HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-14; City Council; Minutesc k (51 1 (40) 0 0 MINUTES MEETING OF: City Council (Adjourned Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: August 14, 1 984 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OQ P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers COUNCIL k MEMBERS Z. . I I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OQ P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: I I Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Presmtt Absent: None Fire Department I I 1. AB #7623 - Supplant #1 - FIRE DEPARTMENT OFGANIZATION. Chief Thompson displayed an organizational &art usinq a transparency, and explained the new organization of the Fire Department as previously approved by muncil. He explained the functions of each pition and introduced those individuals present in the audience and presented a brief oral resume for each. Engineering 2. AB #7602 - Supplement #1 - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CITY HALL MODULARS - (3XflXACT No. 3165. Mayor Casler reported that she had received a plea from three city employees requesting that the trees not be cut down for the mdulars. Ron BecJaMn, City Engineer, gave the staff report on the matter as mntained in the agenda bill. In response to muncil questions, he stated that the units would be new and mde in acmrdance with the city specicifications. He also indicated that the modulars would amtain 2600 square feet of space. Mayor Casler mmnted on the desire to save the trees, but stated that it is important that the office space be provided. In response to muncil query regarding the Finance Director's memorandum attached to the agenda bill, Jim Elliott updated the information in the memo stating that the office space available on Pi0 Pia had changed. He stated that they llow only have 1600 square feet available. In response to further questions ky muncil, Ron Beckman stated it was anticipated that the mdulars would be needed even at such time as the Police Department mves out to the new facility. -" I I & pl3 %* 9 - T I ~ ~ e MINUTES 0 Page 2 AiwC - IA . -, laQA ._" Council adopted the follcwing Resolutions: REsoMlTION NO. 7704, APPRWING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE BIDS EDR THE ONSTFUJCTION OF THE CITY HALL MODULARS - CONTRACT JVO. 3165. RESO~ION NO. 7705, APPFOPRIATING F'UNDS FDR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CITY HALL FDDULARS - COJ!RF!ACI' NO. 3165. RESOLUTION NO. 7706, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS IFOR THE TELEPHONE AND COMPUTER EQUIPMEKC FOR THE FINANCE DEPm'S FDDULAR - COMTRACT NO, 3165. Research/Analysis (79) 3. BATIQUITOS LAGCON MANAGENJWT PLAN. Prior to the staff report, Mayor Casler indicated that all council mmbers had received a preliminary oopy of the Circulation Plan which would be before the oouncil at their meeting of August 21, 1984. She indicated that she had questioned whether the plans for Lagoon Lane in the Circulation Plan were in conformance with plans for Lagoon Lane in the Batiquitos Management Plan. In that regard, she indicated that staff had responded in the negative. "erefore, it had been suggested that council receive a brief reprt on the circulation part of the Batiquitos Lagoon Management Plan prior to the hearing on the Circulation Elemnt on August 21. Further, that the full presentation on the Batiquitos Lagoon Management Plan muld occur at the oouncil meting of August 28, 1984. Tom Hageman of the Research/Analysis Group, gave the staff report indicating he would focus specifically on the circulation on the north shore of the lagoon. He stated that the department is not remmnding alignment for any roadways on the north shore of the lagoon, With the aid of a wall mp showing the area, he identified the area oonsidered to be the critical exhibit. He stated that the critical planning area is considered to be the view corridor from the lagoon. ~ planning area which was outlined in red on the He stated that the council wuld be given three alternative alignments for Lagoon Lane, and he briefly explained each. He indicated that the plan has two constraints which my affect the decision making process regarding the alignment. First, the environmental constraint, and second, he referred to the area identified as the Lagoon resource area and indicated that staff was remanding that development not occur in that area. Council recognized Mr. Fay Round, Vice-president of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation. Mr. Round indicated that when the Foundation had responded to the Hunts Properties environmental -act report, they had suggested that Lagoon Lane be excluded from the circulation element. COUNCIL \\y 5 %99s7 MEMBERS Z. (I, Z. Casler X Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Casler X Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Prescott X Casler X Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Prescott X . 0 0 MINUTES Page 3 Annltd- 1 A - 1984 He indicated that the Foundation still supports that position, He did state that however, if an alignment is required they would support the alignment which would go north to Alga Road rather than going to El Camino Real. Council recognized Mr. Earl Lauppe, representative of the State Department of Fish and Game. Mr. Lauppe pointed out the area on the north side the Lagoon which had been established as a state ecological reserve. He also pointed out the area that is within 100 feet of the lagoon and mnsidered a buffer area and indicated that any plamnt of a road through that area would require processing through the state, He indicated that some foot traffic would be acceptable in a buffer area; hmever, at this point they muld not mncur with a road in the buffer area. It was noted that the full report would be before council at their meeting of August 28, 1984. (67) ORDINANCES FOR ADOFTION: 4. AB #7844 - INCREASING FINES FOR VIOIATIONS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE No. 1274, AMENDING TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1 -08, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ?HE AM3DENT OF SECTION 1.08,OlO 1T) COuBLE m FINES IMPOSED FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE PFOVISIONS OF 'IHE CAlUSBAD MUNICIPAL ODE, (781 (70) 5. AB #7845 - PROHIBITING THE CONSmION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON BLUFFS ADJACENT 'iD THE BEACH, Council adopted the follming Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO, 3174, AN URGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 8.44 OF THE CAF?LSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 8.44.020 'IO ADDITIONALLY PROHIBIT 'EJE ONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON BLUFFS ADJACENT 173 ?HE BEACH. (62) OFF AGENDA ITEM: I Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, distributed a copy of an agenda bill to council regarding Assembly Bill 3167. He gave a report on the legislation which had been passed by the Senate and sent to the Governor for signature. He noted problem which could occur for cities if the legislation is signed by the Governor, noting that the existing PERS contract auld then not change unless the enployees organization agreed to the change. Council unanimously agreed to add the item to the agenda for consideration and action. - 33 c I COUNCIL \\y 5 % ?k' 3 MEMBERS % $% Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Prescott Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Presmtt Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Presmtt x . e 0 MINUTES Page 4 Council directed that a letter be sent to the Governor requesting his veto of Assembly Bill 3167. COUNCIL REmRTs: North County Transit District Council Member Kulchin gave a brief report. Design Review Board Council Member Kulchin gave a brief report CPI the last meeting. Village Merchants Association Council M&r Kulchin reported on the recent meeting. WOUFNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 P.M. O&d Q& ALm L. RAuTENmANz, -z City Clerk 0 r) 11 COUNCIL /\y 3 a' 9 MEMBERS % %% Casler xx Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X ..