HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-22; City Council; Minutes0 0 MINUTES
MEETING OF: CITY a)UNCIL (Adjourned Meeting)
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers COUNCIL 3 %' 4
Mayor Casler called the meeting to order at 6:Ol P.M.
ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk as
6:OO P.M.
Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Prescott. Council Merber Chick arrived at
6:lO P.M.
Absent: None
The Finance Director, Jim Elliott gave a brief
introduction of the mtter as contained in the agenda
bill. He explained the difference between direct and
indirect, or overhead charges and then introduced Louis
E. Chappuie, the Vice-President of David M. Griff ith and Associates, the consulting firm doing the Cost
Allocation Plan,
Mr. Chappuie, Vice-president of David M. Griffith and
Associates, Sacramento, California, addressed council.
He stated that the firm has done work for 25 cities and 42 counties in the State of California. He briefly explained the differences between direct and indirect,
or overhead services and explained that a cost allocation plan provides the ability to allocate all costs to the pint where services are performed, and therefore, establish charges or fees based on the mst of service and the demand for the service. He indicated that the next phase in the study would be the
user fee study, which will be a conplete review of city
fees .
Mr. Chappuie then introduced Richard Pearl, the Senior Project Manager, who has done the onsite work on the Cost Allocation Plan. Mr. Pearl reported that he had been working on the plan since February, 1984 and indicated that the next phase, or review of city fees would take another two to three mnths to conplete. He indicated that the plan is very sinply a cost accounting application, Mr. Pearl then responded to questions from council regarding what duplication of
services, if any, was found. Mr. Pearl responded that the study would show if there was much duplication, but indicated that had not been the case.
The Finance Director, Jim Elliott reported that the review of fees will be presented to council in early
1984-85, He indicated that council would have plenty of opportunity to study the results of the fee study before making any decision on fee adjustments. He requested that council approve the Cost Allocation Plan as presented by staff and direct staff to proceed with the review of City fees. Casler X
Council approved the Cost Allocation Plan as presented Lewis X
by staff and directed staff to proceed with a review of Kulchin xx
City fees. Chick X
Prescott X
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Julia Darling, 1212 Oak Avenue, Carlsbad, the Director of Project Oz, addressed council. She reported that Project Oz North Coast is a short-term residential treatment program for teenagers and their families, offering 2 weeks of residency for 13-17 year olds and 8 weeks of aftercare counseling. She indicated that the agency has operated in Carlsbad since 1975 and has received financial supprt from the City since 1977. She also reported that they provide 24 hour crisis intervention.
She indicated that Project Oz supplements their incon-e of contract funds with contributions, fundraisers, and client service fees. She added, however, that the
North Coast Family YMCA has cut back their funding for
the upcominq year from $13,000 to $2,500, which is the reason for the increase in their request for funding from the city. She then responded to questions from
Mr. Ken Chriss, the President of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, addressed council. He stated that the Chamber's request for funding this year is $5,000 less than the request for last year.
In response to query from Council Member Lewis, Mr. Chriss stated that the Chamber at this time does not
know when it will be self-sufficient, he added, however, that the funding from the City coqrises only
20% of their budget for the year.
Mayor Casler indicated that council would like a copy of the Chamber of Comnerce budget.
Mr. Jack Jhink, 1435 Chestnut Avenue, Carlsbad, the Executive Director of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association, addressed Council. He indicated that the Association is requesting the same funding from the
city as last year. He reported that they are trying to get a new program started, a Senior Day Care Center, as an alternative to institutionalization.
Council Member Lewis commented that he felt that the
Senior Citizens Association should be working towards
being self-sufficient also.
Mr. Jidnk responded that the Association did not at
this time have enough space to start programs that are fund generating to raise enough funds to be self- sufficient.
Mr. Jinunink then responded to questions from council.
He indicated that according to SWAG figures, 25% of
Carlsbad's population are seniors over the age of 60.
He responded to questions regarding the new Senior Day
Care Center, stating that approximately $8,000 will be needed to hire a program coordinator, someone who is either an expert in gerontology or a nurse.
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agency which has been serving North San Diego County sin 1974. She stated that there has been a dramatic 32% increase in the number of victim of sexual assault over
Ms. Newconbe indicated that the center has tried to
toward being mre independent from government funding, has increased its fund raising and donations during 198 however, increased costs of food, utilities, supplies,
etc., together with the increased in requests for client
services, have necessitated that they request assistance from the City for fiscal year 1984-85 to mintain their
level of services. She added that the amount requested
reprinting of their booklet.
In response to muncil query, she indicated that the
$6,000 requested is approximately 2% of the total budget for the Wonens' Resource Center.
Dr. Ed Lutz, 1815 Bienvenida Circle, Carlsbad, representing the North County Seniors in Action, addressed muncil. He gave a brief history of the
organization, stating that it had been formed 10 years years ago to get services distributed to seniors throughout all of North County.
Thelma Hayes, 580 Laguna, Carlsbad, representing the Nort
Seniors in Action addressed the muncil on behalf of thei request for funding. She reported that the organization
is a non-profit senior organization, working for the betterment of life for the older population in North San
Diego County in the areas of health services, public information and education, shared housing, and job placements. She then responded to questions from council regarding their funding from the county and other cities.
Mr. James Menger, 1 6630 Canal Road, Valley Center,
addressed council in support of the NoCoSIA's request for
funding. He reported that the organization acts as a
coordinating body for programs guiding, assisting,
supporting, sponsoring and informing organizations all
over North San Diego County, and that the Board of
Directors of NoCoSIA has me&rs from each of the north
county cities. He then responded to questions from council regarding possible duplication of services by the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association.
After thanking those who addressed council for their presentations, Mayor Casler questioned the Finance Director as to when the Federal Revenue Sharing Public
Hearing would be held.
The Finance Director, Jim Elliott, responded that the
public hearing would be held in mnjuction with the hearing on the Capital Improvement Program.
Mayor Casler called a recess at 7:55 P.M., and council
reconvened at 8:lO P.M., with all council member present,
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The Finance Director, Jim Elliott, gave a presentation as contained in the agenda bill. He reported that the estimated general fund revenues are 16.9% above last year and that the proposed general fund budget is 23.3% above last year. He stated that the proposed budget includes a $1.4 million contingency fund that also includes 8.25 new positions. He added that 5.5 people had been transferred to the Costa Real Municipal Water District, so that the number of new positions is actually 2.34.
It was the mnsensus of muncil that the public hearing on the operating Budget would be held on June 12, 1984, and
the date for adoption of the Operating Budget would be June 26, 1984.
Jim Hagaman, the Research/Analysis Manager presented the
staff report essentially as mntained in the agenda bill.
He briefed council regarding the corrpleted projects for
the 1983-84 Capital Improvement Budget, Projects Under Way, Projects Rebudgeted to 1984-85, and Projects Remmnded for Delection.
Mayor Casler brought up item #82-04, under "civic facilities". She indicated that she felt that muncil
needed mre information on the "city hall expansion".
Council Member Chick stated that he felt that muncil should take a stand on this situation, that the next two
years will be very inportant for the city hall site, and that extra space is very badly needed. He indicated that he felt that the rrodulars were only a temporary solution, and that along with the dulars, council should consider a permanent solution for the overcrowded situation at tit-!
City Manager Aleshire mnnnented that the city hall facilities are not adequate, and that something should b? done about it. He added that staff is rn looking into the possibility of trading some city property along Elm Avenue for property behind the library, which would be
one option. He stated that council has budgeted mney fa.: modulars which may not be approved by the Planning Comnission, which would another option.
Council Member Lewis mnnnented on the current parking problem surroundinq city hall.
The City Manager indicated that land near the library might be used to help solve the parking problem.
The City Manager reported that the Planning Staff is remanding that the Planning Codssion deny the
mOdulars, and that the muncil my have to overrule the Planning Corranission.
Council Member Prescott indicated that he had some reservations about the mdulars due to the landscaping that would be destroyed.
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Council Member Lewis indicated that #82-04 should be reviewed and that a study should be done regarding what should be done with the city's property.
It was recommended that #82-04 be eliminated from the Casler xx 1984-85 Capital Inprovement Budget, and that the Lewis
X Prescott into future expansion for city hall, X Chick expansion, and if necessary, a study be made to look X Kulchin council have a workshop to look into the city hall X
Council Member Prescott questioned what kind of improvements were included in #83-04.
Mr. Hagamen responded the inproverents for #83-04, included Holiday Park parking improvements, curbing, street lighting and handicap access.
Mayor Casler inquired regarding 884-02, which would acquire land and construct a mnnnunity center in the northwest quadrant of the City.
Council Member Lewis responded that the Parks &
Recreation Connnission had requested that this item be
placed in the budget, that the present facility does not meet the needs, and that the Parks and Recreation
Element requires a mmunity center in each part of the
Parks and Recreation Director Bradstreet responded to
questions from council regarding #84-02. He indicated
that the Parks and Recreation staff were already
looking for possible sites of 1 to 1 1/2 acres. He
stated that the Connnission felt it was necessary to have a mlti-purpose comnity center/gymasium for public use.
Council Member Prescott indicated that he had some problems with this idea. He indicated that the current
situation of sharing Harding Street Comnity Center
with the seniors is not to be a permanent situation, and that rmch mney should not be allocated for another community center in the same area when things are in a
state of transition.
Council Member Kulchin stated that she felt that a large gymnasium should be located in an area in close proximity to large numbers of younger people, rather
than in the area proposed.
Mr. Bradstreet responded that the idea of trying to
find a location in the Redevelopment Area was suggested
in the hopes that HUD funding might be obtained.
Council Member Lewis crolllmented that the city would be lucky to have one or two gymnasiums in the next 10 years and therefore mst find a central location.
Mayor Casler commented that there has been no information or reports on this matter, and that it
should not have been added to the Capital Budget in this manner.
Council Member Lewis stated that he had told the Parks
and Recreation Conmission to add the item and that he would have to take responsibility for its inclusion.
Council Member Casler inquired if #83-05, Calavera
Park, would be designed in house.
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Mr. Bradstreet responded that the item provides for 10 to 15 acres of phased park development, and that all design would be done in house. He indicated that Phase
I would include the development of the existing 8 acres, including 3 ballfields, and would also include the design of the total area: Phase I1 would be done after acquisition of the other 8 acres and would include 3 or 4 more ballfields; and Phase 111 would be a mmnity enter.
It was determined that #84-02 be remved from the
Capital Inprovement Program, that staff should study
the concept of location and type of a future mnnnunity
center and report back to muncil.
In response to council question, Mr. Bradstreet indicated the the Chase/Pine Field Renovation, #84-03,
includes replacement and renovations for fence, irrigation, bleachers and rehabilitation of the rest room facilities.
In response to council question, the City Manager indicated that the Carlsbad Boulevard Storm Drain, #84-
04, is felt by staff to be necessary to intercept and
divert drainage to reduce Ocean bluff erosion. He
indicated that council would be having a study session
on beach erosion at the next council meeting.
Ron Beckman,City Engineer/Assistant City Manager, responded to council questions regarding #82-34, the
Agua Hedionda Bridge design and m
includes the reconstruction of
widening of Carlsbad Boulevard
to Cannon Road. He indicated that the City is still eligible for matching funds for the bridge construction and staff is working on a solution for the parking problem. He added that the funds for parking are included in the estimate.
Mr. Beckman responded to council questions regarding
the Jefferson Street bicycle lanes, and indicated that no further work had &en done on the project.
Council Member Prescott inquired regarding #84-06, the traffic signal mdification at El Camino Real and Chestnut Avenue. He suggested that something should be done about adding another left hand turn lane, as the present situation is very dangerous. Mr. Beckman estimated that remval and replacement of the lane would mst approximately $10,00 to $15,000.
Mr. Beckman indicated that staff would return to council with an agenda bill on this matter.
Council recognized Mr. Jams Courtney, 4914 Avila Avenue, Carlsbad, California, who addressed council as a member of the Carlsbad Soccer Club and Carlsbad
Athletic Recreation Association. He commented that the present recreation facilities are overcrowded! and inadequate. He urged muncil to place a high priority
on the parks and recreation facilities and projects in the CIP. He added that there should be a 25 acre community center in the south and one in the northern
part of the city, and that Macario Canyon would & the perfect location for such a facility.
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COUNCIL \\k %p%% "0 $3,
MEMBERS .rt 8 Z.
xx Prescott X Chick X Kulchin
X Lewis
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Council Member Lewis inquired regarding the construction of Cannon Road.
City Manaser Aleshire responded the the developers of
the Kelly prcperty will be constructing the mad from
El Camino Real to Macario Canyon and that the City will have to construct the road from Macario Canyon to 1-5.
Mayor Casler inguired regarding the estinnted expenditure of $480,000, contained in the Five Year
CIP, for the fire station at Poinsettia and 1-5.
Fire Chief Thompson responded that the figure included a 4,000 square foot building as well as the cost of a
fire engine for the site.
Mayor Casler inquired regarding the proposed new
library projects contained in the Five Year CIP,
Library Director Cliff Lange responded that the
proposals included a 20,000 square foot addition to
the main library and a 20,000 square foot library in
south Carlsbad.
Mr. Hagaman noted that per page 2 of the agenda bill, if all the requested projects are funded, the 1988-89
fiscal year will end with a $5 million deficit. He added, hmever, that they had not projected revenue in
the Five Year CIP.
It was the consensus of council that the public hearing for the One Year CIP, as revised, be held on June 12, 1 984.
Council determined that mre infomtion was meded
regarding the Five Year CIP, and that each project in the capital improvement program mst be studied very carefully.
\x-. I
(95) 5. AI3 #7707 - Supplement #1 - AWARD OF COIWRACr FOR
NO, Uh-1.
The City Manager gave a brief report on the matter.
Council adopted the following Resolution:
(97) Paseo Del Norte
The City Manager briefly explained the matter. He
indicated that it was urgent that the council hear the
matter of the straightening of Paseo Del Norte from Car
Country to Palomar Airport Road at this time,
It was the consensus of council to add the item to the
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X Prescott X Chick
xx Kulchin
X Lewis
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M~v 77. 19A4
The City Manager stated that the Pea Soup Andersen addition is nearly conpleted. He indicated that if council wished to realign that portion of Paseo Del
Norte from Pea Soup to Car Country, the decision would
need to be made right away. He indicated that the
Coastal Conmission has agreed to allow the road to be realigned, and that Mr. Ecke has agreed to grant the necessary right of way. He added that if the road is realigned, Mr. O'Healy wishes to be allowed to have the semnd unit of the hotel occupied before completion of the inprovemnts. He indicated that he
did not see any problem with this since the city is holding bonds for the improvements.
The City Attorney indicated that he did not mncur
with the statements of the City Manager. He stated
that the only way that the City could be sure that the
improvements would be mnpleted once occupancy was
granted was to require a cash deposit by the developer
first .
Council determined that the matter should be mntinued one week for further information on the matter.
Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 10:12 P.M. and
announced that meet and confer would be discussed.
Council reconvened at 10:27 P.M., with all council members present.
Mayor Casler announced that the city's negotiators had been instructed regarding meet and confer.
By proper notion, the meting was adjourned at 10~28
P.M., to Tuesday, May 29, 1984, at 6:OO P.M., in the City Council Chambers.
Respectfully submitted, S-YW R. KUNM'Z
Dkputy City Clerk
COUNCIL \\\ 5 % ?$%?
X Chick
X Kulchin
X Lewis xx
X Presmtt