HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-06-19; City Council; Minutes3 1 0 a MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COtTNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time Date of of Meeting: Meeting: June 6:OO p.m. 19, 1984 \\y COUNCIL 3 %% 4 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS % $% CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6: 03 p.m. ROLL CALL was as follows: 5 Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott. Absent: None INVOCATION was given by Pastor Jerald S tinson of the Pilgrim Congregational Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Assistant City Attorney Dan Hentschke. APPm OF MIJSJUTES: Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held June 5, Casler X 1984, were approved as amended. Lewis X Kulchin xx Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 5, 1984, were Chick X approved as presented. Prescott X Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held June 11, 1984, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held June 12, 1984, were approved as presented. (74) 1. IMPASSE Hm - MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES ASSOCATION. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated the purpose was to resolve the impasse between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad City Drployees Association. Mr. Aleshire gave a summary of the events leading to this inpasse hearing, and stated since m written response had been received from the CCEA, he presumed the inpasse existed and the hearing would proceed. Mr. Aleshire stated there were three choices for resolving the hpasse; refer inpasse to mediation; refer impasse to some alternative procedure which City Council my direct or the parties agree to; or City Council resolve the impasse. He stated the Council should ask for the preference from the representatives of both parties. Mayor Casler asked Mr. Jerry Pieti, the Personnel Director, for the preference of the City, and he answered the City's preference was for the City Council to resolve the inpasse. Mayor Casler asked Mr. Kelly Irving, representing CCEA, for the preference of the CCEA, and Mr. Irving stated the negotiating team of CCEA had a "suggestion" as to how to solve the inpasse, and would ask Council to consider an item in proposal form. After consideration by Council, he requested it then be referred to the Management Negotiating Team, to formally present this to the CCEA team and then to the general naembership. Mr. Irving stated this propsal could perhaps result in a two-year agreement. 1 WO 0 MINUTES 0 COUNCIL /\k %p%% /o %.p, MEMBERS 2. 6 Z. June 19, 1984 Page 2 Mr. Irving stated that on or about May 16, the parties conducted a negotiating session, and it was CCEA's understanding that a conclusion in the talks would be reached that day or the following day. The talks were postponed one week and the City notified CCEA they needed to talk to Council and get instructions and guidelines to respond to the proposals on the table. CCEA agreed to that. Then articles appeared in the ~ a. .. &. tu u A -=. - 5- --A "" _. - " - -~ .I, " - -. . - . -. .- - - L n dt - ~ 0 MINUTES 0 June 19, 1984 Paqe 3 - CONSENT CALEMIAR: Council amfirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: (50) (81 1 WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 2. AB #7786 - WIFICATICIN OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $2,664,570.95 for the period May 1 1 to June 8, 1984: payroll demands in the amount of $638,208.67 for the period May 7 to June 3, 1984; and Housing demands in the amount of $62,993.22 for the period May 1 1 to June 8, 1984. 3. AB #7787 - ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT - (SEA POWE TECH CENTER). I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7630, accepting a grant deed for waterline purposes. (81 ) 4. AB #7788 - ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENTS - BEN STABILE: APmm CCMPLEX. Council adopted RESOWTION NO. 7631, accepting a grant deed for public waterline purposes; RESOLUTION NO. 7632, accepting a grant deed for public.utility purposes; and RESOLLFICN NO, 7633, accepting a grant deed for a portion of Chestnut Avenue. (50) 5. ABS #7516 - Supplement #1 - CONTRAc'r FOR DPXA ( 45 ) PROCESSING SERVICES. Council adopted RESOWTION NO. 7634, authorizing the Mayor to execute an amended agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Datastream for the provision of data processing related services. ( 11 2) 6. AB #7690 - Sup~ement #2 - TRANSFER OF FONDS - WEED ABATEMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO, 7635, authorizing the transfer of funds from the City contingency account to the Fire Department budget to fund weed abatement services, (97) 7. AB #7789 - TAMARACK A=: SUNNYHILL TO SKYLINE - (45) CONTRACT NO. 3143. Council adopted RESOLUTICIN NO. 7636, approving plans and specifications, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids, and approving transfer of funds for Tamarack Avenue - Contract No. 3143. I 8Y l- " COUNCIL \\w 5 % %' ? MEMBERS % $% Casler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X a 0 MINUTES ( ( [ 74 1 ~ 99) :99 1 (59) (99) (99 1 (92) (45) (50) (62) /\k %p%% June 19, 1984 COUNCIL "0 %.p, Page 4 MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued ) 8. RR #7790 - WORKERS CCNPENSTION CLAIM - IDALIA scHNoRENBERG. Council adopted RESOLUFICN NO. 7637, authorizing a third-party compromise and release in the case of Idalia Schnorenberg. 9. AB #7791 - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PALXMAR AIRPOF!T BUSMESS PARK - MS 432. Council accepted the improvements, authorized the City Clerk to release bonds, and directed Utilitiesfiaintenance Department to comnce maintenance. 10. AB #7436 - Supplement #3 - AMENDMENT TO TENIWIVE MAP - CT 83-9(A) MANDANA. Council adopted RESOWTION NO. 7639, amending with conditions a 138-unit tentative map CC 83-9(A) on 194.3 acres of property generally located one mile east of El Camino Real at the eastern terminus of Sunny Creek Road in the R-E zone, 11. AB #7792 - REFUMD OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $2,120 to Richard L. Macy for overpayment of fees. 12. AB #7793 - FINAL MAP CT 83-8 - TAMARACK 7. Council approved the final map for Carlsbad Tract 83-8. 13, NUMBER NOT USED, 14. AB #7794 - FINAL MAP - CT 83-27 - CHESTNUT VILLAS. Council approved the final map for Carlsbad Tract 83- 27. 15. AB #7158 - Supplement #7 - T"?Y-NINIW SUPPLEMENT TO ENCINA BASIC AGREEMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7641, authorizing the Mayor to execute the twenty-ninth supplement to the basic agreement for the operation and maintenance of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility, 16. AB #7797 - AWARD OF BANKING SERVICES. Council approved the selection of San DiegoTrust and Savings Bank as the City's depository. 17. AB #7798 - SUPpOm FOR APPROP~ION IN GOVERNOR'S BUDGGT FOR SENIOR CITIZEN PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUFION NO. 7645, in support of senior action coalition 1984-85 legislative agenda. 133 - 0 MINUTES 0 COUNCIL \\k 5 3 Y&J)\ 7 June 19, 1984 Page 5 MEMBERS % %% ORDINANCE FOR INTRODUCI'ION: (70) 18, AB #7777 - Supplement #1 - PARK-IN-LIEU REVISIONS. Council introduced the follawing Ordinance: X Prescott AMENDlENT OF SECTION 20.44.040 TO WISE THE X Chick 20.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE xx Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 9724, AMENDING TITLE 20, C?3APIIER X Lewis X Casler STANDARDS AND FORMULA FOR THE DEDICATION OF PARKLAND, ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (113) 19. AB #7771 - AMENCMENT TO CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC PLAN - SP-19(A). Council adopted the following Ordinance: X Prescott THE SIGN IIEGUIXt'IONS OF THE CAR COUNTRY SPECIFIC xx Chick APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN A"W SP-19 (A) TO MEND X Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 9720, AMENDING ORDINANCE 9288 X Lewis X Casler PLAN ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED BFCCWEEN CANNON ROAD AND PACOMAR AImm mm. (99) 20. AB #7773 - Supplement #I - TENTATIVE MAP AND MOBILE (1 13) HCME PARK PEWIT - CT 83-25/MHP 83-2 - WINO HILLS, Council adopted the following Ordinance and X Prescott CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP X Chick ORDINANCE NO. 9722, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE xx Kulchin X Lewis Resolution: X Casler FROM R-1-10,oOo TO RMHP (MOBILE HCME PARK ZONE) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCRI'ED CN THE WEST SIDE OF EL CAMIN0 REAL, MEDMELY NXI'H OF THE ChRLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER, RESOLUl'ION NO. 7638, APPROVIE A TENTPWYE TRACT blAP Casler X (CY 83-25) AND MOBILE HOME PARK PERMIT (MHP 83-2) Lewis X FOR 113 UNITS ON 29 ACRES OF PROPEKCY GENERAL1;Y Kulchin xx LO(2I'ED ON TEE WE!ST SIDE OF EL CAMINO F?EW Chick X IMMEDIATELY NORIlH OF CAEU,SBAD RESEARCH CEM'ER. Prescott X (78) 21. AB #7779 - POSSESSION OF OPEN CONTAINERS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHERE RETAIL SALES OCCUR. Council adopted the following Ordinance: X Prescott SECI'ION 8.44.030 PRCHIBITING POSSESSION OF OPEN xx Chick OF THE CKRLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF X Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 3173, MENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 8.44 X Lewis X Casler CONTAINERS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON OR NEAR PREMISES WHERE RETAIL PACKAGE SALE OF ALCCHOLIC BEVERAGES OCCURS. (1 13) 22. AB #7772 - P-IONAL ZONE CHANGE - ZC 299 - sCHINKo/wERscHING. Council adopted the following Ordinance: X Prescott FOR A P-IONAL ZONE CMANGE FIZCM A-70 (CO) TO R- xx Chick CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY MENDING THE ZONING MAP X Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 9721, AMWING TITLE 21 OF THE X Lewis X Casler 1-7,500 a;l PROPERTY GENERALLY lXCRI'ED TO THE SOUTH OF THE SOUIBERLY END OF PONTIAC DRIVE, 18 - ( 1 0 MINUTES e June 19, 1984 Page 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS: I '11 3) 23. AB #7774 - Supplement #1 - EL CZWIhro REAL fX)mI? :114) STUDY - ZCA-169/ZC-293. i Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as mntained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency showing El Camino Real and a wall chart shaving the five theme areas. He rrrentioned the three actions listed in the Agenda Bill, stating the purpose was to recognize the inportance of the appearance of El Camino Real, since it is the major north/south arterial with visual -acts. Mr. Holniller stated there are five areas based on existing resources along the street, physical characteristics and already existing development along the street, There are five theme areas and each one has development standards. These added standards would preserve the existing qualities of El Camino Real and enhance them when new development fronts on the street. Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 6:34 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Mayor Casler stated her objection to designation of Highway 78 to Chestnut, as she felt that was not all the same theme. She expressed the opinion that fromHighway 78 to Elm is one theme and from Elm to Chestnut is a different theme. Mayor Casler agreed with area four and suggested area five include the area from Sunfresh Rose to Dove, Mayor Casler stated she did not want further commercial on El Camino south of Elm and also between Dove and Sunfresh Rose. Mayor Casler stated her concern abut property owners looking at area five and because it says "diversified", they will try to develop mmrcial farther along El Camino Real. There was a discussion regarding the intent of the Corridor Study, with Council Members Chick and Presmtt stating they thought this was for architectural theme only and that zoning was a separate issue. Mr. Holzmiller stated they understood the expressed concern abut the spread of comrcial development along El Camino Real. Therefore, the only land use looked at by staff was comnercial. However, staff would take out the reference to land uses if the Council desired. He stated the intent was to make sure that requests for comrcial would only be possible at certain mjor intersections. Council discussion again related to whether this item would regulate design or land use. Council Menher Chick stated if it would in fact affect land use, the property owners should be so notified and given the opportunity to speak on the matter. 180 /\k %p%.z COUNCIL /o %p, MEMBERS Z. tp Z. 1 0 MINUTES 0 I June 19, 1984 Page 7 COUNCIL \ MEMBERS . Council continued this item for further study, (64) 24. AB #7768 - Supplement #1 - STREET L1C;KTX- DISTRICI' #1. Roger Greer, Utilities Director, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. He introduced Mr. Allen Ludwig, Street Lighting Coordinator, who was available to answer questions. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 6: 55 p.m. a!?d issued the invitation to speak. Since m one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Presmtt ~ Y Council adopted the following Resolution: Chick AND PROVIDING FOR ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY. Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 7643, CONFII7MING A DIAGRAM AND RSSESSMENT Casler Lewis Presmtt I (28) HOUSING AND REDEVEUXT4ENT CCMMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Codssion at 6:57 p.m., and re-convened at 7:04 p.m., with all Council Members present. BEPARI'MENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: City Manager (86 1 25. TRI-CDY LITERACY ~AlJ"I~, (63) Lynda J. Stinson, Project Director for the Tri-City Literacy Coalition, addressed Council, explaining the Coalition focuses on adults speaking English, but in need of skills to function in their everyday living. She stated the students are tutored on a one-to-one basis, and the program is for adults over the age of sixteen. Redeveloprrtent (28) 26. AB #7795 - HISTORICAL SITES PRESERVZXCION CCMMI'ITEE. Chris Salomne, Community Redevelopmnt Manager, gave the staff report on this item, stating an ad hoc committee should be considered to help designate historical sites and develop legislation to protect and preserve those sites. Mayor Casler announced she had remmndations for the Cormittee and suggested the cormittee consist of five members at the present time. She stated the comnittee would review ordinances which the Redevelopment staff has conpiled and make reconmendations to the City Council for ordinances and to establish guidelines which pertain particularly to the City of Carlsbad. ~ 139 \ B p 91 x K Y K K K K x x K h 'z. \ - 0 MINUTES a June 19, 1984 Page 8 Mayor Casler reconmended the following people for the Committee: Council Member Lewis, Mary Lynn Brm-Bell, June Applegate, Marje Hward-Jones from the Historical Society and one other person to be announced later, Council approved the Mebrs of the ad hoc amnittee as remrrnrended by Mayor Casler. Mayor Casler announced the mdttee should be enlarged later, and there should be applications from the community to serve on a mmnittee of possibly nine persons. Planning (7 13) 27. AB #7796 - LAND USE PLANNING IN "HE SUNNY CREEK RESIDWIALI AREA. Mayor Casler announced there would be no public testimony on this item. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, reported staff was asking direction from Council whether or not to proceed to public hearing on this item. He used wall charts to indicate the plan drafted by staff. One wall chart was used to show the transition proposed by staff from 0 - 1 to 0 - 4 units and development standards to be imposed. Mr. Holzmiller stated most of the mjor landowners had submitted letters in opposition to the specific plan as drafted by staff. One concern arising out of those letters was to actually provide mre detail on the density, with the property owners feeling the General Plan density range of 0 - 4 should be the density range and it should not be broken down with actual lines on a map. Then, each project would be mnsidered individually. One other objection was the type of development to be allowed in the area. Mr. Holzmiller stated Bill Hofman, who was in charge of the specific plan preparation, was available for questions. In answer to query, staff stated planned developments would still be mnsidered within that area, as long as there were no attached units and the units were clustered all on one portion of the lot. As to lots with steep slopes, staff stated the planned development process would be used, but wxld still meet the minimum lot size within the specific plan. Council Member Chick stated he preferred to let the General Plan prevail here. Mayor Casler stated she felt this was what staff had been asked to do. Council Member Lewis stated he suppxted the General Plan as it now stands. 138 /\k %pcl)i\z COUNCIL "0 $,% MEMBERS $ (I, .;t Casler X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Prescott - 0 MINUTES a June 19, 1984 Page 9 - Council Member Presmtt stated he felt staff 'had done what Council asked. Council Member Kulchin stated she wanted to go on with the Sunny Creek Specific Plan and schedule public hearings. Motion was made to abandon this study and leave it as it is at the present time. The mtion failed due to lack of a mjority. Council directed staff to coqlete Sunny Creek Specific Plan and set the matter for public hearing. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7:44 p.m., and Council re-convened at 7:56 p.m. with all Members present. City Attorney (96) 28. AB #7173 - Supplement #3 - PROHIBDIOM OF SImS ON PUBLIC PFOPEFU'Y, Assistant City Attorney Dan Hentschke gave the staff report on this item as mntained in the Auenda Bill. Council voted to make no change in the existing ordinance and increase the permit fee to $200, based on man hours required to remove signs, (99) 29. AB #7770 - Supplement #1 - TEbJlXrIVE MAP AND COJYDCMINIUM PERMIT - CT 84-2/CP-270 - LA COSTA POIIWE. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO, 7644, GRAIWING THE APPEAL FRCM THE PLANNING CCMMISSION'S DENIAL AND APPFOVING A 48-UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND CONDCMINIUM PERMIT ON 2.84 ACRES GENERALLY LCKATED aJ THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ALGA ROAD AND EL FUEFU'E STREET, City Council (75) 30. AB #7757 - PLANNING ~~ISSION APPOINTMENT. Mayor Casler announced that Mr. Bob Leger had indiciated he could not serve on the Planning Conanission; leaving the following candidates: Kip McBane, Jeanne McFadden and Ruth Bateman. Council Members Presmtt and Chick expressed support for Kip McBane and Council Members Kulchin, Lewis and Mayor Casler expressed support for Jeanne McFadden, The following Resolution was adopted: RESOLUI'ION NO. 7606, APPOINTING JEANNE MCFADDEN A MEMBER OF "HE CARz;SBAD PLANNING CCMMISSION, 17 7 - I COUNCIL \\k 5 3 3% 3 MEMBERS % $% Casler Lewis X Chick Kulchin xx Presmtt Casler X Lewis Kulchin xx Chick Presmtt X Casler Lewis X Presmtt X Chick X Kulchin xx Casler Presmtt xx Chick Kulchin X Lewis X ~ Casler Prescott Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx .. * MINUTES 0 June 19, 1984 Paqe 10 - I City Manager (93) 31. AI3 #7799 - LEUCADLA SEWER SERVICE AGREEMENT - HUNT ( 4 5 ) PROPERTIES . I City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the reprt on this item as mntained in the Agenda Bill. Council received and filed a mpy of the agreement between LCWD and Hunt Properties and directed the City Clerk to notify LCWD that the City has no objections to the agreement. I OFF-AGmA ITEM: Council agreed to consider an off-agenda item regarding signals mdification grants. (96) Signals Modification Grants (45) Ron Beckman, City Engineer/ACM, gave the staff reprt on this item, stating the paperwork must be in Sacramento by the 28th of June. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7647, WPROVING LQCAL AGENCY - STATE AGREEMW NO. 1 1-5308 FOR EL CAMINO REAL AND U3ESTNITT AVENUE SIGNAL MODIFICRI?ION GRANf. I COUMCIL REmRTs: I Ad Hoc Historical Committee Mayor Casler announced that the fifth member of the Ad Hoc Committee wuld & Kip McBane. I CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 8:24 p.m., and Mayor Casler announced that personnel would be discussed and instructions given to the negotiating staff. Council re-convened at 9:09 p.m., and Mayor Casler announced that the negotiating staff had been instructed. I ADJoIJRtwm: BY pnroper mtion, the meting was adjourned at 9:lO p.m. to Tuesday, June 26, 1984, at 6:OO p.m., in the Council Chambers. I Respectfully submitted, wopRy ALE!I’HA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 116 -r COUNCIL /\b 3 3% 3 MEMBERS % %% Casler Lewis :< < s Prescott Chick Kulchin Casler Chick Kulchin Lewis 9 Y Prescott Casler x Chick KX Kulchin x Lewis Y X Prescott