HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-29; City Council; Minutese; L - I 0 e MINUTES 1w Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting : May 29, 1984 \p 5 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. COUNCIL % 9&' Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS % q CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll call was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present : Council Members Casler , Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott . Absent: None I II (70) 1 . BEACH EROSION WORKSHOP. The City Manager gave an introduction to the matter commenting on the problems experienced with beach erosion and actions taken by individuals in the past in an effort to halt the erosion. He indicated the purpose of the meeting was to note the problems that exist and to attempt to bring together all parties to work toward a solution. He concluded the introduction with a slide presentation showing the deteriorating condition of the beach and bluffs along the beach in Carlsbad, and commented on the problem of the eroding bluffs undermining Carlsbad Boulevard. The presentation was continued by Sid Willard, Departmental Geologist with State Department of Parks and Recreation. Ms. Willard indicated her intention to address the beach erosion problem on a geological basis, and noted that there are many problems being experienced in coastal properties throughout the world. She stated that factors such as changes in the weather from volcanic activity, change in the ocean level, and urban industrialization have all caused the change in the movement of water above and underground. She stated that because of these changes, the erosion is considered to be naturally accelerated and noted the probability that Carlsbad Blvd. would eventually give way to the ocean. ! ll Ms. Willard suggested that perhaps we would be better not to halt the erosion because it is from that natural erosion that beaches get their sand. With a slide presentation, she displayed the beach areas in Carlsbad owned by the State in 1978 and in 1982 following the severe storms. She then summarized the State Department's policies regarding the State beaches, and indicated that possibly consideration should be given to promoting the use of portable and expendable facilities along the beach. She stated that the interface between water and land must be flexible to insure its continued ex is t ance . The report was then continued by Mr. Rinehard Flick, Assistant Research Oceanographer with Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Mr. Flick indicated that this is an eroding coastline due to the tectonic setting, climate, and exposure to wave action. With the aid of a slide present at ion, Mr. Flick explained that the Oceanside Boat Harbor has contributed to the maldistribution of sand, but cannot be blamed for all of the problem since there are many other contributing factors including a net loss of sand. He suggested there needs to be a new source of sand, a way transporting that new sand to the beach, and then a way of trying to keep it there. I L b.t, \ 0 0 MINUTES /y3 - May 29, 1984 Page 2 Dr. Flick, with the aid of charts, explained predictions for the astronomical tides through the year 2000, the steady increase in the yearly mean sea level, and unpredictable affects of the weather on that mean sea level. Mr. Don Spencer , Chief of Shore Protection with the Corps of Engineers, continued with the presentation. With the use of a slide presentation, Mr. Spencer presented the Corps' policy on beach erosion control and types of improvements in which they may participate financially. He also displayed examples of improvements which were constructed with partial federal funding, Mr. Spencer then referred to the Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study and detailed the purpose of the study, factors to be considered in the study, and noted it would take six years to complete the study for a particular region. He concluded by listing the many reports which would result from the study. Mr. Mick Kelly, General Manager of Beach Builders of California gave a report regarding the proposed artificial seaweed project, Mr. Kelly first gave a history of his company and displayed a piece of the art if icial seaweed and explained the method of implanting the seaweed. He then presented a film which explained the purpose of the artificial seaweed project how it works, and areas where it is currently installed. 7 The City Manager, in conclusion of the presentation, suggested a recess. He stated that following the recess all individuals invited as resource persons would assemble at the front of the chambers to respond to Council questions, RECESS : I Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:03 p.m. and Council reconvened with dl Council Members present at 8:12 p.m. The City Manager introduced the resource persons present to respond to Council questions. Those present were: Dana Whitson, City of Oceanside Ray Koons , Construction Consultant Richard Ledford, Office of Assemblyman Frazee Stu Schaf fer, SANDAG Mike Dudley, SDG&E George Armstrong, State Boating & Waterways Bill Fait, State Dept. of Parks and Recreation Dexter Wilson, Wilson Engineering Sid Willard, State Dept. of Parks and Recreation Rinehard Flick, Scripps Institute of Oceanography Don Spencer, Corps of Engineers Mick Kelly, Beach Builders of California In response to Council query, Sid Willard clarified a previous comment and stated that the beaches are destined to migrate and move, and that movement must be accommodated, She expressed the opinion that the parking lot at Tamarack is in an unwise location. COUNCIL I\\ 3 %' 8 MEMBERS % %% - -c e MINUTES e }W May 29, 1984 Page 3 In response to query, Dr. Flick stated that erosion caused by storms does not create beaches. He expressed the opinion that problems arise when the areas become over-developed and then the need is felt to stop the erosion. Mr. Flick expressed agreement with the State on the process of erosion, but not necessarily on the solution He stated that any solutions would be complex and expensive. In response to query in regarding the proposed seaweed project, Dr. Flick stated that any kin of erosion protection that is low cost or experimental has to be viewed as an experimental measure because it is unproven. That does not mean it will not work, it merely means it is experimental. In that regard, he suggested that measuring techniques should be established to determine whether the project is successful and how successful . d In response to query, Mr. Spencer indicated that the Corps of Engineers does not fund experimental projects. Mr. Kelly responded to questions explaining the seaweed project in Long Beach. He indicated it is protected by a federal break water on one side, but is open to wave action from the south. With regard to the reported unsuccessful installation in Del Mar, he stated that there were only 25 units installed for only three months, which is too few for too short of time. Mr. Bill Fait responded to query stating that the only erosion control projects in effect by the State are a ground squirrel control and periodic budgeting for replacement of storm drains. He stated there are no short or long range plans for preventing bluff erosion. Mr. Spencer responded to query and explained the status and progress and the sand by-pass system to be built in Oceanside. Mr. Armstrong commented that any state and local funding programs go for secondary protection, and if any funding assistance could be received for a project, it would probably be in the form of federal assistance. He also expressed the opinion that the only type of structure that he had seen that works is a rip-rap sea wall with well placed rocks. Mayor Casler stated that the City has no sand on the beaches and has a lot of sand in the lagoons. She questioned whether it would be possible to provide the City with a small dredge for constant dredging of the lagoons to continually replace the sand on the beaches. She questioned the possibility of funding assistance in purchasing the dredge with the City providing the on- going maintenance and operation. Mr. Armstrong indicated that there would be a need to look at the entire scope of the project including a study of the type of sand in our lagoons and whether it would be appropriate for the beach. He suggested that such a project would be beyond the scope of State Boating & Waterways' programs. MEMBERS COUNCIL \b %?$ Z. l!? tp % Z. 2 - I 0 0 MINUTES IYI May 29 , 1984 Page 4 Mr. Fait read the policy of the State Department of Parks and Recreation which discourages structures. Discussion then related to the type of sand in the lagoons and whether it would be suitable for use to replenish the beaches. In response to further questions, Mr. Kelly indicated that if there is a greater than 8% slope, the seaweed project would probably not be recommended. Responding to query, Mr. Dudley of SDG&E stated that their dredge is permanently located in the City; however, it is fairly stationary and the cost of dismantling it and moving it to another location would be very high. In conclusion, the City Manager identified the different items that would be coming before Council in the future which would require additional consideration because of the beach erosion problem, RECESS : I Mayor Casler declared a recess at 9:25 p.m. and Council reconvened at 9:36 p.m. with all Council Members present. Council discussion related to the next action that would be required with regard to the beach erosion issue, and the City Manager indicated that some form of Council action would be needed regarding the artificial seaweed project prior to June 13. Council determined to meet at 5:OO p.m. on 3une 5, 1984, to discuss the issue. (97) 2. AB 117761 - RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION AGREEMENT FOR (45) FARADAY ROAD - BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS. After a brief report by the City Attorney, Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7612 , APPROVING A RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION AGREEMENT FOR FARADAY ROAD BETWEEN THE I CITY OF CARLSBAD AND BECKMAN INSTRUMENTS, INC, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT, (97) 3 AB #7762 - PASEO DEL NORTE . I (45) The City Manager gave a staff a report on the matter as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council Member Lewis questioned whether the road could be built using the bonds as provided, In response, the City Attorney stated that if a developer does not honor commitments, the City would declare him in default of the agreement and would proceed to move against the bonds. In that event, the bonding company would try to get the developer to pay for the improvements but if they are unsuccessful, the bonding company would litigate the matter extensively. COUNCIL /\k 3 %' $ MEMBERS % %% Casler xx Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X r 0 e MINUTES /yo May 29, 1984 Page 5 Council Member Chick questioned the advantages of having the road straight. In response, the City Manager stated that staff believes a straight road would be safer that a road with an "S" curve, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents extending the time limit for completion of Paseo del Norte from 3uly 17, 1984 to September 30, 1984; and authorized the City Manager to apply to the Coastal Commission for permit to realign Paseo del Norte betweer Palomar Airport Road and Car Country. As clarification, the City Attorney indicated that the existing bonds could not be extended, Therefore, an agreement would be developed to extend the approvement agreement and new bonds would be required. He also indicated that provision would need to be made for acquiring the new right of way and vacating the old as well as maintaining the alternate requirement for building the road under the existing alignment in the event the new alignment does not receive approval. ? Council expressed concurrence with the comments of the City Attorney. (26) 4. AB W7706 - Supplement 81 - 191 5 ACT: ASSESMENT (79) DISTRICT FINANCING. City Attorney gave a staff report on the matter as contained in the agenda bill. Council Member Chick referred to page 7 of the agenda bill, paragraph 1, the last sentence, and expressed concern about the wording which requires ''a pass throug with a corresponding reduction in the sales price of th house." He indicated that a reduction in the sales price could already be built in and this wording may cause confusion and attempts at additional reductions, He indicated that the lien should be covered in the White report , h e The City Attorney suggested that the wording be modified to delete the words "with a corresponding in" and insert "as a part of". Council adopted Council Policy Statement No. 33 establishing procedures for assessment district financing of public improvements, including the suggested modification in Section 15. ADOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10 :08 p.m. to Tuesday, 3une 5, 1984 at 5:OO p,m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, &h?&#(&A@dT ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk COUNCIL I\\ % %' 3 MEMBERS % %% Casler Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Casler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X