HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-08-28; City Council; Minutes0 MINUTES 0 MEETING OF: City Council (Adjourned Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: August 28, 1984 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. ROLL, CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk as follow : I Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott Absent : None. The items at this meeting were taken out of order as follows: City Attorney (1 08) 5. AB #7819 - Supplement #1 - APPFXIVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION Dm OF VARLANCE V-357 - NATIVE SUN. Motion was made to adopt the following resolution: RESOLUTION No. 7722, GRANTING AN APPEAL AND APPROVING A VARIANCE 'ID Az;Low A SIX FOOT HIGH WALL WITHIN THE FRONT YARD Sl3TBAcK ON PROPERTY GENERALLY L(XATED CRa THE NoF?EI SIDE OF OCEAN STREET BETIMEEN MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE AND PACIFIC AVENUE. Council Member Chick indicated that he had received additional information regarding the height of the wall and that the wall on the inside would be 9 feet high. He indicated #at for this reason he could not support the mtion and had to vote against it. (22) 1. PRESENTATION BY SUPEFXCSOR EcKEIiT REGGARDING COUNTY PLAN FOR PAXIMAR AIRPOIIT. Supervisor Eckert presented a brief overview of Palomr Airport. He stated that McClellan-Palomr Airport is an irrrportant part of the economic base in the North County due to the my businesses that both use the airport and have located in the area to provide services. He added that these businesses provide jobs and create revenue for North County. Supervisor Eckert reported that the County has no plans to expand the airport, and that it will mntinue to operate at the level of service authorized by the certificate of permit issued in 1979. Mr. Eckert stated that because of the concern of the cities in the north county regarding the growth of the airport he amducted a meeting with a group of representatives from various north county cities and communities. He indicated that it was remanded at the meeting that the cities and munty work together t develop a Joint Pavers Agreement to limit the growth c the airport to that authorized by the certificate of permit and protect the integrity of the airport. .Cl ,f 26 / COUNCIL /p % % MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis Kulchin X Chick Prescott b \ 'z. X X - - 0 MINUTES e Page 2 At-t 3Q 1QQA r. Mr. Rick Severson, the Airport Manager addressed the council. He presented a brief history of the airport, and explained hay the 1979 certificate was arrived at and what it allows for. He stated that the county is committed to living with the guidelines of the certificated issued in 1979, but that does not mean that &anges cannot be mde. He stated that a new terminal is necessary and would be a positive addition to the airport. A new terminal would not be an expansion, but rather an attractive inprovement to the airport. Mr. Severson stated that it is important that businesses and light industry be encouraged in the area and that the county would have to have assurances from the cities that it would be able to develop the land it owns around the airport for light industrial use. He also indicated that, to protect the integrity of the airport, the county would need assurances from surrounding comnities that land use decisions around the airport would be consistent with having an airport in the area. I I I (57) Supervisor Eckert responded to questions from council regarding the number and types of planes m using the airport. Mayor Casler thanked Mr. Eckert for taking the time to make the presentation to the council. City Manager 3. PRES-TION BY THE LEAGUE OF V"EN VOTERS REGARDING REVIEW AND REVISION OF THE LAND USE ELE" OF THE GENERAL PLAN. Barbara Hallman, 361 0 "A" Village Drive, addressed council. She indicated that the Carlsbad Unit of the League of Women Voters at a meting June 16, 1984, had approved the following mtion: "That the Carlsbad Unit urge the City to mve forward with the review and revision of the Land Use Element and related item of the General Plan, with citizen participation". She stated that the League is concerned that no coqrehensive revision of the General Plan has been undertaken with meaningful citizen participation for over ten years. She indicated that the League understands that the city may have projects mrrently underway that will need to be coqleted before the staff can be assigned to the project they propose. However, they think that work on the Land Use Element revision, with citizen participationn, should be underway by January 1985. Staff was directed to return within 30 days with a report on how the remmndation from the League of Women Voters can be inplemnted. 260 - COUNCIL \\k 5 3 %' ? MEMBERS % Q% Casler Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Prescott X - - 0 MINUTES 0 Page 3 st 3.8. 1984 Research/.alysis (70) 2. AB #7460 - Supplant 81 - BATIQUIW LAGOON MANAGE2ENT PLAN. I I The City Manager, Frank Aleshire gave a brief introduction of the matter. I Jim Hagaman, the Research/Analysis Manager continued with the report, giving a history of the work on the plan. He indicated that staff had worked with the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation as well as with the property owners in the preparation of the draft plan in an attenpt to balance the needs and goals of a rapidly developing region with the desire to preserve significant lagoon resources and focus on land use issues around the lagoon. He indicated that mst of the lagoon is within the unincorporated area of the County of San Diego, however, the entire lagoon is within Carlsbad's Sphere of Influence so that the City could have the ultimate land use authority when the lagoon is annexed. He reported that the City's General Plan, in 1974, designated the lagoon as apen space and determined corrrpatible land uses for north and east shores. He added that recent development pressure, increased comnity interest and possible annexation of the lagoon created a need for the city to look at the effects of existing regulations on land use around the lagoon. Mr. Hagaman explained the planning process and the steps taken in the the phases of the work program. He indicated that the plan had been prepared based on a Work program adopted by the council in August, 1983. He stated that the presentation tonight was mrely a brief overview of the draft plan and a request for council direction for staff. Staff was directed to refer the draft plan to other affected government agencies, such as the Coastal Comnission, and to refer the plan to the property owners also for connnents and recormendation within 60 days. RECESS: Mayor Casler called recess at 7:lO P.M., and council reconvened at 7:20 P.M., with all council mcbers present. as9 COUNCIL \\y 5 % %% 3 MEMBERS % %% Casler X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx ~ r 0 MINUTES a Page 4 Anrnlci- 7A- 1984 a I 2. AB #7460 - Supplement #1 - RATIQUI!KE LAGION MANAGEMENT PLAN (Continued) Mayor Casler announced that a request to speak on this matter had been received from Robert Inlow, representative of Hunt Properties. Mr. Inlaw addressed council with respect to the draft plan. He indicated that in the draft plan there is a reference to the status of the title of the lagoon. He indicated that HPI does not agree with staff regarding the status of the title of the lagoon, but rather feels that the title is clear. He indicated that he needed to get on record his opposition to the reference to the undetermined nature of the title as indicated in the draft plan. City Manager ! I ! I ( (86) 6. AB #7862 - REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - ST, CLARE'S HOME, Mayor Casler announced that this item had been presented at the previous council mting and had been continued for presentation to a full council. She explained that each girl is charged a nominal fee for the time she spends in the home - $50.00 per mnth and that some girls leave without paying. She indicated the request was that if a Carlsbad girl does this, would the city be willing to pick up the cost so the Home could rtreet its expenses. Motion was mde that the city pick up the cost if any Carlsbad girls leave the home without paying. The majority of the aouncil menbers indicated their feelings that if they agreed to this request, they would be faced with many additional such requests. It was also suggested that council conduct a special study session prior to the adoption of the Operating Budget next year to decide what kinds of social program they will fund. Redevelopment (28) 7. AB #7863 - INDUCE" RESOLUTION FOR MULTI-FAMILY MORTGAGE RevENuE BOND FINANCING. The City Manager presented a brief report on the matter, indicating that staff is recomnding approval. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7725, A RESOLUTION OF INDUCEMENT OF THE CITY CKXTNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAWSBAD I INDICATING ITS INTENT TI ISSUE OBLIGATIONS 10 P'RIVIDE FINANCING FOR THE MULTI-FAMILY KXJSING PFOJECT PROPOSED BY MULTITECH PROPEFTIES OR RISING GLEN LIMITED. 258 I MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ %?$, Z. %* 8 'p/ Z. Casler Prescott Chick X Kulchin Lewis xx Casler X Prescott xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X - -. 0 0 MINUTES Page 5 1st 38. 1984 OFF AGENDA ITEM: Council agreed to add an off agenda item regarding AB 3744 to the agenda. A copy of an agenda bill was distributed for review. (62) AB 3744 Mayor Casler indicated that oouncil had previously taken a position in support of this bill, and that the amended bill is to be heard on the following day, Council determined to support AB 3744. (81 1 It was the consensus of muncil that the City Manager should convey council's decision to support AB 3744 by telegram as soon as possible. COUNCIL mmm : I Mayor Casler announced that Planning Codssioner Willis Rawlins has resigned effective inmediately for personal health reasons, She requested that each council me&r bring their recomnendation for a new planning oodssioner to the meeting next week. Council Member Kulchin reported that September 29, 1984 at 2:OO P.M. is the date and time for the dedication ceremony of the Village Fountain. Council Member Lewis indicated that he would like to have the matter of the Joint Pawers Agreement for Palomar Airport put on the agenda for muncil consideration as soon as possible. Engineering 4. AB #7178 - Supplement #3 - CARISBAD SAF'W & SERYICE CENTER UPDATE. The City Manager gave a report on the matter, briefly explaining what has been done and what the present status of the project is. He indicated that they are at the point for council to approve the progress report and design documents and select the Policeflire Adminsitration Building exterior materials, Council recognized Mr. Bnson, of Ruhnau, Evans and Ruhnau Associates, the project designer. He indicated that they had begun work with the schematics done by the previous architect, Wendall Mounce, He indicated that due to the sensitivity of the bluff area and to make vehicle maintenance mre efficient, it had become necessary to relocate the facilities that had been planned for the bluff area, a53 I COUNCIL /\k 3 %' ? MEMBERS % $% Casler Kulchin X Lewis xx X Presmtt X Chick X Casler X Lewis xx X Prescott X Chick X Kulchin - a MINUTES a Page 6 9Q 1OQA Mr. Benson stated that the planning for the Police/E’ire Administration Building was bsed on a central skylighted atrium, with the dispatch enter having a glass wall overlooking the atrium. He indicated that certain areas of the building would be closed off from public access, but that the building would not present the appearance of a fortress. Mr. Benson reported that the project is on schedule and they are now ready to go on to construction documents. In response to muncil query, Mr. Benson indicated that the mmunications center would be mqletely secure from public view. Council recognized Mr. David Ruhnau who mntinued with the report, explaining that the project had been a total team effort of mnsultants and city staff. With the aid of wall exhibits he presented a brief overview of the plans and elevations of the building. In response to questions regarding the location of the fountain, Mr. Ruhnau stated that though the sketch is a bit misleading, the fountain would be placed in the front of the building. In response to questions regarding the color of glass for the windows, he indicated that the glass would need to provide sun control and energy mnservation and mmes in blue, brown and grey tones and that the choice of color should relate to the &oice of the exterior wall material. Mr. Ruhnau reported that the Vehicle Maintenance Building would mntain 4 truck bys and 2 auto bays, a parts area, an administration support area, a lube, oil and brake shop and a mezzanine area. Mr. Ruhnau stated his reconanendation that the Police/ Fire Administration Building be of thin wall precast concrete and that the vehicle maintenance building be of tilt-up concrete, and explained the reasons for the recommendations. Council recognized Mr. Bill Smith, Senior Project Manager for the Koll Conparry, who presented a brief history of his experiences on similar types of projects and reprted on the progress of the project to date. He also introduced Mr. Steve Mahoney, the Project Manager, who is working full time on the project and will spend mst of his time at the job site. Mr. Smith reported that the project is on schedule and should stay within the established budget, although he indicated that mre detailed estimates will be obtained from the new design documents. Council Member Kulchin suggested that this report and subsequent reports to muncil be placed in the three ring binder, so that additional information would be easily added. 256 COUNCIL /\k 3 %’ $ MEMBERS % s% - I e 0 MINUTES Page 7 AI+ 3R ?ORA , .-" In response to muncil query, Mr, smith indicated that usual types of wall mterials used for police facilities are ancrete, masonry or stucco. Mr, Smith stated that ceramic tile, brick veneer or thin wall precast concrete all would be suitable exterior wall materials for the Policeflire Administration Building. He added, huwever, that the brick vmuld not relate to the proposed exterior wall materials for the Vehicle Maintenance Building. He reprted that materials in a variety of price ranges had been considered, and that it was felt that $20.00 per square foot wuld be an appropriate price range and would bring the project within the established budget. In response to questions regarding the maintenance of the mncrete walls, Mr. Smith stated that painting was not necessary on either type, but that a clear sealer would be put on the walls and could be redone about every five years on the exterior of the buildings. In response to muncil query, Mr. Ruhnau stated that preliminary grading plans are mqleted. It was determined that muncil needed mre time to study the additional materials that had been distributed to them so that they muld make a determination regarding the approval of the design development documents as submitted, the authorization of the architect to proceed with mnstruction drawings, and the selection of the exterior wall materials. The matter was continued to the meeting of September 4, 1984, to give muncil additional time to study the matter. COUNCIL REmR!rs: Sandag Mayor Casler reported on the last Sandag meeting, She reported that Sandag had been appinted by the Governor's Office to mntinue as the clearinghouse for all federal funds mming into San Diego County. Hydroelectric power Mayor Casler reported that San Diego County has re- quested an allotment of some of the per from federal projects at Hoover, Parker and Davis Dm. She reported that Congress has passed regulations requiring that the additional energy will be distributed to areas or agencies which are not now participating and that applications will be taken in the fall. d.5 5 7- COUNCIL I\\ % %' 8 MEMBERS % %% Casler Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Prescott X I 0 MINUTES 0 Page 8 9Q 1QRA local Technical Assistance Funding (Sandag) Mayor Casler reported on the program for the last year. She reported that each member city is allowed to apply for technical assistance and receive the first $1,000 service at no charge, but mst pay for additional services. She reported that of the 16 cities using the program San Diego had 23 projects done, and Chula Vista and Carlsbad had 8 projects each. She suggested that prior to the adoption of the budget next year, the oouncil my wish to oonsider the having a human services survey prepared. Parks and Recreation Commission Council Member Lewis reported on the last meting of the Parks and Recreation Conmission regarding their remmndations for playing fields and the proposal of splitting the oost with the School District. He indicated that the Conmission feels that the fields are a necessity and that they should be put into operation as soon as possible. Librarv Board of Trustees - z Council Member Lewis reported on the discussion at the last meting of the Library Board of Trustees regarding the need for expansion of the branch library. He reported that there is a need for an additional room to be used as a mnference or meeting room. By proper mtion, the meting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M. Respectfully subn-itted, dputy City Clerk I 27 vf - COUNCIL \p 5 % 3' MEMBERS % 4 h b*, \