought to Council in May of 1983, and Council agreed to postpon3 the hearing with an aqreement that Mr. Chappee was to clean up all the mterial in the yard within six mnths, and that original time had been extended three mnths. Mr. Orenyak showed aerial photographs taken in February 1984, shawing the extent to which the junk has been cleaned out. Mr. Orenyak stated staff was not recomnding any continuance at this time. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:34 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Stephen Brown, Attorney for Mr. Chappee, addressed Council, stating approximately one-third of the iunk had been removed from the yard, but the applicant needed mr? time. He stated Mr. Chap- was ready and willing to continue to get rid of the wreckage, but it was unfair and unrealistic to expect this to be &ne at this time. He asked Council to oonsider entering into an agreement with Mr. Chappee, giving him a year in which to completely clean out the yard. Mayor Casler stated Mr. Chappee had never axplied with the CUP conditions which had specified that no automobiles or junk would show over the wall, and there would be landscaping around the outside of the wall. Mrs. nnilie Antelline, 1970 Sheridan Road, Leucadia, addressed Council in favor of extending the deadline for the clean up of the junkyard. - T- o 0 MINUTES 59 /\b %yo,.? COUNCIL /o %p/ March 6, 1984 Page 9 MEMBERS Z. 11, Z. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m. The Council Members agreed unanimously that too much time had passed since the expiration of the CUP, and all felt it was time to mve forward by declarinq this a public nuisance in order to accomplish the clean up of the junkyard. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7527, finding that a public nuisance exists on property at 7200 Ponto Drive in the City of Carlsbad, directing that the mer of said property abate said nuisance, that the nuisance be abated at the owner's expense, declaring the breach of an agreement between the property mer and the City of Carlsbad and directing the City Attorney to take appropriate action to enforce the abatement order or the contract or en-joir the nuisance. (113) 17. A!3 #7661 - SPECIFIC PLAN A"ENT TO REDESIGN A RESTAURANT PARKING AREA - SP-25(B) - TI0 PEPE'S ~~ ~ (MANNY'S) RESTAURANT. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the proposed amendment contained on the amendment contained on Exhibit A. In answer to cwery,"Mr. Holzmiller explained the Exhibit A excluded the 300 ware feet of landscaped patio. with that exclusion of landscaped patio space, parking would be adequate, Mayor Casler cpened the public hearing at 8:04 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Manny Reyes, Vista, the applicant, stated he would like to get this matter resolved and have the restaurant become an asset to the City of Carlsbad. He referred to Condition #5, and questioned whether he would have a year to take out the permits, Staff stated this condition was an error, and suggested 90 days should be sufficient to get things in order. Mr. Reyes stated 90 days would be sufficient time for him to determine whether to go with the new specific plan or revert to the old one and tear out the entire patio. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:07 p.m. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated if Council adopts the ordinance, the applicant will not have a choice as to whether he prefers the old plan or the new plan, as the new plan would then be in effect . There was a discussion about whether the applicant wanted to proceed with the new plan, and the applicant stated he would have to consult with his partner because of the financial inplications. Casler kwis Kulchin Chick Prescott 7 E E <E E E ? I I I 7 .a 0 e MINUTES 58 - March 6, 1984 Page 10 A motion was made by Council Member Lewis and seconded by Mayor Casler to stay with the existing plan and require remval of the patio. The mtion was subsequently withdrawn with the concurrence of the second. Council Members Rulchin, Chick and Prescott stated with the new plan, a portion of the patio would becorn legal. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated if Council introduced the ordinance tonight, the second reading could be held up until the applicant mde his decision on the plan. Council introduced the following Ordinance and directed the City Manager to return it for second reading at such time as the applicant has determined whether to stay with the old specific plan or proceed with the amended plan: ORDINANCE NO. 971 3, AMENDING ORDINANCES 9304 and 9422, APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT SP-25(E) FOR A REDESIGN OF A RESTAURANT LOCATED AT 3050 PI0 PIC0 DRIVE. (107) 18. AB #7626 - Sumlement #1 - SmET VACATION FOR PORTION OF CJiES’I” AVENUE. Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the staff reprt on this item as contained in the Auenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:31 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION MI. 7528, vacating a portion of Chestnut Avenue. 19. AB 7372 - Sup lement #2 - SECOND UNIT ORDINANCE - (”*) ZCA-158 m - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, adding th under the State law, the City has six mnths after the first application is received in which to enact a local ordinance regulating granny flats. Carlsbad has receiv an application and has until April to enact a local ordinance, or the State law will apply, 1 .e Mr. Holzmiller stated the &anges from the original ordinance were detached units not permitted: the owner ( the property must occupy one of the units: and not mre than 350 additional square feet could be added to the original structure, with an additional off-street parking space being required. 2. : Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 8:43 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearinq was closed. Council Member Prescott suggested a condition be added that there must be one comn wall with the main building. COUNCIL y$ % MEMBERS 9 Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescott Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescott I i 9w $$ $% xx X X X X xx X X .* 0 a MINUTES 57 - /\y %O%Z March 6, 1984 Council Member also remanded the granny flat be restricted to two people, with one person to be over 60 years of age. The Council Members concurred with Council Member Prescott's suggestions. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Casler xx Lewis X ORDINANCE NO. 9687, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.42, Kulchin x SECTION 21.42.010, BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION X Presmtt 21.42.010(10) TO ALl# SECOND FESIDENTIAL IMEX,LING UNIE X Chick IN R-A, R-E , R-1, AND SINGLE FAMILY DETACEED AREAS OF P- C ZONES, modified to require one mmn wall; restricted to two people, with one over 60 years o€ age. (77) 20. AB #7662 - RENIEW OF COASTAL DEVELOP" PEIiMITS COUNCIL /o $3, Page 11 MEMBERS .;t 8 Z. WITHIN "€3 VILLAGE REDEVELopivIEMT AREA. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency showing the Village Area. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 9:OO p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council introduced the followina Ordinance: Casler X Lewis X ORDINANCE NO. 971 4, AMENDING TITLE 2 1 OF ?%BE CARLSBAD Kulchin xx MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 21.81 Chick X PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF COASTAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT X Prescott APPLICATIONS WITHIN a?[E VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT AREA. (67) 21. AB #7648 - m OF CITY'S ENVIR- REVIEW. City Attorney Vincent Biondo gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 9:02 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler X Lewis X ORDINANCE NO. 971 2 i AMENDING TITLE 19 OF THE cARz;sBAD Kulchin xx MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 19.04 723 Chick X Prescott RFVISE THE CITY'S ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PROCEDURES. X (108) 22. AB #7663 - APPENI OF ADMINISTEATIVE VARIANCE TO REDUCE REAR YARn SETBACK - HUMPHRFY'S - AV 83-4. This matter was continued to March 20, 1984. DEPAF?!IMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: Planning (113) 23. AB #7591 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CHANGE - ZC-292 - PALOMAR AND COMPANY. This item was mntinued. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 9:04 p.m. and Council re-convened at 9:08 p.m. with all Council Members present. vi- 0 0 MINUTES March 6, 1984 Page 12 Enqineering (97) 24. AB #2078 - Supplement #4 - SUPPLFMENTAL AGREEMENT (45 ) WITH THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SAKFA FE RAILWAY COMPANY - COITIPACT NO. 3079. Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the staff report on this item as wntained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7529, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company for construction and maintenance in connection with the Poinsettia Lane bridge - contract no. 3079. City Council (22) 25. AB #7664 - rmmm-pALoMAR AIRPORT. Mayor Casler stated there were several requests to speak on this item, which is sinply to reaff inn Council's position to retain this airport as a general aviation facility. Mrs. Barbara Donovan, 2630 Abedul Street, spoke in opposition to any expansion of the airport, urging Council to state opposition to the FAA re the Air Resort's application and to request the FAA to prohibit scheduled air carriers or interstate operations. Mrs. Donovan asked the City to consider a noise ordinance for Palomar Airport as it pertains to Title 21, Division of Aeronautics, State of California, Sub. Chapter 6 "Noise Standards". Mr. William Jerry Hart, President of the Palomar Airport Pilots Association, spoke to Council, stating general aviation included all aircraft except military and major air carriers, and he felt the definition should be pinned down. - Mr. Marvin Caler, who lives in the County near Escondido, and owns a small aircraft, addressed Council stating if the intent of the Resolution is to maintain Palomar Airport for the small aircraft, the definition needs to be looked at. He felt the airport should not be expanded for use of a specific moup at the expense of another ~oup. Mr. Ted Vallas, Air Resort Airlines, addressed Council, stating he concurred with all the speakers and the County. He stated they are not askinq for any expansion of the airport, but didn't feel any me able to fly into that airport should be discriminated against. He did state his airline would like to carry 50 passengers on a single flight. Mr. David Briggs, 1224 Boulder Point, Poway, addressed Council, asking what Council considered Palomar Airport to be. Be stated they are doubling up on the facilities they have there, and in that way are expanding the airport. 56 COUNCIL /\y 3 %' 8 MEMBERS % %% Casler X Presmtt X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X 1 I - 0 0 MINUTES 55 ( 10.0 ) (70) (37) /\b %p%% March 6, 1984 COUNCIL /a $.p, Page l3 MEMBERS s 6 Z. Council discussed the airport as it is at the present time, ascertaining that 30 passengers is the limit, and stating their desire to have that stay at that limit. Mayor Casler stated the County has the jurisdiction on expanding the runway, building mre hangers or granting leases. Mr. Rick Severson, Manager of McClellan-Palomr Airport, addressed Council stating there are no plans to expand the airpolct or extend the runway an additional 400 feet. He stated the FAA requires a 3-minute response time from the Fire Department before they will give full certification to an airport, and Carlsbad does not meet that requiremnt . Mr. Severson concluded, stating another reason the runway muld not be extended was that FAA had just finished installing new runway lights. Any extension muld require those lights to be mved. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler X Lewis X RESOLUTION NO. 7530, offering Council's position that Kulchin x McClellan-Palomr Airport be retained as a general Chick X aviation facility. Prescott xx City Attorney 26. AB #7665 - TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX AT STATE PARK CAMP SITES. Mayor Casler stated testimny wuld be taken at this time on this item, and the item would be placed on the next agenda. Mr. Maurice Kimball, 1623 James Drive, addressed Council in apposition to applying the tax. Parks and Recreation 27. AB #7666 - KELLY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL J3ALL FIELD ADDITION AND REJVO7ATIof.T. Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council approved Carlsbad Athletic Recreation Casler X Association's request and directed staff to mrdinate Lewis X improvements and obtain proper approvals and X Chick authorization as per City/School District Aqreement. xx Kulchin Prescott X Council continued Items 28, 29, 30 and 31 to the Casler X next meeting, to be held March 13, 1984. Lewis xx Kulchin X Chick X Prescott X Council/School Committee Mayor Casler announced the School Board had appointed two new Members to meet with two Members of the Council. Council Member Prescott and Mayor Casler will serve in that capacity. 0 0 MINUTES /\k %p%% March 6, 1984 COUNCIL /o %.p/ Page l4 MEMBERS s tp Z. Mayor Casler announced that March is Red Cross Month and a proclamation is to be issued and the Red Cross Flag is to be flown below the American Flag at City Hall. AIXTOURNM~: By proper notion, the meeting was adjourned at 10~14 p.m., to Tuesday, March 13, 1984, at 6:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, &.LctAwoQ 62- ALm L. RAUTESIKRANZ, City Clerk Harriett Babbitt, Yinutes Clerk